CS计算机代考程序代写 mips assembly MIPS Single-cycle Processor

MIPS Single-cycle Processor
Assignment Outline
This assignment is to test your understanding of the MIPS-Lite single-cycle processor
design presented in the lectures.
A sample Verilog code is available at Appendix A. You will need to add an Instruction
memory to the design and initialise it with your assembly code. The procedure for process
is given in the Appendix B.
Currently the memory initialization file of the instruction memory ROM is empty. You can
write the machine code of your instructions into the memory locations of the initialisation
The assignment is to be undertaken in a series of steps which you should complete in
order. To ensure that it is your own work that is being assessed, Appendix C shows the
specific requirements for each student.

1. Write a programme to: [15 Marks]

a. Load the data stored in the X and Y locations of the data memory into the X and Y

b. Add the X and Y registers and store the result in the Z register.

c. Store the data from the Z register into the Z memory location.

d. Load the data in the Z memory location into the T register.

2. Simulate your program to show the contents of the X, Y, and T registers. [10 Marks]

3. Modify the program.mif file to simulate the operation of the BEQ instruction. [10 Marks]

4. Modify the design of the processor so that the Jump (J) instruction is implemented. [15
Marks] Modify the program.mif file to simulate the operation of the Jump instruction. [10

5. Modify the designs so that the additional instructions given in the column “Design 1” is
correctly executed. [15 Marks]

6. Modify the program.mif file to simulate the operation of the additional instruction. [10

7. Change the processor’s data bus width from 32 to the one indicated in the table. Repeat
the simulation of step 2 using your new processor. [15 Marks]

MIPS instructions’ reference data is provided.

Your report should include the following contents:

1. The MIPS code and how the corresponding machine code is decided.

2. Simulation waveforms for the PC, opcode, ALUResultOut, DReadData and relevant
registers (X, Y, T) must be annotated. You should clearly indicate why the simulations
show that the operation is correct or incorrect.

2. Description of the modifications made to the Verilog code for implementing the Jump
instruction. Highlight the changes made in the code.

3. Description of the modifications made to implement the additional instruction. Highlight
the changes made in the code.

4. Description of the modifications made to change the data bus width.

Submission Date

A single PDF file should be submitted to ICE by 2pm on Monday 6th December 2021
(Week 13). This file should be named as “surname_forename_A2.pdf”, e.g.
“Xu_Ming_A2.pdf”. The contents in each submission must be consistent with the tasks
assigned to a specific student; otherwise a zero mark will be awarded. There is no
demonstration lab session for this assignment.

​Appendix A
// MIPS single Cycle processor originaly developed for simulation by Patterson
and Hennesy
// Modified for synthesis using the QuartusII package by Dr. S. Ami-Nejad. Feb.

// Register File
module RegisterFile (Read1,Read2,Writereg,WriteData,RegWrite, Data1,

​input ​[4:0] Read1,Read2,Writereg; // the registers numbers to read or


​input ​[31:0] WriteData; ​ ​ ​// data to write

​input ​RegWrite; ​ ​ ​ ​ ​// The write control
​input ​clock, reset; ​ ​ ​ ​// The clock to trigger writes
​output ​[31:0] Data1, Data2; ​ ​// the register values read;
​reg ​[31:0] RF[31:0]; ​ ​ ​// 32 registers each 32 bits long
​integer ​k;

​// Read from registers independent of clock ​
​assign ​Data1 = RF[Read1];
​assign ​Data2 = RF[Read2];
​// write the register with new value on the falling edge of the clock if

