CS计算机代考程序代写 compiler Java c++ Class and Object

Class and Object

Computer Programming

The need of complex data type (class)
! Real-life programs work with huge amount of information
! Writing functions with only simple data type (e.g. int, char) is

troublesome and error-prone…
! Which one is better?
! Example1: Get the number of seconds between two timestamps:

getTimeDiff(int h1, int m1, int s1, int h2, int m2, int s2); or
getTimeDiff(Time t1, Time t2)

! Example2: Get the distance between two 3D points:
getDistance(int x1, int y1, int z1, int x2, int y2, int z2); or
getDistance(Point p1, Point p2);

! Obviously those complex data type (Time, Point…etc) models
the problem better and looks more natural.

! This complex data type (defined by you) is called class

Class and Object


! Class/Object is an important feature of Object-oriented
Programming Language (like C++, Java, C#)

! With class, variables and their related functions can be
grouped together to form a new data type

! By packaging the data as class, it avoids problems like
“forgot to pass param” or “incorrect mix of param (e.g. x1 and y2)”

! It simplifies programming and promotes reusability
! Object is an instance of a class

(i.e. class is a blue-print and object is the product.)
! int x; (int is “data type”, x is “variable”)

Point p1; (Point is “class”, p1 is “object”)

Class and Object : Example


int radius;

int width, height;

double getCircleArea(){

return 3.14*radius*radius;


double getCirclePerimeter(){

return 2*3.14*radius;

double getRectangleArea(){
return width*height;


double getRectanglePerimeter(){

return 2*(width+height);


class Circle {
int radius;
double getCircleArea(){

return 3.14*radius*radius;
double getCirclePerimeter(){

return 2*3.14*radius;

class Rect{

int width, height;
double getRectangleArea(){

return width*height;
double getRectanglePerimeter(){

return 2*(width+height);


Without class/object With class/object

Don’t forget ;

Class and Object


void main(){
Rect r; //Rect is a class, r is an object of Rect
Circle c;
cout << "Please enter the radius of circle"; cin >> c.radius;
cout << c.getCircleArea(); cout << "Please enter the width and height of a rectangle"; cin >> r.width >> r.height;
cout << r.getRectangleArea(); } void main(){ cout << "Please enter the radius of circle"; cin >> radius;
cout << getCircleArea(); cout << "Please enter the width and height of a rectangle"; cin >> width >> height;
cout << getRectangleArea(); } Without class/object With class/object Class in Computer Programming 6 ! An abstract view of real-world objects. ! Class: ! Commonly consist of member variables and member functions ! Attribute (also known as property / member variable): Variable belong to class ! Method (also known as "member function"): Function primary for accessing the member variable of the class ! Object: ! Instance of class / runtime representation of a class Class:Robot Class as a blue-print 7 Member variable Member functions int modelNum; int width; int height; int powerLevel; …………………… void start(); void shutdown(); void moveForward(int step); void turnLeft(int degree); void turnRight(int degree); void takePhoto(); ………………………………….. You design the internal data… … as well as the supported operations… Object as a product following the blue-print 8 Class: Circle int radius; int color; Member functions Radius:10 Color:orange Radius:15 Color: blue Radius:12 Color: green Objects of Circle Classes and Objects in C++ 9 ! A class is a data type whose variables are objects ! An object is a variable with member functions and data values ! Examples of classes provided by C++: ! ifstream, ofstream are classes for file read/write, defined in header

! cin, cout are objects defined in header

! C++ also allows you to define your own class and

Defining classes


class class_name {
public / protected / private:
attribute1 declaration;
attribute2 declaration;
method1 declaration;
method2 prototype;


return_value classname::method2{
method body statement;


Don’t forget ;

Defining classes (example I)


using namespace std;
class DayOfYear
int month;
int day;
void output(){

cout << "month =" << month; cout << ", day =" << day << endl; } }; Member variables Member function You can place the output() function directly in class Defining classes (example II) 12 #include
using namespace std;
class DayOfYear
void output(); //member func. prototype
int month;
int day;

void DayOfYear::output()
cout << "month =" << month << ", day =" << day << endl; } Function body placed outside class Alternatively, you may also place the output() function outside class. (but requires the DayOfYear:: prefix) Main function 13 void main() { DayofYear today, birthday; cin >> today.month >> today.day;
cin >> birthday.month >> birthday.day;
cout << "Today's date is: "; today.output(); cout << "Your birthday is: "; birthday.output(); if (today.month == birthday.month && today.day == birthday.day) cout << "Happy Birthday!\n"; } Member function 14 ! In C++, a class definition usually contains only the prototypes of its member functions ! Use classname::functionName to define the member function (method) of a particular class (after the class definition). class Circle { …… int radius; …… double getArea(); }; double Circle::getArea(){ return 3.1415*radius*radius; } Create object and access its member function 15 ! To create an object of a class Class_name object_name; Examples: Circle c1,c2; DayofYear today; ! A member function / variable of an object is accessed using the dot operator: !cout<> m >> d; // local var. of input()

