CS计算机代考程序代写 scheme #lang racket/base

#lang racket/base

; The MIT License (MIT)
; Copyright (c) 2015 William E. Byrd
; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
; of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal
; in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
; to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
; copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
; copies or substantial portions of the Software.
; FROM: https://github.com/michaelballantyne/faster-miniKanren

(require racket/list

(provide run run*
== =/=
symbolo numbero stringo

(define empty-intmap (hasheq))
(define (intmap-count m) (hash-count m))
(define (intmap-ref m k) (hash-ref m k (lambda () unbound)))
(define (intmap-set m k v) (hash-set m k v))

;; extra stuff for racket
;; due mostly to samth
(define (list-sort f l) (sort l f))

(define (remp f l) (filter-not f l))

(define (call-with-string-output-port f)
(define p (open-output-string))
(f p)
(get-output-string p))

(define (exists f l) (ormap f l))

(define for-all andmap)

(define (find f l)
(cond [(memf f l) => car] [else #f]))

(define memp memf)

(define (var*? v) (var? (car v)))

; Scope object.
; Used to determine whether a branch has occured between variable
; creation and unification to allow the set-var-val! optimization
; in subst-add. Both variables and substitutions will contain a
; scope. When a substitution flows through a conde it is assigned
; a new scope.

; Creates a new scope that is not scope-eq? to any other scope
(define (new-scope) (list ‘scope))

; Scope used when variable bindings should always be made in the
; substitution, as in disequality solving and reification. We
; don’t want to set-var-val! a variable when checking if a
; disequality constraint holds!
(define nonlocal-scope (list ‘non-local-scope))

(define scope-eq? eq?)

; Logic variable object.
; Contains:
; val – value for variable assigned by unification using
; set-var-val! optimization. unbound if not yet set or
; stored in substitution.
; scope – scope that the variable was created in.
; idx – unique numeric index for the variable. Used by the
; trie substitution representation.
; Variable objects are compared by object identity.

; The unique val for variables that have not yet been bound
; to a value or are bound in the substitution
(define unbound (list ‘unbound))

(define var
(let ((counter -1))
(lambda (scope)
(set! counter (+ 1 counter))
(vector unbound scope counter))))

; Vectors are not allowed as terms, so terms that are vectors
; are variables.
(define (var? x)
(vector? x))

(define var-eq? eq?)

(define (var-val x)
(vector-ref x 0))

(define (set-var-val! x v)
(vector-set! x 0 v))

(define (var-scope x)
(vector-ref x 1))

(define (var-idx x)
(vector-ref x 2))

; Substitution object.
; Contains:
; map – mapping of variables to values
; scope – scope at current program point, for set-var-val!
; optimization. Updated at conde. Included in the substitution
; because it is required to fully define the substitution
; and how it is to be extended.
; Implementation of the substitution map depends on the Scheme used,
; as we need a map. See mk.rkt and mk-vicare.scm.

(define empty-subst-map empty-intmap)
(define subst-map-length intmap-count)
(define (subst-map-lookup u S)
(intmap-ref S (var-idx u)))
(define (subst-map-add S var val)
(intmap-set S (var-idx var) val))

(define (subst mapping scope)
(cons mapping scope))

(define subst-map car)

(define subst-scope cdr)

(define (subst-length S)
(subst-map-length (subst-map S)))

(define (subst-with-scope S new-scope)
(subst (subst-map S) new-scope))

(define empty-subst (subst empty-subst-map (new-scope)))

(define (subst-add S x v)
; set-var-val! optimization: set the value directly on the
; variable object if we haven’t branched since its creation
; (the scope of the variable and the substitution are the same).
; Otherwise extend the substitution mapping.
(if (scope-eq? (var-scope x) (subst-scope S))
(begin (set-var-val! x v)
(subst (subst-map-add (subst-map S) x v) (subst-scope S))))

(define (subst-lookup x S)
; set-var-val! optimization.
; Tried checking the scope here to avoid a subst-map-lookup
; if it was definitely unbound, but that was slower.
(if (not (eq? (var-val x) unbound))
(var-val x)
(subst-map-lookup x (subst-map S))))

; Association object.
; Describes an association mapping the lhs to the rhs. Returned by
; unification to describe the associations that were added to the
; substitution (whose representation is opaque) and used to represent
; disequality constraints.
(define lhs car)
(define rhs cdr)

; Constraint record object.
; Describes the constraints attached to a single variable.
; Contains:
; T – type constraint. instance of type-constraint or #f to indicate
; no constraint
; D – list of disequality constraints. Each disequality is a list of
; associations. The constraint is violated if all associated
; variables are equal in the substitution simultaneously. D
; could contain duplicate constraints (created by distinct =/=
; calls). A given disequality constraint is only attached to
; one of the variables involved, as all components of the
; constraint must be violated to cause failure.
; A – list of absento constraints. Each constraint is a term.
; The list contains no duplicates.

