CS计算机代考程序代写 python algorithm COMP-417 Robotics

COMP-417 Robotics
Assignment 3

Due Dec 7, 2021

November 24, 2021

Version 2.9 of this assignment specification. The latest version is at
http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~dudek/417/417-asst3-2021.pdf with extra details (sample output) occurring Wed
Nov 24, so check back on Wed end-of-day.

1 GPS-guided Drone simulation

1.1 Overview
This assignment involves building a high-level vision-based drone navigation system. You have some latitude in the
precise task description (see below), but the idea is to develop a simulated drone that can selectively fly over some
kinds of terrain, such as forests, while avoiding urban environments. Your simulated drone will do this using real
satellite data, a vision-based terrain classifier, and a probabilistic path generation algorithm that you invent.

This is supposed to sound impressive, interesting and “big”, but actually be quite realizable since you will provided
with some tools to simplify the task. Make sure you read the subsection below on how this will be evaluated.

1.2 Specifics
You will be writing code to fly a simulated “drone” over a landscape. Your simulation should move around one tile
at a time and look down at the image it sees below it. Look in the TileServer code to determine the size of the GPS
change that is required to move by one tile (256 pixels at zoom level 18). Your drone should be able to move forward
or turn left or right: the specific rate and parameters for these turns are up to you.

As you move, you should feed the tiles you “see” to the classifier called classifyOne() in the geoclass module.
It will classify tiles as either water, urban, or arable (parkland) and return a corresponding class number (from 0 to
2). You should avoid flying over urban tiles: if you enter one, back up to where you came from.

Your mark is based on two things you need to do:

1. Alter the number of components for the PCA/SVM learning module (line 345 of geoclass.py, which reads
n_components = …) and re-run the learning, Plot the results versus the number of components and explain

them in writing. You can re-run the PCA learner once by running

python geoclass.py -test

This will print a small table showing the accuracy of the classifier given the current settings. Test how this
changes as you alter the number of basis functions between 3 and about 18. If you run the program without
the -test flag the learned model will be saved for use with the drone simulator.



Figure 1: Simulated flight recording

2. Fly the plane to cover a region of terrain using two alternative coverage algorithms implemented int he method
draw_objects() of mydrone.,py. While doing this, avoid tiles that are urban: if you enter one, go back
(make sure you start on a non-urban tiles). One of these coverage algorithms should be random (Brownian)
motion which is your baseline (take a small random motion on each step). The other is a coverage algorithm
you can choose or invent, but the idea is to fully cover a region as if you were search for a lost person or object
on the ground. For each algorithm, compute the number of tiles covered in a fixed amount of distance travelled,
and the distribution of terrain types visited. Plot the results on the map. Record you sequence of tiles you
visit and generate a “video” of the flight. Submit these items with a description of what you did. Your total
path covered by the drone should about 200 to 400 distinct tiles (don’t double count for this). You should also
report the ratio of unique tiles visited to total tiles visited (i.e if you go back and forth between 2 tiles 50 times,
this ratio is about 2:50, or 0.04).

1.3 Implementation details
1.3.1 Files

In the associated zip file http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~dudek/417/asst3.zip, you will find three pieces of core
code, some data and some utility code:

1. A file called mydrone.py which serves as the stub of a program to control your simulation. Put your code

2. A file called TileServer.py which can be included by mydrone, and which provides satellite images based on
GPS coordinates. It can return a huge mosaic of tiles, or just one tile for a specific position. See also Tip 2.4.2

3. A file called geoclass.py that does classification (using PCA) on image patches. You can examine the last 10
lines of this file to see how to call the key routines.

4. A folder called “classes” that contains directories holding example images used to learn each terrain class
(water, urban, arable)

5. A file called classifier.state that stores pre-learned classifier data. If this is absent a new one will be generated
from the examples in the classes folder. This is created and used by geoclass and not meant to be inspected

6. A file called loader.py which is a utility module for geoclass used to load the images associated with the
different classes of terrain. No need to touch this.

7. A file called drawSample.py that you used in the RRT assignment is provided. It is not really used, but
provides sample code on drawing on the Tk window.

You should also download the file http://www.cim.mcgill.ca/~dudek/417/mydrone.py (if available) for the
latest version in case any extra hints are provided on Nov 24th.

1.3.2 Next steps

Getting the image for your current GPS location can be achieved using the TileServer function:

tiles_as_image_from_corr(lat, lon, zoomLevel, tilesX, tilesY, tilesOffsetX, tilesOffsetY)



where lat,lon is your drone’s current position (latitude and longitude) and the zoomLevel should be fixed at 18.
Using tilesX=1, tilesY=1, tilesOffsetX=0, tilesOffsetY=0 allows you to get just the current tile under you.

Note that the geoclass method generate_and_train_classifier has a variable called verbose; setting this to 1
provides more output which you may or may not want to see.

You can use any programming language you like, but you will want to use sample code provided to you in Python, so
that is the natural and appropriate choice. You will need to draw some figures and assuming you are using Python
you will want to use PIL (Pillow) and/or Tk (the drawing library which is not pretty, but easy to use). The mydrone
code provided already uses Tk as does the drawSample module. OpenCV is also an option and a good tool to know,
but it is not required, recommended or expected.

