CS计算机代考程序代写 scheme prolog AI ant Received 12 June 2020; revised 14 July 2020; accepted 29 July 2020. Date of publication 5 August 2020; date of current version 26 August 2020.

Received 12 June 2020; revised 14 July 2020; accepted 29 July 2020. Date of publication 5 August 2020; date of current version 26 August 2020.

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/OJCOMS.2020.3014331

How Much do Hardware Imperfections Affect the
Performance of Reconfigurable Intelligent

Surface-Assisted Systems?

Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, 18534 Piraeus, Greece


This work was supported from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant 871464 (ARIADNE).

ABSTRACT In the present work, we investigate the impact of transceiver hardware imperfection on
reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)-assisted wireless systems. In this direction, first, we present a
general model that accommodates the impact of the transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) radio frequency
impairments. Next, we derive novel closed-form expressions for the instantaneous end-to-end signal-to-
noise-plus-distortion-ratio (SNDR). Building upon these expressions, we extract an exact closed-form
expression for the system’s outage probability, which allows us not only to quantify RIS-assisted systems’
outage performance but also reveals that the maximum allowed spectral efficiency of the transmission
scheme is limited by the levels of the transceiver hardware imperfection. Likewise, a diversity analysis is
provided. Moreover, in order to characterize the capacity of RIS-assisted systems, we report a new upper-
bound for the ergodic capacity, which takes into account the number of the RIS’s reflective units (RUs),
the level of TX and RX hardware imperfection, as well as the transmission signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR).
Finally, two insightful ergodic capacity ceilings are extracted for the high-SNR and high-RUs regimes.
Our results highlight the importance of accurately modeling the transceiver hardware imperfection and
reveals that they significantly limit the RIS-assisted wireless system performance.

INDEX TERMS Diversity order, ergodic capacity, outage probability, performance analysis, reconfigurable
intelligent surfaces.


RECONFIGURABLE intelligent surfaces (RISs) havebeen recognized as one of the key enablers of the sixth
generation networks [1], [2]. Most RIS designs consists of
two-dimensional (2D) arrays of reflective units (RUs) that are
controlled by at least one micro-controller [3]. Each RU can
independently change the phase shift of the electromagnetic
signal incident upon it [4]. By providing collaboration capa-
bilities between the RUs through the micro-controller, the
implicit randomness of the propagation environment can be
exploited in order to create preferable wireless channels [5].
Scanning the technical literature, several research work

that studied the performance of RIS-assisted systems
[6]–[8], presented comparisons with their predecessors, i.e.,
relays [9]–[11], and provided optimum information and/or

power transfer policies [12]–[15], can be identified. In par-
ticular, in [6], Basar et al. provided an upper bound for the
symbol error rate (SER) of RIS-assisted systems, assuming
that the transmitter (TX)-RIS and RIS-receiver (RX) chan-
nels are Rayleigh distributed. Similarly, in [7], the authors
presented a bit error rate analysis for RIS-assisted systems
that employ non-orthogonal multiple access. Additionally,
in [8], Zhang et al. presented an approximation for the
achievable data rate assuming that both the TX-RIS and
RIS-RX channels are independent and Rician distributed.
In [9], Renzo et al. highlighted the fundamental similarities
and differences between RIS and relays. In the same work,
simulation results were provided in order to compare RIS-
with relay-assisted systems in terms of achievable data rate.
In [10], the authors compared RIS with decode-and-forward

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

VOLUME 1, 2020 1185



relays in terms of energy efficiency, while in [11], RIS-
assisted systems were compared against the corresponding
relay ones in terms of outage probability, symbol error rate,
diversity gain and order as well as ergodic capacity, assuming
that the transceivers in both RIS- and relay-assisted systems
were equipped with ideal RF front-ends. Moreover, in [12],
the authors presented an energy efficiency maximization
strategy for RIS-assisted wireless systems, whereas, in [13],
the authors provided a policy that enables the maximization
of the achievable rate by jointly optimizing the transceivers
beamforming precoders and the RIS phase shifters. Likewise,
in [14], a data rate maximization strategy for RIS-assisted
unmanned aerial vehicle networks was reported. Finally,
in [15], a simultaneous wireless information and power
transfer scheme for RIS-assisted systems was discussed.
All the aforementioned works assumed that the

