CS计算机代考程序代写 scheme algorithm CM30173: Cryptography

CM30173: Cryptography
eserved@d =[@let@token art V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Part V

Public-key cryptography

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part IV

A family of

Basic idea

A framework for
algorithms in this

Dixon’s random squares

RSA security: all
about factoring?


Definition (A public-key cryptosystem)

A public-key cryptosystem is a cryptosystem
(P, C,K, E ,D) where

1 For every k ! K, ek is the inverse of dk
2 For every k ! K and for every x ! P or y ! C,

ek(x) and dk(y) are easy to compute

3 It is computationally infeasible (for almost all
k ! K) to derive dk from ek

4 For every k ! K it is feasible to compute ek and dk
from k


Part IV

A family of

Basic idea

A framework for
algorithms in this

Dixon’s random squares

RSA security: all
about factoring?

So, what do we really mean by secure?

Possible attack goals:

Total break

Partial break

Distinguishability of ciphertexts


Part IV

A family of

Basic idea

A framework for
algorithms in this

Dixon’s random squares

RSA security: all
about factoring?

So, what do we really mean by secure?

Possible attack goals:

Total break

Partial break

Distinguishability of ciphertexts

We have talked about unconditional security and
computational security.

Two other definitions of security:

Semantic security

Provable security


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

1 RSA security: all about factoring?

Multiplicative properties

Common modulus

Small private exponent

Small public exponent

2 RSA in practice

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

Basic RSA is not semantically secure

Imagine all messages are either “Buy” or “Sell”. Call
these x1 and x2.

Attacker sees a new message c being sent to Bob
Ltd. with public RSA key (n, b)

Attacker computes

c1 = x
1 (mod n)

and compares this with c. If they match he knows I
sent the message “Buy”.

The attacker can distinguish ciphertexts.

Basic RSA is not semantically secure because the
encryption function is deterministic.

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

1 RSA security: all about factoring?

Multiplicative properties

Common modulus

Small private exponent

Small public exponent

2 RSA in practice

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

Multiplicative properties

Let x1, x2 be two plaintext messages. Notice that

ek(x1x2) ⌘ (x1x2)b ⌘ xb1x
2 ⌘ ek(x1)ek(x2) (mod n)

The encryption of x = x1x2 is y = ek(x1)ek(x2).

RSA is malleable: known plaintext can be altered
without decryption.

We can use this to run an adaptive chosen
ciphertext attack.

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

Multiplicative properties

Let x1, x2 be two plaintext messages. Notice that

ek(x1x2) ⌘ (x1x2)b ⌘ xb1x
2 ⌘ ek(x1)ek(x2) (mod n)

The encryption of x = x1x2 is y = ek(x1)ek(x2).

RSA is malleable: known plaintext can be altered
without decryption.

We can use this to run an adaptive chosen
ciphertext attack.

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

Multiplicative properties

Let x1, x2 be two plaintext messages. Notice that

ek(x1x2) ⌘ (x1x2)b ⌘ xb1x
2 ⌘ ek(x1)ek(x2) (mod n)

The encryption of x = x1x2 is y = ek(x1)ek(x2).

RSA is malleable: known plaintext can be altered
without decryption.

We can use this to run an adaptive chosen
ciphertext attack.

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

1 RSA security: all about factoring?

Multiplicative properties

Common modulus

Small private exponent

Small public exponent

2 RSA in practice

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

Common modulus

Trusted authority produces RSA key pairs (n, b),
(n, a) for all users of a network.

Alice, Bob and Oscar are all legitimate users of the
network and so receive keys.

The TA fixes n = pq and provides each user i with
with unique bi and ai.

Alice encrypts x using Bob’s public key (n, b1) and
sends y on the insecure network.

What is the problem here?

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

Common modulus

Trusted authority produces RSA key pairs (n, b),
(n, a) for all users of a network.

Alice, Bob and Oscar are all legitimate users of the
network and so receive keys.

The TA fixes n = pq and provides each user i with
with unique bi and ai.

Alice encrypts x using Bob’s public key (n, b1) and
sends y on the insecure network.

What is the problem here?

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

Common modulus

Trusted authority produces RSA key pairs (n, b),
(n, a) for all users of a network.

Alice, Bob and Oscar are all legitimate users of the
network and so receive keys.

The TA fixes n = pq and provides each user i with
with unique bi and ai.

Alice encrypts x using Bob’s public key (n, b1) and
sends y on the insecure network.

What is the problem here?

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

Common modulus

Trusted authority produces RSA key pairs (n, b),
(n, a) for all users of a network.

Alice, Bob and Oscar are all legitimate users of the
network and so receive keys.

The TA fixes n = pq and provides each user i with
with unique bi and ai.

Alice encrypts x using Bob’s public key (n, b1) and
sends y on the insecure network.

What is the problem here?

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

Common modulus — take 2

Lets say Oscar doesn’t have a key on the network but is
some external attacker.

Alice wants to broadcast a message x:

y1 ⌘ xb1 (mod n)
y2 ⌘ xb2 (mod n)

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

Common modulus — take 2

Lets say Oscar doesn’t have a key on the network but is
some external attacker.

