The Fibonacci sequence
Eric Martin, CSE, UNSW
COMP9021 Principles of Programming
[1]: from functools import lru_cache
from itertools import count, islice
from math import sqrt
The Fibonacci sequence, say (Fn)n∈N, is defined as F0 = 0, F1 = 1 and for all n > 1, Fn =
Fn−2 + Fn−1; so it is 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34…
A generator function is the best option to generate the initial segment of the Fibonacci sequence
of a given length:
[2]: def fibonacci_sequence():
yield 0
yield 1
previous, current = 0, 1
while True:
previous, current = current, previous + current
yield current
[3]: S = fibonacci_sequence()
list(next(S) for _ in range(19))
[3]: [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584]
It can also be used to generate the member of the Fibonacci sequence of a given index, which
is facilitated by the islice() function from the itertools module; that function provides a
counterpart to the slices of built sequences:
[4]: list(islice(count(), 10))
list(islice(count(), 2, 10))
list(islice(count(), 2, 10, 3))
[4]: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[4]: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
[4]: [2, 5, 8]
F18 can therefore be returned as follows:
[5]: next(islice(fibonacci_sequence(), 18, 19))
[5]: 2584
In case only one or a few specific members of the Fibonacci sequence are needed, a simple function
is more appropriate:
[6]: def iterative_fibonacci(n):
if n < 2:
return n
previous, current = 0, 1
for _ in range(2, n + 1):
previous, current = current, previous + current
return current
[6]: 2584
A naive recursive implementation is elegant, but too inefficient, as we will see:
[7]: def recursive_fibonacci(n):
if n < 2:
return n
return recursive_fibonacci(n - 2) + recursive_fibonacci(n - 1)
[7]: 2584
Let an integer n greater than 1 be given. Then a call to recursive_fibonacci(n) involves:
• for all nonzero k ≤ n, Fn−k+1 calls to recursive_fibonacci(k);
• Fn−1 calls to recursive_fibonacci(0).
In particular, recursive_fibonacci(n) calls recursive_fibonacci(1) Fn times. Proof is by
induction on k ≤ n:
• recursive_fibonacci(n) is called once indeed.
• recursive_fibonacci(n) directly calls recursive_fibonacci(n - 1) and does not call it
indirectly, so calls it once indeed.
• For all k < n with k > 1, recursive_fibonacci(n – k) is directly called by
recursive_fibonacci(n – k + 1) and by recursive_fibonacci(n – k + 2). By induc-
tive hypothesis, the latter two are called directly or indirectly by recursive_fibonacci(n)
Fk and Fk−1 times, respectively. Hence recursive_fibonacci(n – k) is called by
recursive_fibonacci(n) Fk+1 times.
• recursive_fibonacci(0) is directly called by recursive_fibonacci(2), hence it is called
by recursive_fibonacci(n) Fn−1 times.
Let us illustrate this for n = 6 with the following tracing function:
[8]: def trace_recursive_fibonacci(n, depth):
print(‘ ‘ * depth, ‘Start of function call for n =’, n)
if n >= 2:
second_previous = trace_recursive_fibonacci(n – 2, depth + 1)
previous = trace_recursive_fibonacci(n – 1, depth + 1)
print(‘ ‘ * depth, f’End of function call for n = {n}, returning’,
second_previous + previous
return second_previous + previous
print(‘ ‘ * depth, f’End of function call for n = {n}, returning’, n)
return n
trace_recursive_fibonacci(6, 0)
Start of function call for n = 6
Start of function call for n = 4
Start of function call for n = 2
Start of function call for n = 0
End of function call for n = 0, returning 0
Start of function call for n = 1
End of function call for n = 1, returning 1
End of function call for n = 2, returning 1
Start of function call for n = 3
Start of function call for n = 1
End of function call for n = 1, returning 1
Start of function call for n = 2
Start of function call for n = 0
End of function call for n = 0, returning 0
Start of function call for n = 1
End of function call for n = 1, returning 1
End of function call for n = 2, returning 1
End of function call for n = 3, returning 2
End of function call for n = 4, returning 3
Start of function call for n = 5
Start of function call for n = 3
Start of function call for n = 1
End of function call for n = 1, returning 1
Start of function call for n = 2
Start of function call for n = 0
End of function call for n = 0, returning 0
Start of function call for n = 1
End of function call for n = 1, returning 1
End of function call for n = 2, returning 1
End of function call for n = 3, returning 2
Start of function call for n = 4
Start of function call for n = 2
