module StateSpec
import Test.Hspec
import Test.HUnit
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
import Control.Monad.State
import Prelude hiding (interact)
import qualified State
import State (TurnstileState (..), TurnstileOutput (..), Action (..))
testCoin :: (TurnstileState -> (TurnstileOutput, TurnstileState)) -> Spec
testCoin coin =
it “opens and thanks” $ do
coin Locked @?= (Thank, Unlocked)
coin Unlocked @?= (Thank, Unlocked)
testPush :: (TurnstileState -> (TurnstileOutput, TurnstileState)) -> Spec
testPush push =
it “opens only when payed, otherwise tuts” $ do
push Locked @?= (Tut, Locked)
push Unlocked @?= (Open, Locked)
testInteract :: (TurnstileState -> Action -> (TurnstileOutput, TurnstileState)) -> Spec
testInteract interact =
it “correctly interacts with actions” $ do
interact Locked Coin @?= (Thank, Unlocked)
interact Unlocked Coin @?= (Thank, Unlocked)
interact Locked Push @?= (Tut, Locked)
interact Unlocked Push @?= (Open, Locked)
tests :: Spec
tests = do
let unwrap m st i = runState (m i) st
describe “coin” $ testCoin $ State.coin
describe “push” $ testPush $ State.push
describe “interact” $ testInteract $ State.interact
describe “coin'” $ testCoin $ runState State.coin’
describe “push'” $ testPush $ runState State.push’
describe “interact'” $ testInteract $ unwrap State.interact’
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