You will design and implement a standard five-stage pipelined 32-bit MIPS processor in VHDL. A pipelined processor stores control signals and intermediate results associated with each executing instruction in pipeline registers between stages. Refer to the text for further information. For full credit, implement:
• Hazard Detection • Forwarding
1 Background
1.1 Instruction Set Architecture
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You will implement a subset of the MIPS instruction set architecture. Refer to the MIPS ReferenceDatacard:MIPS Green Sheet
To ensure compatibility with the provided assembly language programs, your instruction formats must conform to those in the MIPS Reference Data card. You can also refer to the MIPS Assembler Specifications document in the project files for reference. You may assume that all instructions—including mult—require a single cycle in the EX stage.
Your processor must be able to execute each of the required assembly language instructions. Assume that execution begins at address 0x0 in memory. You have to implement the instructions shown in the table below:
1.2 Processor Datapath
The figure below illustrates the datapath of the pipelined MIPS processor: 2
Figure 1: Datapath
Note that, although this diagram has an explicit block indicating sign extension, some Itype instructions do not sign-extend but rather zero-extend. Make sure that your processor performs the appropriate extension by checking the MIPS Reference Data card. Instructions which sign-extend have “SignExtImm” in the operation description, while instructions which zero-extend instead have “ZeroExtImm”.
Beyond the required instructions, your processor must implement the following functionality:
• Register $0 must be wired to 0x0000, and
• The PC must be initialized to 0x0.
Your processor need not implement the following functionality: •
Floating point arithmetic, and
• Interrupts and Exceptions.
Also, you may assume that any program we test on your processor will end in an infinite loop,
as the two example programs we have given you do. 3
1.3 Assembler
To allow you to try different MIPS programs on your processor, we are providing you with an assembler which can convert MIPS assembly into machine code. For our purposes, MIPS assembly is restricted to the subset of functionality supported by the MiSaSiM instruction set simulator.
The provided assembler supports the following functionality: • Comments, indicated with “#”,
• Empty lines,
• Arbitrary whitespace (spaces, tabs) within lines,
• Labels, if present at the beginning of a line and ending with “:”,
• Instruction arguments using numbered registers, such as “$0” and “$31” and
• Branches and jumps to labels.
The output of the assembler is an ASCII text file, with one 32-bit word on each line, encoded in binary (i.e., 32 ‘1’s or ‘0’s), in ascending order; this is the decoded instructions and the expected input format for your processor instruction memory. Your processor’s output files (register file.txt and memory.txt) should also have this format (lines of 32-bit binary code). Refer to the readme file of the assembler for more instructions on how to use it.
2 Implementation Guide 2.1 Project Overview
We are providing you with two test programs and their corresponding register file and memory file for verification of your implementation. You can also use the assembler to write your own program for testing. Your processor will take the program.txt file generated by the assembler as input instructions, execute these instructions, and output the register file and data memory file after execution as txt files.
2.2 Hazard Detection
In order to function properly, your pipelined processor must implement hazard detection. Hazard detection stalls instructions in ID when a required operand is not ready yet (e.g., due to a pending ALU operation or load instruction). A stall (or bubble) can be inserted in the pipeline by inserting an add $r0, $r0, $r0 instruction into the EX stage rather than the waiting instruction.
Implement hazard detection logic and the corresponding control logic such that instructions dependent operands that are not yet available stall in ID.
2.3 Forwarding
Forwarding takes results from the EX/ME and ME/WB pipeline registers and makes them available as ALU inputs in order to eliminate stalls. Without forwarding, an instruction stalled in ID cannot proceed until the cycle during which the required operand is written back to the register file.
Implement forwarding from the EX/ME and ME/WB pipeline registers and the corresponding control logic such that stalls are eliminated when possible. It is recommended that you implement forwarding second, after hazard detection has been tested, and that you update hazard detection accordingly.
