CS计算机代考程序代写 data structure compiler flex arm UNIS Template

UNIS Template

More on Thread-Safe
and Synchronization
Strategies and

Shuaiwen Leon Song

Clarification from the previous lectures


void main()


if (fork() == 0) {



else {


waitpid(-1, NULL, 0);





What is the output of the programon
the left?

A. acbc
B. bcac
C. abcc
D. bacc
E. A or C orD

Waitpid ()


■ We must synchronize the execution of the threads so that
they can never have overlap critical sections.
▪ i.e., need to guarantee mutually exclusive access for each critical


■ Solutions:
▪ Semaphores

▪ Mutex locks

▪ Condition variables

▪ Atomic operations

▪ Barrier

▪ Spinlocks

▪ Read-write locks

▪ deadlocks



■ Semaphore: non-negative global integer synchronization variable.

■ Unlike mutex (a locking mechanism), it is a signaling mechanism. It
guarantees both ordering and atomicity.

■ Unlike a mutex, any thread can release a semaphore, not only the one
that has acquired it in the first place.



A semaphore controls the access to a shared resource: the counter determines the

maximum number of threads that can simultaneously access it. At the beginning of

your program, when the semaphore gets initialized, you choose that number

according to your needs. Then, a thread that wants to access a shared resource calls


• if the counter is greater than zero the thread can proceed. The counter gets

reduced by one right away, then the current thread starts doing its job. When done,

it calls release which in turn increases the counter by one.

• if the counter is equal to zero the thread cannot proceed: other threads have

already filled up the available space. The current thread is put to sleep by the

operating system and will wake up when the semaphore counter becomes greater

than zero again (that is when any other thread calls release once its job is done).

• Unlike a mutex, any thread can release a semaphore, not only the one that has

acquired it in the first place.

■ Semaphore: non-negative global integer synchronization




■ Semaphore: non-negative global integer synchronization




■ Semaphore: non-negative global integer synchronization




■ Semaphore: non-negative global integer synchronization




■ Semaphore: non-negative global integer synchronization





■ Semaphore: non-negative global integer synchronization variable.
Manipulated by P and V operations.

■ P(s) —- sem_wait ()
▪ If s is nonzero, then decrement s by 1 and return immediately.

▪ Test and decrement operations occur atomically (indivisibly)

▪ If s is zero, then suspend thread until s becomes nonzero and the thread is
restarted by a V operation.

▪ After restarting, the P operation decrements s and returns control to the

■ V(s) —- sem_post()
▪ Increment s by 1.

▪ Increment operation occurs atomically

▪ If there are any threads blocked in a P operation waiting for s to become non-
zero, then restart exactly one of those threads, which then completes its P
operation by decrementing s.

■ Semaphore invariant: (s >= 0)


C Semaphore Operations

Pthreads functions:


int sem_init(sem_t *s, 0, unsigned int val);} /* s = val */


int sem_wait(sem_t *s); /* P(s) */

int sem_post(sem_t *s); /* V(s) */

/ * Global shared variable * /

long cnt = 0; / * Counter * /

in t main(int argc, char **argv)


long niters ;

pthread_t t id1 , t id2;

niters = atoi(argv[1]);

Pthread_create(&tid1, NULL,

thread, &niters);

Pthread_create(&tid2, NULL,

thread, &niters);

Pthread_join(tid1, NULL);

Pthread_join(tid2, NULL);

/* Check result * /

i f (cnt != (2 * n i ters ) )

printf(“BOOM! cnt=%ld\n”, cnt);

e l se

printf(“OK cnt=%ld\n”, cnt);

ex i t (0 ) ;


