CS计算机代考程序代写 python CS1-FULL-FALL2021


Maíra Marques Samary



A software program can be VERY VERY

Is it feasible to create gigantic programs,
with thousands or millions of lines of code

in a single Python code file?


Clearly not.

A program that grows in a single file
becomes difficult to modify, expand and


Even writing a small program we may
realize that it is natural to divide a program

into sub-programs.

Let’s think of how to write a program that
can calculate the factorial of a number


Too start, basic combinatory rules:

If we have a set of n elements, in how many
ways can we choose k elements?


We have to calculate three factorials and the
three are calculated in the same way.


To not repeat the same calculation three
times, we can create a function (a

“subprocess”) to calculate the factorial.


input data == parameters

output data == return value


In Python when we are thinking about a
sub process in our program we are thinking

about a function.


To create a function, in Python the following reserved

word is used:

def function_name():

#Function code

This function have parameters and return values?

How do we make a function to run (execute)?



Parameters can be a list of values / variables, separated by
a comma.

If the function does not require parameters, then nothing
is put between the parentheses.

Let’s write a function called factorial that
calculates n! and print the result


def factorial(n):

#Function code

The function has parameters?

Write a Python program that calculates them and
prints the values 1 !, 2 !, 3!, …, 12! using (calling /
invoking) the function that you have just written.

(Use While)


A function that generates output data should
in most cases deliver (return) data


Deliver => Return


Let’s discuss a know example:

Take 1

What’s up here with random.randint?
Are we using the result for something?

Take 2

And here? Do we use the result of random.randint (1,7) for something?..
No, we never invoke / call the function throw_a_dice.

Take 3

Here we are invoking throw_a_dice, but we do not do anything
with the value that is generated inside the function when calling
random.randint ()

Take 4

On line 9, the program calls throw_a_dice, and this
function prints the value obtained, between 1 and 6.

How do we now save the value of the dice in
a variable as a result of calling the function?


Take 5

We could try this, but it does not give the expected result. Why?

… the behavior is not what we expected because the function does
not return the value generated by random.randint (1,7)

How do we make a function return?
