## ——————————————
## ST4060 / ST6015 / ST6040
## R script – Wedn 3 Nov 2021 lecture
## Eric Wolsztynski
## Overfitting and regularisation
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# (0) Motivation: overfitting
# (a) illustration of overfitting in 1D
dat = na.omit(airquality)
x = dat$Temp
y = dat$Ozone
par(font=2, font.lab=2, font.axis=2) # use bold fonts in figure
plot(x, y, pch=20, xlab=”Temperature (degrees F)”, ylab=”Ozone (ppb)”,
dat = data.frame(x=x, y=y) # re-building data frame
lm.all = lm(y~., data=dat)
n = nrow(dat)
i.train = which(y<100)
lm.train = lm(y~., data=dat[i.train,])
par(font=2, font.lab=2, font.axis=2) # use bold fonts in figure
plot(x, y, pch=20, xlab="Temperature (degrees F)", ylab="Ozone (ppb)",
points(dat[i.train,], pch=20, cex=1.2, col=2)
abline(lm.train, lwd=3, col=2)
abline(lm.all, lwd=2, col=1, lty=2)
lm.predict = predict(lm.train, newdata=dat[-i.train,])
sqrt(mean( (lm.predict-y[-i.train])^2 ))
points(x[-i.train], lm.predict, pch='*', col='blue', cex=1.6)
points(x[-i.train], y[-i.train], pch=10, col='blue', cex=1.6)
# (b) illustration of overfitting in multivariate regression
# Load some dataset
dat = mtcars
n = nrow(mtcars)
R = 20
K = 2
fit = mse = numeric(K*R)
fit.l = mse.l = numeric(K*R)
folds = cut(1:n, K, labels=FALSE)
for(r in 1:R){
# shuffle initial dataset
dat = dat[sample(1:n,n,replace=FALSE),]
# define x and y
y = dat$mpg
x = dat
x$mpg = NULL # this to remove "y" from "x"
xm = as.matrix(x)
for(k in 1:K){
# split data into train and test sets
i.train = which(folds!=k)
# fit a gLM to the train set
o = glm(y~., data=x, subset=i.train)
# get fitted values
yh = o$fitted.values
# MSE from model fit
fit[k+(r-1)*K] = mean((yh-y[i.train])^2)
# generate predictions for test set from model fit
yp = predict(o, newdata=x[-i.train,])
# test set prediction MSE (potentially much larger!?)
mse[k+(r-1)*K] = mean((yp-y[-i.train])^2)
cv.l = cv.glmnet(xm[i.train,],y[i.train],grouped=FALSE)
lasso = glmnet(xm[i.train,],y[i.train],lambda=cv.l$lambda.min)
yh.l = predict(lasso,newx=xm[i.train,])
fit.l[k+(r-1)*K] = mean((yh.l-y[i.train])^2)
yp.l = predict(lasso,newx=xm[-i.train,])
mse.l[k+(r-1)*K] = mean((yp.l-y[-i.train])^2)
names=c("glm fit","glm error","lasso fit","lasso error"),
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# (1) Hitters example
dat = na.omit(Hitters)
n = nrow(dat)
dat$Salary = log(dat$Salary)
REPS = 50
train.error = test.error = numeric(REPS)
lasso.train.error = lasso.test.error = numeric(REPS)
for(j in 1:REPS){
dat = dat[sample(1:n, n, replace=FALSE),]
i.train = c(1:200)
train = dat[i.train,]
test = dat[-i.train,]
fit = glm(Salary~., data=train)
pred = predict(fit, newdata=test)
train.error[j] = mean(fit$residuals^2)
test.error[j] = mean((pred-test$Salary)^2)
xm = model.matrix(Salary~., data=train)[,-1]
newxm = model.matrix(Salary~., data=test)[,-1]
y = train$Salary
lam = cv.glmnet(xm, y, data=train)
lasso = glmnet(xm, y, data=train, lambda=lam$lambda.min)
lasso.pred = predict(lasso, newx=newxm)
lasso.fit = predict(lasso, newx=xm)
lasso.train.error[j] = mean((lasso.fit-train$Salary)^2)
lasso.test.error[j] = mean((lasso.pred-test$Salary)^2)
par(font=2, font.axis=2)
boxplot(train.error, test.error,
main="MLB player salary prediction",
names=c("Training error", "Test error"),
par(font=2, font.axis=2)
boxplot(train.error, test.error,
lasso.train.error, lasso.test.error,
main="MLB player salary prediction",
names=c("Training error", "Test error", "LASSO \ntraining error", "LASSO \ntest error"),
abline(h=median(train.error), lty=2, col='cyan')
abline(h=median(lasso.train.error), lty=2, col='darkgreen')
abline(h=median(test.error), lty=2, col='pink')
abline(h=median(lasso.test.error), lty=2, col='orange')