/ * Thread routine * / void

*thread(void *vargp)


long i , niters =

*((long *)vargp);

for ( i = 0; i < ni ters; i++) cnt++; return NULL; } 14 How can we fix this using semaphores? Improper Synchronization 15 ■ Basic idea: ▪ Associate a unique semaphore mutex, initially 1, with each shared variable (or related set of shared variables). ▪ Surround corresponding critical sections with P and V operations. Using Semaphores for Mutual Exclusion ■ Terminology: ▪ Binary semaphore: semaphore whose value is always 0 or 1 ▪ Mutex: binary semaphore used for mutual exclusion ▪ P operation: “locking” the mutex ▪ V operation: “unlocking” or “releasing” the mutex ▪ “Holding” a mutex: locked and not yet unlocked. ▪ Counting semaphore: used as a counter for set of available resources. Proper Synchronization ■ Define and initialize a mutex for the shared variable cnt: long cnt = 0; /* Counter * / sem_t mutex; /* Semaphore that protects cnt * / sem_init(&mutex, 0 , 1) ; / * mutex = 1 * / ■ Surround critical section with P and V: for ( i = 0; i < ni ters; i++) { sem_wait(&mutex); cnt++; sem_post ( &mut ex) ; } goodcnt.c 16 linux> ./goodcnt 1000000

OK cnt=1000000

linux> ./goodcnt 1000000

OK cnt=1000000

Binary Semaphore

› A semaphore whose counter is restricted to the values 0 and 1 is called

binary semaphore: only one thread at a time can access the shared

resource. Wait: this is basically a mutex protecting a critical section! You

can actually replicate the mutex behavior with a binary semaphore.

However there are two important points to keep in mind:

› a mutex can be unlocked only by thread that had locked it first, while a

semaphore can be released from any other thread. This could lead to

confusion and subtle bugs if what you want is just a locking mechanism;

› semaphores are signaling mechanisms that orchestrate threads, while

mutexes are locking mechanisms that protects shared resources. You

should not use semaphores to protect shared resources, nor mutexes for

signaling: your intent will be more clear to you and to anyone who will read

your code.


Producer-Consumer with Semaphore

› The producer-consumer scenario imposes the following constraints:

– The producer thread must not overwrite the shared buffer when the previous task

has not been picked up by a consumer thread.

– The consumer threads must not pick up tasks until there is something present in

the shared buffer.

– Individual consumer threads should pick up tasks one at a time.





Buffer Queue




Producer-Consumer with Semaphore


sem_t empty; // empty slot in buffer

sem_t occupied; // occupied slot in buffer

sem_t p_lock; // mutex for producer function

sem_t c_lock; // mutex for consumer function

void *producer(void *producer_thread_data) {

while (!done()) {








void *consumer(void *consumer_thread_data) {

while (!done()) {



my_task = extract_from_queue();






void main() {

/* declarations and initializations */

sem_init(&p_lock, 0, 1); /* mutex = 0 */

sem_init(&c_lock, 0, 1); /* mutex = 0 */

sem_init(&empty, 0, BUFFER_SIZE); /* mutex = 0 */

sem_init(&occupied, 0, 0); /* mutex = 0 */





sem_t s;

sem_init (&s, 0, 4)

void* wait ()



sem_wait (&s);


void*post ()





Are there possible?






sem A1Done = 0; sem B1Done = 0;

//Thread A // Thread B

A1 B1

wait(B1Done) wait(A1Done)

post(A1Done) post(B1Done)

A2 B2

Consider two threads A and B that perform two operations each. Let the operations of

thread A be A1 and A2;let the operations of thread B be B1 and B2. We require that

threads A and B each perform their first operation before either can proceed to the

second operation. That is, we require that A1 be run before B2 and B1 before A2.

Consider the following solutions based on semaphores for this problem (the code run

by threads A and Bis shown in two columns next to each other). Explain whether the

solution is correct or not. If it is incorrect, you must also point out why the solution is

incorrect. (wait operation for wait semaphore, post operation to increase semaphore)


› Deadlock is when two or more tasks never make progress because each is waiting

for some resource held by another process/thread.



› Deadlock is when two or more tasks never make progress because each is waiting

for some resource held by another process/thread.



