Assignment 4
Course: STAT2604 Introduction to R Programming and Elementary Data Analysis
Total marks: 100
Due date: 23:59, Dec 11, 2021
Please submit only the built source package file in the name area_0.1.0.tar.gz .
Question 1. Make an R package named “area” which includes the following content:
a) A function named “area_circle” to calculate the area of a circle. The input is the
radius, the output is the area. (20 marks)
d) A DESCRIPTION file that includes the Title, Description, Version, Depends,
Author and License. (20 marks)
b) A documentation for the function area_circle using Roxygen comments that
describes input, output, and the way to use the funtion. (30 marks)
c) A vignettes file using RMarkdown that describes how to install and how to use the
package. (20 marks)