COMP105 Assignment 3: Writing a program
Assessment Number 3 (of 4)
Weighting 25%
Copyright By PowCoder代写 加微信 powcoder
Assignment Date Circulated Friday the 2nd of December (week 10)
Deadline Friday the 16th of December (week 12) at 12:00 mid-
Submission Mode Electronic only
Learning outcome assessed
• Write programs using a functional program-
ming language.
Marking criteria Correctness: 100%
Submission necessary in order
to satisfy Module requirements? No
Late Submission Penalty UoL standard penalty applies
Date of advantageous feedback Thursday the 5th of January (anticipated)
Important: Please read all of the instructions carefully before starting the assignment.
There is an FAQ at the end of this document. Please read it before asking any questions.
Introduction. In this assignment, you will implement a maze game. Before starting, Windows users
should download from Canvas, while Mac and Linux users should download
Both files contain the same data:
• Main.hs. This is a template file with stub code for each question, and with some helper code from
Lecture 25 that you may use in the assignment.
• maze2.txt through maze6.txt are small mazes that you can use for testing, ranging from 2 × 2
through 6 × 6 in size.
• maze-big-1.txt through maze-big-4.txt are larger mazes that you can use for testing.
The mazes. The mazes are represented by ASCII art, and can be seen by opening one of the files. For
example maze6.txt contains:
##### ### #
# # # # # #
# # # # # #
# # # # # #
# ##### # #
The maze is composed of square tiles, and each tile is either a wall or a corridor. The # character
represents the wall tiles, while the space character represents the corridor tiles. You can assume that the
outer edge of the maze is surrounded by walls, as in the example above. You can also assume that all
corridors are exactly one tile wide.
The game will allow the player to explore the maze. The player will be represented by the @ (at)
character, and will be able to move around the maze using the keys “wasd”, as described in Question 5.
The player can walk through corridors, but not through walls.
The assignment. In parts A and B you will implement the maze game, as described above. Unlike
Assignments 1 and 2, there are no restrictions on the functions you can use. Use whatever
techniques you think appropriate.
Parts A and B combined are worth 63% of the marks for the assignment, which is equivalent to a
2:1 mark. Part C should be attempted by ambitious students who want to push for 100%. The task in
part C is to write a program that finds and displays the path from the top-left corner of the maze to the
bottom-right corner of the maze.
Marking. Marks will be awarded for correct function implementations only. No marks will be gained
or lost for coding style. If you have a non-working function that you would like to be looked at by a
human marker, then include the following comment above the function.
Please make sure that the comment is exactly as shown above including capitalization. Functions that
do not include this comment will be marked by the automated marker only. If you have multiple non-
working functions that you would like to be looked at, then please include the comment above each one.
Do not include the comment above working functions – no extra feedback will be given for those other
than what is produced by the automated marker.
Submission. You should complete the assignment by filling out the template “Main.hs” (please do
not change the name). Submit this file to the assessment task submission system:
Since your functions will be called from the automated marker, please make sure that you follow these
• Your code should compile and load into ghci without errors. (Warnings are fine).
• You should not alter the type signatures in the template file in any way.
• You should leave the stub error-message implementation in the template file if you have not an-
swered a question. If you remove this implementation, and then later decide to comment out your
code because it does not compile, then please reinstate the original stub implementation.
There will be a 5% penalty for any submission that does not follow these guidelines. You can use the
checker file (see the section at the end of this document) to check whether your submission will get this
If you have some code that does not compile, but you would like the marker to see it, then comment
out the code, and explain in another comment what the code is supposed to do. Remember that you
will need to reinstate the stub implementation after you comment out your code, or the file will still fail
to compile.
Academic Integrity. The work that you submit for this assessment must be your own. The University
takes academic integrity very seriously, so you should not collude with another student, copy anyone else’s
work, or plagiarise from other sources.
Deadline. The deadline for this task is:
Friday the 16th of December (week 12) at 12:00 midday
The standard university late penalty will be applied: 5% of the total marks available for the assessment
shall be deducted from the assessment mark for each 24 hour period after the submission deadline. Late
submissions will no longer be accepted after five calendar days have passed.