› Deadlock can arise if four conditions hold simultaneously

› Mutual exclusion

– Only one process at a time can use a resource

› Hold and wait

– A process holding at least one resource and waiting to acquire

– additional resources held by other processes

› No preemption

– A resource can be released only voluntarily by the process

– holding it, after that process has completed its task

› Circular wait

– Set {P0, P1, …, P0} of waiting processes/threads

– P0 → P1, P1 → P2, …, Pn–1 → Pn, and Pn → P0


Handling Deadlocks

› Deadlock Prevention

– Ensure that at least one of four necessary conditions cannot hold

› Deadlock Avoidance

– Do not allow a resource request → Potential to lead to a deadlock

– Requires advance info of all requests

› Deadlock Detection

– Always allow resource requests

– Periodically check for deadlocks

– If a deadlock exists → Recover from it

› Ignore

– Makes sense if the likelihood is very low, say once per year

– Cheaper than prevention, avoidance or detection

– Used by most common OS



■ Programmers need a clear model of how variables are shared by threads.

■ Variables shared by multiple threads must be protected to ensure mutually
exclusive access.

■ Semaphores are a fundamental mechanism for enforcing mutual exclusion.



■ Solutions:
▪ Semaphores

▪ Mutex locks

▪ Condition variables

▪ Atomic operations

▪ Barrier

▪ Spinlocks

▪ Read-write locks

▪ deadlocks


Mutex Locks

› Critical sections in Pthreads can be mutually exclusive accessed using mutex


› Mutex-locks have two states: locked and unlocked. At any point of time, only one

thread can lock a mutex lock. A lock is an atomic operation.

› A thread entering a critical section first tries to get a lock. It goes ahead when the

lock is granted.

› A thread release the lock when leaving a critical section

› The API provides the following functions for handling mutex-locks:

› Hint: Attempting to initialize an already initialized mutex results in undefined behavior.


int pthread_mutex_init (pthread_mutex_t *mutex_lock, const pthread_mutexattr_t *lock_attr);

int pthread_mutex_lock ( pthread_mutex_t *mutex_lock);

int pthread_mutex_unlock (pthread_mutex_t *mutex_lock);

int pthread_mutex_destroy(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);

Types of Mutexes

› Pthreads supports three types of mutexes.

– A normal mutex deadlocks if a thread that already has a lock tries a second lock on it.

– A recursive mutex allows a single thread to lock a mutex as many times as it wants. It

simply increments a count on the number of locks. A lock is relinquished by a thread when

the count becomes zero.

– An error check mutex reports an error when a thread with a lock tries to lock it again (as

opposed to deadlocking in the first case, or granting the lock, as in the second case).

› The type of the mutex can be set in the attributes object before it is passed at time

of initialization.

› Initialize a recursive mutex:


pthread_mutex_t Mutex;

pthread_mutexattr_t Attr;


pthread_mutexattr_settype(&Attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE);

pthread_mutex_init(&Mutex, &Attr);

Attributes Objects for Mutexes

› Initialize the attrributes object using function:

– pthread_mutexattr_init (pthread_mutexattr_t *attr);

› The function pthread_mutexattr_settype can be used for setting the type of

mutex specified by the mutex attributes object.

– pthread_mutexattr_settype (pthread_mutexattr_t *attr, int type);

› Here, type specifies the type of the mutex and can take one of:





Proper Synchronization using Mutex Lock


pthread_mutex_t lock;

volatile long cnt = 0; /* Counter */

int main(int argc, char **argv)


long niters; pthread_t tid1, tid2;

if (pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL) != 0) {

printf(“\n mutex init has failed\n”);

return 1;


niters = atoi(argv[1]);

pthread_create(&tid1, NULL,thread, &niters);

pthread_create(&tid2, NULL,thread, &niters);

pthread_join(tid1, NULL);

pthread_join(tid2, NULL);

/* Check result */

if (cnt != (2 * niters)) printf(“BOOM!

