Summer 2020 – Exam 2
Problem 1 (30 pts)
T/F NP-completeness and LP (randomly select 5)
Assuming that we have found a correct optimal solution to an LP problem, if someone
claims to have found a different optimal solution, we know that that solution must be
Suppose that we find a polynomial-time solution to a problem in NP. This means that we
can also solve subset-sum on polynomial time.
Every problem with a polynomial-time solution is polynomial-time reducible to
Hamiltonian Cycle.
If the optimization version of the Traveling Salesman Problem can be solved in
polynomial time, then the decision version of Independent Set will be solvable in
polynomial time.
Say problem Y is reducible to Hamiltonian Cycle, and Hamiltonian Cycle is reducible to
problem X, then at least one of the two problems (X or Y) is in NP-hard.
Suppose we have already solved an LP problem. Now we add two more constraints to
the constraint set. This will cause the feasible region to become smaller.
The two objective functions (Maximize 5X + 7Y, and Minimize 5X – 7Y) will produce the
same solution to a linear program.
If A is polynomial-time reducible to B and C is polynomial-time reducible to B, then A is
polynomial-time reducible to C.
In order to have efficient certification, one must have both a polynomial length certificate
and a polynomial-time certifier.
T/F Network flow (randomly select 5)
In a flow network with a total capacity of edges going out of source = C, if we round up
all edge capacities to the closest factor of 10, then the maximum number of iterations
required for the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm to find max flow in the new network will be at
most C/10.
At the moment when the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm finds max flow f, it is possible to find
a path from T to S in the residual graph Gf.
In a unit capacity network, i.e., all edges have a capacity of 1, all min cuts must have
the same number of edges that cross the min-cut.
Let (u,v) be an edge that crosses the min-cut closest to S and the min-cut closest to T in
flow network G. Then G must have a unique min-cut.
In a flow network, if the min-cut is not unique, then decreasing the capacity of an edge
that belongs to a min-cut may not result in decreasing the value of the maximum flow.
In a flow network G, if we increase the capacity of one edge by a positive amount x and
we observe that the value of max flow also increases by x, then that edge must belong
to every min-cut in G.
In a circulation network with lower bounds le on each edge e, as long as we have edge
capacities that are at least equal to Max (le) for all edges, and if total demand = total
supply, we are guaranteed to find a feasible circulation.
T/F Other topics (randomly select 5)
Finding the minimum element in a binary max heap of n elements takes O(logn) time.
Suppose we must solve a special version of the interval scheduling problem where all
intervals are of size 2. Then the earliest start time approach will provide an optimal
solution to the problem.
Recall the closest pair of points in 2D problem that we solved in class. Since we were
able to reduce the cost of the merge operation to O(n), then the only reason why we
ended up with O(nlogn) complexity was because of the initial sorting of the arrays by X
and Y coordinates. Otherwise, the divide and conquer part of the solution runs in O(n)
The following recurrence equation T(n) = 3T(n/3) + 0.1n has the solution: T(n) =
Runtime complexity of a dynamic programming algorithm is equal to the number of
unique sub-problems.
Amortized analysis is used to determine the worst-case runtime complexity of a
sequence of operations.
7log(n) = O(n3) Note: assume log base 2 by convention.
Problem 2 (20 pts)
Regina decided to pursue her bachelor’s degree in CS at USC. She knows that as a
first-year student she has to share an apartment with someone else. Fortunately, the
apartment that she will be staying in for the Fall 2020 comes fully furnished. But,
unfortunately, this set of n furniture items are not meant to be shared by two people, so
she has to split the furniture items between herself and her roommate. Since she arrives
on campus earlier than her roommate, she gets to decide which furniture items she
should keep and which to give to her roommate. She then assigns each furniture item i
(1<=i<=n) a usefulness value Ui. To be fair to her roommate, she wants to know if she
can split the set of n furniture items into two disjoint sets of furniture items A and B with
the same exact total usefulness value. Let's call this problem a Fair Roommate
Furniture Sharing (FRFS) problem.
Now, Suppose that FRFS is the only NP-complete problem you know of. We want to
prove that Subset Sum is NP-complete.
Note: The decision version of Subset Sum asks whether there is a subset of items with
a total weight within the range M and W.
a). Show that Subset Sum is in NP. (5pts)
Subset Sum is in NP
1. Certificate - A subset of the input set.
2. Certifier - add up the weight of all items in the subset and make sure it’s between
M and W. Linear time certifier.
3 pts if either one is correct.
5 pts if both are correct.
-1 pt if not mentioning M and W or incorrect total weight.
b). Show that Subset Sum is NP-complete. (10pts)
FRFS <=p Subset Sum
Input to RFRS: a single set of furniture items with usefulness value of item i being U_i
Input to Subset Sum: a single set of items with weights w_1,...,w_n, M and W
Transform input to FRFS into input to Subset Sum:
The input set S to Subset Sum will contain n items with weights w_1,.....,w_n,
where n is the number of furniture items in the input to FRFS.