RegWrite is high

​always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
​ ​if (reset) for(k=0;k<32;k=k+1) RF[k]<=32'h00000000; ​ ​// Register 0 is a read only register with the content of 0 ​ ​else ​if (RegWrite & (Writereg!=0)) RF[Writereg] <= WriteData; endmodule //ALU Control module ALUControl (ALUOp, FuncCode, ALUCtl); ​input ​[1:0] ​ALUOp; ​input ​[5:0] ​FuncCode; ​output ​[3:0] ​ALUCtl; ​reg ​ ​[3:0] ​ALUCtl; ​ ​always@( ALUOp, FuncCode) ​begin ​case(ALUOp) ​2'b00: ​ALUCtl = 4'b0010; ​2'b01: ​ALUCtl = 4'b0110; ​2'b10: ​case(FuncCode) ​ ​ ​6'b 100000: ALUCtl = 4'b 0010; ​ ​ ​6'b 100010: ALUCtl = 4'b 0110; ​ ​ ​6'b 100100: ALUCtl = 4'b 0000; ​ ​ ​6'b 100101: ALUCtl = 4'b 0001; ​ ​ ​6'b 101010: ALUCtl = 4'b 0111; ​ ​ ​default: ​ALUCtl = 4'b xxxx; ​ ​ ​endcase ​ ​default: ​ALUCtl = 4'b xxxx; ​endcase ​end endmodule //ALU module MIPSALU (ALUctl, A, B, ALUOut, Zero); ​input ​[3:0] ​ALUctl; ​input ​[31:0] ​A,B; ​output ​[31:0] ​ALUOut; ​output ​Zero; ​reg ​ ​[31:0] ALUOut; ​ ​assign Zero = (ALUOut==0); //Zero is true if ALUOut is 0 ​always @(ALUctl, A, B) begin //reevaluate if these change ​case (ALUctl) ​ ​0: ALUOut <= A & B; ​ ​1: ALUOut <= A | B; ​ ​2: ALUOut <= A + B; ​ ​6: ALUOut <= A - B; ​ ​7: ALUOut <= A < B ? 1:0; ​ ​// .... Add more ALU operations here ​ ​default: ALUOut <= A; ​ ​endcase ​end endmodule // Data Memory module DataMemory(Address, DWriteData, MemRead, MemWrite, clock, reset, DReadData); input ​[31:0] ​Address, DWriteData; input ​ ​ ​MemRead, MemWrite, clock, reset; output ​[31:0] ​DReadData; reg ​ ​[31:0] ​DMem[7:0]; ​ assign DReadData = DMem[Address[2:0]]; always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)begin ​ ​if (reset) begin ​ ​ ​DMem[0]=32'h00000005; ​ ​ ​DMem[1]=32'h0000000A; ​ ​ ​DMem[2]=32'h00000055; ​ ​ ​DMem[3]=32'h000000AA; ​ ​ ​DMem[4]=32'h00005555; ​ ​ ​DMem[5]=32'h00008888; ​ ​ ​DMem[6]=32'h00550000; ​ ​ ​DMem[7]=32'h00004444; ​ ​ ​end else ​ ​ ​if (MemWrite) DMem[Address[2:0]] <= DWriteData; ​ ​end endmodule // Main Controller module Control (opcode,RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,ALUOp,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite); input ​[5:0] ​opcode; output ​[1:0] ​ALUOp; output ​RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite; reg ​ ​[1:0] ​ALUOp; reg ​RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite; parameter R_Format = 6'b000000, LW = 6'b100011, SW = 6'b101011, BEQ=6'b000100; always @(opcode)begin ​case(opcode) ​ ​R_Format:{RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp}= 9'b 100100010; ​ ​LW: ​ {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp}= 9'b 011110000; ​ ​SW: ​ {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp}= 9'b x1x001000; ​ ​ ​BEQ: ​ {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp}= 9'b x0x000101; ​ ​// .... Add more instructions here ​ ​default: {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp}= 9'b xxxxxxxxx; ​ ​endcase ​end endmodule // Datapath module DataPath(RegDst, Branch, MemRead, MemtoReg, ALUOp, MemWrite, ALUSrc, RegWrite, clock, reset, opcode,/* RF1, RF2, RF3,*/ALUResultOut ,DReadData); input ​RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite,clock, reset; input ​[1:0] ​ALUOp; output ​[5:0] ​opcode; output ​[31:0] ​/*RF1, RF2, RF3,*/ ALUResultOut ,DReadData; reg ​[31:0] PC, IMemory[0:31]; wire ​[31:0] SignExtendOffset, PCOffset, PCValue, ALUResultOut, ​ ​IAddress, DAddress, IMemOut, DmemOut, DWriteData, Instruction, ​ ​RWriteData, DReadData, ALUAin, ALUBin; wire ​[3:0] ALUctl; wire ​Zero; wire ​[4:0] WriteReg; //Instruction fields, to improve code readability wire [5:0] ​funct; wire [4:0] ​rs, rt, rd, shamt; wire [15:0] offset; //Instantiate local ALU controller ALUControl alucontroller(ALUOp,funct,ALUctl); // Instantiate ALU MIPSALU ALU(ALUctl, ALUAin, ALUBin, ALUResultOut, Zero); // Instantiate Register File RegisterFile REG(rs, rt, WriteReg, RWriteData, RegWrite, ALUAin, DWriteData,clock,reset); // Instantiate Data Memory DataMemory datamemory(ALUResultOut, DWriteData, MemRead, MemWrite, clock, reset, DReadData); // Instantiate Instruction Memory IMemory ​IMemory_inst ( ​.address ( PC[6:2] ), ​.q ( Instruction ) ​); ​ // Synthesize multiplexers assign ​WriteReg ​= (RegDst) ​ ​ ​? rd ​ ​ ​ ​: rt; assign ​ALUBin ​ ​= (ALUSrc) ​ ​ ​? SignExtendOffset ​: DWriteData; assign ​PCValue ​ ​= (Branch & Zero) ​? PC+4+PCOffset ​: PC+4; assign ​RWriteData ​= (MemtoReg) ​ ​? DReadData ​ ​ ​: ALUResultOut; ​ // Acquire the fields of the R_Format Instruction for clarity ​ assign {opcode, rs, rt, rd, shamt, funct} = Instruction; // Acquire the immediate field of the I_Format instructions assign offset = Instruction[15:0]; //sign-extend lower 16 bits assign SignExtendOffset = { {16{offset[15]}} , offset[15:0]}; // Multiply by 4 the PC offset assign PCOffset = SignExtendOffset << 2; // Write the address of the next instruction into the program counter always @(posedge clock ) begin if (reset) PC<=32'h00000000; else ​PC <= PCValue; end endmodule module MIPS1CYCLE(clock, reset,opcode, ALUResultOut ,DReadData); ​input ​clock, ​reset; ​output ​[5:0] ​opcode; ​output ​[31:0] ​ALUResultOut ,DReadData; // For simulation purposes ​ ​wire [1:0] ALUOp; ​wire [5:0] opcode; ​wire [31:0] SignExtend,ALUResultOut ,DReadData; ​wire RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite; ​// Instantiate the Datapath ​DataPath MIPSDP (RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,ALUOp, ​MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite,clock, reset, opcode, ALUResultOut ,DReadData); ​//Instantiate the combinational control unit ​Control MIPSControl (opcode,RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,ALUOp,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite); endmodule ​Appdendix B Inserting LPM ROM Select MegaWizard Plug-In Manager from the tools menu and click on the Next button. Select the ROM: 1-PORT and give a name to the output file. This name should be the same as the one which has been used for Instruction memory instantiation in your Verilog code. Select the width and depth of the memory. Deselect the input and output registers. Give a name to the memory initialisation