ITI 1121. Introduction to Computing II – subtitle
ITI 1121. Introduction to Computing II
Implementing a queue using a circular array
Marcel Turcotte
Version March 8, 2020
Implementing a queue using a circular array
We consider here the implementation of a queue using an array. As with stacks, we expect
the size of the array to grow dynamically, depending on the needs of the application.
However, we will discover that the implementation is not as simple as it seems.
General objective :
This week, you will be able to implement a queue using a circular array.
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Learning objectives
Learning objectives
Implement a queue using a circular array.
Compare implementations using arrays and linked elements of a queue.
Pages 189-194 of E. Koffman and P. Wolfgang.
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1 Preamble
2 Reminder
3 Implementation
4 Prologue
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A queue is a linear abstract data type such that adding information is done at one end,
the rear of the queue, and removing it at the other, the front.
These data structures are referred to as first-in-first-out (FIFO) structures.
enqueue() ⇒ Queue ⇒ dequeue()
The two basic operations are:
enqueue: adding an item to the rear of the queue,
dequeue: the removal of an item from the front of the queue.
⇒ The queues are therefore data structures similar to the queues at the supermarket,
bank, cinema, etc.
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Interface Queue
pub l i c i n t e r f a c e Queue
boolean i sEmpty ( ) ;
vo id enqueue (E o ) ;
E dequeue ( ) ;
5 51
Instance variables
Implementation using an array
pub l i c c l a s s ArrayQueue
p r i v a t e E [ ] e l ems ;
pub l i c boolean i sEmpty ( ) { . . . }
pub l i c vo id enqueue (E o ) { . . . }
pub l i c E dequeue ( ) { . . . }
Any suggestions for the additional instance variable or instance variables?
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Implementation 1
Implementing a queue using an array
Implementation 1. The front of the queue is fixed, at position 0, for example, and we
use a variable that points to the rear of the queue.
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⇒ Unlike implementing stacks, implementing queues using arrays will cause some
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Implementing a queue using an array
pub l i c c l a s s ArrayQueue
p r i v a t e E [ ] e l ems ;
p r i v a t e i n t r e a r ;
pub l i c boolean i sEmpty ( ) { . . . }
pub l i c vo id enqueue (E o ) { . . . }
pub l i c E dequeue ( ) { . . . }
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Just like we did with the stacks, we could:
Make the value of rear point to the first free cell or the cell where the rear element
When removing an element, put the value null in the array cell to avoid memory
Use the dynamic array technique.
⇒ However, the conclusions to be drawn regarding the performance of the insertion and
removal algorithms would remain the same.
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Insersion (enqueue)
Inserting a new element into a queue, when the front of the queue is fixed and the back
moves, is similar to adding an element to a stack.
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⇒ (i) The variable rear is increased by 1, then (ii) the value is put at the position rear of
the array.
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Removal (dequeue)
What about the removal of an item?
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Removal (dequeue)
After removing the element, one must move all elements one position to the left so
that the front of the queue remains in a fixed position, 0.
1. Save in a temporary variable the value at the front of the queue;
2. From i equals 1 to rear move the value at position i to position i-1;
3. Initialize the rear cell of the array;
4. Decrement the variable rear by one;
5. Return the saved value.
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Removal (dequeue)
This means that for each removal, one must move n-1 values, if there were n values
before the removal.
The more items in the queue, the more moves to be made. If we double the
number of elements in the queue, removing an element will require twice as many
This is not the case for insertions, an insertion is always made at the first free
position of the array. Inserting an element in a queue containing twice as much data
does not require more work (operations).
⇒ Can we do better?
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Implementation 2
Implémenter une file à l’aide d’un tableau
Implementation 2. The front and the rear of the queue are moving, so you have to use
a variable that points at the front element, and another that points to the
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Implementation using an array
pub l i c c l a s s ArrayQueue
p r i v a t e E [ ] e l ems ;
p r i v a t e i n t f r o n t ;
p r i v a t e i n t r e a r ;
pub l i c boolean i sEmpty ( ) { . . . }
pub l i c vo id enqueue (E o ) { . . . }
pub l i c E dequeue ( ) { . . . }
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Retrait (dequeue)
In order to remove an element, we now have to (i) save the value at the front in a
temporary variable, (ii) increment front and (iii) return the saved value.
The removal of an element is now always done in constant time, i.e. no matter how
many elements are present in the queue, there are only the three operations to do
(and possibly initialize the free cell to null, if dealing with reference values).
Mission accomplished?
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Insertion (enqueue)
It’s just like before:
1. Increase the value of the variable rear;
2. Insert the new value at position rear.
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There’s a fundamental problem with the implementation.
What is it?