transceivers were equipped with ideal radio frequency (RF)
front-ends. However, in practice, transceiver suffers from
hardware imperfections, which cause in-phase and quadra-
ture imbalance, phase noise and nonlinearities [16]–[23].
Recognizing the fact that hardware imperfections will be
one of the main limitations of the RIS-assisted systems,
Zhou et al. studied the spectral and energy efficiency of RIS-
assisted multiple-input single-output systems in the presence
of hardware imperfections and revealed their detrimental
impact on the performance of such systems [24]. Similarly,
in [25], the authors characterized the asymptotic channel
capacity of RIS-assisted systems in which both the TX
and RX experience hardware imperfections. Additionally,
in [26], the capacity degradation due to hardware imper-
fections in RIS-assisted systems was bounded. However,
in [26], the detrimental effect of fading was neglected.
Furthermore, [27] and [28], the authors also studied the
capacity performance of RIS-assisted wireless systems in the
presence of hardware imperfections, assuming deterministic
wireless channels. Finally, no outage or diversity analysis
were provided in [26]–[28].
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there is no paper in

the technical literature that examines the impact of hardware
imperfections on the outage performance of RIS-assisted
wireless systems and quantifies its ergodic capacity, under
the assumption that both the TX-RIS and RIS-RX links are
independent and Rayleigh distributed. Motivated by this, the
contribution of this paper is as follows:

• We present a general model to accommodate the impact
of transceiver impairments on RIS-assisted systems.
This model also takes into account the effect of fading
as well as the RIS size.

• Next, we extract the instantaneous signal-to-noise-
plus-distortion-ratio (SNDR), and we derive novel
closed-form expressions for the outage probability of
RIS-assisted wireless systems. These expressions are
capable of quantifying the outage performance degra-
dation due to hardware imperfections and reveal that in
order to achieve an acceptable outage probability, the

spectral efficiency of the transmission scheme should
be constrained by a hardware imperfection-dependent
limit. As a benchmark, we revisit the outage probabil-
ity for the special case in which both the TX and the
RX are equipped with ideal RF front-ends. Note that
the outage probability for ideal TX and RX was initially
presented in [11].

• Moreover, we provide a diversity order analysis that
reveals that the diversity order of RIS-assisted wireless
systems depends only from the number of RIS’s RUs.

• Additionally, we present a low-complexity closed-form
upper bound for the ergodic capacity of RIS-assisted
wireless systems.

• Finally, ergodic capacity ceilings are extracted for the
cases in which the signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) and/or
the number of RIS’s RUs tend to infinity.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II
describes the RIS-assisted system model that takes into
account the effect of transceiver hardware imperfections.
Next, Section III provides the theoretical framework that
assess the impact of transceiver hardware imperfections on
RIS-assisted wireless systems in terms of outage proba-
bility and ergodic capacity. Section IV presents respective
numerical results, which verify the analysis, accompanied
by insightful discussions and observations. Finally, closing
remarks that summarize the current contribution, are reported
in Section V.
Notations: In what follows, the operators E[·], |·|, and

Pr(A) respectively denote the statistical expectation, the
absolute value, and the probability of the event A. Moreover,
limx→z(f (x)) returns the limit of f (x) as x tends to z.
Additionally, �(·), �(·, ·) and γ (·, ·) respectively stand for
the Gamma [29, eq. (8.310)], upper incomplete Gamma [29,
eq. (3.350/3)] and lower incomplete Gamma [29, eq.
(3.350/2)] functions. Finally, (x)n represents the Pochhammer
operator [30, eq. (19)].

As illustrated in Fig. 1, we consider a scenario in which a
single-antenna TX node communicates with a single-antenna
RX node through a RIS, which consists of N RUs. It is
assumed that, due to blockage, no-direct link between TX
and RX can be established. The baseband equivalent fading
channels between the TX and the i-th RU, hi, and the one
between the i−th RU and RX, gi, are assumed to be indepen-
dent and identical. Moreover, it is assumed that |hi| and |gi|
are Rayleigh distributed with scale parameter being equal
to 1. Of note, several prior published contributions employ
this assumption [6], [8], [11], [12], which originates from
the fact that even if the line-of-sight links between the TX
and RIS as well as RIS and RX are blocked, there still exist
extensive scatters.
The hardware imperfections at the TX cause a mismatch

between the intended transmitted signal, s, and what is actu-
ally generated. As a result, the actual transmitted signal can

1186 VOLUME 1, 2020

FIGURE 1. System model of the RIS-assisted wireless system. Note that in this figure s̃ represents the baseband equivalent of the transmitted signal.

be described as

s̃ = s+ nt, (1)
where nt represents the distortion from the TX hardware
imperfections, and can be modeled as a zero-mean complex
Gaussian process with variance

t = κ2t Ps. (2)

