CS计算机代考程序代写 Overview


You will have received 3 datasets containing account, customer, and transaction level data. We are interested in understanding the process you take in answering the following questions. Please provide the answer and an explanation where applicable. Questions are broken into two categories:

Data Manipulation Queries
These are questions designed to test your understanding of data manipulation and preparation. Please provide the answer to the question on the Data Manipulation answer slide (slide 5) and provide your queries in the corresponding Data Manipulation queries slides. You can use any programming language you would like to complete the task.

Business Case
These questions are designed to test your critical thinking, logic, and problem solving skills. Please document your approach and present your findings as if you were presenting to an executive (non-technical) business partner. You can use any programming language you would like to complete the task.

Your Task
Data Manipulation
What branch has the most number of customers?
How old is the oldest customer as of 2019-07-01
How many accounts does the oldest customer have?
How many transactions went to Starbucks in April?
How much was spent on Starbucks in April?
Is the average spend at Starbucks significantly different in April compared to June?
Which day exhibited the highest average spend above trend (based on a 10-day moving average) at Starbucks?

Your Task
Business Case
Use the data provided to answer the following questions:

We are planning to launch a new product focused on a specific merchant category (e.g. travel credit card). Which specific merchant category would you like to focus on for this new product?  Please explain your rationale for this category incorporating both the insights derived from the data and other concepts where you see fit.

Identify and describe various segments of customers within the data 

Of the segments that you created in question 2, which specific segment would you like to target for this new product?  Why would you target them?  What are the potential challenges/risks to consider when targeting this segment vs. others?
