CS计算机代考程序代写 // IOAble Tester:

// IOAble Tester:
// Version: 1.0
// Date: 2021-06-23
// Author: Fardad Soleimanloo
// Description:
// This file tests the IOAble Module of your project
#include “Menu.h”
#include “IOAble.h”
using namespace std;
using namespace sdds;
class Box :public IOAble {
int m_hieght, m_width;
bool csv;
ostream& csvWrite(std::ostream& ostr)const;
istream& csvRead(std::istream& istr);
ostream& write(ostream& ostr)const;
istream& read(istream& istr);
virtual ~Box();
void menuTester(Menu m);
void displayFile(const char* filename);
void IOAbleTester();

int main() {
Menu m(“Tester Options menu:\n1- Option one\n2- Option two\n3- Option three”, 3);
return 0;

void IOAbleTester() {
cout << "IOAble Tester ************************************" << endl; Box B; cout << "Getting information of an IOAble box from console: " << endl; cin >> B;
cout << "Display the IOAble box on console: " << endl; cout << B << endl; B.csv = false; ifstream fboxes("boxes.txt"); if (fboxes) { Box* Bp; ofstream bout("boxesOut.txt"); B.csv = true; cout << "Saving " << B << " in the output file." << endl; bout << B << endl; cout << "Dynamically allocating a Box and holding it in an IOAble pointer..." << endl; IOAble* iop = Bp = new Box(); cout << "Reading dimenstions from file using the IOAlbe pointer" << endl;; Bp->csv = true;
fboxes >> *iop;
cout << "Dimentions: " << endl; cout << *iop << endl; Bp->csv = false;
cout << "What it looks like on screen:" << endl << *iop << endl; Bp->csv = true;
cout << "Now save it in the file..." << endl; bout << *iop << endl; cout << "Reading the next dimenstions from file using the IOAble pointer" << endl;; fboxes >> *iop;
cout << "Dimentions: " << endl; cout << *iop << endl; Bp->csv = false;
cout << "What it looks like on screen:" << endl << *iop << endl; Bp->csv = true;
cout << "Save this one in the output file too..." << endl; bout << *iop << endl; cout << "Close the file and display it..." << endl; bout.close(); displayFile("boxesOut.txt"); cout << "Removing the box from memory using the IOAble pointer..." << endl; delete Bp; bout.close(); } else { cout << "Could not find the file \"boxes.txt\"." << endl; } cout << "Content of \"boxesOut.txt\" file" << endl; displayFile("boxesOut.txt"); } /* Box *********************************************/ Box::Box() :m_hieght(0), m_width(0), csv(false) { cout << "defaulting Box" << endl; }; ostream& Box::csvWrite(std::ostream& ostr)const { return ostr << m_hieght << "," << m_width; } istream& Box::csvRead(std::istream& istr) { istr >> m_hieght;
istr >> m_width;
return istr;
ostream& Box::write(ostream& ostr)const {
if (csv) {
else {
int i;
for (int j = 0; j < m_hieght; j++) { for (i = 0; i < m_width * 2; i++, ostr << "*"); ostr << endl; } } return ostr; } istream& Box::read(istream& istr) { if (csv) { csvRead(istr); } else { cout << "Height: "; istr >> m_hieght;
cout << "Width: "; istr >> m_width;
return istr;
Box::~Box() {
cout << "Box(" << m_hieght << "," << m_width << ") is gone!" << endl; } /* menuTester *********************************************/ void menuTester(Menu m) { cout << "Menu Tester **************************************" << endl; int selection; while (m >> selection) {
switch (selection) {
case 1:
cout << "option one selected" << endl << endl; break; case 2: cout << "option two selected" << endl << endl; break; case 3: cout << "option three selected" << endl << endl; break; default: cout << "This will never happen!!!!" << endl; break; } } cout << "goodbye!" << endl; } /* displayFile ***************************************/ void displayFile(const char* filename) { ifstream file(filename); cout << filename << "---------------------" << endl; char ch; while (file.get(ch) && cout << ch); cout << "---------------------------------" << endl; }