CS计算机代考程序代写 scheme prolog python database Hive COMP 348: Principles of Programming Languages

COMP 348: Principles of Programming Languages

Assignment 3 on Python and PROLOG

Fall 2021, sections U and DD

November 2, 2021


1 General Information 2

2 Introduction 2

3 Ground Rules 2

4 Your Assignment 2

4.1 Multi-paradigm Programming using Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

4.2 Logical Programming with PROLOG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

5 What to Submit 10

6 Grading Scheme 11


1 General Information

Date posted: Wednesday November 3rd, 2021.

Date due: Tuesday, December 07th, 2021, by 23:591.

Weight: 5% of the overall grade.

2 Introduction

This assignment targets 1) Multi-paradigm Programming using Python, 2) Logic Program-

ming using PROLOG.

3 Ground Rules

You are allowed to work on a team of 3 students at most (including yourself). Each team

should designate a leader who will submit the assignment electronically. See Submission

Notes for the details.

ONLY one copy of the assignment is to be submitted by the team leader. Upon submission,

you must book an appointment with the marker team and demo the assignment. All members

of the team must be present during the demo to receive the credit. Failure to do so may

result in zero credit.

This is an assessment exercise. You may not seek any assistance from others while expecting

to receive credit. You must work strictly within your team). Failure to do so will

result in penalties or no credit.

4 Your Assignment

Your assignment is given in two parts, as follows. 1) Multi-paradigm Programming using

Python, 2) Logic Programming using PROLOG.

see Submission Notes


4.1 Multi-paradigm Programming using Python

4.1.1 Lists and Generators

Q 1. De�ne a function that receives an number n and prints all the sequence for all numbers

that are less than n.


The Lucas sequence has the same recursive relationship as the Fibonacci sequence, where

each term is the sum of the two previous terms, except that the �rst two numbers in the

sequence are: 2, and 1. The �rst few elements of the sequence are: 2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, …

Q 2. De�ne a function that receives an number n and returns the �rst n numbers of a Lucas

sequence in a list.

(a) Implement using a regular function using loops and parallel assignments

(b) Implement using a generator function

4.1.2 Sets, Multisets, and Dicts

Q 3. Write a function that receives a sequence and create a �set� using list collection. Do

not use set.



Q 4. Python does not have a built-in support for multisets. Design a class that implements

the multi-set functionaries:

(a) Adding an element to the set.

{1, 2, 3}+ 1 = {1, 1, 2, 3}

(b) Removing all occurrences of an element from a set.

{1, 1, 2, 3}\1 = {2, 3}

(c) Determining the multiplicity (repetition) of an element in the set.

m({1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3}, 1) = 3

(d) Union of the set with another set: max multiplicity per element, a new set is returned

{1, 2} ∪ {2, 2, 3} = {1, 2, 2, 3}

(e) Intersection of the set with another set: min multiplicity per element

{1, 1, 2, 2, 3} ∩ {2, 2, 2, 3, 4} = {2, 2, 3}

(f) Di�erence Update: removing elements of another set from the current set and updating

the current set.

{1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3} − {1, 2, 2, 2} = {1, 1, 3}


4.1.3 Files and Text Processing

This section consists of three parts that are related, but may be implemented independently.

Q 5. Classes in Python

De�ne the following class hierarchy in Python

1. Shape

(a) the class constructors receives no parameter.

(b) id: a read-only integer id, automatically assigned to all shapes upon creating; �rst

object: 1, second object 2, and so on.

(c) method print(): prints the id and the name of the shape, the perimeter, and the

area. The name of the shape is the class name (i.e. Shape for this class). This

method must dynamically read the class name at runtime. In child classes this

method correctly prints the class name (without explicitly being implemented).

(d) method perimeter(): default method to be implemented by child classes; returning

nil by default.

(e) method area(): default method to be implemented by child classes; returning nil

by default.

2. Circle

(a) the class constructor receives the radius as the only parameter.

(b) method perimeter(): overridden, returns the perimeter of the circle.

(c) method area(): overridden, returns the area of the circle.

3. Ellipse

(a) the class constructor receives the semi-major and semi-minor axes: a and b, in an

arbitrary order. The greater and the lesser values of the two parameters are to

be assigned to the semi-major and the semi-minor axes, respectively.

(b) method perimeter(): not to be implemented.


(c) method area(): overridden, returns the area of the ellipse: A = πab.

(d) method eccentricity(): additional method that returns the linear eccentricity of

the ellipse: c =

a2 − b2. In case of error, the method returns nil.

4. Rhombus

(a) the class constructor receives the two diagonals.

(b) method perimeter(): overridden, returns the perimeter of the rhombus.

(c) method area(): overridden, returns the area of the rhombus.

(d) method inradius(): calculating the radius of a circle inscribed in the rhombus:

r = p · q/(2

p2 + q2), where p, q denote the diagonals. In case of error, the

method returns nil.

Q 6. File / Text Processing

Write a Python program that reads text �le that contains the shape information (see previous

question). Every line in the text �le consist of shape name and parameters to construct the

shape. The program creates the shapes and calls the print method for each newly created

shape and displays the result on the screen. In case the shape is an ellipse, the linear

eccentricity is displayed in the following line. In case of a rhombus, the in-radius of the

rhombus is displayed in the next line. In case of errors (i.e. having negative values for axes,

radii, etc.), the object is created, however an error message is displayed on the console. As

such, no further detail is to be displayed (i.e. no eccentricity is shown for an invalid ellipse).

