CS计算机代考程序代写 chain algorithm Announcements



• Homework 1 Due on Friday


• “Polynomial time” means time O(nk) for some
k > 0.

– [for graph algorithms it means O((|V|+|E|)k)]

Last Time

• Pre- and Post- orderings

– Keep track of execution of DFS

– Preorder when find a new vertex

– Postorder when finish with vertex

• Directed graphs

– Edges have direction

• Dependency and topological ordering

– Order vertices so that for each edge (v,w) v comes
before w


• DAGs

• Topological Sort

• Strongly Connected Components


Definition: A cycle in a directed graph is a
sequence of vertices v1, v2, v3,…,vn so that
there are edges
(v1,v2), (v2,v3),…,(vn-1,vn),(vn,v1)


Proposition: If G is a directed graph with a cycle,
then G has no topological ordering.


• Have cycle v1, v2,…, vn.

• AFSOC we have an ordering.

• Find earliest vi in the ordering.

• Note that vi comes before vi-1, in contradiction
to the order property.


Definition: A Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) is a
directed graph which contains no cycles.

Previous result said that only DAGs can be
topologically ordered. Is the reverse true?

Surprisingly, yes.

Existence of Orderings

Theorem: Let G be a (finite) DAG. Then G has a
topological ordering.


• Consider the last vertex in the ordering.

– Must be a sink (vertex with no outgoing edges).

• Idea: find a sink, put at end, order remaining.

• Question: Does G have a sink?


Lemma: Every finite DAG contains at least one


• Start at vertex v = v1
• Find edges (v1,v2), (v2,v3), (v3, v4)…

• Eventually either:

– Some vertex repeats (create cycle)

– Get stuck (found a sink)

Proof of Theorem

• Induction on |G|.

• Find sink v.

• Let G’ = G-v.

• Inductively order G’ (still a DAG).

• Add v to the end of the ordering.


Problem: Design an algorithm that given a DAG
G computes a topological ordering on G.

• Find sink v

– Follow chain of vertices until stuck

• Compute ordering on G-v

• Place v at the end



If |G|=0, Return {}

Let v ∈ G

While there is an edge (v,w)

v ← w

Return (Ordering(G-v),v)






Final Ordering: D C B E A


(|V| time to find each sink) ·(|V| sinks)
= O(|V|2) runtime.

This is suboptimal.

Problem: After adding a sink to the end, the
algorithm forgets the path that it took. Instead
of backing up to start, just back up one step.

Example II





Final Ordering: D C B E A

This is just DFS ordering!

Algorithm II


Run DFS(G) w/ pre/post numbers

Return the vertices in reverse


Note: Can add vertices to list as postorder

Runtime: O(|V|+|E|).


Proposition: If G is a DAG with an edge v → w
then w.post < v.post. Implies that ordering is correct. Proof: Break into cases based on which of v or w is discovered first. Proof • If v discovered first – w discovered while exploring v – w descendant of v – pre-post intervals nested – w.post < v.post • If w discovered first – v cannot be a descendant (DAG) – pre-post intervals are disjoint – w.post < v.post Topological Sort Useful algorithm. • Many graph algorithms are relatively easy to find the answer for v if you’ve already found the answer for everything downstream of v. – Topologically sort G. – Solve for v in reverse topological order. Connectivity in Digraphs In undirected graphs, we had a very clean description of reachability: v was reachable from w if and only if they were in the same connected component. This no longer works for digraphs. v w What is the right notion of connected components for digraphs? Problems • Reachability no longer symmetric – can reach w from v but not v from w. • Maybe allow reachability in either direction? • Maybe allow you to follow edges in either direction? – This basically treats digraph as undirected. v w u Strongly Connected Components Definition: In a directed graph G, two vertices v and w are in the same Strongly Connected Component (SCC) if v is reachable from w and w is reachable from v. Question: Can you actually partition the vertices into such components? Equivalence Relation Let v ~ w if v reachable from w and visa versa. Claim: This is an equivalence relation. Namely: • v ~ v. (v reachable from itself) • If v ~ w then w ~ v. (relation is symmetric) • If u ~ v and v ~ w then u ~ w. v w u Components Whenever you have an equivalence relation you can split a set into components (equivalence classes) so that v ~ w if and only if v and w are in the same component. Take any v, the set of all w so that v ~ w is the component of v. Everything connects to everything else in this class and does not connect (both ways) to anything outside. Question: SCCs How many strongly connected components does the graph below have? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5 A B C D E F G H