In (2), κt stands for the TX’s error vector magnitude (EVM),
which is in-general a non-negative design parameter, while
Ps represents the average transmitted power. Of note, accord-
ing to the third generation partnership project (3GPP) long
term evolution advanced (LTE-A), EVM is in the range of
[0.07, 0.175] [31]. Moreover, in high frequency systems,
such as millimeter wave and THz ones, EVM may even
reach 0.3 [32], [33].
At the RX side, the baseband equivalent received signal

can be obtained as

r =

higipis̃+ nr + n, (3)

where nr is the distortion from the RX hardware imperfec-
tions, and can be modeled as a zero-mean complex Gaussian
process with variance

r = κ2r |A|2Ps, (4)


A =

|hi||gi|, (5)

being the equivalent TX-RIS-RX channel. In (4), κr rep-
resents the RX’s EVM. Note that this model has been
validated by several analytical and experimental prior works,
including [21], [34]–[40] and references therein.
Likewise, n stands for the white Gaussian noise (AWGN)

and can be modeled as a zero-mean complex Gaussian pro-
cess with variance No. Moreover, pi represents the i−th RU
response and can be obtained as

pi = |pi| exp(jφi), (6)
with φi standing for the phase shift that is applied by the i−th
RU of the RIS. Without loss of generality, we assume that
|pi| = 1, which is in line with realistic implementations [41].
In the current contribution, we consider a RIS that uses
varactor-tuned RUs, capable of configuring their phase shift
by adjusting the bias voltage applied to the varactor [42].
Next, by assuming that the RIS has perfect knowledge of the
phase of hi, φhi , and the one gi, φgi , and selects the optimal
phase shifting, i.e.,

φ = −(φhi + φgi
, (7)

we can simplify (6) as

pi = exp
(−j(φhi + φgi

, (8)

Next, by applying (8) into (3) and after some mathematical
manipulations, the equivalent received signal at the RX can
be expressed as [11, eq. (6)]

r = As̃+ nr + n. (9)
Finally, by substituting (1) into (9), the baseband equivalent
received signal can be rewritten as

r = As+ w+ n, (10)
VOLUME 1, 2020 1187



w = Ant + nr, (11)
represents the aggregated distortion caused by the TX and
RX hardware imperfections.
Remark 1: From (11), it becomes evident that for a given

channel realization, the aggregated impact of TX and RX
hardware imperfections can be modeled via a zero-mean
random variable process with variance

w = |A|2


t + κ2r

Ps. (12)

Interestingly, (12) reveals that as the transmission power
increases, the level of distortion due to transceivers hardware
imperfections also increases. Finally, note that (10) reduces
to the conventional model that neglects the impact of hard-
ware imperfections, for κt = κr = 0. In this case, from (12),
σ 2w = 0.
In this section, the theoretical framework that quantifies
the impact of transceivers hardware imperfections on the
performance of RIS-assisted wireless systems is presented.
Specifically, the structure of this section is as follows:
Section III-A provides the instantaneous end-to-end SNDR,
whereas Section III-B presents a novel closed-form expres-
sion for the outage probability. Likewise, Section III-C
returns the diversity order of the RIS-assisted wireless
system. Finally, Section III-D reports ergodic capacity upper
bounds and ceilings, for the cases in which the SNR and/or
the number of RIS’s RUs tend to infinity.

From (10) and (12), the instantaneous SNDR can be
obtained as

ρ = |A|

κ2t + κ2r
)|A|2Ps + No

, (13)

or equivalently

ρ = |A|

κ2t + κ2r

)|A|2 + 1

, (14)


ρs =

, (15)

denotes the transmission SNR.

The following theorem returns a closed-form expression for
the RIS-assisted wireless system outage probability.
Theorem 1: The outage probability of the RIS-assisted

wireless system can be obtained as in (16), given at the
bottom of the page. In (16), ρth is the SNR threshold.
Proof: Please refer to Appendix A.
Notice that the SNR threshold is connected with the

spectral efficiency of the transmission scheme, r, through

r = log2(ρth + 1). (17)
Remark 2: From (16) and (17), we observe that the out-

age probability is always 1 for r > log2(

κ2t +κ2r
+ 1). This

means that the spectral efficiency of the transmission scheme
is limited by the levels of the transceivers hardware imper-
fections. Finally, note that this result is independent of the
fading characteristic of the channel.
Remark 3: For the ideal case in which both the TX and

RX are hardware imperfection free, i.e., κt = κr = 0, (16)
reduces to

Pido =


16−π2 N,





16−π2 N
) , (18)

which is the same as [11, eq. (31)].