(define empty-c ‘(#f () ()))

(define (c-T c) (car c))
(define (c-D c) (cadr c))
(define (c-A c) (caddr c))

(define (c-with-T c T) (list T (c-D c) (c-A c)))
(define (c-with-D c D) (list (c-T c) D (c-A c)))
(define (c-with-A c A) (list (c-T c) (c-D c) A))

; Constraint store object.
; Mapping of representative variable to constraint record. Constraints
; are always on the representative element and must be moved / merged
; when that element changes.

(define empty-C empty-intmap)

(define (set-c st x c)
(intmap-set (state-C st) (var-idx x) c)))

(define (lookup-c st x)
(let ((res (intmap-ref (state-C st) (var-idx x))))
(if (not (eq? unbound res))

; t:unbind in mk-chez.scm either is buggy or doesn’t do what I would expect, so
; I implement remove by setting the value to the empty constraint record.
(define (remove-c x st)
(state-with-C st (intmap-set (state-C st) (var-idx x) empty-c)))

; State object.
; The state is the value that is monadically passed through the search
; Contains:
; S – the substitution
; C – the constraint store

(define (state S C) (cons S C))

(define (state-S st) (car st))
(define (state-C st) (cdr st))

(define empty-state (state empty-subst empty-C))

(define (state-with-C st C^)
(state (state-S st) C^))

(define state-with-scope
(lambda (st new-scope)
(state (subst-with-scope (state-S st) new-scope) (state-C st))))

; Unification

(define (walk u S)
(if (var? u)
(let ((val (subst-lookup u S)))
(if (eq? val unbound)
(walk val S)))

(define (occurs-check x v S)
(let ((v (walk v S)))
((var? v) (var-eq? v x))
((pair? v)
(or (occurs-check x (car v) S)
(occurs-check x (cdr v) S)))
(else #f))))

(define (ext-s-check x v S)
(if (occurs-check x v S)
(values #f #f)
(values (subst-add S x v) (list (cons x v)))))

; Returns as values the extended substitution and a list of
; associations added during the unification, or (values #f #f) if the
; unification failed.
; Right now appends the list of added values from sub-unifications.
; Alternatively could be threaded monadically, which could be faster
; or slower.
(define (unify u v s)
(let ((u (walk u s))
(v (walk v s)))
((eq? u v) (values s ‘()))
((var? u) (ext-s-check u v s))
((var? v) (ext-s-check v u s))
((and (pair? u) (pair? v))
(let-values (((s added-car) (unify (car u) (car v) s)))
(if s
(let-values (((s added-cdr) (unify (cdr u) (cdr v) s)))
(values s (append added-car added-cdr)))
(values #f #f))))
((equal? u v) (values s ‘()))
(else (values #f #f)))))

(define (unify* S+ S)
(unify (map lhs S+) (map rhs S+) S))

; Search

; SearchStream: #f | Procedure | State | (Pair State (-> SearchStream))

; SearchStream constructor types. Names inspired by the plus monad?

; -> SearchStream
(define (mzero) #f)

; c: State
; -> SearchStream
(define (unit c) c)

; c: State
; f: (-> SearchStream)
; -> SearchStream
; f is a thunk to avoid unnecessary computation in the case that c is
; the last answer needed to satisfy the query.
(define (choice c f) (cons c f))

; e: SearchStream
; -> (-> SearchStream)
(define-syntax inc
(syntax-rules ()
((_ e) (lambda () e))))

; Goal: (State -> SearchStream)

; e: SearchStream
; -> Goal
(define-syntax lambdag@
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (st) e) (lambda (st) e))))