cnt=%ld\n”, cnt);

else printf(“OK cnt=%ld\n”, cnt);


return 0;


void *thread(void *vargp)


long i, niters = *((long *)vargp);


for (i = 0; i < niters; i++) cnt++; pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock); return NULL; } Overheads of Locking › Locks represent serialization points since critical sections must be executed by threads one after the other. › Encapsulating large segments of the program within locks can lead to significant performance degradation. › It is often possible to reduce the idling overhead associated with locks using - int pthread_mutex_trylock (pthread_mutex_t *mutex_lock); which attempts to lock mutex_lock, but if unsuccessful, will return immediately with a “busy” error code. 32 Condition Variables › A condition variable allows a thread to block itself until a specified condition becomes true. › When a thread executes pthread_cond_wait(condition_variable), it is blocked until another thread executes following: - pthread_cond_signal(condition_variable) or - pthread_cond_broadcast(condition_variable) › pthread_cond_signal () is used to unblock one of the threads blocked waiting on the condition variable. › pthread_cond_broadcast() is used to unblock all the threads blocked waiting on the condition_variable. › If no threads are waiting on the condition variable, then a pthread_cond_signal() or pthread_cond_broadcast() will have no effect. 33 Condition Variables › A condition variable always has a mutex associated with it. A thread locks this mutex before issuing a wait, a signal or a broadcast on condition variables. › While the thread is waiting on a condition variable, the mutex is automatically unlocked, and when the thread is signaled, the mutex is automatically locked again. › Pthreads provides the following functions for condition variables - int pthread_cond_init (pthread_cond_t *cond, const pthread_condattr_t *attr); - int pthread_cond_wait (pthread_cond_t *cond, pthread_mutex_t *mutex); - int pthread_cond_signal (pthread_cond_t *cond); - int pthread_cond_broadcast (pthread_cond_t *cond); - int pthread_cond_destroy (pthread_cond_t *cond); 34 Condition Variables › Condition variables should be used as a place to wait and be notified. › General usage pattern: › On the other hand, a thread, signaling the condition variable, typically looks like 35 // safely examine the condition, prevent other threads from // altering it pthread_mutex_lock (&lock); while ( SOME-CONDITION is false) pthread_cond_wait (&cond, &lock); // Do whatever you need to do when condition becomes true do_stuff(); pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock); // ensure we have exclusive access to whatever comprises the condition pthread_mutex_lock (&lock); ALTER-CONDITION // Wakeup at least one of the threads that are waiting on the condition (if any) pthread_cond_signal (&cond); // allow others to proceed pthread_mutex_unlock (&lock) Producer-Consumer Using Condition Variables 36 pthread_cond_t queue_not_full, queue_not_empty; pthread_mutex_t queue_cond_lock; pthread_t p, c; /* other data structures here */ void main() { /* declarations and initializations */ task_available = 0; pthread_mutex_init(&queue_cond_lock, NULL); pthread_create(&p, NULL, producer, NULL); pthread_create(&p, NULL, consumer, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&queue_not_empty, NULL); pthread_cond_init(&queue_not_full, NULL); pthread_join(p, NULL); pthread_join(c, NULL); /* create and join producer and consumer threads */ } Main function: Producer-Consumer Using Condition Variables 37 void *producer(void *producer_thread_data) { while (!done()) { pthread_mutex_lock(&queue_cond_lock); if (task_available == BUFSIZE) pthread_cond_wait(&queue_not_full, &queue_cond_lock); task_available++; insert_into_queue(); pthread_cond_signal(&queue_not_empty); pthread_mutex_unlock(&queue_cond_lock); } } void *consumer(void *consumer_thread_data) { while (!done()) { pthread_mutex_lock(&queue_cond_lock); if (task_available == 0) pthread_cond_wait(&queue_not_empty, &queue_cond_lock); task_available--; my_task = extract_from_queue(); pthread_cond_signal(&queue_not_full); pthread_mutex_unlock(&queue_cond_lock); process_task(my_task); } } Synchronization (barriers) › What is the output of the following Pthread program?? 38 int main(int argc, char *argv) { double A[5] , B[5], C[5]; /* global, shared variables*/ for (i = 0; i < 5 ; i++) A[i] = B[i] = 1; for (i = 0; i < 4 ; i++) pthread_create( … , DoStuff, int i ); … for (i = 0; i < 4 ; i++) pthread_join (… , DoStuff, …); Print the values of C; } void DoStuff (int threadID) { int k; B[threadID+1] = 2 * A[threadID]; Barrier C[threadID] = 2 * B[threadID]; } Barriers - a composite synchronization construct › By design, Pthreads provide support for a basic set of operations. › Higher level constructs can be built using basic synchronization constructs. › We discuss one such constructs – barriers. › A barrier holds a thread until all threads participating in the barrier have reached it. › Barriers can be implemented using a counter, a mutex and a condition variable. › A single integer (counter) is used to keep track of the number of threads that have reached the barrier. › If the count is less than the total number of threads, the threads execute a condition wait. › The last thread entering (and setting the count to the number of threads) wakes up all the threads using a condition broadcast and resets the count to zero (to prepare for the next barrier). 39 Defining your own barrier construct 40 typedef struct { pthread_mutex_t count_lock; pthread_cond_t ok_to_proceed; int count; } mylib_barrier_t; void mylib_init_barrier(mylib_barrier_t *b) { b->count = 0;

