CS计算机代考程序代写 DrRacket ;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrRacket. They record metadata

;; The first three lines of this file were inserted by DrRacket. They record metadata
;; about the language level of this file in a form that our tools can easily process.
#reader(lib “htdp-intermediate-lambda-reader.ss” “lang”)((modname lab-10-accumulators) (read-case-sensitive #t) (teachpacks ()) (htdp-settings #(#t constructor repeating-decimal #f #t none #f () #t)))
(require spd/tags)

(@assignment psets/pset-11); Do not edit or remove this tag

;; If you are:
;; – A 110 or 107 student replace the first set of ‘???’s with your cwl.
;; For problem sets, If you have a partner, please replace the second
;; set of ‘???’s with their cwl. Remember this, it is what you will
;; do with these @cwl annotations for the whole course.
;; – A UBC Extended Learning student, replace the first set of ??? with
;; your email address as confirmed in the email you received from
;; extended learning. The handin password is also in that email.
;; Remember this, it is what you will do with these @cwl annotations
;; for the whole course.
(@cwl ??? ???)

(@problem 1)

;; Please read through the MODIFIED data definition introduced in Problem Set 6
;; for Treasure that can be found in a Scavenger Hunt. It has been modified
;; to add route durations to travel between treasure boxes.

(@htdd Status)
;; Status is one of:
;; – “buried”
;; – “sunken”
;; – “locked”
;; interp. the status of an unopened treasure box

(@htdd Treasure)
(define-struct treasure (label amount difficulty status routes))
;; Treasure is (make-treasure String Natural Natural Status (listof Route))
;; interp. a treasure box with a label name,
;; the number of gold coins contained in the treasure box,
;; a rating of difficulty to find and open the treasure box between 1
;; and 5, where 1 is very easy to find and open and 5 is very difficult,
;; the status of the treasure box before it was opened,
;; and a list of routes leading from this treasure box
;; to other treasure boxes

(@htdd Route)
(define-struct route (duration destination))
;; Route is (make-route Natural String)
;; interp. a route leading from one treasure box to another
;; duration is the time in hours it will take to travel to it and
;; destination is the name of the treasure box the route leads to

(list (make-treasure “E” 32 3 “buried” (list (make-route 3 “A”)))
(make-treasure “F” 10 2 “locked” (list (make-route 7 “C”)))
(make-treasure “B” 6 5 “locked” (list (make-route 9 “E”)
(make-route 15 “F”)))
(make-treasure “J” 1 1 “sunken” (list (make-route 6 “I”)))
(make-treasure “H” 17 2 “sunken” (list (make-route 15 “J”)
(make-route 4 “I”)))
(make-treasure “G” 52 3 “buried” (list (make-route 2 “D”)))
(make-treasure “I” 100 5 “locked” empty)
(make-treasure “D” 21 1 “sunken” (list (make-route 8 “G”)
(make-route 13 “H”)
(make-route 9 “I”)
(make-route 11 “A”)))
(make-treasure “C” 41 4 “buried” (list (make-route 6 “G”)))
(make-treasure “A” 7 1 “locked” (list (make-route 12 “B”)
(make-route 7 “C”)
(make-route 27 “D”)))))

;; Consider this to be a primitive function that comes with the data definitions
;; and that given a treasure name it produces the corresponding treasure.
;; Because this consumes a string and generates a treasure calling it will
;; amount to a generative step in a recursion through a graph of treasures and
;; routes. You must not edit this function, but you can experiment with it to
;; see how it works.

;;(@htdf lookup-treasure)
;;(@signature String -> Treasure)
(define (lookup-treasure name)
(local [(define (scan lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) (error “No treasure named ” name)]
(if (string=? (treasure-label (first lst)) name)
(first lst)
(scan (rest lst)))]))]

(define TE (lookup-treasure “E”))
(define TF (lookup-treasure “F”))
(define TB (lookup-treasure “B”))
(define TJ (lookup-treasure “J”))
(define TH (lookup-treasure “H”))
(define TG (lookup-treasure “G”))
(define TI (lookup-treasure “I”))
(define TD (lookup-treasure “D”))
(define TC (lookup-treasure “C”))
(define TA (lookup-treasure “A”))

(define (fn-for-treasure t)
(local [(define (fn-for-status s)
(cond [(string=? s “buried”) (…)]
[(string=? s “sunken”) (…)]
[(string=? s “locked”) (…)]))

(define (fn-for-treasure t)
(… (treasure-label t)
(treasure-amount t)
(treasure-difficulty t)
(fn-for-status (treasure-status t))
(fn-for-lor (treasure-routes t))))

(define (fn-for-lor lor)
(cond [(empty? lor) (…)]
(… (fn-for-route (first lor))
(fn-for-lor (rest lor)))]))

(define (fn-for-route r)
(… (route-duration r)
;; lookup-treasure is the generative step that makes the whole
;; MR generative
(fn-for-treasure (lookup-treasure (route-destination r)))))]

(fn-for-treasure t)))

;; Design a function that consumes a treasure and produces the total amount
;; of gold that can be obtained by opening that treasure, and all treasures
;; reachable from that treasure.
;; Your solution MUST be tail recursive.