Po =




⎝ π

16−π2 N,


1−(κ2t +κ2r



16−π2 N
) , ρth ≤ 1

κ2t +κ2r

1, otherwise,


D = − lim





⎝ π

16−π2 N,


1−(κ2t +κ2r



16−π2 N





1188 VOLUME 1, 2020

The diversity order can be calculated as

D = − lim



, (19)

which, with the aid of (16) and by assuming that ρth ≤

κ2t +κ2r
, can be rewritten as in (20), given at the bottom of

the previous page. After evaluating the limit in (20), we

D = π

16 − π2

. (21)

Notice that, according to (21), the diversity order only
depends on the number of RIS’s RUs and not from the
level of imperfections.

In order to characterize the ergodic capacity of RIS-
assisted wireless systems, the following theorem provides
an upper bound.
Theorem 2: The ergodic capacity, C, of RIS-assisted

wireless systems can be upper bounded as

C ≤ log2

⎝1 +




κ2t + κ2r




+ 1


⎠, (22)

Proof: Please refer to Appendix B.
The Lemma 1 returns a high-SNR ergodic capacity ceiling,

while Lemma 2 provides a high-N ergodic capacity ceiling.
Lemma 1 (High-SNR and High-N Ergodic Capacity

Ceiling): As the transmission SNR tends to infinity or as the
number of RIS’s RUs tends to infinity, the ergodic capacity
is constrained by


C = log2

1 + 1
κ2t + κ2r

. (23)

Proof: For brevity, the proof is given to Appendix C.
Remark 4: Lemma 1 reveals that the transceiver hardware

imperfections cause an ergodic capacity saturation; thus, the
performance of high-rate systems is constrained. Moreover, it
becomes apparent that in the high-SNR and high-N regimes,
the performance of the system is independent from the num-
ber of RUs at the RIS and are fully determined by the level
of imperfections.

This section aims at verifying the theoretical framework pro-
vided in Section III by means of Monte Carlo simulations,
assessing the detrimental impact of transceivers hardware
imperfections on RIS-assisted wireless systems, and present-
ing insightful discussions. Unless otherwise stated, in what
follows, we use continuous lines and markers to respec-
tively denote theoretical and simulation results. Moreover,
we define κ = κt = κr.
Figure 2 demonstrates the outage probability as a function

of ρs for different values of N and ρth, assuming κ = 0.1.

FIGURE 2. Outage probability vs ρs for different values of N and ρth ,
assuming κ = 0.1.

Of note, according to (17), a ρth increase is translated to
a spectral efficiency increase. From this figure, we observe
that, for fixed ρth and N, as ρs increase, the system’s out-
age performance improves. For example, for ρth = 10 dB
and N = 100, the outage probability decreases for about
100 times, as ρs increases from −33 to −32 dB. On the
other hand, in order to achieve the same outage performance
improvement, in a system with N = 10 for the same ρth, the
transmission SNR should be increased for about 5 dB. This
indicates that RIS-assisted systems with higher N that, based
on (21), have higher diversity order, achieve higher diversity
gains. In this sense, another way to boost the RIS-assisted
system’s outage performance, for a given ρth and ρs, is to
increase N. For instance, for ρs = 0 dB and ρth = 10 dB,
as N increases from 1 to 10, a 3 orders decrease occurs
on the outage probability. Finally, this figures reveals that
there exists a trade-off between RIS-assisted system spec-
tral efficiency and power consumption. In more detail, we
observe that, for a fixed N and a predetermined outage prob-
ability requirement, in order to increase the system spectral
efficiency, i.e., increase ρth, the transmission SNR should
be also increased; thus, the power consumption would also
Figure 3 depicts the outage probability as a function of the

transmission SNR, for different values of ρth and κ , assum-
ing N = 5. As a benchmark, the outage performance for the
ideal case in which both the TX and RX does not experience
the impact of hardware imperfections, i.e., κ = 0, is also
provided. Moreover, according to 3GPP, κ = 0.07 is the
lowest achievable EVM for realistic designs, while κ = 0.2
is a realistic value for devices operating in high-frequency
bands [32], [33]. As expected, we observe that independently
of ρs and κ , an outage performance degradation is observed,
as ρth increases. For instance, for κ = 0.07 and ρs = −5 dB,
the outage probability increases more than 100 times as the

VOLUME 1, 2020 1189


FIGURE 3. Outage probability vs ρs , for different values of ρth and κ ,
assuming N = 5.

