CS计算机代考程序代写 Slide 1

Slide 1

Turing Machine
Sections 17.6 – 17.7

The Universal Turing Machine

Universal Turing Machine:

A programmable TM that accepts as input:

program input string

It executes the program, and produces the output:

output string

The Universal Turing Machine

To formally define the Universal Turing Machine U we need to:

1. Define an encoding operation for TMs.

2. Describe the operation of U given input , the
encoding of:

● a TM M, and

● an input string w.

Encoding a Turing Machine M
We need to describe M = (K, , , , s, H) as a string:

The states

The tape alphabet

The transitions

Encoding the States
Let i be log2(|K|).

Number the states from 0 to |K|-1 in binary:

 Number s, the start state, 0.
 Number the others in any order.

If t is the binary number assigned to state t, then:

 If t is the halting state y, assign it the string yt.
 If t is the halting state n, assign it the string nt.
 If t is any other state, assign it the string qt.

Example of Encoding the States
Suppose M has 9 states.

i = 4

s = q0000,

Remaining states (where y is 3 and n is 4):

q0001, q0010, y0011, n0100,
q0101, q0110, q0111, q1000

Encoding a Turing Machine M (cont’d)
The tape alphabet:

ax : x  {0, 1}+,
|x| = j, and
j is the smallest integer such that 2j  ||.
(j = log2(||))

Example:  = {q, a, b, c}. j = 2.

q = a00
a = a01
b = a10
c = a11

The transitions: (state, input, state, output, move)

Example: (q000,a000,q110,a000,)

Encoding a Turing Machine M (cont’d)

An Encoding Example
Consider M = ({s, q, h}, {a, b, c}, {q, a, b, c}, , s, {h}):

= (q00,a00,q01,a00,), (q00,a01,q00,a10,),
(q00,a10,q01,a01,), (q00,a11,q01,a10,),
(q01,a00,q00,a01,), (q01,a01,q01,a10,),
(q01,a10,q01,a11,), (q01,a11,h11,a01,)
state symbol 
s q (q,q, )
s a (s,b,)
s b (q,a, )
s c (q,b, )
q q (s,a, )
q a (q,b,)
q b (q,b, )
q c (h,a, )

state/symbol representation
s q00
q q01
h h10
q a00
a a01
b a10
c a11

Enumerating Turing Machines
Theorem: There exists an infinite lexicographic enumeration of:

(a) All syntactically valid TMs.

(b) All syntactically valid TMs with specific input alphabet .

(c) All syntactically valid TMs with specific input alphabet  and specific tape alphabet .

Enumerating Turing Machines
Proof: Fix  = {(, ), a, q, y, n, 0, 1, comma, , }, ordered as listed. Then:
1. Lexicographically enumerate the strings in *.
2. As each string s is generated, check to see whether
it is a syntactically valid Turing machine description.
If it is, output it.

To restrict the enumeration to symbols in sets  and , check, in step 2, that only alphabets of the appropriate sizes are allowed.

We can now talk about the ith Turing machine.

Another Win of Encoding
One big win of defining a way to encode any Turing machine M:

● We can talk about operations on programs (TMs).

Example of a Transforming TM T:
Input: a TM M1 that reads its input tape and performs some operation P on it.

Output: a TM M2 that performs P on an empty input tape.

Encoding Multiple Inputs

mean a single string that encodes the sequence of individual values:

x1, x2, …xn.

On input , U must:

● Halt iff M halts on w.

● If M is a deciding or semideciding machine, then:
● If M accepts, accept.
● If M rejects, reject.

● If M computes a function, then U() must equal M(w).
The Specification of the Universal TM

U will use 3 tapes:

● Tape 1: M’s tape.

● Tape 2: , the “program” that U is running.

● Tape 3: M’s state.
How U Works

The Universal TM

Initialization of U:
1. Copy onto tape 2.
2. Look at , figure out what i is, and write the encoding of state
s on tape 3.

After initialization:



The Operation of U

Simulate the steps of M :
1. Until M would halt do:
1.1 Scan tape 2 for a quintuple that matches the
(current state, input) pair.
1.2 Perform the associated action, by changing tapes 1 and 3. If
necessary, extend the tape.
1.3 If no matching quintuple found, halt. Else loop.
2. Report the same result M would report.