file, e.g. Instruction.mif. You can use your name as the file name. In this case you should edit the Verilog module name in the provided code. Deselect the creation of the optional files and click on Finish button. Click on the New icon and select the Memory Initialization File. Input 32 for the Number of words and 32 for the Word size. Now you can insert your machine code into the Instruction memory locations. You should be noted that this memory is not byte oriented and addresses are incremented by one not by 4. Appendix C: The tasks for each student ID English Name Memory locations (X,Y,Z,T) Data bus size Design 1508601 Ziming Zeng 3,4,5,6 24 Ori 1509753 Anyuan Fu 7,1,2,3 28 Andi 1509811 Jiacheng Zhang 4,5,6,7 20 Ori 1510093 Xinhang Lyu 1,2,3,4 24 Andi 1612586 Haoquan Kong 5,6,7,1 28 Ori 1716181 Yuhan Gu 2,3,4,5 20 Andi 1717104 Xiangshi Chen 6,7,1,2 24 Ori 1717136 Ruiwen Wang 3,4,5,6 28 Andi 1717202 Runjie Wang 7,1,2,3 20 Ori 1719406 Zhihao Liang 4,5,6,7 24 Andi 1823197 Hao Ao 1,2,3,4 28 Ori 1927553 Alijon Avliyoqulov 5,6,7,1 20 Andi 1822751 Hongyu Bao 2,3,4,5 24 Ori 1823185 Feiyu Cai 6,7,1,2 28 Andi 1824083 Mingrui Cai 3,4,5,6 20 Ori 1822768 Tianyu Cang 7,1,2,3 24 Andi 1823199 Kechang Chen 4,5,6,7 28 Ori 1822317 Muyu Chen 1,2,3,4 20 Andi 1822270 Yuyuan Chen 5,6,7,1 24 Ori 1823126 Yongqiao Chen 2,3,4,5 28 Andi 1825217 Yitong Chen 6,7,1,2 20 Ori 1823173 Zhiang Chen 3,4,5,6 24 Andi 1717587 Shihao Cheng 7,1,2,3 28 Ori 1823689 Yuxin Chu 4,5,6,7 20 Andi 1825258 Ruoxi Cui 1,2,3,4 24 Ori 1822200 Chengmurong Ding 5,6,7,1 28 Andi 1715726 Ruoxi Ding 2,3,4,5 20 Ori 1825261 Jiayu Du 6,7,1,2 24 Andi 1823190 Wenchang Du 3,4,5,6 28 Ori 1824861 Yuxin Du 7,1,2,3 20 Andi 1825271 Jiachen Duan 4,5,6,7 24 Ori 1510186 Jiaming Gao 1,2,3,4 28 Andi 1715539 Xingyu Gao 5,6,7,1 20 Ori 1822756 Xinyu Gao 2,3,4,5 24 Andi 1824124 Yutong Ge 6,7,1,2 28 Ori 1824193 Tianyu Geng 3,4,5,6 20 Andi 1825266 Yuechi Guan 7,1,2,3 24 Ori 1822760 Jiadong Guo 4,5,6,7 28 Andi 1822275 Qiuming Guo 1,2,3,4 20 Ori 1823214 Wenjun He 5,6,7,1 24 Andi 1718577 Xin He 2,3,4,5 28 Ori 1823670 Xiang He 6,7,1,2 20 Andi 1825491 Aurelia Aileen Herawan 3,4,5,6 24 Ori 1823514 Wanqin Hou 7,1,2,3 28 Andi 1823106 Jianing Hu 4,5,6,7 20 Ori 1822321 Sixian Hu 1,2,3,4 24 Andi 1824175 Shichen Huang 5,6,7,1 28 Ori 1824085 Zhenhao Huang 2,3,4,5 20 Andi 1716852 Jiayu Jian 6,7,1,2 24 Ori 1823137 Chengjun Li 3,4,5,6 28 Andi 1825290 Chenyuan Li 7,1,2,3 20 Ori 1823186 Qianjiao Li 4,5,6,7 24 Andi 1823154 Xin Li 1,2,3,4 28 Ori 1823222 Xiaoji Li 5,6,7,1 20 Andi 1715977 Yang Li 2,3,4,5 24 Ori 1821832 Yuanxi Li 6,7,1,2 28 Andi 1822276 Ziyun Li 3,4,5,6 20 Ori 1822501 Ziyu Li 7,1,2,3 24 Andi 1823179 Ziqian Li 4,5,6,7 28 Ori 1823221 Zhuohang Li 1,2,3,4 20 Andi 1825267 Haibo Lian 5,6,7,1 24 Ori 1825201 Xinran Liang 2,3,4,5 28 Andi 1823208 Keyao Liao 6,7,1,2 20 Ori 1823203 Shifeng Lin 3,4,5,6 24 Andi 1823204 Sheng Lin 7,1,2,3 28 Ori 1824205 Yukun Lin 4,5,6,7 20 Andi 1822319 Maoqing Ling 1,2,3,4 24 Ori 1614266 Huayu Liu 5,6,7,1 28 Andi 1823123 Runyu Liu 2,3,4,5 20 Ori 1824817 Ruofu Liu 6,7,1,2 24 Andi 1406089 Yuxuan