Part A (worth 30%)
In part A we will build some functions for loading the maze, printing the maze, and manipulating the
Question 1. We will represent mazes as a list of strings. So, the maze
will be represented as
Write an IO action get_maze :: String -> IO [String] that takes a string containing a file path for
a maze, and returns the representation of that maze as a list of strings. For example, if “maze2.txt” is
saved as M:\maze2.txt, then:
ghci> get_maze “M:\\maze2.txt”
[“#####”,”# #”,”# # #”,”# # #”,”#####”]
Note that on Windows, you must use two backslashes in your file paths, so C:\Documents\Haskell\maze2.txt
must be written as “C:\\Documents\\Haskell\\maze2.txt”. This is because \ is the escape character
in Haskell. Linux and Mac users do not need to do this. Hints:
• You can do this using the readFile and lines functions.
• Remember that IO types need to be boxed and unboxed. So before you use the output of readFile,
you will need to unbox the string. Likewise, get_maze is required to return type IO [String], so
you will need to use the return function to box the value that you want to return.
Note: for testing purposes it may be convenient to modify the maze_path line of the template to a line
maze_path = “M:\\path\\to\\my\\maze\\dir\\maze2.txt”
in your file, so that you can run get_maze maze_path instead of having to type out the long file path
every time. All further examples in this document assume that you have done this.
Question 2. Write an IO action print_maze :: [String] -> IO () that takes a maze, and prints
it out to the screen. For example:
ghci> m <- get_maze maze_path ghci> print_maze m
• You can use the putStrLn and unlines functions to do this.
• Using these two functions together will produce an extra newline at the bottom of the maze, as
shown above. This is the expected (and required) behaviour.
Question 3. Write a function is_wall :: [String] -> (Int, Int) -> Bool that takes a maze and
a pair of integers, and returns True if the tile at that position is a wall (represented by ‘#’) and False
if it is a corridor (represented by ‘ ‘). Note that the coordinates are given as pairs (x, y) where
x represents the horizontal coordinate, and y represents the vertical coordinate. Coordinates are zero
indexed, starting from the top left of the maze. So, in the following diagram:
a is at position (1, 3) while b is at position (3, 1). For example:
ghci> m <- get_maze maze_path ghci> is_wall m (0, 0)
ghci> is_wall m (3, 1)
Hint: The get function that is provided in the template will get the tile at a specified pair of coordinates.
So you just need to determine whether it is a wall or not.
Question 4. Write a function place_player :: [String] -> (Int, Int) -> [String] that takes
a maze and a pair of coordinates, and returns a new maze with the @ symbol at those coordinates. You
can assume that the given coordinates are not inside a wall. For example:
ghci> m <- get_maze maze_path ghci> let x = place_player m (1, 1)
ghci> print_maze x
Hint: The set function that is provided in the template will place a character at a particular point in
Part B (worth 33%)
In part B, we will build the logic for our game, and produce a working program.
Question 5. We will now write a function to process the player’s inputs. The player will control the
game using the following keys:
• ‘w’ to move up
• ‘s’ to move down
• ‘a’ to move left
• ‘d’ to move right
Write a function move :: (Int, Int) -> Char -> (Int, Int) that takes a pair of coordinates, and
a character, and returns a pair of coordinates moved in the appropriate direction. If the character is not
in “wasd”, then the coordinates should be left unchanged. For example:
ghci> move (1, 1) ‘w’
ghci> move (1, 1) ‘s’
ghci> move (1, 1) ‘a’
ghci> move (1, 1) ‘d’
ghci> move (1, 1) ‘q’
Question 6. If the player tries to walk into a wall, then we should not allow them to do this. Write
a function can_move :: [String] -> (Int, Int) -> Char -> Bool that takes a maze, the current
position of the player, a direction character, and returns True if the player can walk in that direction,
and False otherwise. For example:
ghci> m <- get_maze maze_path ghci> can_move m (1, 1) ‘s’
ghci> can_move m (1, 1) ‘w’
This shows that from the coordinates (1, 1) in “maze2.txt”, you can move down, but you cannot move
up because there is a wall blocking the way.