; Match on search streams. The state type must not be a pair with a
; procedure in its cdr.
; (() e0) failure
; ((f) e1) inc for interleaving. separate from success or failure
; to ensure it goes all the way to the top of the tree.
; ((c) e2) single result. Used rather than (choice c (inc (mzero)))
; to avoid returning to search a part of the tree that
; will inevitably fail.
; ((c f) e3) multiple results.
(define-syntax case-inf
(syntax-rules ()
((_ e (() e0) ((f^) e1) ((c^) e2) ((c f) e3))
(let ((c-inf e))
((not c-inf) e0)
((procedure? c-inf) (let ((f^ c-inf)) e1))
((not (and (pair? c-inf)
(procedure? (cdr c-inf))))
(let ((c^ c-inf)) e2))
(else (let ((c (car c-inf)) (f (cdr c-inf)))

; c-inf: SearchStream
; f: (-> SearchStream)
; -> SearchStream
; f is a thunk to avoid unnecesarry computation in the case that the
; first answer produced by c-inf is enough to satisfy the query.
(define (mplus c-inf f)
(case-inf c-inf
(() (f))
((f^) (inc (mplus (f) f^)))
((c) (choice c f))
((c f^) (choice c (inc (mplus (f) f^))))))

; c-inf: SearchStream
; g: Goal
; -> SearchStream
(define (bind c-inf g)
(case-inf c-inf
(() (mzero))
((f) (inc (bind (f) g)))
((c) (g c))
((c f) (mplus (g c) (inc (bind (f) g))))))

; Int, SearchStream -> (ListOf SearchResult)
(define (take n f)
(if (and n (zero? n))
(case-inf (f)
(() ‘())
((f) (take n f))
((c) (cons c ‘()))
((c f) (cons c (take (and n (- n 1)) f))))))

; -> SearchStream
(define-syntax bind*
(syntax-rules ()
((_ e) e)
((_ e g0 g …) (bind* (bind e g0) g …))))

; -> SearchStream
(define-syntax mplus*
(syntax-rules ()
((_ e) e)
((_ e0 e …)
(mplus e0 (inc (mplus* e …))))))

; -> Goal
(define-syntax fresh
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (x …) g0 g …)
(lambdag@ (st)
; this inc triggers interleaving
(let ((scope (subst-scope (state-S st))))
(let ((x (var scope)) …)
(bind* (g0 st) g …))))))))

; -> Goal
(define-syntax conde
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (g0 g …) (g1 g^ …) …)
(lambdag@ (st)
; this inc triggers interleaving
(let ((st (state-with-scope st (new-scope))))
(bind* (g0 st) g …)
(bind* (g1 st) g^ …) …)))))))

(define-syntax run
(syntax-rules ()
((_ n (q) g0 g …)
(take n
((fresh (q) g0 g …
(lambdag@ (st)
(let ((st (state-with-scope st nonlocal-scope)))
(let ((z ((reify q) st)))
(choice z (lambda () (lambda () #f)))))))
((_ n (q0 q1 q …) g0 g …)
(run n (x)
(fresh (q0 q1 q …)
g0 g …
(== (list q0 q1 q …) x))))))

(define-syntax run*
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (q0 q …) g0 g …) (run #f (q0 q …) g0 g …))))

; Constraints
; C refers to the constraint store map
; c refers to an individual constraint record

; Constraint: State -> #f | State
; (note that a Constraint is a Goal but a Goal is not a Constraint.
; Constraint implementations currently use this more restrained type.
; See `and-foldl` and `update-constraints`.)

; Requirements for type constraints:
; 1. Must be positive, not negative. not-pairo wouldn’t work.
; 2. Each type must have infinitely many possible values to avoid
; incorrectness in combination with disequality constraints,
; like: (fresh (x) (booleano x) (=/= x #t) (=/= x #f))

(define (type-constraint predicate symbol reified)
(list predicate symbol reified))
(define type-constraint-predicate car)
(define type-constraint-symbol cadr)
(define type-constraint-reified caddr)

(define (apply-type-constraint tc)
(lambda (u)
(lambdag@ (st)
(let ((type-pred (type-constraint-predicate tc))
(type-id (type-constraint-symbol tc)))
(let ((term (walk u (state-S st))))
((type-pred term) st)
((var? term)
(let* ((c (lookup-c st term))
(T (c-T c)))
((eq? T tc) st)
((not T) (set-c st term (c-with-T c tc)))
(else #f))))
(else #f)))))))