pthread_mutex_init(&(b->count_lock), NULL); pthread_cond_init(&(b-

>ok_to_proceed), NULL);


void mylib_barrier(mylib_barrier_t *b, int thread_count) {



if (b->count == thread_count) {

b->count = 0; pthread_cond_broadcast(&(b->ok_to_proceed));


else pthread_cond_wait(&(b->ok_to_proceed), &(b->count_lock));



Using the defined barrier


mylib_barrier_t my_barrier ; /*declare a barrier */

int main(int argc, char *argv) {

mylib_init_barrier (my_barrier) ; /* initialize the barrier */

double A[5] , B[5], C[5]; /* global, shared variables*/

for (i = 0; i < 5 ; i++) A[i] = B[i] = 1; for (i = 0; i < 4 ; i++) pthread_create( … , DoStuff, int i ); … for (i = 0; i < 4 ; i++) pthread_join (… , DoStuff, …); Print the values of C; } void DoStuff (int threadID) { int k; B[threadID+1] = 2 * A[threadID]; mylib_barrier ( my_barrier, 4) ; /* call the barrier */ C[threadID] = 2 * B[threadID]; } Atomic Operations in C › Recall the cnt++ operation in Lecture04 › Need lock to ensure exclusive access on critical section. 42 movq addq movq cnt(%rip),%rdx $1, %rdx %rdx, cnt(%rip) Atomic Operations in C › Recall the cnt++ operation in Lecture04 › Need lock to ensure exclusive access on critical section. › What if cnt++ operation is atomic? - Cannot be divided - No half-done state - All or nothing 43 movq addq movq cnt(%rip),%rdx $1, %rdx %rdx, cnt(%rip) Atomic Operations in C › Recall the cnt++ operation in Lecture04 › Need lock to ensure exclusive access on critical section. › What if cnt++ operation is atomic? - Cannot be divided - No have-done state - All or nothing › Can “critical section” still overlapped? Do we still need locks to prevent race condition? 44 movq addq movq cnt(%rip),%rdx $1, %rdx %rdx, cnt(%rip) Atomic Operations in C › Concurrent access using atomic operations is guaranteed to not cause data races › Allowing for lockless concurrent programming 45 Atomic Operations in C › Let’s revisit this count cnt program (improper synchronization) 46 volatile long cnt = 0; /* Counter */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { long niters; pthread_t tid1, tid2; niters = atoi(argv[1]); pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, thread, &niters); pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, thread, &niters); pthread_join(tid1, NULL); pthread_join(tid2, NULL); /* Check result */ if (cnt != (2 * niters)) printf("BOOM! cnt=%ld\n", cnt); else printf("OK cnt=%ld\n", cnt); exit(0); } void *thread(void *vargp) { long i, niters = *((long *)vargp); for (i = 0; i < niters; i++) cnt++; return NULL; } How to fix this program using atomic operation? donglin@ubuntu:~/ctest$ ./main 10000000 BOOM! cnt=13739449 Atomic Operations in C › Add cnt program using atomic operation 47 Atomic Operations in C › Add cnt program using atomic operation 48 volatile long cnt = 0; /* Counter */ #include

int main(int argc, char **argv)


long niters; pthread_t tid1, tid2;

niters = atoi(argv[1]);

pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, thread,


pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, thread,


pthread_join(tid1, NULL);

pthread_join(tid2, NULL);