Question 7. Write an IO action game_loop :: [String] -> (Int, Int) -> IO () that implements
the maze game. The arguments to game_loop are the maze, and the current location of the player. Your
function needs to do the following things:
• Print out the maze with the player in the current position.
• Ask the user for input using getLine, which is a function in prelude that gets a line of text from
the user. The first character of the string returned by getLine should be treated as the input from
the player. All other characters in the string should be ignored. You can assume that the user
inputs a non-empty string.
• Check whether the player can move in the direction specified, and create a new set of coordinates
– If the player can move, then the new coordinates are the new location of the player.
– If the player cannot move, then the new coordinates are the same as the current coordinates.
• In either case, the function should then recursively call itself with the new coordinates to continue
The game will continue until the user presses control-c. An example interaction is:
ghci> m <- get_maze maze_path ghci> game_loop m (1, 1)
Part C (worth 37%)
In part C, we will build a program that solves the maze. That is, we want to find the path from the
start of the maze, which is always the top left tile, to the end of the maze, which is always the bottom
right tile. For example, the solution to “maze-big-1.txt” is shown by the dotted line in the following
#.# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#.# # # ##### # # # ##### ####### # # ##### ### # # # ### ###
#… # # # # # # # # # # #
###.########### ############# ##### # ####### ### # ### ### #
# …#………….# # # # # # # ….. #
#####.#.### # # ###.# ### ##### # ### ###############.###.###
# #…#.# # # #.# # …………… #…#
# #.###.### ##### #.###################.###################.#
# #.# #.# # #.# # # # # #……. # # #.#
# #.# #.###########.# # # # # ###.####### # # # ##### # # #.#
# #. #.# …….# #….. # # # # # # #.#
# #.###.####### ####### #.# #.# # ####### # # ######### # #.#
# …..# # #…..# # # # # # # .#
########### ############################################# #.#
# # # # # # # # # # # # #.#
########### # ### ##### # # # # # # # ######### # # # # # #.#
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # #.#
# ### # # # # # ### # # # # # # # # # # ### ### # # # # # #.#
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #.#
To make this task simpler, you may assume that the following property always holds: The maze is
a tree. This means that there are never any cycles (loops) in the maze, and that there is exactly one
path from the start to the finish. All example mazes have this property.
Question 8. Write a function get_path :: [String] -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
that takes a maze, a start coordinate, and a target coordinate, and returns the path from the start coor-
dinate to the target coordinate. The path should include the target and start coordinates. For example:
ghci> m <- get_maze maze_path ghci> get_path m (1, 1) (3, 3)
• The fact that the maze has a tree structure is very important here, because it makes the question
much simpler than it otherwise would be. While there are path-finding algorithms that can deal
with loopy mazes, a simpler recursive approach can be used here.
• You may have heard of algorithms like depth-first search and breadth-first search. One of these
algorithms has a particularly simple recursive implementation for trees.
• We saw some example code for finding things in trees in Lecture 22. A similar approach can be
used here. Bear in mind that the code from Lecture 22 only works for binary trees, where every
node has exactly two children. Here, the nodes in our tree can have up to four children.
• It is possible to solve this question by creating your own tree data structure, but it is not recom-
mended, because it will overcomplicate things. You can use the maze itself as the data structure
while exploring it, so there is no need to define your own data type.
• One thing that you need to bear in mind is that you should never end up walking in circles. So if
you are at (1, 1), and you decide to recursively explore (2, 1), then you need to make sure that
the recursive call then doesn’t decide to recursively explore (1, 1) again. Otherwise you will end
up looping infinitely between the two coordinates.
• You can assume that both the start and target coordinates are corridors. This means that there
definitely is a path from the start to the target.
