Computer Science 455
You have option to use one of programming languages: C++, C#, Python, or Java
Part I.(30 points)
Create the following text file: “finalp1.txt”
1. program f2021;
2. ** This program computes and prints the value
3. Of an expression **
4. var
5. ** declare variables **
6. a1 , b2a , wc, ba12 : integer ;
7. begin
8. a1 = 3 ;
9. b2a = 4 ;
10. wc = 5 ;
11. write(wc ); ** display wc **
13. ** compute the value of the expression **
14. ba12 = a1 * ( b2a + 2 * wc) ;
15. write ( “value=”, ba12 ) ; ** print the value of ba12 **
16. end.
Apply the following rules to this file and copy the new version in file “finalp2.txt”
a. Any line/s or part of a line that begins with ** and ends with ** is considered as a comment line (i.e. lines #2,3,5, 11,13,15), remove them
b. Any blank lines must be removed (i.e. line #12)
c. Extra spaces in each line must be removed, Leave one space before and one after each token (example: line 8: a1 = 3 ; )
The “finalp2.txt” should look like this
1. program f2021 ;
2. var
3. a1 , b2a , wc , ba12 : integer ;
4. begin
5. a1 = 3 ;
6. b2a = 4 ;
7. wc = 5 ;
8. write (wc ) ;
8. ba12 = a1 * ( b2a + 2 * wc) ;
9. write ( “value=” , ba12 ) ;
10. end.
Part II (50 points)
Use the following grammar ( the part in RED color is the grammar of algebraic expression. You used this grammar for project 10 and 11 where E is
write (
”value=” , | λ
< identifier > =
< identifier > |
+ | – | λ
In which program, var, begin, end. , integer , and write are reserved words
Do this part only if you want to receive “100%” for the project( your program displays the error message) , otherwise your maximum score is “<85%”
to determine whether the program in part I is accepted or not. Your program should detect and produce the following error messages
program is expected (if program is missing or spelled wrong )
var is expected ( if var is missing or spelled wrong)
begin is expected (if begin is missing or spelled wrong )
end. is expected (if end. is missing or spelled wrong)
integer is expected (if integer is missing or spelled wrong)
unknown identifier if variable is not defined
; is missing
, is missing
. is missing
( Left parentheses is missing
) Right parentheses is missing
If the write spells wrong, issue an error message
Output : Either one of the above messages or No error/ Some errors without error messages
Part III ( 20 )
If there are no ERRORS, translate the program to a high-level language: C++, C#, Python, or Java. Run the program to display the same output. This is the C++ version of the program in part I
using namespace std;
int main()
int a1 , b2a , wc, ba12 ;
a1 = 3 ;
b2a = 4 ;
wc = 5 ;
a1 , b2a , c, ba12
a1 = 3 ;
b2a = 4 ;
wc = 5 ;
write( c );
ba12 = a1 * (b2a + 2 * c ) ;
write(“value=”, ba12);
What to turn in?
1. The original grammar
Original Grammar
write (
”value=” , | λ
< identifier > =
< identifier > |
+ | – | λ
2. This grammar in BNF form (remove all {, } , and | )
3. If you are using table 1(predictive parsing table), remove all left recursions. For table 2, remove all lambdas. Show the final form of the grammar you will use in BNF
4. Find the members of first and follow of all terminals ( assign a single letter as you wish for simplicity)
{ program }
{ a b c d w f }
{ $ }
{a b c d w f
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; , ) = : * / + – }
5. Show the parsing table
6. Complete copy of the program including all user defined libraries