/* Check result */

if (cnt != (2 * niters)) printf(“BOOM!

cnt=%ld\n”, cnt);


printf(“OK cnt=%ld\n”, cnt); exit(0);


void *thread(void *vargp)


long i, niters = *((long *)vargp);

for (i = 0; i < niters; i++) __atomic_add_fetch(&cnt, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); return NULL; } donglin@ubuntu:~/ctest$ ./main 10000000 OK cnt=20000000 Atomic Operations in C › type __atomic_add_fetch (type *ptr, type val, int memorder) 49 *ptr=*prt+val The object ptr point to must be integer or pointer type The memory order. __atomic_add_fetch () returns the value after add; __atomic_fetch_add () returns the value before add; Atomic Operations in C › Other built-in functions 50 void __atomic_load (type *ptr, type *ret, int memorder) void __atomic_store (type *ptr, type *val, int memorder void __atomic_exchange (type *ptr, type *val, type *ret, int memorder) bool __atomic_compare_exchange_n (type *ptr, type *expected, type desired, bool weak, int success_memorder, int failure_memorder) type __atomic_{OP}_fetch (type *ptr, type val, int memorder) OP can be {add, sub, and, or, xor, nand} bool __atomic_test_and_set (void *ptr, int memorder) void __atomic_clear (bool *ptr, int memorder) bool __atomic_always_lock_free (size_t size, void *ptr) Atomic Operations in C › C programmers should be provided with enough flexibility allowing them to get “close to the machine” when need arises. › The atomic operations providing facilities for low-level synchronization operations that will commonly reduce to one or two CPU instructions. 51 Atomic Operations in C › C programmers should be provided with enough flexibility allowing them to get “close to the machine” when need arises. › The atomic operations providing facilities for low-level synchronization operations that will commonly reduce to one or two CPU instructions. › Lock vs atomic: - Low-level implementation - Atomic operations leverage processor support, no locks at all. - Locks are more OS-dependent 52 Atomic Operations in C › C programmers should be provided with enough flexibility allowing them to get “close to the machine” when need arises. › The atomic operations providing facilities for low-level synchronization operations that will commonly reduce to one or two CPU instructions. › Lock vs atomic: - Low-level implementation - Atomic operations leverage processor support, no locks at all. - Locks are more OS-dependent - Context switch - Locks suspend thread execution, free up CPU resource for other threads. incurring in obvious context switching overhead - Atomic operations don't incur in context switching overhead, but suffering from busy-waiting 53 Memory Ordering for Atomic Operations › There are six memory ordering (approximately ascending order of consistency strength) - __ATOMIC_RELAXED (relaxed) - __ATOMIC_CONSUME (consume) - __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE (acquire) - __ATOMIC_RELEASE (release) - __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL (acquire-release) - __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST (sequentially consistent, the default) › Fall into three models - Sequentially consistent ordering (sequentially consistent) - Acquire-release ordering (consume, acquire, release, acquire-release) - Relaxed ordering (relaxed) 54 Sequentially Consistent Ordering › All threads must see the same order of operations › Most straightforward and intuitive ordering - But, it’s also the most expensive memory ordering because it requires global synchronization between all threads (the same execution order is observed by all threads) - X86/x86-64 architectures offer sequentially consistent with low overhead; however, on other architecture (e.g. ARM), sequentially consistent could be more expensive. 55 Sequentially Consistent Ordering 56 bool x, y; int z; void* write_x_then_y() { __atomic_store_n(&x, true, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); __atomic_store_n(&y, true, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); } void* read_y_then_x() { while(!__atomic_load_n(&y, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)); if (__atomic_load_n(&x, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)) __atomic_add_fetch(&z, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { x = false; y = false; z = 0; pthread_t tid1, tid2; pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, read_y_then_x, NULL); pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, write_x_then_y, NULL); pthread_join(tid1, NULL); pthread_join(tid2, NULL); assert(z != 0); return 0; } Sequentially Consistent Ordering 57 bool x, y; int z; void* write_x_then_y() { __atomic_store_n(&x, true, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); __atomic_store_n(&y, true, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); } void* read_y_then_x() { while(!