STA314 Fall 2021 Homework 1
Homework 1 (V3 – Sept. 19)
Deadline: Thursday, Sept. 30, at 11:59pm.
Submission: You need to submit one file through Quercus with our answers to Questions 1, 2,
3, and 4, as well as code and outputs requested for Question 1. It should be a PDF file titled
hw1_writeup.pdf. You can produce the file however you like (e.g. LATEX, Microsoft Word, scan-
ner), as long as it is readable.
Neatness Point: One point will be given for neatness. You will receive this point as long as we
don’t have a hard time reading your solutions or understanding the structure of your code.
Late Submission: 10% of the total possible marks will be deducted for each day late, up to a
maximum of 3 days. After that, no submissions will be accepted.
Computing: To install Python and required libraries, see the instructions on the course web page.
Homeworks are to be done alone or in pairs. See the Course Information handout1 for detailed
1. [5pts] Classification with Nearest Neighbours. In this question, you will use the
scikit-learn’s KNN classifer to classify real vs. fake news headlines. The aim of this ques-
tion is for you to read the scikit-learn API and get comfortable with training/validation
We will use a dataset of 1298 “fake news” headlines (which mostly include headlines of articles
classified as biased, etc.) and 1968 “real” news headlines, where the “fake news” headlines
are from and “real news” headlines are
from The data were cleaned by
removing words from titles not part of the headlines, removing special characters and re-
stricting real news headlines after October 2016 using the word ”trump”. The cleaned data
and starter code are available as clean_real.txt and clean_fake.txt in
on the course webpage. It is expected that you use these cleaned data sources for this assign-
We are providing starter code for this assignment. To run the code you simply need to to
run using your favourite Python interpreter. To make the code correct, you will need
to fill in the body of two functions. If you do this correctly, the code should run and output
something that looks like the following:
Selected K: 10
Test Acc: 0.5
Before you implement anything, or if you implement it incorrectly, the code may raise an
Exception. This is expected behaviour.
You will build a KNN classifier to classify real vs. fake news headlines. Instead of coding the
KNN yourself, you will do what we normally do in practice — use an existing implementation.
You should use the KNeighborsClassifier included in sklearn. Note that figuring out
Getting Real about Fake News
A Million News Headlines
STA314 Fall 2021 Homework 1
how to use this implementation, its corresponding attributes and methods is a part of the
(a) [2pts] Complete the function process_data. It should do the following.
• First, split the entire dataset randomly into 70% training, 15% validation, and
15% test examples using train_test_split function (https://scikit-learn.
html). You can use the stratify option to keep the label proportions the same in the
• Then, preprocess the data using a CountVectorizer (
html#sklearn.feature_extraction.text.CountVectorizer). You will need to
understand what this preprocessing does, so you should play around with it. Also,
the CountVectorizer should be fit only on the training set.
In your writeup, report the function process_data that you wrote.
(b) [2pts] Complete the function select_knn_model that selects a k-NN classifer using a
training set and a validation set to classify between real vs. fake news. This function
should do the following.
• Iterate over k values between 1 to 20.
• For each k value, fit a KNeighborsClassifier to the training set, leaving other
arguments at their default values.
• Measure the validation accuracy.
• Return the best choice of k and the corresponding model that has been fit to the
training set with that value of k.
In your writeup, report the function select_knn_model that you wrote, as well as the
output of the script.
(c) [1pts] Repeat part (b), passing argument metric=‘cosine’ to the KNeighborsClassifier.
You should observe an improvement in accuracy. How does metric=‘cosine’ compute
the distance between data points, and why might this perform better than the Euclidean
metric (default) here? Hint: consider the dataset [‘cat’, ‘bulldozer’, ‘cat cat cat’].
2. [2pts] Nearest Neighbors and the Curse of Dimensionality In this question, you will
verify the claim from lecture that “most” points in a high-dimensional space are far away from
each other, and also approximately the same distance. Consider two independent univariate
random variables X and Y sampled uniformly from the unit interval [0, 1]. Define the squared
distance Z = (X − Y )2.
(a) [2pts] Suppose we sample two points independently from a unit cube in d dimensions.
Observe that each coordinate is sampled independently from [0, 1], i.e. we can view
this as sampling random variables X1, . . . , Xd, Y1, . . . , Yd independently from [0, 1]. The
squared Euclidean distance can be written as R = Z1 + · · ·+Zd, where Zi = (Xi− Yi)2.
Using the properties of expectation and variance, determine E[R] and Var[R]. You may
give your answer in terms of the dimension d, and E[Z] and Var[Z] (the random variable
defined above).
(b) [0pts] This question is for your own benefit, not to be handed in. Based on your answer
to part (a), compare the mean and standard deviation of R to the maximum possible
STA314 Fall 2021 Homework 1
squared Euclidean distance (i.e. the distance between opposite corners of the cube).
Why does this support the claim that in high dimensions, “most points are far away,
and approximately the same distance”?
3. [2pts] Benefit of Averaging. Consider m predictors h1, . . . , hm, each of which accepts an
input x and produces an output y, i.e., yi = hi(x). Consider the squared error loss function
L(y, t) = 1
(y − t)2. Show that the loss of the average estimator
h̄(x) =
is smaller than the average loss of the estimators. That is, for any x and t, we have
L(h̄(x), t) ≤
L(hi(x), t).
Hint: Use the fact that for any discrete random variable D with finitely many states, we have
E[D2]− E[D]2 = Var[D] ≥ 0. (0.1)
4. [5pts] Optimal predictors for the 0-1 loss. In this question, we will study the 0-1 loss
in more detail, and derive the optimal predictor for classification. We will consider a simple
binary data problem. The input X ∈ {0, 1} and label T ∈ {0, 1} are binary random variables,
and the set of predictors that we consider are the functions y : {0, 1} → {0, 1}. Recall the 0-1
loss when predicting t with y(x),
L0−1(y(x), t) =
0 if y(x) = t
1 if y(x) 6= t
, (0.2)
and recall the definition of the expected error,
R[y] = E[L0−1(y(X), T )] =
L0−1(y(x), t)P (X = x, T = t), (0.3)
For this problem, we will assume that P (X = x) > 0 for all x. We use the following short
p(x, t) := P (X = x, T = t) (0.4)
p(t|x) := P (T = t|X = x) (0.5)
(a) [1pt] Assuming that p(0|x) = p(1|x) = 1/2 for all x ∈ {0, 1}, prove that all predictors
y : {0, 1} → {0, 1} achieve
R[y] = 1/2 (0.6)
(b) [3pt] Assuming that p(0|x) 6= p(1|x) for all x ∈ {0, 1}, prove that
y?(x) = arg max
p(t|x) (0.7)
is the unique optimal predictor. In other words, show that
R[y?] ≤ R[y] (0.8)
with equality only if y?(x) = y(x) for all x ∈ {0, 1}.
STA314 Fall 2021 Homework 1
(c) [1pt] Give an example of a joint distribution p(x, t) on {0, 1}2 such that there are exactly
two distinct optimal predictors y1 and y2.