Sample output from geoclass if run from the command line:

01. python geoclass.py
02. Loading saved state from classifier.state
03. urban
04. (1, ’urban’)
05. urban
06. (1, ’urban’)

On lines 3-4, and again on lines 4-5, above, we see the output from the classification method, which classified an
image file as an “urban” environment (class #1). The method is invoked at the end of the file. You would then use
this method in your drone simulator by importing the geoclass module.

1.4 Troubleshooting and tips
1.4.1 Order of work, and avoidance of urban tiles

I suggest that you implement urban tile avoidance last. First do the PCA evaluation. I suggest you plot the results
by hand, avoiding the CS-person trap of automating stuff that can be done more easily manually. Then implement
basic coverage. If you do these two things, you should be pretty quick and you will have learned much of the code
and “locked in” a lot of the marks. Then add the classification and avoidance part.

1.4.2 Finding the latitude or longitude from a position on the returned TileServer image

You might want to use the TileServer imagePixelsToLL(actual_pX, actual_pY, zoomLevel, imx, imy ) that
maps image images to lat, long. Depending of how you proceed this may not be needed or desirable, but it might
be useful for some people. It takes the returned actual_pX, actual_pY from the TileServer which is a position on
the earth’s surface corresponding to the top-left corner of a mosaic image, and (imx,imy) which is a location within
a mosaic image, and returns the coordinates.

1.4.3 sklearn.model_selection

Some machines in the Trottier labs only have an older version (0.17) of sklearn installed. This will lead to an
ImportError. We have asked the CS staff to install a newer version (0.18 or later), but in the meantime you need
to install a local version of sklearn in your local directory or else use a different computer as described below.

If you see this error on your own personal computer, you can just do: pip install -U scikit-learn
(The -U flag is used to update.)

On machine where you might lack root (superuser) status, I suggest you install scikit-learn in your local directory
as follows:

pip install –user –install-option=”–prefix=” -U scikit-learn



pip3 install –user –install-option=”–prefix=” -U scikit-learn

Note that on some systems, notably including some machines operated by McGIll, the command pip2.7 exists
as a special CS version of pip that uses Python 2.7: you may want to adjust this to suit your local situation and
preferred Python version.

1.4.4 Pillow version issues

If you get an error like:

Tostring() has been removed. Please call tobytes() instead

your version on Pillow (the Python image processing module) might be too new for the Python version you are using.
You can try installing an older version of Pillow via via the horrendous:

pip uninstall pillow
pip install Pillow==2.1.0

1.4.5 Printing in geoclass.py

Note that printing in the geoclass module uses the Python3 style print statement syntax that works like a function.
Otherwise all this code is based on Python 2,7.

1.4.6 Zoom levels

Zoom level 18 is recommended, but the higher zoom level 20 also works in the Montreal region. Zooming levels more
than 20 will probably not return useful image tiles, and even zoom level 20 will not work in some places including
rural parts of Quebec.

1.5 Evaluation
Plot the PCA/SVM results and explain them in words. Provide a rational explanation for what you observe, but
not this is not a stats or machine learning class and you are not expected to exhibit great subtle knowledge of PCA
and or SVM classification. This is worth 25% of the assignment grade.

Illustrate the paths for you follow graphically, drawn on top of satellite maps. Explain the results and comment
of the pros and cons of the two algorithms. Show the ratio of classes covered, avoid bad stuff (urban tiles), show
coverage ratio to total distance travelled. As noted above, provide a description of what your code does, record you
sequence of tiles you visit and (ideally) generate a “video” of the flight.

You can earn up to 40% bonus marks by doing other interesting things of your choosing, such as doing computing
tile transition probabilities (very small bonus), processing at a finer resolution then 256-pixel tiles (which involves
changing the TileServer to make it return tiles even smaller than those returned by Bing, using fractional tiles [bigger
bonus]), or implementing another search method, or adding another terrain class (which is probably a bit painful).

Don’t worry about bonus marks if you are out of time and have exams to study for: get this in on time and move
on with other priorities.

1.6 Explanation
As discussed in class, PCA (principal components analysis) is a dimensionality reduction technique that takes a
high-dimensional object (like an image) and allows us to approximate it in allow-dimensional subspace. An SVM
(support vector machine) can then be used to define a threshold between different classes. For example, if we were
classifying people response to “is it warm or cold” and SVM might discover that the threshold of 20◦C was a good


separator between temperatures described as warm and cool. In higher dimensional spaces, this threshold is called a
liner separator or a hyperplane. Non-linear separators also exist and geocode.py supports using them, but they are
not recommended for this assignment.

GPS coordinates refer to points on a spherical projection. Since we usually think of moving around on a locally-
planar region, we need to do some conversion in general and specifically for this assignment. You should recognize
that these tiles and the planar approximation you are using relate to the notions of a chart and atlas that we have
seen in class long ago.


GPS-guided Drone simulation
Implementation details
Next steps

Troubleshooting and tips
Order of work, and avoidance of urban tiles
Finding the latitude or longitude from a position on the returned TileServer image
Pillow version issues
Printing in geoclass.py
Zoom levels