(define-syntax declare-type-constraints
(syntax-rules ()
((_ tc-list (name predicate reified ordering) …)
(define tc-list (list (type-constraint predicate ‘name ‘reified) …))
(name …)
(apply values (map apply-type-constraint tc-list)))))))

(declare-type-constraints type-constraints
(numbero number? num <=) (stringo string? str string<=?) (symbolo symbol? sym (lambda (s1 s2) (stringstring s1)
(symbol->string s2)))))

; Options:
; table mapping symbol -> predicate
; representation of type constraint as pair or struct of symbol and predicate
; store both

(define (add-to-D st v d)
(let* ((c (lookup-c st v))
(c^ (c-with-D c (cons d (c-D c)))))
(set-c st v c^)))

(define (=/=* S+)
(lambdag@ (st)
(let-values (((S added) (unify* S+ (subst-with-scope
(state-S st)
((not S) st)
((null? added) #f)
; Choose one of the disequality elements (el) to attach
; the constraint to. Only need to choose one because
; all must fail to cause the constraint to fail.
(let ((el (car added)))
(let ((st (add-to-D st (car el) added)))
(if (var? (cdr el))
(add-to-D st (cdr el) added)

(define (=/= u v)
(=/=* (list (cons u v))))

;; Generalized ‘absento’: ‘term1’ can be any legal term (old version
;; of faster-miniKanren required ‘term1’ to be a ground atom).
(define (absento term1 term2)
(lambdag@ (st)
(let ((term1 (walk term1 (state-S st)))
(term2 (walk term2 (state-S st))))
(let ((st^ ((=/= term1 term2) st)))
(if st^
((pair? term2)
(let ((st^^ ((absento term1 (car term2)) st^)))
(and st^^ ((absento term1 (cdr term2)) st^^))))
((var? term2)
(let* ((c (lookup-c st^ term2))
(A (c-A c)))
(if (memv term1 A)
(let ((c^ (c-with-A c (cons term1 A))))
(set-c st^ term2 c^)))))
(else st^))

; Fold lst with proc and initial value init. If proc ever returns #f,
; return with #f immediately. Used for applying a series of
; constraints to a state, failing if any operation fails.
(define (and-foldl proc init lst)
(if (null? lst)
(let ((res (proc (car lst) init)))
(and res (and-foldl proc res (cdr lst))))))

(define (== u v)
(lambdag@ (st)
(let-values (((S^ added) (unify u v (state-S st))))
(if S^
(and-foldl update-constraints (state S^ (state-C st)) added)

; Not fully optimized. Could do absento update with fewer
; hash-refs / hash-sets.
(define (update-constraints a st)
(let ((old-c (lookup-c st (lhs a))))
(if (eq? old-c empty-c)
(let ((st (remove-c (lhs a) st)))
(and-foldl (lambda (op st) (op st)) st
(if (c-T old-c)
(list ((apply-type-constraint (c-T old-c)) (rhs a)))
(map (lambda (atom) (absento atom (rhs a))) (c-A old-c))
(map =/=* (c-D old-c))))))))

(define (walk* v S)
(let ((v (walk v S)))
((var? v) v)
((pair? v)
(cons (walk* (car v) S) (walk* (cdr v) S)))
(else v))))

(define-syntax project
(syntax-rules ()
((_ (x …) g g* …)
(lambdag@ (st)
(let ((x (walk* x (state-S st))) …)
((fresh () g g* …) st))))))

(define succeed (== #f #f))
(define fail (== #f #t))

; Reification

; Bits from the old constraint implementation, still used for
; reification.

; In this part of the code, c refers to the
; old constraint store with components:
; S – substitution
; D – disequality constraints
; Y – symbolo
; N – numbero
; T – absento

(define (oldc S D T A)
(list S D T A))

(define oldc-S (lambda (c) (car c)))
(define oldc-D (lambda (c) (cadr c)))
(define oldc-T (lambda (c) (caddr c)))
(define oldc-A (lambda (c) (cadddr c)))

(define (oldc-with-S c S^)
(oldc S^ (oldc-D c) (oldc-T c) (oldc-A c)))
(define (oldc-with-D c D^)
(oldc (oldc-S c) D^ (oldc-T c) (oldc-A c)))
(define (oldc-with-T c T^)
(oldc (oldc-S c) (oldc-D c) T^ (oldc-A c)))
(define (oldc-with-A c A^)
(oldc (oldc-S c) (oldc-D c) (oldc-T c) A^))