Question 9. Now we will turn our maze solver into a program. Write a function main :: IO () that
does the following:
• The program takes one command line argument, which is the path to a maze file. You can assume
that this command line argument is correct, and it does not matter what your code does if it is
• The program loads the maze from the file, solves it, and then prints out the path from top-left to
bottom-right, using the . character to indicate the path.
For example, assuming that “maze-big-2.txt” is in the current working directory, and that the program
has been compiled, and is named Main, then entering
Main maze-big-2.txt
on the command line in Windows (that is, in cmd) should produce:
#…# # #….. # # # # # # #
# #.### # #.# #.### # # # # # ### ##### # # ##### ### ##### #
# #………# #. # # # # # # # # #…# # #
###############.################################### #.#.# # #
# # # .# # # # # # # # .#…# #
# ### ### # ###.# ### ### # ### ### ### ### ### # # #.# #.# #
# # # # #…# # # # # # #.# #.# #
# # ### ####### #.# ####### #########################.# #.# #
# # #………..#…#….. # #….. #…# #…#
### ##################### #.#.#.#.###.### #.# #.###.# # # #.#
# # # # # # # # #…#…# . # #.# #.# #.# # # #.#
# # # # # # ### # # # ### ####### ###.### #.###.# #.# # # #.#
# # # # # # # # # …# #.# #.#…# # # #.#
# ### # # # ##### # ### ### # ### ### #.# #.# #.#.# # # # #.#
# # # # # # # # # # # #….. #…# # # # #.#
### ############### ######### ####################### # # #.#
# # # # # # # # # # # #.#
# ### # # ### # # # # ### ##### # # # # # # # # # # # # # #.#
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #.#
Linux or Mac users would instead type:
./Main maze-big-2.txt
The Checker
You can download Checker3.hs from the COMP105 website. This file is intended to help you check
whether your code will run successfully with the automated marker. To run the checker, follow these
1. Place Checker3.hs and your completed Main.hs into the same folder. The checker will not work
if it is not in the same folder as your submission.
2. You have two options to run the checker.
(a) Navigate to the folder in Windows explorer, and double-click on Checker3.hs to open the file
into ghci.
(b) In a ghci instance, first use the :cd command to change to the directory containing the checker,
and then run :load Checker3.hs
You cannot load the checker directly with something like :l M:\Checker3.hs, because you must
first change the directory so that ghci can also find Main.hs. Both of the methods above will do
If the checker compiles successfully, then you are guaranteed to not receive the 5% penalty for non-
compilation. You can run the compileCheck in ghci to confirm that the checker has been compiled
You can also run the test function to automatically test your code using some simple test cases.
These tests will only check the pure functions in the assignment. The checker verifies that
IO actions have the correct type, but it does not run test cases on them. Passing these test cases does
not guarantee any marks in the assessment, since different test cases will be used to test your code after
submission. You are encouraged to test your functions on a wide variety of inputs to ensure that they
are correct.
In Questions 4 and 7, what should happen if the player is placed inside a wall?
You can assume that the inputs to these two functions will always place the player in a
In Question 7, wouldn’t it be better to use getChar rather than getLine?
It would, but unfortunately there is a long-standing bug in the Windows version of Haskell
regarding the input-buffering behaviour of getChar, which would lead to students on differ-
ent platforms getting different outputs. To ensure that the assignment is consistent for all
students you are required to use getLine in Question 7.
What should maze path contain when I submit my code?
It doesn’t matter – the auto-marker will not use your math_path definition. Make sure that
your functions work for any paths, not just the path that you put in maze_path.
Are there any guarantees about the mazes?
You can assume that all mazes have walls entirely around the outside, that all corridors are
exactly one tile wide, and that the top-left and bottom-right corners are corridors.
Can I use this library function, or write this helper function?
Yes. You can do anything that you like in Assignment 3.
Should the file be called Main.hs or Assignment3.hs?
It should be called Main.hs. The change in file name is due to three reasons:
• Question 9 asks you to compile and run a program. This will only work in modules that
are called Main, or files that have no module declaration.
• To load your code in, the checker requires that your code has a mo
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