# Spring 2021 CSE12 Lab 4 Test File
## Macro that stores the value in %reg on the stack
## and moves the stack pointer.
.macro push(%reg)
subi $sp $sp 4
sw %reg 0($sp)
# Macro takes the value on the top of the stack and
# loads it into %reg then moves the stack pointer.
.macro pop(%reg)
lw %reg 0($sp)
addi $sp $sp 4
# prints a string
.macro print_str(%str)
str_to_print: .asciiz %str
push($a0) # push $a0 and $v0 to stack so
push($v0) # values are not overwritten
addiu $v0, $zero, 4
la $a0, str_to_print
pop($v0) # pop $a0 and $v0 off stack
# data segment
black: .word 0x00000000
white: .word 0x00ffffff
red: .word 0x00ff0000
green: .word 0x0000ff00
blue: .word 0x000000f
orange: .word 0xffa500
yellow: .word 0x00ffff00
cyan: .word 0x0000ffff
midnightblue: .word 0x00191970
firebrick: .word 0x00b22222
slategray: .word 0x00708090
mediumseagreen: .word 0x003cb371
darkgreen: .word 0x00006400
indigo: .word 0x004b0082
main: nop
# 0. Clear bitmap test
print_str(“——————————-\nClear_Bitmap Test:\n”)
print_str(“Paints entire bitmap a medium sea green color”)
print_str(“\n\n(Check the bitmap display tool to see if it worked.)”)
lw $a0, slategray
jal clear_bitmap
# 1. Pixel test
print_str(“\n\n——————————-\nPixel Test:\n”)
print_str(“Draws a cyan and a yellow pixel in the top left and bottom right respectively”)
jal pixel_test
# 2. horizontal line test
print_str(“\n\n——————————-\nHorizontal Line test:\n”)
print_str(“Draws an orange horizontal line”)
jal horizontal_line_test
# 3. vertical line test
print_str(“\n\n——————————-\nVertical Line test:\n”)
print_str(“Draws a firebrick colored vertical line”)
jal vertical_line_test
# 3. crosshair test
print_str(“\n\n——————————-\nCrosshair Test:\n”)
print_str(“Draws an indigo crosshair”)
jal crosshair_test
#Exit when done
li $v0 10
pixel_test: nop
# Check for Clear_Bitmap test color
print_str(“\n\nGet_pixel($a0 = 0x00300020) should return: 0x00708090\nYour get_pixel($a0 = 0x00300020) returns: “)
li $a0, 0x00300020
jal get_pixel
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 34
# cyan point at (0, 0)
li $a0, 0x00000001
lw $a1, cyan
jal draw_pixel
# yellow point at (127,127)
li $a0, 0x007F007E
lw $a1, yellow
jal draw_pixel
print_str(“\n\nGet_pixel($a0 = 0x00000001) should return: 0x0000ffff\nYour get_pixel($a0 = 0x00000001) returns: “)
li $a0, 0x00000001
jal get_pixel
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 34
print_str(“\n\nGet_pixel($a0 = 0x007F007E) should return: 0x00ffff00\nYour get_pixel($a0 = 0x007F007E) returns: “)
li $a0, 0x007F007E
jal get_pixel
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 34
jr $ra
horizontal_line_test: nop
li $a0, 0x00000020
lw $a1, yellow
jal draw_horizontal_line
print_str(“\n\nGet_pixel($a0 = 0x00550020) should return: 0x00ffff00\nYour get_pixel($a0 = 0x00550020) returns: “)
li $a0, 0x00550020
jal get_pixel
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 34
print_str(“\n\nGet_pixel($a0 = 0x00000020) should return: 0x00ffff00\nYour get_pixel($a0 = 0x00000020) returns: “)
li $a0, 0x00000020
jal get_pixel
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 34
print_str(“\n\nGet_pixel($a0 = 0x007F0020) should return: 0x00ffff00\nYour get_pixel($a0 = 0x007F0020) returns: “)
li $a0, 0x007F0020
jal get_pixel
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 34
print_str(“\n\nGet_pixel($a0 = 0x00100040) should return: 0x00708090\nYour get_pixel($a0 = 0x00100040) returns: “)
li $a0, 0x00200040
jal get_pixel
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 34
jr $ra
vertical_line_test: nop
li $a0, 0x00000035
lw $a1, firebrick
jal draw_vertical_line
print_str(“\n\nGet_pixel($a0 = 0x00500055) should return: 0x00b22222\nYour get_pixel($a0 = 0x00500055) returns: “)
li $a0, 0x00350055
jal get_pixel
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 34
print_str(“\n\nGet_pixel($a0 = 0x00500000) should return: 0x00b22222\nYour get_pixel($a0 = 0x00500000) returns: “)
li $a0, 0x00350000
jal get_pixel
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 34
print_str(“\n\nGet_pixel($a0 = 0x0050007F) should return: 0x00b22222\nYour get_pixel($a0 = 0x0050007F) returns: “)
li $a0, 0x0035007F
jal get_pixel
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 34
print_str(“\n\nGet_pixel($a0 = 0x00400050) should return: 0x00708090\nYour get_pixel($a0 = 0x00400050) returns: “)
li $a0, 0x00400035
jal get_pixel
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 34
jr $ra
crosshair_test: nop
li $a0, 0x00500040
lw $a1, darkgreen
jal draw_crosshair
print_str(“\n\nGet_pixel($a0 = 0x00500040) should return: 0x00708090\nYour get_pixel($a0 = 0x00500040) returns: “)
li $a0, 0x00500040
jal get_pixel
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 34
print_str(“\n\nGet_pixel($a0 = 0x00450040) should return: 0x00006400\nYour get_pixel($a0 = 0x00450040) returns: “)
li $a0, 0x00450040
jal get_pixel
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 34
print_str(“\n\nGet_pixel($a0 = 0x00500045) should return: 0x00006400\nYour get_pixel($a0 = 0x00500045) returns: “)
li $a0, 0x00500045
jal get_pixel
move $a0, $v0
li $v0, 34
jr $ra
# Be sure to use the lab4_s21_template.asm and rename it to lab4.asm so it
# is included here!
.include “lab4.asm”