Project 2021
NYU-6463-RV32I (Project Desc. 2021)
NYU-6463-RV32I Processor Design Project
(Version 1 Specification)
Groups of 3. Final Due Date: December 17. 30 Points
For the final project, you will implement a 32-bit processor in VHDL or Verilog, called NYU-6463-RV32I
Processor. It will be capable of executing arbitrary programs.
1. Design Specification
The NYU-6463-RV32I processor is a 32-bit architecture which executes a subset of the open source RISC-V RV32I
instruction set. There are three main instruction types: (a) computational operations (from register file to register
file), (b) load/store between memory and register file, and (c) control flow (jumps and branches to different parts of
code). The instruction formats and instruction set are detailed in the Supplementary Material Part 1. You can also
find details on the full specification at
2. Processor Components
The processor comprises the following components. An example datapath is presented in Fig. 1 (on the next page).
● Program counter (PC) register: This is a 32-bit register that contains the address of the next instruction to be
executed by the processor. Upon reset this should equal the start address of instruction memory (0x01000000).
● Control Unit: This block takes as input some or all of the 32 bits of the instruction, and computes the proper
control signals that are required for correctly coordinating the other blocks in your design. These signals are
generated based on the type and the content of the instruction being executed. This will contain a FSM.
● Register File: This block contains 32 32-bit registers. The register file supports two independent register reads
and one register write in one clock cycle. 5 bits are used to address each register.
○ E.g. R3 = R1 + R2
○ Note: R0 is special, and is a read-only register that is always hardwired to equal zero.
● ALU: This block performs operations such as addition, subtraction, comparison, etc. It uses the control signals
generated by the Decode Unit, as well as the data from the registers or from the instruction directly. It computes
data that can be written into one of the registers (including PC). You will implement this block by referring to
the instruction set.
● Instruction and Data Memory: The instruction memory is initialized to contain the program to be executed.
Instruction memory width is 4 bytes (32-bits), although it is byte-addressed. The data memory stores the data
and is accessed using LW (load word) and SW (store word) instructions. Data memory width is 4-bytes
(32-bits), although it is also byte-addressed and supports read/write to individual bytes.
○ Instruction and Data Memory accesses are restricted to 4-byte alignment in the NYU-6463-RV32I.
○ Your instruction memory should be at least 2KBytes in size. It shall begin at address 0x01000000.
■ Hint: You will likely wish to infer Block RAMs for architecting the ROM efficiently in
your design. In order to perform this your Verilog instruction memory will likely need to be
word-indexed and 32-bits wide. This means you will need to perform some address
translation to convert the byte address indexes to your implemented word address indexes.
See Supplementary Material Part 2 (the assembly guide), Part B, for further proposed
implementation details.
■ Upon reset, your PC should be set to 0x01000000.
○ Your data memory should be at least 4KBytes in size. It shall begin at address 0x80000000.
■ Hint: Your data memory can be built either using a single long 32-bit memory array or
using 4 interleaved sets of 8-bit (one-byte) wide memories. Again, you will likely not be
NYU-6463-RV32I (Project Desc. 2021)
able to successfully construct it using one long 8-bit wide memory array, as this will most
likely not successfully infer as block-RAM. As such, manage your memory addresses and
decoding carefully when constructing your data memory module.
○ You must implement special read-only memory-mapped values at addresses 0x00100000,
0x00100004, 0x00100008 that when read returns the N number(s) of the members of your group.
○ (Optional) If you choose to also run your design on the real Basys3/Nexys4 FPGA development
boards, you may also implement read-only switches at address 0x00100010 and read/write LEDs at
address 0x00100014.
Fig. 1: NYU-6463-RV32I Processor. Suggested control signals (from FSM) in blue, status signals (to FSM) in red.
(Note: b.c. stands for “Branch comparisons”. Your control/status signals might be different. This datapath is for illustrative
purposes only. This schematic is by no means final, exhaustive, or even necessarily correct — it is just a conceptual
representation of how the components could go together. You can add control/status/data signals and other components as you
require with justification. The green boxes for Switches and LEDs are optional and may be included by students who have
purchased Basys3/Nexys4 FPGA development boards).