Set for each i to n, w_i = U_i
Set M = W = (Sum(U_i) for i from 1 to n)/2
3 pts if show FRFS <=p Subset Sum.
2 pts if set w_i to U_i.
5 pts if set M and W correctly.
0 pt if use other NPC problems.
c). Prove that your reduction is correct. (5pts)
Proof of correctness for the reduction step:
A. If there is a subset of values in Subset Sum that adds to exactly half of the sum
of the usefulness value in FRFS, then the remaining values will add to the exact
same thing → proving the existence of a valid FRFS solution. If no such subset
can be found, then no such FRFS solution can be formed.
B. If there is a solution for FRFS, then there is a solution for subset sum with M, W =
half of the sum of the usefulness value in FRFS.
3 pts if either one is correct.
5 pts if both are correct.
-1 pt if not mentioning M, W = half of the total sum.
Problem 3 (20 pts)
The USC Marching Band is scheduled to perform during a football game in San
Francisco (SF) next week. The band needs to ship m musical instruments through
several means of transport (e.g., by plane, train, bus) to SF. There are four units of each
type of musical instrument, and there are five means of transport that the team can use.
Suppose that the five means of transport can take a maximum of 4, 4, 5, 8, and 8 units
of musical instruments, respectively. Using Max Flow, we want to determine if there is a
way that the musical instruments can be shipped to SF with no two units of the same
instrument in the same means of transport.
a). Describe the construction of a flow network to solve this problem. Describe what
each node and edge will represent and what the edge capacities are. (15pts)
· Source node S to draw flow from (1 pts)
· Sink node T to absorb flow (1 pts)
· A set of m/4 nodes X to represent musical instrument types (2 pts)
· A set of 5 nodes Y to represent the means of transport (2 pts)
· Edges with a capacity of 4 from S to each node in X, limiting the number
of instrument used from each type to 4 (2 pts)
· Edges with capacity of 1 from each node in X to each node in Y, limiting
the use of each means of transport for a given instrument type to 1 (so no two
instruments of the same type can get on the same means of transport) (2 pts)
· Edges with a capacity of 4, 4, 5, 8, and 8 units from the 5 nodes
representing the means of transport to T, limiting the capacity of each means
of transport (2 pts)
Run max flow. If the value of max flow comes out to be m then we have a feasible
transportation solution. (3 pts)
(-2 pts) If you use circulation instead of maxflow
b). Prove that your solution is correct. (5pts)
Part a) If we have a flow f of value m in the network, we can find a feasible
transportation solution.
We can identify the edges going from X to Y that are carrying flow. These edges
identify the assignment of musical instruments to means of transportation. All
constraints required for transportation are met since
- the flow is of value m, so all instruments are assigned to means of
- edges from X to Y have a capacity of 1 so no more than one instrument
type is assigned to a means of transport
- edges from Y to T have capacities of 4, 4, 5, 8, and 8 units. So, no
capacities on means of transport have been violated.
(2 pts) missing anything in the proof: -1 pts
Part b) If we have a feasible transportation solution, we can find a (max) flow of
value m in the network. Here is how:
- For each instrument assigned to a means of transport we will add a flow
of 1 between the corresponding nodes in X and Y
- Since there are 4 instruments of each type we have 4 units of flow going
out of each node in the set X, so we now bring 4 units of flow into those
nodes from S. This saturates all edges going out of S
- Since the transportation constraints are met then the flows into nodes in
the set Y are no more than 4,4,5,8, and 8. There is adequate capacity on
edges from Y to T to carry this flow into T, and for each of these edges we will
add a flow of value equal to the number of instruments being carried by that
means of transport.
- This flow is valid since it meets all capacity and conservation of flow
- It is a max flow since all edges out of S are saturated
(3 pts) missing anything in the proof: -1 pts
For partial proof you only get 2 or 3 pts from 5 pts
Problem 4 (10pts)
We are given a set of n cities on a map and a set of roads connecting them. We are
also given the following information:
● All distances of road segments connecting cities. Note: not every two cities are
connected directly by a road segment.
● (longitude, latitude) position of each city on the map.
● No two cities share the same longitude.
We would like to find a shortest path that starts with the westernmost city W, goes
through the city C, and then reaches the easternmost city E. We also want this path to
always go east, i.e., the longitude of the cities visited on the path will always increase.
a). Design an O(n2) time algorithm to compute the length of the shortest path given n
cities. Be sure to argue why your algorithm takes O(n2). (10pts)
Find the shortest path from W to C and shortest path from C to E. Since this is a DAG
the shortest path can be found in O(n2) using Dynamic Programming for both segments.