;(@htdf reachable-gold) uncomment this when you begin problem 1

(@problem 2)
;; Complete the function that lists the label names of all reachable treasure.
;; Your solution MUST be tail recursive.

(@htdf all-labels)
(@signature Treasure -> (listof String))
;; produce the label names of all reachable treasures
(check-expect (all-labels TI) (list “I”))
(check-expect (all-labels TH) (list “H” “J” “I”))
(check-expect (all-labels TA) (list “A” “B” “E” “F” “C”
“G” “D” “H” “J” “I”))

(define (all-labels t) empty) ;stub

(@problem 3)
;; Complete the function that lists the labels names of all reachable treasures
;; when following only routes with a duration less than n hours long.
;; Your solution MUST be tail recursive.

(@htdf short-dur-reachable)
(@signature Treasure Number -> (listof String))
;; produce labels of all treasures reachable by following routes < n hr long (check-expect (short-dur-reachable TI 12) (list "I")) (check-expect (short-dur-reachable TH 4) (list "H")) (check-expect (short-dur-reachable TH 5) (list "H" "I")) (check-expect (short-dur-reachable TH 16) (list "H" "J" "I")) (check-expect (short-dur-reachable TA 9) (list "A" "C" "G" "D")) (define (short-dur-reachable t n) empty) ;stub (@problem 4) ;; ;; Complete the design of a function that consumes two treasures and counts ;; the number of routes reachable starting at from that lead to to. ;; ;; Note: This is counting the number of routes found in treasure boxes where TF ;; is the destination, NOT the total number of paths between the two treasure ;; boxes. It is asking how many routes have TF as their destination (how many ;; arrows are pointing to TF). ;; ;; Examples: ;; ;; (num-lead-to TA TI) produces 3. This is because there are three routes that ;; are reachable from TA that lead to TI. These routes are the route leading ;; from TH to TI, the route leading from TJ to TI, and the route leading from ;; TD to TI. ;; ;; (num-lead-to TI TA) produces 0. Even though two routes lead to TA (the ;; route from TD to TA and the route from TE to TA), neither route can be ;; reached from TI so the function produces 0. ;; ;; Note that you can use the built-in function equal? to compare if two ;; treasures are equal. For example: ;; - (equal? TE TF) produces false ;; - (equal? TB TB) produces true ;; ;; Your solution MUST be tail recursive. ;; (@htdf num-lead-to) (@signature Treasure Treasure -> Natural)
;; count the number of reachable routes that lead to TF
(check-expect (num-lead-to TI TA) 0)
(check-expect (num-lead-to TJ TI) 1)
(check-expect (num-lead-to TH TI) 2)
(check-expect (num-lead-to TA TI) 3)
(check-expect (num-lead-to TF TA) 2)
(check-expect (num-lead-to TD TC) 2)

(define (num-lead-to from to) 0) ;stub

(@problem 5)
;; Complete the design of a function that consumes a treasure and the label
;; of another treasure, and produces the time in hours of route durations
;; it would take to travel from t to the treasure labeled s. This function
;; produces the total duration of the routes followed as soon as it finds a
;; treasure labeled s. The function produces false if there is no way of
;; reaching a treasure with the given label.

(@htdf route-to)
(@signature Treasure String -> Natural or false)
;; produce the total duration traveled on route to s from t, false if not found
(check-expect (route-to TE “X”) false)
(check-expect (route-to TE “E”) 0)
(check-expect (route-to TE “A”) 3)
(check-expect (route-to TH “I”) 21)
(check-expect (route-to TA “G”) 40)
(check-expect (route-to TA “J”) 70)

(define (route-to t s) false) ;stub

(@problem 6)
;; Complete the design of a function that consumes a treasure and the label
;; of another treasure, and produces the MINIMUM time in hours of all of the
;; possible routes that could be taken to travel from t to the treasure
;; labeled s. The function produces false if there is no way of reaching the
;; a treasure with the given label.

(@htdf min-route-to)
(@signature Treasure String -> Natural or false)
;; produce the min duration traveled on route to s from t, false if not found
(check-expect (min-route-to TE “X”) false)
(check-expect (min-route-to TE “E”) 0)
(check-expect (min-route-to TE “A”) 3)
(check-expect (min-route-to TH “I”) 4)
(check-expect (min-route-to TA “G”) 13)
(check-expect (min-route-to TA “J”) 43)

(define (min-route-to t s) false) ;stub