2.4 Memory
To implement the memory for instructions and data, use the memory model provided for the Cache project. You would need separate memories for instructions and data. You may alter the memory model as you see fit (e.g., set the memory delay to 1 clock cycle, if it makes your life easier). However, you must keep the data memory sized at 32768 bytes, and you must initialize the data memory to all zeros. You must also ensure that your processor can run a program of at most 1024 instructions.
Since the data memory has 32768 bytes, “memory.txt” should have 32768/4 = 8192 lines, one for each 32-bit word. Likewise, since there are 32 registers, “register file.txt” should have 32 lines.
To test and grade your processor, the instructional staff will run your testbench.tcl and check whether the contents of the output files (register file.txt and memory.txt) are correct. We are providing you with a subset of the suite of assembly programs which we will use to test your processor. In the event that your results do not match the correct results, your processor will be inspected to the extent possible and partial credit will be awarded accordingly.
Note 1: Refer to the Guide for MIPS Pipelined Process Project for more details on presenting partial results/unit tests. You need to show intermediate results to receive partial credits for the processor components that you have successfully implemented.
Note 2: we will rely heavily on comments provided in your code and explanation in your report to evaluate incomplete implementation, therefore obtuse, uncommented code will receive substantially less partial credit.
Note 3: if you fail to submit a readme file on how to run your code or if your code does not run properly (e.g. compile or run-time error), you will RECEIVE A GRADE OF 0. Even if your implementation is incomplete, your intermediatestage code still needs to run without errors and output intermediate results.
3.1 Grade Breakdown
• Correctness and Completeness (55%)
– Didyousubmitallthematerialsrequired?
– Is the processor implemented correctly? Do the register file and memory file
match with the benchmarks?
• Report (40%)
– Didyoueffectivelyexplainyourthoughtprocess?
– Doesyourreportcontainalltherequireddiscussions? • Submission Format (5%)
– Didyoufollowallsubmissionrequirements?
• BONUS TASK: Processor Optimization (+30% of Project Grade)
Optimize and evaluate the optimization of your processor. Below are some potential optimization ideas you might consider implementing:
Caching: Instead of using separate memories for instructions and data, use a single main memory with an instruction cache and data cache. You will need to create a simple arbiter to coordinate access to the main memory by the two caches. It would make sense to set the delay of your memory model to a suitably high number of clock cycles, to simulate the effect of a miss penalty. You could also use the CACTI tool to optimize the size and associativity of your cache.
Branch prediction: Implement a branch target buffer for branch prediction in IF, 1-bit, 2-bit, tournament predictors, or go even deeper and use a neural network to predict branches!
Multiple-issue: For this optimization, you could implement either static scheduling or dynamic scheduling. If you go with dynamic scheduling, you could implement the Tomasulo architecture covered in class or a more modern architecture.
SIMD: You could implement arithmetic instructions to operate on multiple words in parallel (or four 8-bit wide operands, to save memory bandwidth).
3.2 Report Guideline
You would need to submit a report as a team. Your report must be in IEEE format and a maximum of 6-pages (an extra page is allowed for references, if you have any). If you decide to implement the bonus optimization task, your report can be maximum of 8-pages. We strongly recommend students to write their report in LaTeX (Overleaf is a good tool to use). Your report should include the following sections:
• Introduction: Define the goal, summarize the project task, explain general approach taken
• Methodology: Explain your implementation of the major components in details, especially how you handled data detection and forwarding
• Results + Discussion: Discuss your results, do they match with the benchmark files? If your results do not match or if you are unable to complete the project, this section is especially important. You might want to show some intermediate results (after various pipeline stages such as Decode or Execute, for example) to show that your processor is partially implemented.
• Optimization Results: You only need to write this section if you implemented the bonus optimization task. Compare and discuss the results before and after optimization.
• Limitations:Ifyourprocessordoesnotworkcorrectlyorifyouareunabletocomplete the project, clearly state which parts you are unable to complete/implement correctly. If you think some components do not work correctly, you have to explain what might went wrong.
• Conclusion: Summarize the key takeaways of the project.
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