程序代写 FIT3161 Computer Science 1/FIT3163 Data Science Software Project 1

Assignment Type: Mode of Submission:
Learning Objective
Monday, 2 May 2022, 11:55 PM
10% of final Assessment

Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder

Group (in the respective project team) Online on Moodle
FIT3161 Computer Science 1/FIT3163 Data Science Software Project 1
Semester 1, 2022
Assignment Specification: Project Design
Apply project management methods, identify factors for a successful system development project, evaluate and select software development methods. Purpose of this assignment
The main purpose of this assignment is to
1. Provide to the Teams with an opportunity to ideate of how the final product will look like and what may be some components/parts required by the final software
2. Establish an initial scope of their project, and broad set of requirements. (Those requirements will be refined later during the project execution.)
3. Provide a starting point for the teams to build upon as they progress through the development phase
4. Provide an initial understanding of the software common to all team members
The ideas developed here are likely to evolve and students need not commit to any plan or design they come up here. It is reasonable to expect that the design may change later.
Continued next page.

Assignment Specification
Students will be required to produce a high level design for the software product they will develop during the project (most of the development work will be done in Semester 2). In developing their design, students will need to:
a. Identify software artefacts and components at a high level.
b. Establish how these artefacts and components would be related to each
c. Identify the main data used being processed (a database schema is useful
d. Identify the main data processing components and data flow across the
e. Consider matters that relate to software quality such as accuracy and reliability
of the system, as may be applicable to their project
f. Identify main user interface
g. Identify and describe what development platform and platform they will likely use
Further information on specification
Note that depending on the actual software project, each of the above may be of significantly different importance to the software. For example some project may be more involve more user interaction than others and hence will have more importance on the user interface. In developing the projects students will be able to decide how much importance they wish to allocate to different components of the software. (Students are encouraged to discuss their project in their team and with the Teaching Staff and establish the scope of their project).
At this early stage, it is expected that teams may NOT have a detail understanding of requirements, and different design and approaches may come to the their minds as to what design may be applicable. It is OK here to mention possible alternatives, with an indication of what criteria they may use to decide on what to use later on.
Deliverable (what should be included in your submission)
Submit a document in PDF format that contains the following:
1. Two (2) representations of design relating to the the software that the students
intend to develop. These can be any 2 of the following, as examples:
b. Database schema
c. Flow chart
d. Data flow diagram
e. UML diagram or similar
f. Software object or class hierarchy diagram

g. Structure chart or block diagram showing software modules
h. UI or web interface mockup diagram
i. Pseudo-code, structured English
j. Software Prototype or simulation (program code or script)
k. Any other artefact that can represent how the software product will look to the
user and how it will be constructed
It is important that the 2 representations are consistent. Therefore all team members will be required to carefully consider their design together. The representations will also be clearly explained and fully documented. All components shown in the design and relationships between components will be explained. Components can be static (structural), or processes (dynamic) carried out by the software
2. Software and Hardware Specification: A specification of the technical and software environment required for the system. This may include options for specialised software, software libraries, database system, operating software, programming language environment (IDE, compiler, etc.), hardware requirements, data storage requirement, networking requirement, computing requirement. Project management tools should also be included (e.g. revision control system, code bug tracker etc…).
3. A justification of choices: Student will attempt to justify their choices and important decisions made. Awareness and discussion of potential software and system performance and quality issues will be viewed favourably. It is recognised that at this stage of their project, students will likely only have a vague ¡°guess work¡± and very general and approximate understanding of the technical requirements. They should however provide reasonable justification for their decisions and choices, and also try to identify options that would be considered highly workable as well as unworkable ones. It is acceptable here to present alternatives and suggest how a final decision of alternative could be made.
Note: There is no upper or lower word limit for the submission, but as always, we are looking for quality and not quantity. Therefore, a short and concise document covering all essential material is preferable to an extensive or unspecific list.
When marking submissions, markers will not compile code or run any executable. They will also not open external web pages with additional materials or prototypes, as no functional and tested software is expected at this stage.
Marking criteria is shown on the next page. The assignment is marked over 50 marks, but contribute 10% to the final marks for this unit.

Marking Criteria Representation
(10 each representation)
2 x Clear and easy to understand representati ons of final software product. Clearly describes what is being achieved and how. Complete and excellent explanation and documentati on about the representati ons shown. No inconsistenc y between representati
ons Comprehens
identification and
specification of key system software (OS, Database, programmin g Lang) and process managemen t tools (e.g. revision control, software quality control,
Kanban etc.) All or most choices are
clearly and well justified
2 x Clear and easy to understand representatio ns of final software product. Adequately describes what is being achieved and how. Good explanation and documentati on about the representatio ns shown. No obvious inconsistent shown
Specification of most key
system software (OS, Database, programmin g Lang) and some process management tools.
All or most choices have
are justified to a
Reasonably easy to understand representati ons of final software product. Adequately describes what is being achieved and how. explanation and documentati on about the representati ons shown. Representati ons may not be clearly consistent
Specification of some key
system software (OS, Database, programmin g Lang) and some process management tools.
Only some choices are
At least 1 representation is shown or 2 representation s minimally describes what is being achieved, with minimal explanation and documentation . Representatio ns are not easy to understand and may have inconsistencie s
of some key system
software (OS, Database, programming Lang) and some process management tools. Lesser detail compared to C.
Poor or unclear
Not attempted or not satisfying P criteria.
Software and
specification (15)
attempted or
not satisfying P criteria.
Justification of choices (10)
(Justification of
No justification

choices can be captured in explanation/ documentation for representation
Presentation including References(5)
where necessary
with excellent
reasonable extent
and structure
attempt to
format and reasonably
well organised
Poor structure
organisation of content

程序代写 CS代考 加微信: powcoder QQ: 1823890830 Email: powcoder@163.com