ρth increases from 0 to 10 dB. Likewise, for given ρs and ρth,
as κ increases, the outage performance degrades. For exam-
ple, for ρs = ρth = 10 dB, as κ increases from 0 to 0.15, the
outage probability decreases for about 10 times. This indi-
cates the importance of accurately modeling the transceivers’
hardware imperfections when assessing the performance of
RIS-assisted wireless systems. Moreover, we observe that as
ρth increases, the impact of hardware imperfections becomes
more severe. For instance, for ρs = −5 dB and ρth = 0, as
κ increases from 0 to 0.2, the outage probability increases
from 0.017 to 0.021, which is translated into a 23.5% out-
age performance degradation, while, for the same ρs and
for ρth = 10 dB, the same κ increase results to an out-
age probability increase from 0.22 to 0.94, i.e., the outage
probability increases for approximately 3 times. Similarly,
as ρs increases, the impact of hardware imperfections on the
system’s outage performance become more detrimental. For
example, for ρth = 10 dB and ρs = 0 dB, the outage prob-
ability increases for one order of magnitude as κ increases
from 0 to 0.2, whereas, for the same ρth and ρs = 10 dB,
the outage probability increases for more than 100 times, as
κ increases from 0 to 0.2. To sum up, this figure reveals
that there exist a relationship between the transmission SNR,
transmission scheme spectral efficiency and level of hard-
ware imperfections, which needs to be taken into account
when assessing and designing RIS-assisted wireless systems.
Figure 4 illustrates the impact of hardware imperfections

on the outage performance of RIS-assisted systems with dif-
ferent number of RUs. In more detail, the outage probability
is plotted as a function of the transmission SNR, for dif-
ferent values of N and κ , assuming ρth = 10 dB. Again,
as a benchmark, the ideal case in which κ = 0 is also
depicted. From this figure, it also becomes evident that
hardware imperfections have a detrimental impact on the
RIS-assisted system performance. In particular, we observe
that for a given N, as κ increases, the transmission SNR

FIGURE 4. Outage probability vs ρs , for different values of N and κ , assuming
ρth = 10 dB.

FIGURE 5. Outage probability vs κt and κr , assuming N = 5, ρs = ρth = 10 dB.

should be significantly increase in order for a predetermined
outage probability requirement to be satisfied. For instance,
for N = 100 and an outage probability requirement of 10−6,
the transmission SNR should be increased approximately
6 dB, if κ increases from 0 to 0.17. Similarly, for N = 10
and κ variation, approximately the same transmission SNR
increase is required to guarantee a 10−6 outage probability
requirement. In other words, we observe that the impact of
hardware imperfections on the RIS-assisted system outage
performance is independent of the number of the RIS’s RUs.
Figure 5 demonstrates the outage probability as a function

of κt and κr, assuming N = 5, and ρs = ρth = 10 dB. From
this figure, we observe that, for a given κr, as κt increases,
the outage probability also increases. Similarly, for a fixed
κt, as κr increases, the system outage performance degrades.
For example, for κt = 0.1, as κr increases from 0.1 to 0.2, the
outage probability increases from 2.43×10−5 to 1.23×10−4.
Similarly, for κr = 0.1, as κr increases from 0.1 to 0.2,

1190 VOLUME 1, 2020

FIGURE 6. Ergodic capacity vs ρs , for different values of κ , assuming N = 10.