Start of function call for n = 0
End of function call for n = 0, returning 0
Start of function call for n = 1
End of function call for n = 1, returning 1
End of function call for n = 2, returning 1
Start of function call for n = 3
Start of function call for n = 1
End of function call for n = 1, returning 1
Start of function call for n = 2
Start of function call for n = 0
End of function call for n = 0, returning 0
Start of function call for n = 1
End of function call for n = 1, returning 1
End of function call for n = 2, returning 1
End of function call for n = 3, returning 2
End of function call for n = 4, returning 3
End of function call for n = 5, returning 5
End of function call for n = 6, returning 8
[8]: 8
We can still save the recursive design by saving terms of the Fibonacci sequence as they get com-
puted for the first time. As a result of processing the def statement below, a dictionary, fibonacci,
is created and initialised with the values of the first two members of the Fibonacci sequence. Then
the function memoise_fibonacci() is called, directly as memoise_fibonacci(18), and indirectly
as memoise_fibonacci(18) executes. For each of those calls, memoise_fibonacci() is given one
argument only, so the second argument is set to its default value, namely, fibonacci, extended
with a new key and associated value in case the condition of the if statement in the body of
memoise_fibonacci() evaluates to True:
[9]: def memoise_fibonacci(n, fibonacci={0: 0, 1: 1}):
if n not in fibonacci:
fibonacci[n] = memoise_fibonacci(n – 2) + memoise_fibonacci(n – 1)
return fibonacci[n]
[9]: 2584
Let us illustrate the mechanism for n = 6 with the following tracing function:
[10]: def trace_memoise_fibonacci(n, depth, fibonacci={0: 0, 1: 1}):
print(‘ ‘ * depth, ‘Start of function call for n =’, n)
print(‘ ‘ * (depth + 1), f’fibonacci now is {fibonacci}; ‘, end = ”)
if n not in fibonacci:
print(‘compute value’)
fibonacci[n] = trace_memoise_fibonacci(n – 2, depth + 1)\
+ trace_memoise_fibonacci(n – 1, depth + 1)
print(‘retrieve value’)
print(‘ ‘ * depth, f’End of function call for n = {n}, returning’,
return fibonacci[n]
trace_memoise_fibonacci(6, 0)
Start of function call for n = 6
fibonacci now is {0: 0, 1: 1}; compute value
Start of function call for n = 4
fibonacci now is {0: 0, 1: 1}; compute value
Start of function call for n = 2
fibonacci now is {0: 0, 1: 1}; compute value
Start of function call for n = 0
fibonacci now is {0: 0, 1: 1}; retrieve value
End of function call for n = 0, returning 0
Start of function call for n = 1
fibonacci now is {0: 0, 1: 1}; retrieve value
End of function call for n = 1, returning 1
End of function call for n = 2, returning 1
Start of function call for n = 3
fibonacci now is {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1}; compute value
Start of function call for n = 1
fibonacci now is {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1}; retrieve value
End of function call for n = 1, returning 1
Start of function call for n = 2
fibonacci now is {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1}; retrieve value
End of function call for n = 2, returning 1
End of function call for n = 3, returning 2
End of function call for n = 4, returning 3
Start of function call for n = 5
fibonacci now is {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3}; compute value
Start of function call for n = 3
fibonacci now is {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3}; retrieve value
End of function call for n = 3, returning 2
Start of function call for n = 4
fibonacci now is {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 1, 3: 2, 4: 3}; retrieve value
End of function call for n = 4, returning 3
End of function call for n = 5, returning 5
End of function call for n = 6, returning 8
[10]: 8
memoise_fibonacci() illustrates the fact that when a function argument has a default value, that
default value is not created at every function call, but when Python processes the function’s def
statement. This makes no difference for default values of a type such as int:
[11]: def f(x=0):
x += 1
return x
# Create the argument 0 before calling f(); let x denote it.
# From the value denoted by x and 1, create 1; let x denote it.
# Let x denote the 0 created when def was processed.
# From the value denoted by x and 1, create 1; let x denote it.
[11]: 1
[11]: 2
[11]: 3
[11]: 1
[11]: 1
[11]: 1
But it makes a difference for default values of a type such as list:
[12]: def g(x=[0]):
x += [1]