__atomic_load_n(&y, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)); if (__atomic_load_n(&x, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)) __atomic_add_fetch(&z, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { x = false; y = false; z = 0; pthread_t tid1, tid2; pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, read_y_then_x, NULL); pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, write_x_then_y, NULL); pthread_join(tid1, NULL); pthread_join(tid2, NULL); assert(z != 0); return 0; } Assert will never fire when using __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST (Sequentially Consistent ) memory order Sequentially Consistent Ordering 58 bool x, y; int z; void* write_x_then_y() { __atomic_store_n(&x, true, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); __atomic_store_n(&y, true, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); } void* read_y_then_x() { while(!__atomic_load_n(&y, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)); if (__atomic_load_n(&x, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)) __atomic_add_fetch(&z, 1, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { x = false; y = false; z = 0; pthread_t tid1, tid2; pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, read_y_then_x, NULL); pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, write_x_then_y, NULL); pthread_join(tid1, NULL); pthread_join(tid2, NULL); assert(z!= 0); return 0; } Under Sequentially Consistent memory order: Thread 2 write x first, then y. Thread 1 also see the same modification order (i.e. x first then y). Sequentially Consistent Ordering › However, situation could be complex when using non-Sequentially Consistent order. Such as relaxed order. › Under non-Sequentially Consistent order, when thread 2 write x first, then y. It is possible that, from thread 1’s prospective, y modified first then x. › This is because that, under weak consistency constrain, the Compiler or processors may reorder the instructions to grain better performance. › Detailed discussion about memory order is beyond this course’s scope. Use __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST by default. 59 Sequentially Consistent Ordering 60 bool x, y; int z; void* write_x_then_y() { __atomic_store_n(&x, true, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); __atomic_store_n(&y, true, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } void* read_y_then_x() { while(!__atomic_load_n(&y, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)); if (__atomic_load_n(&x, __ATOMIC_RELAXED)) __atomic_add_fetch(&z, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { x = false; y = false; z = 0; pthread_t tid1, tid2; pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, read_y_then_x, NULL); pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, write_x_then_y, NULL); pthread_join(tid1, NULL); pthread_join(tid2, NULL); assert(z != 0); // could fire return 0; } Under relaxed memory order: Assert could fire(trough depend on CPU architecture)! It is possible that: Modification order from thread 2’s prospective: x then y Modification order from thread 1’s prospective: y then x Non-Sequentially Consistent Memory Orderings › Including: - Acquire-Release Ordering - Relaxed Ordering › There is no longer a single global order of events - Threads don’t have to agree on the order of events - Instructions can be reordered by the compiler, or at runtime. - Arm products often have issues related to memory orderings. 61 (Optional) More on memory order › https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-10.2.0/gcc/_005f_005fatomic- Builtins.html#g_t_005f_005fatomic-Builtins › https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/memory_order › https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_ordering 62 https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc-10.2.0/gcc/_005f_005fatomic-Builtins.html#g_t_005f_005fatomic-Builtins https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/memory_order https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_ordering Spinlock › A spinlock is a simple synchronization object providing mutual exclusion › A thread trying to acquire then lock by simply wait in a loop ("spin") › Repeatedly checking if the lock is available. › Pseudo-code: 63 void spin_lock(spinlock *lock) { while(lock.try_get_lock()); } Spinlock › In mutex, lock/unlock operations both need incur context switch. Which is a relatively slow operation - Lock: transfer control from executing thread to the operating system when they block. Allows another thread to run. - Unlock: transfer control back to current thread. › If the lock-hold time is expected to be short (i.e. busy waiting won’t consume too much CPU), we can consider use spinlock instead mutex. 