} while (!valid(m,d));

month = m; // accessing private members
day = d;


Member function definitions (cont’d)


void DayOfYear::set(int new_m, int new_d)
if (valid(new_m, new_d)) {

month = new_m;
day = mew_d;


int DayOfYear::get_month()
{ return month;

int DayOfYear::get_day()
{ return day;

month and day are
guaranteed to be correct
because they are private

The only way to change them
is to call set(), which
performs validation

Member function definitions (cont’d)


bool DayOfYear::valid(int m, int d)
if (m<1 || m>12 || d<1) return false; switch(m){ case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 8: case 10: case 12: return d<=31; break; case 4: case 6: case 9: case 11: return d<=30; break; case 2: return d<=29; break; } } Actually the break; here is optional A new main program 21 void main() { DayOfYear today, birthday; today.input(); birthday.input(); cout << "Today's date is:\n"; today.output(); cout << "Your birthday is:\n"; birthday.output(); if (today.get_month()==birthday.get_month() && today.get_day() == birthday.get_day()) cout << "Happy Birthday!\n"; } Private Variable and Access functions 22 ! Member functions that give you access to the values of the private member variables are called access functions, e.g., get_month(), set() (Some may further classify access functions as getter and setter) ! Useful for controlling access to private members: ! E.g. Provide data validation to ensure data integrity. ! Just like the program in the last page, we used get_day and get_month to check the equality of two objects. (Because the = = operator does not work for objects/structures!) e.g. today==birthday does not work by default! Why private variable? 23 ! Prevent others access the variable directly, i.e. variable can be only accessed by access function. class DayOfYear { ……… private: int month; int day; ……… }; void DayOfYear::set(int new_m, int new_d) { …… month = new_m; day = mew_d; …… } int DayOfYear::get_month() { return month; } int DayOfYear::get_day() { return day; } Why private variable? 24 ! Change of the internal presentation, e.g. variable name, type, will not affect how others access the object. Caller can still call the same functions with same parameters class DayOfYear { ……… private: int m; int d; ……… }; void DayOfYear::set(int new_m, int new_d) { …… m = new_m; d = mew_d; …… } int DayOfYear::get_month() { return m; } int DayOfYear::get_day() { return d; } Renamed month / day to m / d, but also works! Usual style of class definitions 25 ! To have all member variables private ! Provide enough access functions to get and set the member variables ! Supporting functions used by the member functions should also be made private (e.g. the valid() function of our DayOfYear class, which supports input() and set() ) Assignment operator for objects 26 ! To copy data among objects, you may simply use the = operator. ! E.g. DayOfYear due_date, tomorrow; tomorrow.input(); due_date = tomorrow; //OK Constructors for initialization 27 ! Variables must be initialized before use. For simple variables (like integer), it is easy: int a=5; ! However, an object contains multiple variables and functions DayOfYear today=??????; How can we set month and day at the same time? ! In C++, constructor is designed to initialize variables ! A constructor is like a member function which is automatically called when an object of that class is created ! Special rules: ! A constructor must have the same name as the class ! A constructor definition has NO return a value (not even void!) Example: Bank account 28 ! E.g., Suppose we want to define a bank account class which has member variables balance and interest_rate. We want to have a constructor that initializes the member variables. class BankAcc { public: BankAcc(int dollars, int cents, double rate); ... private: double balance; double interest_rate; }; ... BankAcc::BankAcc(int dollars, int cents, double rate) { balance = dollars + 0.01*cents; interest_rate = rate; } Prototype of constructor Body of constructor Constructors 29 ! When declaring objects of BankAcc class: BankAcc account1(10,50,2.0), account2(500,0,4.5); ! Note: A constructor cannot be called explicitly as it is NOT really a function! : account1.BankAcc(10,20,1.0); // illegal Constructors 30 ! More than one versions of constructors are usually defined (overloaded) so that objects can be initialized in more than one way, e.g. class BankAcc { public: BankAcc(int dollars, int cents, double rate); BankAcc(int dollars, double rate); BankAcc(); ... private: double balance; double interest_rate; }; Constructors 31 BankAcc::BankAcc(int dollars, int cents, double rate) { balance = dollars + 0.01*cents; interest_rate = rate; } BankAcc::BankAcc(int dollars, double rate) { balance = dollars; interest_rate = rate; } BankAcc::BankAcc() { balance = 0; interest_rate = 0.0; } default constructor Automatically called when you write BankAcc acc4; Constructors 32 ! When the constructor has no arguments, don't include any parentheses in the object declaration. ! E.g. BankAcc acc1(100, 50, 2.0), // OK acc2(100, 2.3), // OK acc3(), // error acc4; // correct The compiler thinks that it is the prototype of a function called acc3 that takes no arguments and returns a value of type BankAcc Constructors 33 ! Alternative way to make use of constructor: obj = constr_name(arguments); E.g., BankAcc account1; account1 = BankAcc(200, 3.5); ! Mechanism: calling the constructor creates an anonymous object with new values; the object is then assigned to the named object Default constructors 34 ! A constructor with no input parameter ! Will be called when no argument is given (e.g. Circle c; ) ! If you do not redefine it, by default, it does nothing at all! class Circle{ int radius; Circle(); double getArea(); }; void Circle::Circle(){ radius=0; } double Circle::getArea(){ return 3.1415*radius; } void main(){ Circle c; c.getArea(); } Default constructors 35 ! Default constructor will be generated by compiler automatically if there is NO other constructor. ! However, if any non-default constructor is defined, the compiler will not generate it for you. As such, using the default constructor will generate compilation error. class Circle{ int radius; Circle(int r); double getArea(); }; Circle::Circle(int r){ radius=r; } double Circle::getArea(){ return 3.1415*radius; } void main(){ Circle c; //illegal: No default! Circle c(6); //OK c.getArea(); } 36 friend function ! Sometimes, it is more natural to implement an operation as an ordinary (non-member) function: ! As mentioned, equality operator = = cannot be applied directly to objects. So if we'd like to compare objects obj1 and obj2, we need to write our own functions. ! Which one would you prefer ? if (equals(obj1,obj2)) … or if (obj1.equals(obj2)) … ? ! The second method, (i.e. obj1.equals(obj2)) , is not natural as it loose symmetry (why not obj2.equals(obj1)?) 37 Equality testing: without friend function #include

using namespace std;

class Rectangle



Rectangle(int w,int h);

int getArea();

int getWidth();

int getHeight();


int width;

int height;


Rectangle::Rectangle(int w,int h){




int Rectangle::getWidth(){

return width;


int Rectangle::getHeight(){

return height;


int Rectangle::getArea(){

return width*height;


Equality testing: without friend function


bool equal(Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2){

if (r1.getWidth()==r2.getWidth() &&

return true;


return false;


void main()


Rectangle ra(10,22), rb(10,21);

if ( equal(ra, rb) )

cout << "They are the same\n"); } 39 friend function ! Defining equal() as non-member function looks natural, however, we needs to call access functions getWidth() and getHeight() multiple times  not efficient! ! However, declaring the member public is not desirable as well (because of consistency problem) ! class Rectangle { public: int width,height; …… }; bool equal(Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2){ if (r1.width ==r2.width && r1.height==r2.height) return true; else return false; } 40 friend function ! Solution: Define a friend function! ! A friend function of a class is not a member function of the class but has access to the private members of that class ! A friend function does not need to call the accessor functions to access the private members  more efficient! ! Also, the code looks simpler 41 Equality testing: WITH friend function #include

using namespace std;

class Rectangle



Rectangle(int w,int h);

friend equal(Rectangle r1,Rectangle r2);

int getArea();

int getWidth();

int getHeight();


int width;

int height;


w,int h){




int Rectangle::getWidth(){

return width;


int Rectangle::getHeight(){

return height;



Equality testing: WITH friend function
/*Note the friend function is NOT implemented inside the

Rectangle class*/

bool equal(Rectangle r1, Rectangle r2){

if (r1.width ==r2.width && r1.height==r2.height)

return true;


return false;


void main()


Rectangle ra(10,22), rb(10,21);

if ( equal(ra, rb) )

cout << "They are the same\n"; } NO NEED to write friend here, otherwise syntax error! Check-list After this lecture, students are expected to be able to: ! Explain what is, and why we need classes ! Create classes with public and private attributes and methods ! Define function (method) body inside or outside the class definition. ! Explain the pros and cons of public / private ! Prepare two or more constructors for class initialization ! Explain the differences of syntax between function-based programs against class-based programs.