CS计算机代考程序代写 python Excel GARCH_share


July 22, 2021

Importing packages

[109]: #importing packages
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
from sklearn import linear_model
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Reading Excel file saved in hard drive

[110]: #reading the file
df = pd.read_excel(“C:\\Users\\rluck\\OneDrive\\share.xlsx”)

[110]: OBS PRICE
0 1 975.04
1 2 977.07
2 3 966.58
3 4 964.00
4 5 956.05
.. … …
989 990 1144.80
990 991 1170.35
991 992 1167.10
992 993 1158.31
993 994 1139.93

[994 rows x 2 columns]

Calculating daily returns and daily squared returns from SP500

Daily returns (R)
R = 100 ∗ ln(Pt/Pt−1)

Daily squared returns (R2)
R = R2


[111]: #computing the inflation rate
df[‘R’] = 100*np.log(df[‘PRICE’]/df[‘PRICE’].shift(1))
df[‘R_squared’] = df[‘R’]**2
df = df.dropna(subset=[“R”])

[111]: OBS PRICE R R_squared
1 2 977.07 0.207980 0.043256
2 3 966.58 -1.079423 1.165154
3 4 964.00 -0.267277 0.071437
4 5 956.05 -0.828108 0.685763
5 6 927.69 -3.011259 9.067679
.. … … … …
989 990 1144.80 1.310082 1.716314
990 991 1170.35 2.207290 4.872129
991 992 1167.10 -0.278081 0.077329
992 993 1158.31 -0.755999 0.571535
993 994 1139.93 -1.599519 2.558461

[993 rows x 4 columns]

$Plotting the time series: R and R2$

[112]: #plotting the R series
plt.legend(loc=’best’, fontsize=’large’)


[113]: #plotting the R_squared series
plt.legend(loc=’best’, fontsize=’large’)

Histogram and descriptive statistics

[114]: #Plot histogram of R
plt.hist(df[‘R’],bins=120,label=’R’, density=True, alpha=0.6, color=’b’)
plt.legend(loc=’best’, fontsize=’large’)


[115]: from scipy import stats

[115]: DescribeResult(nobs=993, minmax=(-7.043759037302043, 4.964596183505854),
mean=0.01573450555862576, variance=1.694877827267905,
skewness=-0.1468232170367387, kurtosis=2.016094075647234)

[116]: stats.jarque_bera(df[‘R’])

[116]: Jarque_beraResult(statistic=171.7419793855507, pvalue=0.0)

[117]: #Plot histogram of R_squared
plt.hist(df[‘R_squared’],bins=120,label=’R_squared’, density=True, alpha=0.6,␣

plt.legend(loc=’best’, fontsize=’large’)


[118]: stats.describe(df[‘R_squared’])

[118]: DescribeResult(nobs=993, minmax=(0.0, 49.614541375574206),
mean=1.693418576326566, variance=11.506356201573688, skewness=6.16939777089506,

[119]: stats.jarque_bera(df[‘R_squared’])

[119]: Jarque_beraResult(statistic=153501.31264418407, pvalue=0.0)


[120]: from statsmodels.graphics import tsaplots
fig =tsaplots.plot_acf(df[‘R’],lags=16)
fig =tsaplots.plot_pacf(df[‘R’],lags=16)



[121]: # Generating the Q tables
import numpy as np
r,q,p = sm.tsa.acf(df[‘R’].values.squeeze(), qstat=True)
data = np.c_[range(1,41), r[1:], q, p]
table = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=[‘lag’, “AC”, “Q”, “Prob(>Q)”])
print (table.set_index(‘lag’))

AC Q Prob(>Q)
1.0 0.002187 0.004765 0.944967
2.0 -0.044549 1.983469 0.370933
3.0 -0.042759 3.808159 0.282939
4.0 0.036575 5.144571 0.272783
5.0 -0.068961 9.900359 0.078108
6.0 -0.019748 10.290740 0.112930
7.0 -0.001411 10.292735 0.172582
8.0 -0.019274 10.665353 0.221391
9.0 -0.019877 11.062067 0.271479
10.0 0.014334 11.268578 0.336980
11.0 -0.054077 14.210889 0.221543
12.0 0.077208 20.214671 0.063133
13.0 0.059358 23.766889 0.033343
14.0 -0.008254 23.835639 0.047960
15.0 0.039619 25.421426 0.044562
16.0 -0.040201 27.055817 0.040867
17.0 0.014268 27.261915 0.054337
18.0 -0.057071 30.562506 0.032324
19.0 0.021465 31.029898 0.040069
20.0 -0.010472 31.141257 0.053353
21.0 -0.054597 34.171259 0.034738
22.0 -0.015008 34.400460 0.044705
23.0 0.028022 35.200283 0.049681
24.0 0.036951 36.592496 0.048029
25.0 -0.033563 37.742296 0.049009
26.0 0.017079 38.040350 0.060041
27.0 0.082436 44.991090 0.016296
28.0 0.001189 44.992538 0.022101
29.0 0.017297 45.299169 0.027513
30.0 -0.000220 45.299219 0.036196
31.0 0.004336 45.318524 0.046688
32.0 -0.053556 48.267405 0.032500
33.0 -0.040998 49.997358 0.029234
34.0 -0.089707 58.288305 0.005893
35.0 -0.037434 59.733514 0.005697
36.0 0.025398 60.399493 0.006620
37.0 -0.010012 60.503099 0.008705
38.0 -0.001130 60.504421 0.011575
39.0 0.057283 63.902786 0.007182


