Declarative Programming
Meta-programming in Prolog
Geraint A. Wiggins
Professor of Computational Creativity
Department of Computer Science
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
The idea behind meta-programming
I Meta-programming is one of the underpinning ideas of
Logic Programming
I Meta-programming allows us
I to manipulate the programs we write to improve their
I to simulate execution and develop formal theories about
programs (e.g., debugging)
I Meta-programming is easy and elegant in Prolog because
the term syntax is identical with the clause syntax. . .
. . . so we can use terms (data) to name clauses
I In order to build a program which takes as data another
program, we have to decide on a representation
I We have already said that a term in Prolog is distinct
from a literal with the same functor
I So at any time, we can tell whether something is a
program or a piece of data which names a program, from
the context in which we find it
I This distinction, between program syntax and the name
of a program is the distinction between object- and
meta-levels, respectively
Representations (2)
I Think back to the unification problem in exercise 2
I There, we simulated Prolog unification, but using a
representation which made things easier:
Variables were named by a Prolog structure,
+variable, where variable was an atom
Terms were constructed like functor-Args, where
functor was an atom and Args was a
(Prolog) list of terms
I So, for example, we represented the Prolog term
elephant( big, Forgot )
as the term name
Representations (3)
I In that example, the idea was to find a representation
which could be accessed by unification alone, to avoid the
use of real meta-predicates
I In general, we don’t want to have to mess about with
special representations. . .
. . . rather, we want simply to let a term represent or name
I There are two problems with this:
1. We cannot manipulate the terms by unification alone
2. We have to use Prolog variables to represent variables,
but, from within the program, we can never know their
Representations (4)
I We call this the non-ground representation – we represent
a variable with a variable (ie a non-ground term)
I The alternative, which is better, but not straightforwardly
available in Prolog, is the ground representation, where
we use a ground term to represent each variable
I One advantage of the non-ground representation is that
we can let Prolog look after unification by default, though
this can easily lead to confusion!
I With the ground representation, variable bindings have to
be handled explicitly
Example 1: the solve interpreter
I This is a standard approach to simulating and
understanding the Prolog execution rule
I Here is an interpreter for Prolog with conjunction
between literals and disjunction between clauses
solve( true ).
solve( Goal ) :- \+ Goal = ( , ),
clause( Goal, Body ),
solve( Body ).
solve(( Goal1, Goal2 )) :-
solve( Goal1 ),
solve( Goal2 ).
I clause/2 succeeds if its arguments are the head and
body of a clause in the database
Example 1: the solve interpreter (2)
I We could rewrite the interpreter to make our computation
rule work right-most first:
solve( true ).
solve( Goal ) :- \+ Goal = ( , ),
clause( Goal, Body ),
solve( Body ).
solve(( Goal1, Goal2 )) :-
solve( Goal2 ),
solve( Goal1 ).
I And of course, we can do cleverer things, as in exercise 4
Example 2: breadth-first execution
I Another version of solve:
solve( [] ).
solve( [true|T] ) :-
solve( T ).
solve( [Goal|Rest] ) :-
\+ Goal = ( , ),
clause( Goal, Body ),
conj2list( Body, List ),
append( Rest, List, New ),
solve( New ).
solve( [(G1,G2)|Rest] ) :-
solve( [G1,G2|Rest] ).
I (conj2list/2 converts a conjunction to a list)
Example 3: reasoning about agents’ knowledge
I The demo/2 predicate is like solve/1 but it is able to
distinguish between different databases
demo( AnyDB, true ).
demo( DB, Goal ) :-
\+ Goal = ( , ),
demo clause( DB, Goal, Body ),
demo( DB, Body ).
demo( DB, (Goal1, Goal2)) :-
demo( DB, Goal1 ),
demo( DB, Goal2 ).
I demo clause/3 may be constructed using clause/2 and
the Prolog module system
I But we can extend this in very useful ways
Example 3: reasoning about agents’ knowledge (2)
I In multi-agent reasoning systems, there is usually some
common knowledge
I So, assuming we have a database ck containing this, we
can add it in to our demo/2 program:
demo( DB, Goal ) :- \+ DB = ck,
demo( ck, Goal ).
I We can add a meta-meta rule, which says that if
something is common knowledge, then everyone knows
that it is common knowledge:
demo( ck, demo( ck, Goal )) :-
demo( ck, Goal ).
Example 3: reasoning about agents’ knowledge (3)
I Kim & Kowalski (1990) used these methods to produce
an automated proof of the “Three wise men problem”:
A king, wishing to determine which of his three wise
men is the wisest, puts a white spot on each of their
foreheads, and tells them that at least one of the
spots is white. The king arranges the wise men in a
circle so that they can see and hear each other (but
cannot see their own spot) and asks each man in turn
what is the colour of his spot. The first two say they
don’t know, and the third says that his spot is white.
How does the third wise man reach his conclusion?
Example 3: reasoning about agents’ knowledge (4)
I The solution runs as follows:
I The king poses his question to man 1, who answers “I
don’t know”, so
1. All know that man 1 knows that one spot is white;
2. All know that man 1 does not know if his spot is white;
Example 3: reasoning about agents’ knowledge (5)
I Next, the king poses his question to man 2, who also
answers “I don’t know”, so
3. All know that man 1 knows what colours the others’
spots are;
4. From 1, 2, 3, all know that man 1 knows that man 2 or
man 3 has a white spot, or both;
5. From 4, man 2 knows that man 1 knows that man 2 or
man 3 has a white spot or both;
6. From 5, man 2 knows that man 2 or man 3 has a white
spot or both;
7. Man 2 does not know if his spot is white;
Example 3: reasoning about agents’ knowledge (6)
I Next, the king poses his question to man 3, who answers
“my spot is white”, so
8. Man 2 knows what colour man 3’s spot is;
9. From 6, 7, 8, man 2 knows that man 3’s spot is white;
10. Man 3 knows that man 3’s spot is white.