import argparse
MemSize = 1000 # memory size, in reality, the memory size should be 2^32, but for this lab, for the space resaon, we keep it as this large number, but the memory is still 32-bit addressable.
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
class InsMem(object):
def __init__(self, name, ioDir): = name
with open(ioDir + “\\imem.txt”) as im:
self.IMem = [data.replace(“\n”, “”) for data in im.readlines()]
def readInstr(self, ReadAddress):
#read instruction memory
#return 32 bit hex val
class DataMem(object):
def __init__(self, name, ioDir): = name
self.ioDir = ioDir
with open(ioDir + “\\dmem.txt”) as dm:
self.DMem = [data.replace(“\n”, “”) for data in dm.readlines()]
def readInstr(self, ReadAddress):
#read data memory
#return 32 bit hex val
def writeDataMem(self, Address, WriteData):
# write data into byte addressable memory
def outputDataMem(self):
resPath = self.ioDir + “\\” + + “_DMEMResult.txt”
with open(resPath, “w”) as rp:
rp.writelines([str(data) + “\n” for data in self.DMem])
class RegisterFile(object):
def __init__(self, ioDir):
self.outputFile = ioDir + “RFResult.txt”
self.Registers = [0x0 for i in range(32)]
def readRF(self, Reg_addr):
def writeRF(self, Reg_addr, Wrt_reg_data):
def outputRF(self, cycle):
op = [“-“*70+”\n”, “State of RF after executing cycle:” + str(cycle) + “\n”]
op.extend([str(val)+”\n” for val in self.Registers])
if(cycle == 0): perm = “w”
else: perm = “a”
with open(self.outputFile, perm) as file:
class State(object):
def __init__(self):
self.IF = {“nop”: False, “PC”: 0}
self.ID = {“nop”: False, “Instr”: 0}
self.EX = {“nop”: False, “Read_data1”: 0, “Read_data2”: 0, “Imm”: 0, “Rs”: 0, “Rt”: 0, “Wrt_reg_addr”: 0, “is_I_type”: False, “rd_mem”: 0,
“wrt_mem”: 0, “alu_op”: 0, “wrt_enable”: 0}
self.MEM = {“nop”: False, “ALUresult”: 0, “Store_data”: 0, “Rs”: 0, “Rt”: 0, “Wrt_reg_addr”: 0, “rd_mem”: 0,
“wrt_mem”: 0, “wrt_enable”: 0}
self.WB = {“nop”: False, “Wrt_data”: 0, “Rs”: 0, “Rt”: 0, “Wrt_reg_addr”: 0, “wrt_enable”: 0}
class Core(object):
def __init__(self, ioDir, imem, dmem):
self.myRF = RegisterFile(ioDir)
self.cycle = 0
self.halted = False
self.ioDir = ioDir
self.state = State()
self.nextState = State()
self.ext_imem = imem
self.ext_dmem = dmem
class SingleStageCore(Core):
def __init__(self, ioDir, imem, dmem):
super(SingleStageCore, self).__init__(ioDir + “\\SS_”, imem, dmem)
self.opFilePath = ioDir + “\\StateResult_SS.txt”
def step(self):
# Your implementation
self.halted = True
if self.state.IF[“nop”]:
self.halted = True
self.myRF.outputRF(self.cycle) # dump RF
self.printState(self.nextState, self.cycle) # print states after executing cycle 0, cycle 1, cycle 2 …
self.state = self.nextState #The end of the cycle and updates the current state with the values calculated in this cycle
self.cycle += 1
def printState(self, state, cycle):
printstate = [“-“*70+”\n”, “State after executing cycle: ” + str(cycle) + “\n”]
printstate.append(“IF.PC: ” + str(state.IF[“PC”]) + “\n”)
printstate.append(“IF.nop: ” + str(state.IF[“nop”]) + “\n”)
if(cycle == 0): perm = “w”
else: perm = “a”
with open(self.opFilePath, perm) as wf:
class FiveStageCore(Core):
def __init__(self, ioDir, imem, dmem):
super(FiveStageCore, self).__init__(ioDir + “\\FS_”, imem, dmem)
self.opFilePath = ioDir + “\\StateResult_FS.txt”
def step(self):
# Your implementation
# ——————— WB stage ———————
# ——————— MEM stage ——————–
# ——————— EX stage ———————
# ——————— ID stage ———————
# ——————— IF stage ———————
self.halted = True
if self.state.IF[“nop”] and self.state.ID[“nop”] and self.state.EX[“nop”] and self.state.MEM[“nop”] and self.state.WB[“nop”]:
self.halted = True
self.myRF.outputRF(self.cycle) # dump RF
self.printState(self.nextState, self.cycle) # print states after executing cycle 0, cycle 1, cycle 2 …
self.state = self.nextState #The end of the cycle and updates the current state with the values calculated in this cycle
self.cycle += 1
def printState(self, state, cycle):
printstate = [“-“*70+”\n”, “State after executing cycle: ” + str(cycle) + “\n”]
printstate.extend([“IF.” + key + “: ” + str(val) + “\n” for key, val in state.IF.items()])
printstate.extend([“ID.” + key + “: ” + str(val) + “\n” for key, val in state.ID.items()])
printstate.extend([“EX.” + key + “: ” + str(val) + “\n” for key, val in state.EX.items()])
printstate.extend([“MEM.” + key + “: ” + str(val) + “\n” for key, val in state.MEM.items()])
printstate.extend([“WB.” + key + “: ” + str(val) + “\n” for key, val in state.WB.items()])
if(cycle == 0): perm = “w”
else: perm = “a”
with open(self.opFilePath, perm) as wf:
if __name__ == “__main__”:
#parse arguments for input file location
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=’RV32I processor’)
parser.add_argument(‘–iodir’, default=””, type=str, help=’Directory containing the input files.’)
args = parser.parse_args()
ioDir = os.path.abspath(args.iodir)
print(“IO Directory:”, ioDir)
imem = InsMem(“Imem”, ioDir)
dmem_ss = DataMem(“SS”, ioDir)
dmem_fs = DataMem(“FS”, ioDir)
ssCore = SingleStageCore(ioDir, imem, dmem_ss)
fsCore = FiveStageCore(ioDir, imem, dmem_fs)
if not ssCore.halted:
if not fsCore.halted:
if ssCore.halted and fsCore.halted:
# dump SS and FS data mem.
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