3. Processor Operation
The NYU-6463-RV32I Processor performs the tasks of instruction fetch, instruction decode, execution, memory
access and write-back in a multi-cycle manner.
● Firstly, the PC value is used as an address to index the instruction memory which supplies a 32-bit value of
the next instruction to be executed.
● This instruction is then divided into the different fields shown in Supplementary Material, Table 1. The
instructions’ opcode and function field bits are sent to the decode FSM unit to determine the type of
instruction to execute.
● The type of instruction then determines which control signals are to be asserted and what function the ALU
and other components will perform.
● Certain datapath signals and values can be derived directly from the instruction.
○ For example, the instruction register address fields rs2 bits [24 – 20], rs1 bits[19 – 15], and rd bits
[11 – 7] are used to address the register file.
● Each instruction may take a varying number of clock cycles to execute as the FSM invokes the different
parts of the Datapath.
Depending upon the given instruction, register and memory values may be read or written. Data values can also be
operated on by the ALU. Each individual operation is determined by the control unit to either compute a memory
NYU-6463-RV32I (Project Desc. 2021)
address (e.g. load or store), perform an arithmetic operation (e.g. and, or, xor and add, xor and sub), or compare
(e.g. branch). If the instruction decoded is arithmetic, the ALU result must be written to a register. If the instruction
decoded is a load or a store, the ALU result is used to address the data memory. The final step writes the ALU result
or memory value back to the register file.
4. Task Overview
● Implement the multi-cycle NYU-6463-RV32I Processor as per the specification. You may use either Verilog or
VHDL for any file in the project. NOTE: You need to implement only the instructions described in
Supplementary Material Table 3/4. You cannot add additional instructions.
● Do a performance (max. speed of your processor) and area (number of gates you used from each type) analysis
of your design. Explain your analysis comprehensively. You may be expected to identify and explain the critical
path of your design. Your design must be synthesizable. You may wish to refer to the Xilinx Vivado guide on
synthesizing memories:
○ (Optional) If you own an FPGA, we encourage you to try and run your design using the switches
and LEDs to observe system I/O. This will be worth bonus marks.
● Your design should be simulatable (both functional simulation and timing simulation). Write program(s)/test(s)
to thoroughly test your processor design.
○ Your aim is to stress-test all parts of your design. You can think of this as though you are checking
that all the lines of your RTL code are simulated and work as intended, or you can think of this as
checking that all the wires, flip-flops, and gates in your design are operating correctly.
○ You need to perform both low-level tests (e.g. on individual components and instructions) and
high-level tests (e.g. complex algorithms stored in instruction memory that the CPU executes).
■ Required: You should have testbenches for every individual component in your design
(unit tests) and testbenches for the entire assembled processor (integration tests).
■ Required: At least two high-level complex programs for the entire processor should be
included. One of these should perform RC5 encryption and decryption (you may provide
the skey array – key derivation is not required).
■ (Optional) If your design is robust, you may alternatively write your high-level tests
(including RC5) in C and use the riscv32-unknown-elf with RV32I settings to compile it to
assembly, then validate those programs. Note: Support for C will result in bonus marks.
○ Run (simulate) your program(s) on your designed processor and show that it works properly.
● For each low-level and high-level test case, describe how many clock cycles are required to execute your
program(s) on the NYU-6463-RV32I Processor.
NYU-6463-RV32I (Project Desc. 2021)
5. Deliverables:
1. Put your processor source code and assembly code in a zipped folder.
2. Your report in PDF format, including:
a. Your complete design datapath (e.g. your version of Fig 1.)
b. Your FSM diagram for multi-cycle control.
c. A full justification on the correctness of your design, including simulation screenshots and
explanations of low-level test cases (and how many clock cycles each test case takes and why)
d. A performance and area analysis of design
e. A description of your high-level test-cases in assembly (or C) (and how many clock cycles each
test case takes and why) and a demonstration of their output (this may be a simulation or other
output as appropriate – if real hardware is used, photos of switches/LEDs would be nice)
3. An explanation of how one could optimize and improve your design in the future. Provide an
approximation of how much gain you might achieve and at what cost.
4. A video presentation of your design which covers the above material (~10 minutes)
a. Recommended: use OBS video capture software for recording.
b. (We suggest accompanying your presentation with slides)
c. Structure this presentation as if you were presenting your project as a completed work assignment
to your client/boss – problem, solution, why your solution is outstanding.
6. Milestones:
Task Due Date
T1 Develop all individual processor components and corresponding testbenches/simulation scripts
(10 points)
Nov 19
T2 Interconnect all individual processor components into the complete processor and develop
corresponding testbench/simulation (10 points)
Dec 10
T3 Complete all remaining documentation tasks (reports and the 10 minute video) (10 points) Dec 17
NYU-6463-RV32I (Project Desc. 2021)
Supplementary Material Part 1: ISA
Note: This processor implements a subset of the RISC-V RV32I instruction set as defined in the official
specification at
You may also find the following guide on RISC-V assembly programming useful:
Table 1: NYU-6463-RV32I Processor instruction types
Bit 31 25, 24 20, 19 15, 14 12, 11 7, 6 0
R-type funct7 (7 bits) rs2 (5 bits) rs1 (5 bits) funct3 (3 bits) rd (5 bits) Opcode (7 bits)
I-type imm[11:0] rs1 funct3 rd Opcode
S-type imm[11:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:0] Opcode
B-type imm[12, 10:5] rs2 rs1 funct3 imm[4:1, 11] Opcode
U-type imm[31:12] rd Opcode
J-type imm[20, 10:1, 11, 19:12] rd Opcode
Table 2. NYU-6463-RV32I Processor instruction fields
Field Description
funct7, funct3, Opcode Detail the specific instruction that is being executed
rs2 5-bit specifier for source register 2
rs1 5-bit specifier for source register 1
rd 5-bit specifier for the destination register
imm Signed immediate used for logical operands, arithmetic signed operands, load/store address
byte offsets, and PC-relative branch signed instruction displacement
Supported instruction set:
Table 3. NYU-6463-RV32I Processor Mnemonics and Details
Mnemonic Full name RTL pseudocode Details
Load Upper
Immediate rd={imm[31:12], 12’b0}
Loads the immediate value into the upper
20 bits of the target register rd and sets
the lower bits to 0
Add Upper
Immediate to
PC rd=PC+{imm[31:12], 12’b0}
Forms a 32-bit offset from the 20-bit value
by filling the lower bits with zeros, adds
this to PC, and stores the result in rd.
Jump and
Link rd=PC+4; PC=PC+sign_ext(imm)
Jump to PC=PC+(sign-extended
immediate value) and store the current PC
NYU-6463-RV32I (Project Desc. 2021)
address+4 in register rd.
Jump and
Link Register rd=PC+4; PC=rs1+sign_ext(imm)
Jump to PC=rs1 register value
+(sign-extended immediate value) and
store the current PC address+4 in register
Branch if
Equal PC=(rs1==rs2) ? PC+sign_ext(imm) : PC+4
Take the branch (PC=PC+(sign-extended
immediate value) if rs1 is equal to rs2
Branch if Not
Equal PC=(rs1!=rs2) ? PC+sign_ext(imm) : PC+4
Take the branch (PC=PC+(sign-extended
immediate value) if rs1 is not equal to rs2
Branch if
Less Than
PC=(signed(rs1)<signed(rs2)) ?=”” pc+sign_ext(imm)=”” :=”” pc+4=”” take=”” the=”” branch=”” (pc=”PC+(sign-extended” immediate=”” value)=”” if=”” signed=”” rs1=”” is=”” less=”” than=”” rs2,=”” otherwise=”” pc=”PC+4″ bge=”” greater=”” or=”” equal=”” (signed)=””>=signed(rs2)) ?
PC+sign_ext(imm) : PC+4</signed(rs2))>
Take the branch (PC=PC+(sign-extended
immediate value) if signed rs1 is greater
than or equal to signed rs2, otherwise
Branch if
Less Than
PC=(unsigned(rs1)<unsigned(rs2)) ?=”” pc+sign_ext(imm)=”” :=”” pc+4=”” take=”” the=”” branch=”” (pc=”PC+(sign-extended” immediate=”” value)=”” if=”” unsigned=”” rs1=”” is=”” less=”” than=”” rs2,=”” otherwise=”” pc=”PC+4″ bgeu=”” greater=”” or=”” equal=”” (unsigned)=””>=unsigned(rs2)) ?
PC+sign_ext(imm) : PC+4</unsigned(rs2))>
Take the branch (PC=PC+(sign-extended
immediate value) if unsigned rs1 is greater
than or equal to unsigned rs2, otherwise
Load Byte
(signed) rd=sign_ext(data[rs1+sign_ext(imm)][7:0])
Load 8-bit value at memory address [rs1
value]+(sign extended immediate) and
store it at rd as a 32-bit sign extended
Half-Word (2
(signed) rd=sign_ext(data[rs1+sign_ext(imm)][15:0])
Load 16-bit value at memory address [rs1
value]+(sign extended immediate) and
store it at rd as a 32-bit sign extended
Load Word
(4 bytes) rd=data[rs1+sign_ext(imm)][31:0]
Load 32-bit value at memory address [rs1
value]+(sign extended immediate) and
store it at rd
Load Byte
(unsigned) rd=zero_ext(data[rs1+sign_ext(imm)][7:0])
Load 8-bit value at memory address [rs1
value]+(sign extended immediate) and
store it at rd as a 32-bit zero extended
Half-Word (2
(unsigned) rd=zero_ext(data[rs1+sign_ext(imm)][15:0])
Load 16-bit value at memory address [rs1
value]+(sign extended immediate) and
store it at rd as a 32-bit zero extended
SB Store Byte data[rs1+sign_ext(imm)][7:0] = rs2[7:0] Store the lower 8-bits of rs2 to memory
NYU-6463-RV32I (Project Desc. 2021)
address [rs1 value]+(sign extended
Half-Word (2
bytes) data[rs1+sign_ext(imm)][15:0] = rs2[15:0]
Store the lower 16-bits of rs2 to memory
address [rs1 value]+(sign extended
Store Word
(4 bytes) data[rs1+sign_ext(imm)][31:0] = rs2
Store the 32-bits of rs2 to memory address
[rs1 value]+(sign extended immediate)
Immediate rd = rs1 + sign_ext(imm)
Add the sign-extended immediate to
register rs1 and store in rd. Overflow bits
Set Less
(signed) rd = (signed(rs1) < sign_ext(imm)) ? 1 : 0 If signed register rs1 is less than sign-extended immediate value, set register rd to 1, else 0. SLTIU Set Less Than Immediate (unsigned) rd = (unsigned(rs1) < unsigned(sign_ext(imm))) ? 1 : 0 If unsigned register rs1 is less than unsigned (after sign-extending) immediate value, set register rd to 1, else 0. XORI XOR with immediate rd = rs1 ^ sign_ext(imm) Perform logical XOR operation over rs1 and the sign-extended immediate and place result in register rd. ORI OR with immediate rd = rs1 | sign_ext(imm) Perform logical OR operation over rs1 and the sign-extended immediate and place result in register rd. ANDI AND with immediate rd = rs1 & sign_ext(imm) Perform logical AND operation over rs1 and the sign-extended immediate and place result in register rd. SLLI Shift Left Logical Immediate rd = rs1 << imm Left shift register rs1 value by the immediate value and place result in register rd (shift in zeros). SRLI Shift Right Logical Immediate rd = unsigned(rs1) >> imm
Right shift register rs1 value by the
immediate value and place result in
register rd (shift in zeros).
Shift Right
Immediate rd = signed(rs1) >> imm
Right shift register rs1 value by the
immediate value and place result in
register rd (shift in the original sign bit).
ADD Add rd = rs1 + rs2
Perform the addition of rs1 + rs2 and store
in register rd.
SUB Subtract rd = rs1 – rs2
Perform the subtraction rs1 – rs2 and store
in register rd.