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# (2) Prestige example
library(car) # contains dataset Prestige
# Let's simplify this dataset for this example...
# ?Prestige
# ... We want to model (predict)
# income: Average income of incumbents, dollars, in 1971.
# ... based on:
# education: Average education of occupational incumbents, years, in 1971.
# women: Percentage of incumbents who are women.
# prestige: Pineo-Porter prestige score for occupation,
# from a social survey conducted in the mid-1960s.
y = Prestige$income
x = Prestige[,c("education","prestige","women")]
class(x) # note x is of class "data.frame" as opposed to "matrix"
lmo = lm(y~., data=x) # this works though (check out ?lm)
# how to predict from this fit:
newx = data.frame(education=seq(11,16,length=5),
lmo.pred = predict(lmo, newdata=newx)
# regularized regression (LASSO, ridge, etc.)
# NB: this one needs a little hack regarding format for x, if x is a data.frame
lasso = glmnet(x, y, alpha=1) # does not work because x is a data.frame (= list)
xm = model.matrix(y~., data=x)[,-1]
class(x); class(xm)
lasso = glmnet(xm, y, alpha=1)
# What's going on???
# Oh yeah, we need to pick one value for smoothing parameter lambda!
lasso.cv = cv.glmnet(xm, y, alpha=1)
lasso = glmnet(xm, y, alpha=1, lambda=lasso.cv$lambda.min)
# let's compare LASSO with our earlier linear regression output:
cbind(coef(lasso), coef(lmo))
# how to predict from this fit:
# ?predict.glmnet
lasso.pred = predict(lasso, newx=as.matrix(newx))
# NB:
cbind(lasso.pred, lmo.pred) # close enough to the lm() predictions
mean((lasso.pred-lmo.pred)/lmo.pred)*100 # less than 1% error...
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# (3) Blood Pressure example
dat = read.table(file="data/Blood Pressure.txt",
dat$PatientID = NULL # getting rid of this variable
# GLM fit
glm.fit = glm(Systolic~., data=dat)
# LASSO - note: fitting these models is rather cody...
alpha = 1
# prepare the data:
xm = model.matrix(Systolic~., data=dat)[,-1]
y = dat$Systolic
# compute best lambda:
lam = cv.glmnet(xm, y, alpha=alpha)
# c) fit model using best lambda:
lasso = glmnet(xm, y, lambda=lam$lambda.min)
# d) recover fitted values:
lasso.fit = predict(lasso, newx=xm)
# e) calculate RSS or MSE from LASSO
# Defining more user-friendly functions...
# No need to be able to reproduce this.
regularized.model <- function(x, response, alpha=1, ...){
# wrapping glmnet into a more user-friendly function
# prepare the data
if(!(response %in% names(x))){
stop("The response name provided is not included in the dataset")
fml = as.formula(paste(response, "~."))
xm = model.matrix(fml, data=x)[,-1]
y = x[[response]]
fam = "binomial"
} else {
fam = "multinomial"
} else {
fam = "gaussian"
lam = cv.glmnet(xm, y, alpha=alpha,
family=fam, ...)
mod = glmnet(xm, y, alpha=alpha, lambda=lam$lambda.min,
family=fam, ...)
mod.fit = predict(mod, newx=xm)
return(list(model=mod, fitted.values=mod.fit,
y=response, family=fam))
predict.regularized.model <- function(fit, test.data, ...){
fml = as.formula(paste(fit$y, "~."))
newx = model.matrix(fml, data=test.data)[,-1]
return(predict(fit$model, newx, ...))
ridge.fit = regularized.model(dat,"Systolic",alpha=0)
enet.fit = regularized.model(dat,"Systolic",alpha=.6)
lasso.fit = regularized.model(dat,"Systolic",alpha=1)
effects = cbind(as.numeric(coef(glm.fit)),
rownames(effects) = rownames(coef(ridge.fit$model))
colnames(effects) = c("GLM","ridge","e-net","LASSO")
Errors = c(mean(glm.fit$residuals^2),
effects = data.frame(rbind(effects, Errors))
round(effects, 3)