the outage probability also changes from 2.43 × 10−5 to
1.23 × 10−4. These examples reveal the reciprocal nature
of TX and RX hardware imperfections. Finally, it is evident
that when the ρth < 1 κ2t +κ2r is violated, the outage probability becomes equal to 1. Figure 6 illustrates the impact of transceiver hardware imperfections on the RIS-assisted system ergodic capacity. In more detail, the ergodic capacity is given as a function of ρs, for different values of κ , assuming N = 10. In this figure, continuous lines are used to denote Monte Carlo sim- ulation results, while for the ergodic capacity upper bound and ceiling dashed and dash-dotted lines employed. As a benchmark, the ideal case in which both the TX and RX are hardware imperfection free, i.e., κ = 0, is also provided. We observe that for the ideal case, as ρs increases, the ergodic capacity also increases. For example, for a ρs increase from 0 to 10 dB, the ergodic capacity increases from approxi- mately 8 to 11 bits/s/Hz. On the other hand, as described in Lemma 1, in the case of non-ideal transceivers, the ergodic capacity saturates to its ceiling as ρs increases. As a con- sequence, for a fixed ρs, since the ergodic capacity ceiling is solitary determined by the level of hardware imperfec- tions, i.e., κt and κr, both the ergodic capacity and its upper bound as well as the ceiling increase as κ decreases. For example, for ρs = 5 dB, as κ decreases from 0.2 to 0.1, the ergodic capacity increases from 3.73 to 5.56 bit/s/Hz, while, for the same κ variation, the upper bound changes from 3.73 to 5.66 and the ceiling from 3.75 to 5.67. This indicates the detrimental effect of hardware imperfections on the system’s ergodic capacity. In other words, it highlights the importance of accurately modeling the transceiver hard- ware imperfections, when assessing the ergodic performance of RIS-assisted systems. Finally, from this figure, it becomes evident that, for practical values of ρs, as κ increases, the upper-bound becomes tighter. As a consequence, for prac- tical values of ρs, the upper bound derived in (22) can FIGURE 7. Ergodic capacity vs κt and κr , for (a) N = 10, (b) N = 100, assuming ρs = 20 dB. be used as a tight simplified approximation. The accuracy of this approximation increases as the level of hardware imperfections increases. Figure 7 depicts the ergodic capacity as a function of κt and κr for different values of N, assuming ρs = 20 dB. In more detail, Fig. 7.a delivers the ergodic capacity for N = 10, while Fig. 7.b the one for N = 100. As expected, for given κr and N, as κt increases, the level of the hardware imperfections at the TX side increases; hence, the ergodic capacity decreases. For example, for κr = 0.1 and N = 10, as κt increases from 0.1 to 0.2, the ergodic capacity decreases from 5.67 to 4.39 bit/s/Hz, which corresponds to approx- imately 22.6% ergodic capacity degradation, whereas, for κr = 0.1 and N = 100, the same κt change causes the same ergodic capacity degradation. Similarly, for fixed κt and N, as κr increases, the ergodic capacity decreases. In more detail, we observe that the reciprocity also holds for the case of ergodic capacity. This mean that regardless of whether the level of hardware imperfections changes in the TX or RX, it will cause the same effect on the RIS-assisted system VOLUME 1, 2020 1191 BOULOGEORGOS AND ALEXIOU: HOW MUCH DO HARDWARE IMPERFECTIONS AFFECT PERFORMANCE RIS-ASSISTED SYSTEMS? FIGURE 8. Ergodic capacity vs N , for different values of κ , assuming ρs = 20 dB. ergodic capacity. Finally, by comparing Figs. 7.a and 7.b, we observe that for the case of hardware imperfection-free transceivers, the ergodic capacity significantly increases as N increases. However, in realistic implementations, the level of hardware imperfections and not the number of the RIS’s RUs determines the system’s ergodic capacity performance. In Fig. 8, the ergodic capacity is provided against N, for different values of κ , assuming ρs = 20 dB. For the sake of comparison, the ideal case in which κ = 0 is also plotted. From this figure, we observe that in the case in which the transceivers experience the impact of hardware imperfections, as the number of RIS’s RUs increases, the ergodic capacity saturates and approaches log2( 1 κ2t +κ2r ). In other words, a specific number of RUs exists beyond which no ergodic capacity gain will be observed as N increases. V. CONCLUSION In this contribution, we considered a generalized hardware imperfections model, which has been validated in several prior works, in order to assess their impact on RIS-assisted