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This new implementation allows us to remove an element in a way that is efficient,
i.e. the time required no longer depends on the number of elements in the queue.
However, the price to pay is that when the value of rear reaches the limit of the
array (but front is not 0, i.e. the queue is not full, it has just moved to the right)
then it must be repositioned to the left of the array, i.e. all its elements must be
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The more elements the queue contains at the time of insertion, the more
elements there are to be shifted. If there are twice as many elements in the
queue, then twice as many elements will need to be moved.
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Under implementation 1, adding elements is effective, but removing them is slow.
Under implementation 2, the opposite is true, adding elements is expensive (when
the queue has moved to the right), but removing them is efficient.
Is it possible to have both an efficient removal and insertion?
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Implementation 3
Implementing a queue using an array
Implementation 3. In order to make the 2 basic operations, removal and insertion,
efficient, we will use a circular array. Both the front and the rear of the
queue will move, so we must use a variable that points at the front, front,
and another that points at the rear, rear.
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Implementing a queue using an array
So, in order to insert a value, one has to: (i) increase the value rear, (ii) then insert
the new value at the position rear.
Similarly, in order to remove an element one must: save the value found at the
position front, re-initialize this position of the array, increase the value of front and
return the saved value.
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Circular array
How do we implement a circular array?
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Circular array
The idea is the following, when the rear of the queue has reached the right end of
the array, and there are free cells in its left part, then we start again inserting
elements at the beginning of the array.
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Memory diagram
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Memory diagram
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Circular array
But then again, how do you write the method enqueue, for instance?
We could add a test like this:
r e a r = r e a r + 1 ;
i f ( r e a r == MAX_QUEUE_SIZE) {
r e a r = 0 ;
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Circular array
Instead, we use modulo arithmetic which simplifies the writing.
r e a r = ( r e a r + 1) % MAX_QUEUE_SIZE ;
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Insertion (enqueue)
1. rear = (rear+1) % MAX_QUEUE_SIZE;
2. Add the new element at the position rear.
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Removal (dequeue)
1. Save the front value of the queue;
2. Save the value null at the front position of the array;
3. front = (front+1) % MAX_QUEUE_SIZE;
4. Return the saved value.
⇒ What happens when the queue is empty?
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So we can see that it’s impossible to tell an empty queue from a full queue based
on the variables rear and front.
What can we do about it?
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How do you tell the empty queue from the
full queue?
There are several possible alternatives: destroy the array when the queue is
empty, use a boolean or sentinel (-1) as a value for rear or front.
Another solution is to use an instance variable in order to count the number of
elements in the queue and to choose wisely the values of rear and front: for
example 0 and 1 or MAX_QUEUE_SIZE and 0.
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We’ll use a sentinel value for the rear index to signify an empty queue.
pub l i c c l a s s Ci r cu l a rQueue
p r i v a t e s t a t i c f i n a l i n t MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 100 ;
p r i v a t e E [ ] e l ems ;
p r i v a t e i n t f r o n t , r e a r ;
pub l i c C i r cu l a rQueue ( ) {
e lems = (E [ ] ) new Object [ MAX_QUEUE_SIZE ] ;
f r o n t = 0 ; //
r e a r = −1; // i n d i c a t e s t ha t the queue i s empty
// . . .
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pub l i c boolean i sEmpty ( ) {
re tu rn ( r e a r == −1) ;
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pub l i c boolean i s F u l l ( ) {
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Even works for the empty queue, why?
pub l i c vo id enqueue (E v a l u e ) {
r e a r = ( r e a r +1) % MAX_QUEUE_SIZE ;
e lems [ r e a r ] = v a l u e ;
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pub l i c E peek ( ) {
re tu rn e lems [ f r o n t ] ;
42 51
pub l i c E dequeue ( ) {
43 51
Insertion (enqueue)
Another way to solve this problem would have been to use an instance variable to count
1. rear = ( rear+1 ) % MAX_QUEUE_SIZE,
2. Add the new element at the position rear;
3. Increase the value of count.
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Removal (dequeue)
1. Save the value at the front of the queue;
2. Save the value null at the front position of the array;
3. front = (front+1) % MAX_QUEUE_SIZE;
4. Decrement the value of count;
5. Return the saved value.
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1. count == 0
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1. count == MAX_QUEUE_SIZE
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Implementing a queue using an array requires the use of a circular array.
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Next module
Abstract Data Type (ADT) : lists
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References I
E. B. Koffman and Wolfgang P. A. T.
Data Structures: Abstraction and Design Using Java.
John Wiley & Sons, 3e edition, 2016.
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Marcel Turcotte
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS)
University of Ottawa
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Learning objectives
Instance variables
Implementation 1
Implementation 2
Implementation 3