; Create a constraint store of the old representation from a state
; object, so that we can use the old reifier. Only accumulates
; constraints related to the variable being reified which makes things
; a bit faster.
(define (c-from-st st x)
(let ((vs (vars (walk* x (state-S st)) ‘())))
(lambda (v c-store)
(let ((c (lookup-c st v)))
(let ((T^ (c-T c))
(D^ (c-D c))
(A^ (c-A c)))
(oldc-S c-store)
(append (filter (lambda (x) x) (map (normalize-diseq (state-S st)) D^)) (oldc-D c-store))
(if (c-T c)
(subst-map-add (oldc-T c-store) v (c-T c))
(oldc-T c-store))
(map (lambda (absento-lhs) (cons (walk* absento-lhs (state-S st)) v)) (c-A c))
(oldc-A c-store))))))
(oldc (state-S st) ‘() empty-subst-map ‘())
(remove-duplicates vs))))

(define (normalize-diseq S)
(lambda (S+)
(let-values (((S^ S+^) (unify* S+ S)))
(and S^ (walk* S+^ S)))))

(define (vars term acc)
((var? term) (cons term acc))
((pair? term)
(vars (cdr term) (vars (car term) acc)))
(else acc)))

; Simplification

(define (reify x)
(lambda (st)
(let* ((c (c-from-st st x))
(c (simplify c))
(S (oldc-S c)))
(let* ((v (walk* x S))
(R (reify-S v (subst empty-subst-map nonlocal-scope)))
(any-var-unreified? (lambda (term) (anyvar? term R))))
(reify+ v R
; Drop disequalities that are satisfiable in any
; assignment of the reified variables, because
; they refer to unassigned variables that are not
; part of the answer, which can be assigned as needed
; to satisfy the constraint.
(let ((D^ (remp any-var-unreified? (oldc-D c))))
(rem-subsumed d-subsumed-by? D^))
(oldc-T c) ; don’t remove unreified because later we pull out only the bits we need for reified result.
(let ((A^ (remp any-var-unreified? (oldc-A c))))
(rem-subsumed a-subsumed-by? A^)))))))

(define (simplify c)
(foldl (lambda (f c) (f c)) c
; drop these first so that (drop-D d-subsumed-by-A?) does not drop corresponding diseqs.
(drop-A absento-rhs-atomic?)
(drop-A absento-rhs-occurs-lhs?)
(drop-D d-subsumed-by-T?)
(drop-D d-subsumed-by-A?))))

(define (drop-D pred)
(lambda (c) (oldc-with-D c (filter (lambda (v) (not (pred c v))) (oldc-D c)))))
(define (drop-A pred)
(lambda (c) (oldc-with-A c (filter (lambda (v) (not (pred c v))) (oldc-A c)))))

; Drop absento constraints where the RHS is known to be atomic, such that
; the disequality attached by absento solving is sufficient.
(define (absento-rhs-atomic? c a)
; absento on pairs is pushed down and type constraints are atomic,
; so the only kind of non-atomic RHS is an untyped var.
(not (and (var? (rhs a)) (eq? unbound (var-type c (rhs a))))))

; Drop absento constraints that are trivially satisfied because
; any violation would cause a failure of the occurs check.
; Example:
; (absento (list x y z) x) is trivially true because a violation would
; require x to occur within itself.
(define (absento-rhs-occurs-lhs? c a)
(occurs-check (rhs a) (lhs a) (oldc-S c)))

; Drop disequalities that are subsumed by an absento contraint
; interpreted as a disequality.
(define (d-subsumed-by-A? c d)
(exists (lambda (a)
(d-subsumed-by? d (absento->diseq a)))
(oldc-A c)))

; Drop disequalities that are fully satisfied because the types are disjoint
; either due to type constraints or ground values.
; Examples:
; * given (symbolo x) and (numbero y), (=/= x y) is dropped.
(define (d-subsumed-by-T? c d)
(exists (lambda (pr) (not (var-types-match? c (lhs pr) (rhs pr))))

(define (var-types-match? c t1 t2)
(or (eq? unbound (var-type c t1))
(if (var? t2)
(or (eq? unbound (var-type c t2))
(eq? (var-type c t1) (var-type c t2)))
((type-constraint-predicate (var-type c t1))

(define (var-type c t) (subst-map-lookup t (oldc-T c)))

(define (absento->diseq t)
(list t))

(define (anyvar? u r)
(if (pair? u)
(or (anyvar? (car u) r)
(anyvar? (cdr u) r))
(var? (walk u r))))

(define (rem-subsumed subsumed-by? el*)
(define (subsumed-by-one-of? el el*)
(ormap (lambda (el2) (subsumed-by? el el2)) el*))

(let loop ((el* el*)
(result ‘()))
((null? el*) result)
(let ((el (car el*)))
((or (subsumed-by-one-of? el (cdr el*))
(subsumed-by-one-of? el result))
(loop (cdr el*) result))
(else (loop (cdr el*)
(cons el result)))))))))

; Examples:
; * (absento `(cat . ,S) y) is subsumed by (absento S y)
; Note that absento constraints are pushed down to tree leaves, so we would never have
; (absento ‘closure q) given (== q (list x)). Thus we do not need to consider subsumption
; between absento constraints on q and x.
(define (a-subsumed-by? t1 t2)
(and (var-eq? (rhs t1) (rhs t2)) (member* (lhs t2) (lhs t1))))

(define (member* u v)
((equal? u v) #t)
((pair? v)
(or (member* u (car v)) (member* u (cdr v))))
(else #f)))

; (-> disequality/c disequality/c boolean?)
; Examples:
; * ((a . 5) (b . 6)) is subsumed by ((a . 5)) because (not (== a 5)) is a stronger constraint
; than (not (and (== a 5) (== b 6)))
(define (d-subsumed-by? d1 d2)
(let*-values (((S ignore) (unify* d1 (subst empty-subst-map nonlocal-scope)))
((S+ added) (unify* d2 S)))
(and S+ (null? added))))

(define (reify-S v S)
(let ((v (walk v S)))
((var? v)
(let ((n (subst-length S)))
(let ((name (reify-name n)))
(subst-add S v name))))
((pair? v)
(let ((S (reify-S (car v) S)))
(reify-S (cdr v) S)))
(else S))))

; Formatting

(define (reify-name n)
(string-append “_” “.” (number->string n))))

(define (reify+ v R D T A)
(let ((vs (vars v ‘())))
(let ((T^ (map
(lambda (tc-type)
(cons tc-type
(filter (lambda (x) x)
(lambda (v)
(let ((tc (subst-map-lookup v T)))
(and (not (eq? tc unbound))
(eq? tc-type (type-constraint-reified tc))
(walk* v R))))
(remove-duplicates vs)))))
(map type-constraint-reified type-constraints))))
;; T^ : (alist type-constraint-symbol (list-of reified-var))
(form (walk* v R) (walk* D R) T^ (walk* A R)))))

(define (form v D T^ A)
(let ((fd (sort-D D))
(filter (lambda (x) x)
(lambda (p)
(let ((tc-type (car p)) (tc-vars (cdr p)))
(and (not (null? tc-vars))
`(,tc-type . ,(sort-lex tc-vars)))))
(fa (sort-lex A)))
(let ((fd (if (null? fd) fd
(let ((fd (drop-dot-D fd)))
`((=/= . ,fd)))))
(fa (if (null? fa) fa
(let ((fa (drop-dot fa)))
`((absento . ,fa))))))
((and (null? fd) (null? ft) (null? fa))
(else (append `(,v) fd ft fa))))))

(define (sort-lex ls)
(list-sort lex<=? ls)) (define (sort-D D) (sort-lex (map sort-d D))) (define (sort-d d) (list-sort (lambda (x y) (lex<=? (car x) (car y))) (map sort-pr d))) (define (sort-pr pr) (let ((l (lhs pr)) (r (rhs pr))) (cond ((lex<-reified-name? r) pr) ((lex<=? r l) `(,r . ,l)) (else pr)))) (define (lex<-reified-name? r) (charstring r) 0)

(define (drop-dot-D D)
(map drop-dot D))

(define (drop-dot X)
(map (lambda (t) (list (lhs t) (rhs t)))

(define (lex<=? x y) ; TODO: order by type of value; possibly using order in ; declare-type-constraints? (string<=? (datum->string x) (datum->string y)))

(define (datum->string x)
(lambda (p) (write x p))))