Alice wants to broadcast a message x:

y1 ⌘ xb1 (mod n)
y2 ⌘ xb2 (mod n)

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

Common modulus — take 2

Oscar uses the extended Euclidean algorithm to find s, t
such that

sb1 + tb2 = 1 if gcd(b1, b2) = 1

2 ⌘ x

sb1xtb2 (mod n)

⌘ x1�tb2xtb2 ⌘ x1 ⌘ x (mod n)

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

Common modulus — take 2

Oscar uses the extended Euclidean algorithm to find s, t
such that

sb1 + tb2 = 1 if gcd(b1, b2) = 1

2 ⌘ x

sb1xtb2 (mod n)

⌘ x1�tb2xtb2 ⌘ x1 ⌘ x (mod n)

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent


n = 11021, b1 = 5, b2 = 7, Alice encrypts the plaintext

y1 ⌘ 50b1 ⌘ 10566 (mod n)
y2 ⌘ 50b2 ⌘ 8684 (mod n)

Extended Euclidean algorithm produces s = 3, t = �2:

3⇥ b1 + (�2)⇥ b2 = 1

2 ⌘ 10566

3 ⇥ 8684�2 (mod n)
⌘ 112⇥ 8463 (mod n)
⌘ 50 (mod n)

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent


n = 11021, b1 = 5, b2 = 7, Alice encrypts the plaintext

y1 ⌘ 50b1 ⌘ 10566 (mod n)
y2 ⌘ 50b2 ⌘ 8684 (mod n)

Extended Euclidean algorithm produces s = 3, t = �2:

3⇥ b1 + (�2)⇥ b2 = 1

2 ⌘ 10566

3 ⇥ 8684�2 (mod n)
⌘ 112⇥ 8463 (mod n)
⌘ 50 (mod n)

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent


n = 11021, b1 = 5, b2 = 7, Alice encrypts the plaintext

y1 ⌘ 50b1 ⌘ 10566 (mod n)
y2 ⌘ 50b2 ⌘ 8684 (mod n)

Extended Euclidean algorithm produces s = 3, t = �2:

3⇥ b1 + (�2)⇥ b2 = 1

2 ⌘ 10566

3 ⇥ 8684�2 (mod n)
⌘ 112⇥ 8463 (mod n)
⌘ 50 (mod n)

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent


n = 11021, b1 = 5, b2 = 7, Alice encrypts the plaintext

y1 ⌘ 50b1 ⌘ 10566 (mod n)
y2 ⌘ 50b2 ⌘ 8684 (mod n)

Extended Euclidean algorithm produces s = 3, t = �2:

3⇥ b1 + (�2)⇥ b2 = 1

2 ⌘ 10566

3 ⇥ 8684�2 (mod n)
⌘ 112⇥ 8463 (mod n)
⌘ 50 (mod n)

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

1 RSA security: all about factoring?

Multiplicative properties

Common modulus

Small private exponent

Small public exponent

2 RSA in practice

CM30173: CryptographyPart V


Part V

RSA security: all
about factoring?
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

RSA in practice

RSA security: all about factoring?
RSA in practice

Multiplicative properties
Common modulus
Small private exponent
Small public exponent

Small private exponent

To increase the speed of decryption perhaps we can use
a small private exponent a?

Wiener presented an attack that computes a from the
public key if

3a < n1/4 and q < p < 2q We won’t prove that that this is the case but if you are interested see Stinson 5.7.3. How else could we speed up decryption? We can use the Chinese remainder theorem. CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent Small private exponent To increase the speed of decryption perhaps we can use a small private exponent a? Wiener presented an attack that computes a from the public key if 3a < n1/4 and q < p < 2q We won’t prove that that this is the case but if you are interested see Stinson 5.7.3. How else could we speed up decryption? We can use the Chinese remainder theorem. CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent Small private exponent To increase the speed of decryption perhaps we can use a small private exponent a? Wiener presented an attack that computes a from the public key if 3a < n1/4 and q < p < 2q We won’t prove that that this is the case but if you are interested see Stinson 5.7.3. How else could we speed up decryption? We can use the Chinese remainder theorem. CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent Small private exponent To increase the speed of decryption perhaps we can use a small private exponent a? Wiener presented an attack that computes a from the public key if 3a < n1/4 and q < p < 2q We won’t prove that that this is the case but if you are interested see Stinson 5.7.3. How else could we speed up decryption? We can use the Chinese remainder theorem. CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent 1 RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent 2 RSA in practice CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent Small public exponent To reduce encryption time a small public exponent b is often used. However, very small exponents, such as b = 3, are not secure Alice wants to broadcast a message x: y1 ⌘ x3 (mod n1) y2 ⌘ x3 (mod n2) y3 ⌘ x3 (mod n3) CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent Small public exponent To reduce encryption time a small public exponent b is often used. However, very small exponents, such as b = 3, are not secure Alice wants to broadcast a message x: y1 ⌘ x3 (mod n1) y2 ⌘ x3 (mod n2) y3 ⌘ x3 (mod n3) CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent Small public exponent Attacker can use the Chinese remainder theorem to compute solution to Y ⌘ y1 (mod n1) Y ⌘ y2 (mod n2) Y ⌘ y3 (mod n3) Say the solution is Y (mod n1n2n3) But x3 < n1n2n3 so we must have Y = x 3 and hence x = Y 1/3 CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent Small public exponent Attacker can use the Chinese remainder theorem to compute solution to Y ⌘ y1 (mod n1) