CS计算机代考程序代写 Haskell #lang racket #| * CSC324H5 Fall 2021: Assignment 4 * |#

#lang racket #| * CSC324H5 Fall 2021: Assignment 4 * |#
Module: a4
Description: Assignment 4: Theorem Proving in miniKanren
Copyright: (c) University of Toronto Mississsauga
CSC324 Principles of Programming Languages, Fall 2021

; Do not add additional imports
(require “mk.rkt”)

; This specifies which functions this module exports. Don’t change this!
(provide proof?

; Import the testing library
(module+ test
(require rackunit)

; Task 1: Using a proof checker

(proof? prop proof) -> bool?
prop: (and/or list? symbol?)
A proposition that we wish to prove
proof: list?
A proof for that proposition

Returns a boolean describing whether `proof` is a valid proof of `prop`
(define (proof? prop proof)
(equal? (proof/asmpt proof ‘()) ; check what proposition ‘proof’ proves
prop)) ; and check if it is equal to ‘prop’

(proof/asmpt proof asmpts) -> (and/or bool? list?)
proof: list?
A proof for that proposition
asmpt: list?
A list of currently valid assumptions

Return either the proposition that a proof is proving given the assumption,
or #f is the proof is invalid.
(define/match (proof/asmpt proof asmpt)
[((list ‘use p) asmpt)
(if (member p asmpt) p #f)]
[((list ‘assume hypo subproof) asmpt)
(list hypo ‘-> (proof/asmpt subproof (cons hypo asmpt)))]
[((list ‘modus-ponens subpf1 subpf2) asmpt)
(let* ([prop2 (proof/asmpt subpf2 asmpt)])
(match prop2 ; “match” is like “case … of” in Haskell
[(list hypo ‘-> conc) ; and does pattern matching on “prop2”
(if (equal? (proof/asmpt subpf1 asmpt) hypo)
[prop2 #f]))])

my-theorem: A theorem that you will prove.
(define my-theorem ‘((A -> (B -> C)) -> (B -> (A -> C))))

my-proof: A proof for my-theorem: (proof? my-proof my-theorem)
should return true.
(define my-proof
‘(assume (A -> (B -> C)) (assume B (assume A (modus-ponens (use B) (modus-ponens (use A) (use (A -> (B -> C))))))))

(module+ test
(test-equal? “my-proof proves my-theorem”
(proof? my-theorem my-proof)
; Some additional tests for the proof checker that are provided to you
; These are included to illustrate how to write proofs.

(test-equal? “Example 1 from the handout”
(proof? ‘(A -> A)
‘(assume A (use A)))
(test-equal? “Example 2 from the handout”
(proof? ‘(A -> ((A -> B) -> B))
‘(assume A (assume (A -> B) (modus-ponens (use A) (use (A -> B))))))
(test-equal? “Example 3 from the handout”
(proof? ‘((C -> D) -> (C -> D))
‘(assume (C -> D) (assume C (modus-ponens (use C) (use (C -> D))))))
(test-equal? “Example 4 from the handout”
(proof? ‘((C -> D) -> (C -> D))
‘(assume (C -> D) (use (C -> D))))

; Task 2: A Proof Checking Relation

(proofo prop proof)
prop: A proposition following the grammar specified in the handout
proof: A proof following the grammar specified in the handout

The relational form of the `proof?` function. Succeeds when “proof”
is a correct proof of the proposition “prop”.
(define (proofo prop proof)
(proof-helpero prop proof ‘()))

(proof-helpero prop proof assmpts)
prop: A proposition following the grammar specified in the handout
proof: A proof following the grammar specified in the handout
assmpts: A list of assumptions propositions

The relational form of the `proof/asmpt` function. Succeeds when “proof”
is a correct proof of the proposition “prop” given the list of
assumptions “assmpts”.
(define (proof-helpero prop proof assmpts)


(membero x lst)
x: A value
lst: A list

The relational form of the `member` function. Succeeds when “x”
is an element of the list “lst”. You may use this relation as a helper
in your implementation of “proof-helpero”.
(define (membero x lst)
(fresh (first rest)
(== lst (cons first rest))
(conde ((== first x))
((=/= first x)
(membero x rest)))))

; Uncomment these to test your proofo relation
(module+ test
(test-equal? “Example 1 from the handout”
(run 1 (q) (proofo ‘(A -> A) ‘(assume A (use A))))
(test-equal? “Example 2 from the handout”
(run 1 (q) (proofo ‘(A -> ((A -> B) -> B))
‘(assume A (assume (A -> B) (modus-ponens (use A) (use (A -> B)))))))
(test-equal? “Example of an incorrect proof”
(run 1 (q) (proofo ‘(A -> ((A -> B) -> B))
‘(assume (A -> B) (assume A (modus-ponens (use A) (use (A -> B)))))))
; Write more tests here

; Task 3: A Theorem Prover

(prove prop)
prop: A proposition following the grammar specified in the handout

Returns a proof of the proposition, if a proof exists. Otherwise,
this function returns `#f` or may fail to terminate.
(define (prove prop)

; Uncomment these to test your proofo relation
#; (module+ test
(test-equal? “Example 1 from the handout”
(prove ‘(A -> A))
‘(assume A (use A)))
; Be careful when you write new tests, since they may be slow