40.0 -0.073371 69.484020 0.002633

FutureWarning: The default number of lags is changing from 40 tomin(int(10 *
np.log10(nobs)), nobs – 1) after 0.12is released. Set the number of lags to an
integer to silence this warning.

FutureWarning: fft=True will become the default after the release of the 0.12
release of statsmodels. To suppress this warning, explicitly set fft=False.


$ACF , PACF of R2$

[122]: fig =tsaplots.plot_acf(df[‘R_squared’],lags=16)
fig =tsaplots.plot_pacf(df[‘R_squared’],lags=16)


[123]: # Generating the Q tables
import numpy as np
r,q,p = sm.tsa.acf(df[‘R_squared’].values.squeeze(), qstat=True)
data = np.c_[range(1,41), r[1:], q, p]
table = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=[‘lag’, “AC”, “Q”, “Prob(>Q)”])
print (table.set_index(‘lag’))

AC Q Prob(>Q)
1.0 0.116401 13.495026 2.391966e-04
2.0 0.137366 32.307886 9.647874e-08
3.0 0.045022 34.330823 1.686854e-07
4.0 0.043314 36.205092 2.625763e-07
5.0 0.163064 62.795866 3.208813e-12
6.0 0.055033 65.827678 2.922824e-12
7.0 0.088429 73.663464 2.678057e-13
8.0 0.072519 78.938732 7.992968e-14
9.0 0.026248 79.630526 1.913609e-13
10.0 0.051198 82.265203 1.803486e-13
11.0 0.065028 86.519895 7.988149e-14
12.0 0.041676 88.269223 1.067025e-13
13.0 -0.014482 88.480668 2.726470e-13
14.0 0.010197 88.585610 7.015944e-13
15.0 0.001769 88.588769 1.817136e-12
16.0 0.091960 97.140862 1.186384e-13


17.0 0.036990 98.525997 1.667347e-13
18.0 0.072813 103.898575 4.253523e-14
19.0 0.076362 109.813725 8.627403e-15
20.0 0.020351 110.234269 1.780030e-14
21.0 0.110912 122.738581 2.240937e-16
22.0 0.050038 125.286355 1.894182e-16
23.0 -0.001192 125.287803 4.611835e-16
24.0 0.044396 127.297499 4.775153e-16
25.0 0.003592 127.310670 1.115576e-15
26.0 0.028843 128.160663 1.814862e-15
27.0 0.082465 135.116334 2.425735e-16
28.0 0.026399 135.829855 4.136894e-16
29.0 -0.004892 135.854381 9.184485e-16
30.0 -0.007907 135.918535 1.972095e-15
31.0 0.009156 136.004633 4.128389e-15
32.0 0.079173 142.449347 6.937586e-16
33.0 0.006087 142.487482 1.465969e-15
34.0 -0.039022 144.056309 1.678684e-15
35.0 -0.018729 144.418079 3.052000e-15
36.0 -0.038257 145.929177 3.521024e-15
37.0 -0.025003 146.575300 5.624595e-15
38.0 -0.043604 148.542369 5.383179e-15
39.0 -0.014147 148.749640 9.993128e-15
40.0 -0.042500 150.622304 9.812920e-15

FutureWarning: The default number of lags is changing from 40 tomin(int(10 *
np.log10(nobs)), nobs – 1) after 0.12is released. Set the number of lags to an
integer to silence this warning.

FutureWarning: fft=True will become the default after the release of the 0.12
release of statsmodels. To suppress this warning, explicitly set fft=False.



[124]: from arch import arch_model

[125]: dt = df[‘R’]
model = arch_model(dt,mean =’Constant’, vol =’GARCH’, p=1, q=1)
x_1 =model.fit(update_freq=0)

Optimization terminated successfully (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: 1634.7774950799287
Iterations: 13
Function evaluations: 76
Gradient evaluations: 13


[125]: Constant Mean – GARCH Model Results
Dep. Variable: R R-squared: 0.000
Mean Model: Constant Mean Adj. R-squared: 0.000
Vol Model: GARCH Log-Likelihood: -1634.78
Distribution: Normal AIC: 3277.55
Method: Maximum Likelihood BIC: 3297.16

No. Observations: 993
Date: Tue, Jul 20 2021 Df Residuals: 992
Time: 23:10:10 Df Model: 1

