CS计算机代考程序代写 python database Excel CS1-FULL-FALL2021


Week 8

Maíra Marques Samary

Files with data separated by commas

CSV (Comma-Separated Values)

CSV Files

• In spreadsheets such as Microsoft Excel it is
common to tabulate data in rows and columns.

• Relational databases handle tables with data that
can also be processed with row and column

• Data from an Excel spreadsheet, or from a table
in a database can be exported to the CSV

Texto de archivo CSV

CSV Module

• Python provides a special module with
which CSV files can be easily read.

• Without this module, it would be
necessary to use the operation split (‘,’) in
each read line to obtain the data of
individual columns.


Programa que lee el archivo CSV, imprime los
nombres y edad promedio de los sujetos