We have a connected graph with cities as nodes and the roads connecting them as
edges. Here, the road distances are the edge weights. We will change this graph into a
directed graph by creating the edge direction from city with lower longitude to city with
higher longitude. Furthermore, this is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) as no cities have
the same longitude. We’ll now use topological sorting and dynamic programming to
compute the shortest path between city W and C and between city C and E. We use the
following algorithm for both:
1.Initialize distance between all nodes as INFINITY, i.e. dist[] = INF and ZERO for the
the source city, i.e. dist[s] = 0
2. Create a topological order of all vertex
3. For every vertex u in the topological order:
For every adjacent vertex v of u:
if (dist[v]>dist[u]+weight(u,v)):
dist[v] = dist[u] + weight(u,v)
Time Complexity:
Time complexity of topological sorting O(V+E). After finding topological order, the
algorithm processes all vertices and for every vertex, it runs a loop for all adjacent
vertices. Total adjacent vertices in a graph is O(E). So the inner loop runs O(V+E) time.
Therefore, overall time complexity of this algorithm is O(V+E), i.e. O(E). For dense
graphs E is of the order n2, hence time complexity : O(n2).
Construction of DAG – 2 pts
Algorithm – 4 pts
Recurrence Equation – 1 pt
Correct Time complexity – 1.5 pts
Correct Time Explanation – 1.5 pts
Alternate Solution:
Construction + Algorithm:
We have a connected graph with cities as nodes and the roads connecting them as
edges. Here, the road distances are the edge weights. We will change this graph into a
directed graph by creating the edge direction from city with lower longitude to city with
higher longitude. Furthermore, this is a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) as no cities have
the same longitude.
On this directed graph, we run Dijkstra’s algorithm using Fibonacci heap from W to get
the shortest path from W to C. Then we run Dijkstra’s using Fibonacci heap from node
C to get the shortest path from C to E.
Time Complexity:
n extract min operations using Fibonacci heap = O(nlogn)
m decrease key operations using Fibonacci heap = O(m)
For dense graph O(m) = O(n2)
Time complexity of Dijkstra using fibonacci heap = O(nlogn + n2) = O(n2)
Algorithm – 6 pts
Fibonacci heap – 1 pt
Correct Time complexity – 1.5 pts
Correct Time Explanation – 1.5 pts
Problem 5 (10pts)
Jacques, a CS570 student, knows three ways to study for Exam 2. He estimates that
each hour reading the textbook will get him 1.5 points on the exam, each hour of doing
practice problems will get him 2 points on the exam, and each hour of watching past
lecture videos will get him 3.5 points on the exam. He wants to spend at most 2.5 hours
reading the textbook and is required to spend at least 3 hours watching lecture videos.
He knows that he can pass the course if he can get a total of at least 50 points. Assume
that the exam is out of 100.
How should he split his time in order to pass the course while spending the least
amount of time studying? Give a linear programming solution to this problem. Note: you
are not required to solve it numerically.
a). Describe the variables. (2pts)
3 variables: one for hours spent doing practice problems, one for hours spent reading
the textbook, and one for hours spent watching lectures.
For example,
1. R = hours spent reading the textbook.
2. P = hours spent doing practice problems.
3. L = hours spent watching lecture videos.
-1 if missing one variable or more
-1 if you did not describe the variables.
-0.5 if you didn’t specify a unit of time (in hours) or mention time.
-0.5 if you didn’t really “describe” variables.
b). Give an objective function. (4pts)
Minimize the sum of hours spent doing practice problems, hours spent reading, and
hours spent watching lectures.
Hence, this can be denoted as minimize (P+R+L)
-2 if didn’t mention minimize.
-2 if not using the variables you specified in part a).
-2 if incorrect objective function. You use one of the constraints instead (e.g.,
min(1.5R+2P+3.5L) or 50<=1.5R+2P+3.5L<=100, max(1.5R+2P+3.5L), etc.)
c). Give the constraints. (4pts)
● 0<=R<=2.5
● 0<=P
● 3<=L
● 50 <= 1.5R + 2P + 3.5L <= 100
+1 for 0<=R<=2.5
-0.5 if missing 0<= (lower bound)
+1 for 0<=P
+1 for 3<=L
-0.5 if you have another constraint that says 0<=L
+1 for 50 <= 1.5R + 2P + 3.5L <= 100
- 0.5 if missing 50 <=
-0.5 if missing <=100
-0.25 for any use of incorrect sign, sign flip, etc. (e.g., =, <, >) for each constraint
Problem 6 (10 pts)
Use the Master Theorem to solve each of the following recurrences by giving tight
Θ-notation bounds, or describe why the Master Theorem does not apply to that
particular recurrence. If the Master Theorem is applicable for the particular recurrence,
be sure to state which case and show all your work.
a). T(n) = 2nT(n/2) + nn
2n is not constant, so master theorem does not apply.
b). T(n) = 16T(n/4) + n!
c). T(n) = 4T(n/2) + cn
d). T(n) = 2T(n/2) + nlogn
Θ(n log2 n)
e). T(n) = 64T(n/8) – n2logn
-n2logn is not an asymptotically positive function, so the master theorem does not
2 points for each item. No partial credit will be given.
For cases where Master Theorem applies, credit is given if the Θ-notation bound is
correct. For other cases, it should be mentioned why Master Theorem is not applicable.