return x
# Create the argument [0] before calling g(); let x denote it.
# Then extend it to [0, 1]; let x denote the modified list.
# Let x denote the list L created when def was processed, then and now
# equal to [0]. Then extend it to [0, 1]; let x denote the modified L.
# Let x denote the list L created when def was processed, now equal to
# [0, 1]. Then extend it to [0, 1, 1], let x denote the modified L.
[12]: [0, 1]
[12]: [1, 1]
[12]: [2, 1]
[12]: [0, 1]
[12]: [0, 1, 1]
[12]: [0, 1, 1, 1]
What was good for memoise_fibonacci() might not be the intended behaviour for other functions,
in other contexts: in case a function F is called without an argument for a parameter p that in F ’s
definition, receives a default value v, one might want p to always be assigned that default value,
not the value currently denoted by p and possibly modified from the original value of v following
previous calls to F . One should then opt for a different design:
[13]: def h(x=None):
if x is None:
x = [0]
x += [1]
return x
# Create the argument [0] before calling h(); let x denote it.
# Then extend it to [0, 1]; let x denote the modified list.
# Let x denote None, then create [0]; let x denote it.
# Then extend it to [0, 1]; let x denote the modified list.
[13]: [0, 1]
[13]: [1, 1]
[13]: [2, 1]
[13]: [0, 1]
[13]: [0, 1]
[13]: [0, 1]
The lru_cache() (“lru” is for Least Recently Used) function from the functools module returns a
function that can be used as a decorator and applied to a function F to yield a memoised version
of F . By default, the maxsize argument of lru_cache() is set to 128, to record up to the last 128
used values of the function, as witnessed by the cache_info() attribute of the memoised version
of f :
[14]: @lru_cache()
def lru_fibonacci(n):
if n < 2: return n 7 return lru_fibonacci(n - 2) + lru_fibonacci(n - 1) lru_fibonacci.cache_info() [14]: CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=0, maxsize=128, currsize=0) Suppose that lru_fibonacci() is called for the first time with 2 as argument. Since lru_fibonacci(2) has not been computed yet, lru_fibonacci(0) and lru_fibonacci(1) are called, which both have not been computed yet either: a total of 3 values fail to be retrieved (3 misses). The last two values are computed and recorded, then the former value is computed and recorded, and the cache eventually stores those 3 values: [15]: lru_fibonacci(2) lru_fibonacci.cache_info() [15]: 1 [15]: CacheInfo(hits=0, misses=3, maxsize=128, currsize=3) Calling lru_fibonacci(2) again, the value is found in the cache (1 hit): [16]: lru_fibonacci(2) lru_fibonacci.cache_info() [16]: 1 [16]: CacheInfo(hits=1, misses=3, maxsize=128, currsize=3) When calling lru_fibonacci(3), the value fails to be found in the cache (1 more miss), so lru_fibonacci(1) and lru_fibonacci(2) are called and retrieved from the cache (2 more hits), and the computed value of lru_fibonacci(3) is added to the cache. [17]: lru_fibonacci(3) lru_fibonacci.cache_info() [17]: 2 [17]: CacheInfo(hits=3, misses=4, maxsize=128, currsize=4) The cache can be cleared with the cache_clear() attribute of the memoised version of the function. Then calling lru_fibonacci(3) necessitates to call lru_fibonacci(1) and lru_fibonacci(2), calling lru_fibonacci(2) necessitates to call lru_fibonacci(0) and lru_fibonacci(1), for a total of 4 misses that are computed and all stored in the cache. The hit is for lru_fibonacci(1), retrieved from the cache when computing lru_fibonacci(2), assuming lru_fibonacci(3) first called lru_fibonacci(1), or retrieved from the cache when computing lru_fibonacci(1), as- suming lru_fibonacci(3) first called lru_fibonacci(2). [18]: lru_fibonacci.cache_clear() lru_fibonacci(3) lru_fibonacci.cache_info() 8 [18]: 2 [18]: CacheInfo(hits=1, misses=4, maxsize=128, currsize=4) Clearing the cache