Assignment 2 – CSC/DSC 265/465 – Spring 2020 – Due April 16
Note that problem Q5 is reserved for graduate students.
Q1: Suppose, conditional on parameter θ ∈ (0,1), a random variable X has distribution X ∼ bin(n,θ). Then suppose we assign a prior distribution π(θ) to θ of the form π(1/4) = π(1/2) = π(3/4) = 1/3. If n = 10 and we observe X = 4, give the posterior distribution π(θ | X) of θ.
Q2: Suppose the traffic flow rate on a certain highway is expressed as λ vehicles per hour. In other words, the number of vehicles which pass a given point in one hour is, on average, λ.
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Then, suppose at one point on this highway there is a toll booth installation with a maximum capacity of N = 10 toll booths. The number of tolls currently open is M ≤ N. When a car approaches the installation, any one of the open tolls is chosen at random. As an approximation, we will assume that the number of vehicles which pass through a given open toll in a time interval of length T has a Poisson distribution with mean λT/M. We may also assume that the number of vehicles passing through distinct toll booths are statistically independent.
We will construct a Bayesian model for the estimation of λ. Both λ and M are unknown, and have (independent) prior distributions πλ(λ), πM (m). The observation will be a low resolution “snapshot” of the toll booth installation. Within a period of T = 15 seconds, X is the number of toll booths through which at least one vehicle has passed.
(a) What is f (x | λ, M ), the distribution of X conditional on (λ, M )?
(b) Give an expression for the posterior distribution of the parameter pair (λ,M).
(c) Create a Hastings-Metropolis MCMC algorithm to simulate a sample from the posterior distribution of (λ,M). Include the following elements:
(i) The prior distribution of λ is uniform.
(ii) The prior distribution of M is given by πM (8) = 4/7, πM (9) = 2/7, πM (10) = 1/7, with πM (m) = 0
for any m < 8.
(iii) A proposal distribution generates proposed state (λnew,Mnew) from (λold,Mold) in the following
λnew = λold + U,
where U ∼ unif (−10, 10) (but replace any negative λnew with zero). If Mold = 8 or Mold = 10 set Mnew = 9 with probability one. If Mold = 9 set Mnew = 8 or Mnew = 10 with equal probabilty. Note that a proposed value is generated for both parameters λ and M within each transition.
(iv) Allow the MCMC to run for 5,000,000 transitions. However, store the current values of λ, M only at intervals of 1,000 transitions.
(v) Use Mold = 8 and λold = X × 240 as initital states, for observation X.
Run the MCMC sampler four times, using observations X = 2, 4, 6, 8.
(d) For each of the four samples, give an estimate of the marginal posterior distribution of M. Compare this to the prior distribution πM. How do the posterior distributions of M vary with observations X = 2,4,6,8?
(e) Create side-by-side boxplots of the sampled λ values for observations X = 2, 4, 6, 8. How do the posterior distributions of λ vary with observations X = 2, 4, 6, 8?
Q3: This problem will make use of the Cars93 data set from the MASS library, titled Data from 93 Cars on Sale in the USA in 1993. First, select a subset of variables from Cars93 with the following code:
> carsb = Cars93[,c(4,5,6,7,8,12,13,14,15,17,19:22,25,26)]
> names(carsb)
[1] “Min.Price”
[3] “Max.Price”
[5] “MPG.highway”
[7] “Horsepower”
[9] “Rev.per.mile”
[11] “Length”
[13] “Width”
[15] “Weight”
The first 15 columns of carsb are continuous quantitative automobile features. Column 16 is the factor Origin possessing two levels USA, non-USA, indicating whether or not the manufacturer is located in the USA. Do a log transformation of the first 15 columns:
> carsb[,-16] = log(carsb[,-16])
The objective will be to build a classifier of Origin based on the remaining 15 quantitative features. The class to be predicted will be either USA or non-USA.
true USA predicted USA n11 predicted non-USA n21
true non-USA n12
Any record used for testing the predictor is placed in exactly one of the four cells.
(a) Recall the odds representation of Baye’s Rule, in this application:
Odds(true USA | predicted USA) = LR+ × Odds(true USA) Odds(true USA | predicted non-USA) = LR+ × Odds(true USA)
Express LR+ and LR− in terms of the elements (n11, n12, n21, n22) of the confusion table. Create an R function that inputs the confusion table, and outputs a single vector with elements (CE,LR+,LR−), where CE is classification error.
(b) Using the function lda() fit a classifier using linear discriminant analysis (LDA). Use the function of Part (a) to calculate (CE,LR+,LR−). Do not use cross-validation to fit this classifier.
(c) Using the function qda() fit a classifier using quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA). Use the function of Part (a) to calculate (CE,LR+,LR−). Do not use cross-validation to fit this classifier. Does the QDA classifier appear to improve the LDA classifier?
(d) Repeat Parts (b) and (c) using the CV = TRUE option of the lda() and qda() functions. This yields the predictions resulting from leave-one-out cross-validation. How does this change the comparison between the LDA and QDA classifier. Give a brief explanation.
Q4: This problem will make use of the data set from the MASS library. From the help page:
A population of women who were at least 21 years old, of Pima Indian heritage and living near Phoenix, Arizona, was tested for diabetes according to World Health Organization criteria. The data were collected by the US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
Note that is a subset of the complete data set containg n = 200 records. First, select a subset of variables from with the following code:
> pima1 = rbind([,c(2,3,4,5,6,8)]
> names(pima1)
[1] “glu” “bp” “skin” “bmi” “ped” “type”
The first 5 columns of pima1 are continuous quantitative automobile features. Column 6 is the factor type possessing two levels Yes (diabetic according to WHO criteria) and No. The objective will be to build a classifier of type (ie. to predict diabetes) based on the remaining 5 quantitative features.
(a) Determine the frequencies of the Yes and No outcomes. If a classifier simply predicted the most fre- quent outcome for all inputed features, what would the classification error be (assuming the outcome prevalences found in the data hold)?
(b) Create an R function which accepts a vector k.list of values of K (the neighborhood size of the classifier), a training set of features, and a paired training set of classes. For each K in k.list a KNN fit will be evaluated using LOOCV. Use the function from the library class. The function should output the summary (CE, LR+, LR−) for each K in k.list (See Question 3).
(c) Apply the function of Part (b) to the data set. Use k.list = seq(1,125,2). What advantage is there to using only odd numbers for K? Plot the estimated CE against K. Superimpose on the plot a horizontile line representive the value of CE estimated for the simple classifier described in Part (a). What is the minimum value of CE, and for what value of K is this attained? Give also the maximum and minimum values of LR+ and LR− attained for any K.
(d) Create side-by-side boxplots of the 5 features (make sure you use a common vertical axis). Then normalize each of the 5 features by subtracting the mean, then dividing by the standard deviation. Repeat Part (c). What difference do you notice? Given that the default metric used to define the neighborhood is Euclidean distance, why might normalizing the features improve the classifier?
Q5: [For Graduate Students] We will revist Question 2. To simplify the problem we will assume that M is fixed and known to be M = 10.
(a) Derive the log-likelihood function of λ for a given observation X = x. Plot this function against λ for X = 6.
(b) Give a closed form expression for the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of λ. Create a table of the MLEs for x = 0,1,…,9.
(c) What happens when x = 10? Is it possible to give an MLE for λ, of any kind, for this case?
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