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; == Exam 2, Problem 2 ==

; Consider the following (familiar) data definitions and examples…

(define-struct file [name size])

; A File is a (make-file String Nat)
; – name is the name of the file (including extension)
; – size is the size of the file in bytes

(define FILE-CV (make-file “cv.pdf” 466000))
(define FILE-HELLO (make-file “hello.rkt” 888))
(define FILE-PIC (make-file “pic.jpg” 968000))
(define FILE-SCHED (make-file “schedule.pdf” 288000))
(define FILE-P1 (make-file “p1.sql” 348))
(define FILE-P2 (make-file “p2.sql” 265))

(define-struct dir [name dirs files])

; A Directory is a (make-dir String [List-of Directory] [List-of File])
; – name is the name of the directory
; – dirs is the list of sub-directories in this directory
; – files is the list of files in this directory
; (not including the ones in sub-directories)

(define DIR-EMPTY (make-dir “nada” ‘() ‘()))

(define DIR-PERSONAL (make-dir “personal”
(list DIR-EMPTY)

(define DIR-CS2500 (make-dir “fundies” ‘() (list FILE-HELLO)))
(define DIR-CS3200 (make-dir “db” ‘() (list FILE-P1 FILE-P2)))

(define DIR-SCHOOL (make-dir “school”
(list DIR-CS2500 DIR-CS3200)
(list FILE-SCHED)))

(define DIR-ALL (make-dir “stuff” (list DIR-PERSONAL DIR-SCHOOL) ‘()))

; TODO #1: design the function bytes-on-disk that computes the total size of
; a supplied directory (in bytes). You may assume that directories take up 1
; byte for each character in their name. The size of a file is represented
; in the structure (and there is no additional space required for the name).
; For example, the supplied DIR-EMPTY example requires 4 bytes of space,
; while DIR-ALL requires 1,723,533 bytes; you MUST create tests for these
; examples – you can create additional tests but are not required to do so.

; IMPORTANT: you are REQUIRED to use list abstraction(s) where appropriate
; for this function.

; bytes-on-disk : Directory -> Nat
; Counts the bytes of all files and subdirectories of a supplied
; directory.

(check-expect (bytes-on-disk DIR-EMPTY) 4)
(check-expect (bytes-on-disk DIR-ALL) 1723533)

(define (bytes-on-disk d)
(foldr +
(string-length (dir-name d))
(append (map bytes-on-disk (dir-dirs d))
(map file-size (dir-files d)))))

; TODO #2: design the function keep-file-if that takes a directory and a predicate
; and returns a new directory containing only those files that satisfy the predicate
; (as well as all the original subdirectories). For example, if we keep only those
; files that are smaller than 1000000 bytes, DIR-ALL would remain the same; however,
; if we kept only those files that contain the string “.rkt”, then FILE-HELLO would
; be the only remaining file. For clarity, these have been included as example tests;
; you can create additional tests but are not required to do so.

; IMPORTANT: You are NOT allowed to use list abstractions for this function!
; Instead, you are REQUIRED to follow the templates related to
; the function inputs – look back to Lab 10 for those templates 🙂

; keep-file-if : Directory [File -> Boolean] -> Directory
; keeps only the files that satisfy the supplied predicate

(λ (f) (< (file-size f) 1000000))) DIR-ALL) (check-expect (keep-file-if DIR-ALL (λ (f) (string-contains? ".rkt" (file-name f)))) (make-dir "stuff" (list (make-dir "personal" (list DIR-EMPTY) '()) (make-dir "school" (list DIR-CS2500 (make-dir "db" '() '())) '())) '())) (define (file-temp f) (... (file-name f) ... (file-size f) ...)) (define (dir-temp d) (... (dir-name d) ... (lod-temp (dir-dirs d)) ... (lof-temp (dir-files d)) ...)) (define (lod-temp lod) (... (cond [(empty? lod) ...] [(cons? lod) ... (dir-temp (first lod)) ... (lod-temp (rest lod)) ...]))) (define (lof-temp lof) (... (cond [(empty? lof) ...] [(cons? lof) ... (file-temp (first lof)) ... (lof-temp (rest lof)) ...]))) (define (keep-file-if d p?) (local [; keep-file-if/d : Directory -> Directory
; filter a directory
(define (keep-file-if/d d)
(make-dir (dir-name d)
(keep-file-if/lod (dir-dirs d))
(keep-file-if/lof (dir-files d))))

; keep-file-if/lod : [List-of Directory] -> [List-of Directory]
; filters the suppplied list of directories
(define (keep-file-if/lod lod)
[(empty? lod) ‘()]
[(cons? lod)
(keep-file-if/d (first lod))
(keep-file-if/lod (rest lod)))]))

; keep-file-if/lof : [List-of File] -> [List-of File]
; filters the supplied list of files
(define (keep-file-if/lof lof)
[(empty? lof) ‘()]
[(cons? lof)
(if (p? (first lof))
(cons (first lof)
(keep-file-if/lof (rest lof)))
(keep-file-if/lof (rest lof)))]))]
(keep-file-if/d d)))