An example given below:



rhombus 10 20

circle 2

ellipse 2 4


ellipse -1 4

rhombus 5 0



1: Shape, perimeter: undefined, area: undefined

2: Rhombus, perimeter: 44.72136, area: 100

in-radius: 4.47214

3: Circle, perimeter: 12.56637, area: 12.56637

4: Ellipse, perimeter: undefined, area: 25.13274

linear eccentricity: 3.46410

5: Shape, perimeter: undefined, area: undefined

Error: Invalid Ellipse

6: Ellipse, perimeter: undefined, area: undefined

7: Rhombus, perimeter: 10, area: 0

in-radius: 0

Q 7. Arrays and Dicts

Extend the above program to display the statistics after processing the �le. The statistics

contain the total number of shapes per item, ordered alphabetically, followed by the total

number of �shapes�. An example is given below.



Circle(s): 1

Ellipse(s): 2

Rhombus(es): 2

Shape(s): 7

Use dict to implement the above structure in memory.

Note that rhombuses, circles, and ellipses are counted as shapes as well.


4.2 Logical Programming with PROLOG

Fact Representation, Queries, Uni�cation, and Resolution

Q 8. Provide a knowledge-base of clauses specifying you and your team’s courses in PRO-


� In your database include your student information (name and id) as well as all courses

that each member of the team is taking this semester. The courses include course name

and course number.

� Write a query to return the list of courses taken by each member.

� Write a query to return the team size.

� Write a query to return the unique courses taken by the whole team.

� Use sort/2 to sort the result of the previous query.

� Unify the expression [A,B|C] with the above result. Provide the values for A, B, and


Short Programs

Q 9. Using append/3, write a Prolog query that receives a list, a start index, and a length,

and returns the sublist of the list. Use zero-based indexing.

Examples are given in the following:

?- sublist([1, 2, 3, 4], 1, 2, O)

O = [2, 3].

?- sublist([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, 0, O)

O = []

?- sublist([1, 2, 3, 4], 0, 10, O)



Q 10. Write a prolog procedure every-other/2 that receives a source list as its �rst argu-

ment and produces a list in the second argument whose elements are the elements of odd

indexes in the source list.

Examples are given in the following:

?- every-other([], L)

L = [].

?- every-other([1], L)

L = [1].

?- every-other([1, 2], L)

L = [1].

?- every-other([1, 2, 3], L)

L = [1, 3].

?- every-other([1, 2, 3, 4], L)

L = [1, 3].

Make sure your procedure is e�ciently terminated.

Q 11. Write a Prolog query with arity 2 to return the �rst n numbers of a Lucas sequence

in a list.

PROLOG Applications

Q 12. Given the Finite State Machine in the image below,

1. Represent the FSM in Prolog.

2. Write a Prolog query to determine whether the four sequences of �0�, �1�, �0 1�, and

�1 0� are accepted by the machine.

3. Run the queries and verify the answers.


5 What to Submit

The whole assignment is submitted by the due date under the corresponding assignment

box. Your instructor will provide you with more details. It has to be completed by ALL

members of the team in one submission �le.

Submission Notes

Clearly include the names and student IDs of all members of the team in the submission.

Indicate the team leader.

IMPORTANT: You are allowed to work on a team of 3 students at most (including yourself).

Any teams of 4 or more students will result in 0 marks for all team members. If your work on

a team, ONLY one copy of the assignment is to be submitted. You must make sure that you

upload the assignment to the correct assignment box on Moodle. No email submissions are

accepted. Assignments uploaded to the wrong system, wrong folder, or submitted via email

will be discarded and no resubmission will be allowed. Make sure you can access Moodle

prior to the submission deadline. The deadline will not be extended.

Naming convention for uploaded �le: Create one zip �le, containing all needed �les for your

assignment using the following naming convention. The zip �le should be called a#_studids,

where # is the number of the assignment, and studids is the list of student ids of all team

members, separated by (_). For example, for the �rst assignment, student 12345678 would

submit a zip �le named a1_12345678.zip. If you work on a team of two and your IDs are

12345678 and 34567890, you would submit a zip �le named a1_12345678_34567890.zip.

Submit your assignment electronically on Moodle based on the instruction given by your

instructor as indicated above: https://moodle.concordia.ca

Please see course outline for submission rules and format, as well as for the required demo

of the assignment. A working copy of the code and a sample output should be submitted

for the tasks that require them. A text �le with answers to the di�erent tasks should be

provided. Put it all in a �le layout as explained below, archive it with any archiving and

compressing utility, such as WinZip, WinRAR, tar, gzip, bzip2, or others. You must keep



a record of your submission con�rmation. This is your proof of submission, which you may

need should a submission problem arises.

6 Grading Scheme

Q1 8 marks

Q2 7 marks

Q3 5 marks

Q4 10 marks

Q5 15 marks

Q6 10 marks

Q7 5 marks

Q8 10 marks

Q9 5 marks

Q10 8 marks

Q11 10 marks

Q12 7 marks

Total: 100 pts.


1. Lucas Sequence: https://brilliant.org/wiki/lucas-numbers/

2. Multiset: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiset



General Information
Ground Rules
Your Assignment
Multi-paradigm Programming using Python
Logical Programming with PROLOG

What to Submit
Grading Scheme