wireless systems. In this direction, we extracted simple closed-form expressions for their outage probability and a novel upper bound for their ergodic capacity, which takes into account the level of transceivers hardware imperfections, the number of RUs at the RIS, as well as the transmis- sion SNR and the spectral efficiency of the transmission scheme. Our results manifested the detrimental impact of transceiver hardware imperfections on the outage and ergodic capacity performance of these systems. In more detail, they revealed that there exists a specific spectral efficiency limit, which sorely depends on the level of transceiver hardware imperfections, after with the outage probability becomes 1. Moreover, the importance of accurately modeling the level of transceiver hardware imperfections when evaluating the performance of such systems is reported. Likewise, it is high- lighted that there exists a capacity ceiling that is independent of the number of RIS’s RUs; however, it is determined by the TX and RX EVMs. This ceiling cannot be crossed by increasing the transmission SNR or altering the propaga- tion medium characteristics. This is an RIS-assisted wireless system constraint that is expected to influence future designs. APPENDIX A PROOF OF THEOREM 1 The outage probability is defined as Po = Pr(ρ ≤ ρth), (24) which, by substituting (14), can be rewritten as Po = Pr ( |A|2 ( κ2t + κ2r )|A|2 + 1 ρs ≤ ρth ) , (25) or Po = Pr ( |A|2 ( 1 − ( κ 2 t + κ2r ) ρth ) ≤ ρth ρs ) . (26) For 1 − (κ2t + κ2r )ρth ≥ 0, or equivalently ρth ≤ 1 κ2t + κ2r , (27) the outage probability can be written as Po = Pr ⎛ ⎝A ≤ 1√ 1 − (κ2t + κ2r ) ρth √ ρth ρs ⎞ ⎠, (28) or Po = FA ⎛ ⎝ 1√ 1 − (κ2t + κ2r ) ρth √ ρth ρs ⎞ ⎠, (29) where FA(·) is the cumulative density function (CDF) of A. Next, by employing [11, eq. (8)], we can obtain the first branch of (16) For 1− (κ2t +κ2r )ρth < 0, |A|2(1− (κ2t +κ2r )ρth) is always no-positive; hence, Pr(|A|2(1 − (κ2t + κ2r )ρth) ≤ ρthρs ) = 1, or, based on (26), Po = 1. (30) APPENDIX B PROOF OF THEOREM 2 The ergodic capacity can be defined as C = E[log2(1 + ρ) ] , (31) which can be equivalently written as C = E [ log2 ( 1 + a b )] , (32) where a = |A|2, (33) and b = ( κ 2 t + κ2r ) |A|2 + 1 ρs . (34) 1192 VOLUME 1, 2020 We note that the function log2(1 + a(κ2t +κ2r )a+ 1ρs ) is concave of a, for a ≥ 0, since its second derivative is − 1 ln(2) 1 ρs 2a ( κ2t + κ2r )( 1 + κ2t + κ2r )+ 1 ρs + 2 κ2t +κ2r ρs( a ( κ2t + κ2r )+ 1 ρs )2( a+ a(κ2t + κ2r )+ 1 ρs )2 < 0. (35) As a consequence, the Jensen’s inequality holds [43], and (32) can be upper-bounded as C ≤ log2 ( 1 + E [a b ]) . (36) However, based on [44, eq. (35)], log2 ( 1 + E [a b ]) ≈ log2 ( 1 + E[a] E[b] ) . (37) By combining (36) and (37), we obtain C ≤ log2 ( 1 + AB ) , (38) where A = E[a], (39) and B = E[b]. (40) Of note, the same approach has been employed in several prior works including [44] and references therein. Next, we provide closed-form expressions for (39) and (40). Based on [45], (39) can be computed as A = ∫ ∞ 0 x2fA(x) dx, (41) where fA(x) is the probability density function (PDF) of A. 1 With the aid of [11, eq. (7)], (41) can be rewritten as A = 1( 16−π2 2π ) Nπ2 16−π2 � ( Nπ2 16−π2 )I, (42) with I = ∫ ∞ 0 x Nπ2 16−π2 +1 exp ( − 2π 16 − π2 x ) dx. (43) By setting t = 2π 16−π2 and then employing [29, eq. (8.310/1)], (43) can be expressed in closed-form as I = ( 16 − π2 2π ) Nπ2 16−π2 +2 � ( Nπ2 16 − π2 + 2 ) . (44) 1. Note that the PDF, which was provided in [11, eq. (7)] is an extremely tight approximation with an error that is lower than 10−6; thus, it can be used for the evaluation of the upper bound. By substituting (44) into (42), we extract A = ( 16 − π2 2π )2 � ( Nπ2 16−π2 + 2 ) � ( Nπ2 16−π2 ) , (45) or, by employing , A = ( 16 − π2 2π )2( Nπ2 16 − π2 ) 2 . (46) From (34), (40) can be equivalently expressed as B = E [( κ 2 t + κ2r ) |A|2 + 1 ρs ] , (47) which, according to [45], can be rewritten as B = ( κ 2 t + κ2r ) E [ |A|2 ] + 1 ρs , (48) or, with the aid of (33) and (39), B = ( κ 2 t + κ2r ) A + 1 ρs . (49) By employing (46), (49) can be evaluated as B = ( κ 2 t + κ2r )(16 − π2 2π )2( Nπ2 16 − π2 ) 2 + 1 ρs . (50) Finally, by substituting (46) and (50) into (38), we obtain (22). This concludes the proof. APPENDIX C PROOF OF LEMMA 1 From (22), the ergodic capacity ceiling can be obtained as in (51), given at the bottom of the page. Due to the fact that, as ρs tends to infinity, 1 ρs tends to zero, (51) can be evaluated as in (23). Similarly, for N tends to infinity, the ergodic capacity ceiling can be expressed as CN = lim N→∞ C, (52) which, by employing (22) can be rewritten as CN = lim N→∞ ( log2 ( 1 + K(N)( κ2t + κ2r ) K(N) + 1 ρs )) , (53) where K(N) = ( 16 − π2 2π )2( Nπ2 16 − π2 ) 2 . (54) As N tends to infinity, K(N) also tends to infinity. Therefore, by applying the de L’ Hospital rule in (53) and after some algebraic manipulations, we extract (23). This concludes the proof. lim ρs→∞ C ≤ lim ρs→∞ ⎛ ⎜ ⎝log2 ⎛ ⎜ ⎝1 + ( 16−π2 2 )2( Nπ2 16−π2 ) 2 ( κ2t + κ2r )( 16−π2 2 )2( Nπ2 16−π2 ) 2 + 1 ρs ⎞ ⎟ ⎠ ⎞ ⎟ ⎠ (51) VOLUME 1, 2020 1193 BOULOGEORGOS AND ALEXIOU: HOW MUCH DO HARDWARE IMPERFECTIONS AFFECT PERFORMANCE RIS-ASSISTED SYSTEMS? ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the Editor and anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments and criticism. REFERENCES [1] S. Dang, O. Amin, B. Shihada, and M.-S. Alouini, “What should 6G be?” Nat. Electron., vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 20–29, Jan. 2020. [2] G. Gui, M. Liu, F. Tang, N. Kato, and F. Adachi, “6G: Opening new horizons for integration of comfort, security and intelli- gence,” IEEE Wireless Commun., early access, Mar. 03, 2020, doi: 10.1109/MWC.001.1900516. [3] M. di Renzo et al., “Smart radio environments empowered by recon- figurable AI meta-surfaces: An idea whose time has come,” EURASIP J. Wireless Commun. Netw., vol. 2019, no. 1, pp. 1–20, May 2019. [4] L. 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From October 2012 until September 2016, he was a Teaching Assistant with the Department of ECE, AUTh, whereas, from February 2017, he serves as an Adjunct Lecturer with the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, University of Western Macedonia and as an Visiting Lecturer with the Department of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, University of Thessaly. He has authored and coauthored more than 45 technical papers, which were published in scientific journals and presented at prestigious international conferences. Furthermore, he has submitted two (one national and one European) patents. His current research interests spans in the area of wireless commu- nications and networks with emphasis in high frequency communications, optical wireless communications and communications for biomedical applications. Dr. Boulogeorgos was awarded with the “Distinction Scholarship Award” of the Research Committee of AUTh for the year 2014 and was recognized as an exemplary reviewer for IEEE Communication Letters for 2016 (top 3% of reviewers). Likewise, he has been involved as member of Technical Program Committees in several IEEE and non-IEEE conferences and served as a reviewer in various IEEE journals and conferences. Moreover, he was named a top peer reviewer (top 1% of reviewers) in Cross-Field and Computer Science in the Global Peer Review Awards 2019, which was presented by the Web of Science and Publons. He is a member of the Technical Chamber of Greece. ANGELIKI ALEXIOU (Member, IEEE) received the Diploma degree in electrical and computer engi- neering from the National Technical University of Athens in 1994 and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London in 2000. Since May 2009, she has been a Faculty Member with the Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, where she conducts research and teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the area of broad- band communications and advanced wireless technologies. Prior to this appointment she was with Bell Laboratories, Wireless Research, Lucent Technologies, currently Alcatel-Lucent, Swindon, U.K., first as a Member of Technical Staff (January 1999 to February 2006) and later as a Technical Manager (March 2006 to April 2009). She is the Project Coordinator of the H2020 TERRANOVA project (ict-terranova.eu). Her current research interests include radio interface, MIMO and high frequencies (mmWave and THz wireless) technologies, cooperation, coordination and efficient resource management for ultra dense wireless networks and machine-to-machine communications, and ‘cell-less’ architectures based on softwarization, vir- tualization and extreme resources sharing. He is a co-recipient of Bell Labs Presidentś Gold Award in 2002 for contributions to Bell Labs Layered Space-Time (BLAST) project and the Central Bell Labs Teamwork Award in 2004 for role model teamwork and technical achievements in the IST FITNESS project. He is the elected Chair of the Working Group on Radio Communication Technologies of the Wireless World Research Forum. She is a member of the IEEE and the Technical Chamber of Greece. 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