Liu 3,4,5,6 28 Ori 1614272 Yifu Liu 7,1,2,3 20 Andi 1824213 Zhengjun Liu 4,5,6,7 24 Ori 1824772 Yujia Long 1,2,3,4 28 Andi 1822196 Hanzhe Lu 5,6,7,1 20 Ori 1823669 Yichen Luo 2,3,4,5 24 Andi 1824116 Yi Luo 6,7,1,2 28 Ori 1824199 Xinran Ma 3,4,5,6 20 Andi 1822795 Jingyang Min 7,1,2,3 24 Ori 1821900 Yang Ni 4,5,6,7 28 Andi 1823950 Shilong Nie 1,2,3,4 20 Ori 1821873 Xin Pan 5,6,7,1 24 Andi 1825085 Ziqing Peng 2,3,4,5 28 Ori 1822215 Chengfei Qian 6,7,1,2 20 Andi 1822300 Ziheng Qiao 3,4,5,6 24 Ori 1824185 Yushu Qin 7,1,2,3 28 Andi 1823160 Chengxin Ren 4,5,6,7 20 Ori 1822246 Guoping Ruan 1,2,3,4 24 Andi 1931542 Kelvin Septian 5,6,7,1 28 Ori 1824743 Hongji Shen 2,3,4,5 20 Andi 1612613 Xuanyu Shen 6,7,1,2 24 Ori 1822684 Yi Shen 3,4,5,6 28 Andi 1824102 Dian Sheng 7,1,2,3 20 Ori 1823671 Jichun Shi 4,5,6,7 24 Andi 1822230 Yinong Shi 1,2,3,4 28 Ori 1716601 Yidi Song 5,6,7,1 20 Andi 1509645 Ziyu Song 2,3,4,5 24 Ori 1825219 Haodong Su 6,7,1,2 28 Andi 1613801 Jiacheng Sun 3,4,5,6 20 Ori 1823169 Jiaxi Sun 7,1,2,3 24 Andi 1824220 Yu Sun 4,5,6,7 28 Ori 1822250 Rui Tan 1,2,3,4 20 Andi 1821927 Jingning Tang 5,6,7,1 24 Ori 1823500 Yuqing Tian 2,3,4,5 28 Andi 1824247 Guanxiang Tong 6,7,1,2 20 Ori 1822206 Xiangzhi Tong 3,4,5,6 24 Andi 1717352 Binfeng Wang 7,1,2,3 28 Ori 1825215 Tailai Wang 4,5,6,7 20 Andi 1717300 Xinkang Wang 1,2,3,4 24 Ori 1825235 Yihan Wang 5,6,7,1 28 Andi 1824264 Zishun Wang 2,3,4,5 20 Ori 1823517 Jinnan Wei 6,7,1,2 24 Andi 1823162 Shihang Wei 3,4,5,6 28 Ori 1825159 Wenxi Wei 7,1,2,3 20 Andi 1823195 Feiyang Weng 4,5,6,7 24 Ori 1825498 Anthony Bima Wijaya 1,2,3,4 28 Andi 1715713 Siyuan Wu 5,6,7,1 20 Ori 1822292 Yuchen Xia 2,3,4,5 24 Andi 1824107 Siyu Xing 6,7,1,2 28 Ori 1510111 Baicheng Xiong 3,4,5,6 20 Andi 1822187 Yixuan Xiong 7,1,2,3 24 Ori 1822307 Chenhao Xu 4,5,6,7 28 Andi 1824221 Yifeng Xu 1,2,3,4 20 Ori 1824821 Heming Yang 5,6,7,1 24 Andi 1716256 Sheng Yu 2,3,4,5 28 Ori 1824187 Xiaoran Yu 6,7,1,2 20 Andi 1823131 Bohao Zhang 3,4,5,6 24 Ori 1823142 Chengrui Zhang 7,1,2,3 28 Andi 1824811 Hanchen Zhang 4,5,6,7 20 Ori 1823368 Jinwei Zhang 1,2,3,4 24 Andi 1823789 Jingqun Zhang 5,6,7,1 28 Ori 1824078 Jinyuan Zhang 2,3,4,5 20 Andi 1824825 Jingtian Zhang 6,7,1,2 24 Ori 1825361 Tailong Zhang 3,4,5,6 28 Andi 1614022 Weijian Zhang 7,1,2,3 20 Ori 1825181 Wenxin Zhang 4,5,6,7 24 Andi 1823159 Xueyao Zhang 1,2,3,4 28 Ori 1824158 Xuyuan Zhang 5,6,7,1 20 Andi 1824805 Xingjian Zhang 2,3,4,5 24 Ori 1822173 Zixian Zhang 6,7,1,2 28 Andi 1822279 Zihao Zhang 3,4,5,6 20 Ori 1822778 Linghao Zhao 7,1,2,3 24 Andi 1718161 Tiange Zhao 4,5,6,7 28 Ori 1824103 Han Zheng 1,2,3,4 20 Andi 1824862 Hao Zheng 5,6,7,1 24 Ori 1822237 Xincheng Zhong 2,3,4,5 28 Andi 1823147 Yuzhou Zhong 6,7,1,2 20 Ori 1825227 Xiaoyi Zhou 3,4,5,6 24 Andi 1822759 Zeyuan Zhou 7,1,2,3 28 Ori 1613291 Hongyi Zhu 4,5,6,7 20 Andi 1825240 Hongyu Zhu 1,2,3,4 24 Ori 1822320 Kaiyue Zhu 5,6,7,1 28 Andi 1822025 Qi Zhu 2,3,4,5 20 Ori 1822194 Zhaohan Zhu 6,7,1,2 24 Andi 1825223 Zheng Zhu 3,4,5,6 28 Ori 1825711 Zhaoxi Zhu 7,1,2,3 20 Andi 1822267 Kainan Zhuang 4,5,6,7 24 Ori 1824285 Guangze Zu 1,2,3,4 28 Andi