64 Spinlock › Compare-and-swap (CAS) instruction: › CAS is an atomic instruction for synchronization. - Compare the contents of a memory with a given value. - If same, modify the contents of a memory with a new give value - If not, nothing happened. › We can implement spinlock use CAS instruction › Example: 65 // pseudo code memory = 1 CAS(memory, expected = 1, new_val=10) // Swapped, 10 is in memory now. // pseudo code memory = 1 CAS(memory, expected = 2, new_val=10) // memory != expected, nothing happened. Spinlock › bool __atomic_compare_exchange_n (type *ptr, type *expected, type desired, bool weak, int success_memorder, int failure_memorder) - This compares the contents of *ptr with the contents of *expected - If equal, write desired to *ptr. Return true; - If not, read and the current contents of *ptr are written into *expected. Return false. - Again, CAS is a atomic instruction. 66 #define LOCKED 1 #define UNLOCKED 0 void spin_lock(int *lock) { int expected = UNLOCKED; while(!__atomic_compare_exchange_n(lock, &expected, LOCKED, true, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST)) expected = UNLOCKED; } void spin_unlock(int *lock) { __atomic_store_n(lock, UNLOCKED, __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST); } 67 Pseudo Implementation assume the lock is held whenlock == 1, can I implement the spinlocks as the following? A. while(CAS(&lock, 0, 1)); B. while(!CAS(&lock, 0, 1)); C. while(CAS(&lock, 1, 0)); D. while(!CAS(&lock, 1, 0)); More on Locks and Synchronization Issues › Other locks › Synchronization Issues 68 Read-Write Locks 69 Inserting a new node deleting a node A linked list Simultaneous access by two threads 70 Has to be a shared variable Have to be private variables Solution #1 › An obvious solution is to simply lock the list any time that a thread attempts to access it (use Mutex). › Drawbacks: - We’re serializing access to the list. - If the vast majority of our operations are calls to Member, we’ll fail to exploit this opportunity for parallelism. › On the other hand, if most of our operations are calls to Insert and Delete, then this may be the best solution since we’ll need to serialize access to the list for most of the operations, and this solution will certainly be easy to implement. 71 Solution #2 › Instead of locking the entire list, we could try to lock individual nodes. › A “finer-grained” approach. › This is much more complex than the original Member function. › It is also much slower, since, in general, each time a node is accessed, a mutex must be locked and unlocked. › The addition of a mutex field to each node will substantially increase the amount of storage needed for the list. 72 Pthreads Read-Write Locks › Neither of our multi-threaded linked lists exploits the potential for simultaneous access to any node by threads that are executing Member. › The first solution only allows one thread to access the entire list at any instant. › The second only allows one thread to access any given node at any instant. › A read-write lock is somewhat like a mutex except that it provides two lock functions. › The first lock function locks the read-write lock for reading, while the second locks it for writing. 73 Pthreads Read-Write Locks › So multiple threads can simultaneously obtain the lock by calling the read- lock function, while only one thread can obtain the lock by calling the write-lock function. › Thus, if any thread owns the lock for reading, any thread that wants to obtain the lock for writing will block in the call to the write-lock function. › If any thread owns the lock for writing, any threads that want to obtain the lock for reading or writing will block in their respective locking functions. 74 Pthreads Read-Write Locks 75 int pthread_rwlock_rdlock (pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_p); int pthread_rwlock_wrlock (pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_p); int pthread_rwlock_unlock (pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_p); int pthread_rwlock_init (pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_p, pthread_rwlock_attr_t* attr_p); int pthread_rwlock_udestroy (pthread_rwlock_t* rwlock_p);