again, calling lru_fibonacci(128) necessitates to eventually call lru_fibonacci(0) and lru_fibonacci(1), in that order or the other way around. Either way, the last time lru_fibonacci(0) is used is when lru_fibonacci(2) is computed, while lru_fibonacci(1), lru_fibonacci(3), lru_fibonacci(4)… lru_fibonacci(128) will all be computed or used afterwards. This explains the output obtained by executing the following cell. [19]: lru_fibonacci.cache_clear() lru_fibonacci(128) lru_fibonacci.cache_info() lru_fibonacci(1) lru_fibonacci.cache_info() lru_fibonacci(0) lru_fibonacci.cache_info() [19]: 251728825683549488150424261 [19]: CacheInfo(hits=126, misses=129, maxsize=128, currsize=128) [19]: 1 [19]: CacheInfo(hits=127, misses=129, maxsize=128, currsize=128) [19]: 0 [19]: CacheInfo(hits=127, misses=130, maxsize=128, currsize=128) The capacity of the cache can be left unbounded by setting the value of the maxsize argument of lru_cache() to None: [20]: @lru_cache(None) def unbounded_lru_fibonacci(n): if n < 2: return n return unbounded_lru_fibonacci(n - 1) + unbounded_lru_fibonacci(n - 2) [21]: unbounded_lru_fibonacci(150) unbounded_lru_fibonacci.cache_info() [21]: 9969216677189303386214405760200 [21]: CacheInfo(hits=148, misses=151, maxsize=None, currsize=151) The argument maxsize of lru_cache() can also be set to any integer value. Let us set it to 4 and first call bounded_lru_fibonacci(8). Then bounded_lru_fibonacci(8), bounded_lru_fibonacci(7), bounded_lru_fibonacci(6) and bounded_lru_fibonacci(5) are last called and recorded. If bounded_lru_fibonacci(5) is then called, its value 9 is retrieved (1 more hit). And if bounded_lru_fibonacci(4) is thereafter called, bounded_lru_fibonacci(4), …, bounded_lru_fibonacci(0) have to be recomputed (5 more misses), with bounded_lru_fibonacci(1) and bounded_lru_fibonacci(2) being retrieved in the process (2 more hits): [22]: @lru_cache(4) def bounded_lru_fibonacci(n): if n < 2: return n return bounded_lru_fibonacci(n - 1) + bounded_lru_fibonacci(n - 2) [23]: bounded_lru_fibonacci(8) bounded_lru_fibonacci.cache_info() bounded_lru_fibonacci(5) bounded_lru_fibonacci.cache_info() bounded_lru_fibonacci(4) bounded_lru_fibonacci.cache_info() [23]: 21 [23]: CacheInfo(hits=6, misses=9, maxsize=4, currsize=4) [23]: 5 [23]: CacheInfo(hits=7, misses=9, maxsize=4, currsize=4) [23]: 3 [23]: CacheInfo(hits=9, misses=14, maxsize=4, currsize=4) Set ϕ = 1+ √ 5 2 and ψ = 1− √ 5 2 . For all n ∈ N, ( 1± √ 5 2 )n+2 = ( 1± √ 5 2 )n 1±2√5+5 4 = (1± √ 5 2 )n + (1± √ 5 2 )n 1± √ 5 2 , hence for x = ϕ or x = ψ, xn+2 = xn + xn+1. Let real numbers a and b be given, and for all n ∈ N, let sn denote aϕn + bψn. It follows from the previous equalities (one for x = ϕ, one for x = ψ) that for all n ∈ N, sn+2 = sn + sn+1. So (sn)n∈N = (Fn)n∈N iff s0 = 0 and s1 = 1, which is equivalent to the two equalities a+ b = 0 and aϕ+ bψ = 1, which is equivalent to a = 1 ϕ−ψ and b = −a, so a = 1√ 5 and b = − 1√ 5 . Hence for all n ∈ N, Fn = 1 √ 5 [(1 +√5 2 )n − (1−√5 2 )n ] This is the closed-form expression of the Fibonacci numbers. Note that ∣∣ 1√ 5 1− √ 5 2 ∣∣ < 1 2 , hence Fn can be computed as 1√ 5 ( 1+ √ 5 2 )n rounded to the closest integer, resulting in a simpler calculation: [24]: def closed_form_fibonacci(n): sqrt_5 = sqrt(5) return round(1 / sqrt_5 * ((1 + sqrt_5) / 2) ** n) 10 But of course, due to the limited precision of floating point computation, it does not need a large input for closed_form_fibonacci() to fail and produce the correct result: [25]: for n, correct in enumerate(fibonacci_sequence()): maybe_incorrect = closed_form_fibonacci(n) if maybe_incorrect != correct: print(f'{n}th term of the sequence is {correct}, ' f'incorrectly computed as {maybe_incorrect}.' ) break 71th term of the sequence is 308061521170129, incorrectly computed as 308061521170130. 11