Mean Model

coef std err t P>|t| 95.0% Conf. Int.
mu 0.0416 3.828e-02 1.087 0.277 [-3.340e-02, 0.117]

Volatility Model

coef std err t P>|t| 95.0% Conf. Int.
omega 0.0739 3.549e-02 2.084 3.719e-02 [4.388e-03, 0.143]
alpha[1] 0.0803 2.587e-02 3.104 1.911e-03 [2.960e-02, 0.131]
beta[1] 0.8774 3.539e-02 24.796 1.002e-135 [ 0.808, 0.947]

Covariance estimator: robust
ARCHModelResult, id: 0x1af9210cd60

σ2t = 0.0739 + 0.0803 ∗ ϵt−1 + 0.8774 ∗ σt−1

rt = 0.0416 + ϵt


[126]: from statsmodels.stats.diagnostic import het_arch
from statsmodels.compat import lzip

ARCH Test of Standardised Residuals

[127]: std_resid = x_1.resid/x_1.conditional_volatility
res = het_arch(std_resid, nlags=5)
name =[‘lm’,’lm_pval’,’fval’,’f_pval’]

[127]: [(‘lm’, 7.752512201608933),
(‘lm_pval’, 0.17041295778563273),
(‘fval’, 1.5532744693033598),
(‘f_pval’, 0.17070402835943274)]

Histogram of Standardised Residuals


[128]: #Historgram of std residuals
plt.hist(std_resid,bins=120,label=’Std_Resid’, density=True, alpha=0.6,␣

plt.legend(loc=’best’, fontsize=’large’)

[129]: stats.describe(std_resid)

[129]: DescribeResult(nobs=993, minmax=(-4.5894770059145475, 3.0469323127109766),
mean=-0.03690345219827726, variance=1.0012324803805681,
skewness=-0.36830787195222925, kurtosis=1.3412718740326568)

[130]: stats.jarque_bera(std_resid)

[130]: Jarque_beraResult(statistic=96.88423763663839, pvalue=0.0)

ACF , PACF of Std Residuals

[131]: fig =tsaplots.plot_acf(std_resid,lags=16)
fig =tsaplots.plot_pacf(std_resid,lags=16)


Choosing the GARCH lags


[132]: #running the GARCH(2,1), (1,2)and (2,2)
model_2 = arch_model(dt,mean =’Constant’, vol =’GARCH’, p=2,q=1)
model_3 = arch_model(dt,mean =’Constant’, vol =’GARCH’, p=1,q=2)
model_4 = arch_model(dt,mean =’Constant’, vol =’GARCH’, p=2,q=2)
x_2= model_2.fit(update_freq=0)
x_3= model_3.fit(update_freq=0)
x_4= model_4.fit(update_freq=0)

Optimization terminated successfully (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: 1634.3777875970884
Iterations: 14
Function evaluations: 96
Gradient evaluations: 14

Optimization terminated successfully (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: 1634.7774955255713
Iterations: 13
Function evaluations: 88
Gradient evaluations: 13

Optimization terminated successfully (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: 1632.9634703263373
Iterations: 11
Function evaluations: 91
Gradient evaluations: 11

[133]: #Computing the AIC (AIC_stata= AIC_Python/ no of obs)
n = 993
bic= [x_1.bic/n,x_2.bic/n,x_3.bic/n,x_4.bic/n]
name =[‘GARCH_1,1′,’GARCH_2,1′,’GARCH_1,2′,’GARCH_2,2’]
lzip(name,aic, bic)

[133]: [(‘GARCH_1,1’, 3.3006596074117396, 3.3204007178409247),
(‘GARCH_2,1’, 3.3018686557846695, 3.326545043821151),
(‘GARCH_1,2’, 3.3026737070001437, 3.3273500950366253),
(‘GARCH_2,2’, 3.301034179912059, 3.3306458455558365)]

Plotting the comparative chart

[134]: #ARCH(5) model defined as x_5 model
model = arch_model(df[‘R’],mean =’Constant’, vol =’ARCH’, p=5)
x_5 =model.fit(update_freq=0)

Optimization terminated successfully (Exit mode 0)
Current function value: 1639.433689366865
Iterations: 15
Function evaluations: 135
Gradient evaluations: 15


[135]: #defining the ARCH (5)’s conditional volatility
dt_1 = x_5.conditional_volatility

[136]: #defining the GARCH(1,1)’s conditional volatility.
#x_1 is defined the GARC(1,1) beforehand
dt_2 = x_1.conditional_volatility

[137]: #Deriving the absolute value of R
dta = np.abs(df[‘R’])

[138]: #Plotting the curve
dta.plot(figsize=(12,5), color =’aqua’,label=’R_abs’)
dt_1.plot(figsize=(12,5),color=’r’, label=’ARCH_5′)
dt_2.plot(figsize=(12,5),color=’b’,label =’GARCH_1,1′)
plt.title(‘GARCH_1,1 Conditional Volatility’, size=15)
plt.legend(loc=’best’, fontsize=’large’)

[ ]: