CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm Algorithms Tutorial 2

Algorithms Tutorial 2

Divide and Conquer and polynomial multiplication

1. You are given a 2n × 2n board with one of its cells missing (i.e., the board has
a hole); the position of the missing cell can be arbitrary. You are also given a
supply of “dominoes” each containing 3 such squares; see the figure:
Your task is to design an algorithm which covers the entire board with such

“dominoes” except for the hole. Each dominoe can be rotated.

2. You and a friend find yourselves on a TV game show! The game works as
follows. There is a hidden N×N table A. Each cell A[i, j] of the table contains
a single integer and no two cells contain the same value. At any point in time,
you may ask the value of a single cell to be revealed. To win the big prize,
you need to find the N cells each containing the maximum value in its row.
Formally, you need to produce an array M [1..N ] so that A[r,M [r]] contains the
maximum value in row r of A, i.e., such that A[r,M [r]] is the largest integer
among A[r, 1], A[r, 2], . . . , A[r,N ]. In addition, to win, you should ask at most


2NdlogNe many questions. For example, if the hidden grid looks like this:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Row 1 10 5 8 3
Row 2 1 9 7 6
Row 3 -3 4 -1 0
Row 4 -10 -9 -8 2

then the correct output would be M = [1, 2, 2, 4].
Your friend has just had a go, and sadly failed to win the prize because they
asked N2 many questions which is too many. However, they whisper to you a
hint: they found out that M is non-decreasing. Formally, they tell you that
M [1] ≤M [2] ≤ · · · ≤M [N ] (this is the case in the example above).
Design an algorithm which asks at most O(N logN) many questions that pro-
duces the array M correctly, even in the very worst case.

Hint: Note that you do not have enough time to find out the value of every cell
in the grid! Try determining M [N/2] first, and see if divide-and-conquer is of
any assistance.

3. Given positive integers M and n compute Mn using only O(log n) many mul-
tiplications. (15 pts)

4. Let us define the Fibonacci numbers as F0 = 0, F1 = 1 and Fn = Fn−1 + Fn−2
for all n ≥ 2. Thus, the Fibonacci sequence looks as follows: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8,
13, 21, . . .

(a) Show, by induction or otherwise, that(
Fn+1 Fn
Fn Fn−1


1 1
1 0

for all integers n ≥ 1.

(b) Hence or otherwise, give an algorithm that finds Fn in O(log n) time.

Hint: You may wish to refer to Example 1.5 on page 28 of the “Review Mate-
rial” booklet.

5. Design an algorithm which multiplies a polynomial of degree 16 with a polyno-
mial of degree 8 using only 25 multiplications in which both operands (which
both depend on the coefficients of the polynomial) can be arbitrarily large.


6. Multiply the following pairs of polynomials using at most the prescribed num-
ber of multiplications of large numbers (large numbers are those which depend
on the coefficients and thus can be arbitrarily large).

(a) P (x) = a0 + a2x
2 + a4x

4 + a6x
6; Q(x) = b0 + b2x

2 + b4x
4 + b6x

6 using at
most 7 multiplications of large numbers;

(b) P (x) = a0 + a100x
100 and Q(x) = b0 + b100x

100 with at most 3 multiplica-
tions of large numbers.

7. (a) Multiply two complex numbers (a + ı̇ b) and (c + ı̇ d) (where a, b, c, d are
all real numbers) using only 3 real number multiplications.

(a) Find (a + ı̇ b)2 using only two multiplications of real numbers.

(b) Find the product (a + ı̇ b)2(c + ı̇ d)2 using only five real number multipli-


(a) This is again the Karatsuba trick:

(a+ ı̇ b)(c+ ı̇ d) = ac−bd+(bc+ad) ı̇ = ac−bd+((a+b)(c+d)−ac−bd) ı̇

so we need only 3 multiplications: ac and bd and (a + b)(c + d).

(a) (a + ı̇ b)2 = a2 − b2 + 2ab ı̇ = (a + b)(a− b) + (a + a)b ı̇.
(b) Just note that (a + ı̇ b)2(c + ı̇ d)2 = ((a + ı̇ b)(c + ı̇ d))2; you can now use

(a) to multiply (a + ı̇ b)(c + ı̇ d) with only three multiplications and then
you can use (b) to square the result with two additional multiplications.

8. Assume that you are given a polynomial P (x) = a0 + a1x + a2x
2 + a3x

3 and a
polynomial Q(x) = b0 + b1x + b2x

2 + b3x
3 whose coefficients can be arbitrarily

large numbers. Let R(x) = P (x)2 − Q(x)2. Compute the coefficients of R(x)
using only 7 large number multiplications.

9. You are given a polynomial P (x) = A0 +A1x
100 +A2x

200 where A0, A1, A2 can
be arbitrarily large integers. Design an algorithm which squares P (x) using
only 5 large integer multiplications. (15 pts)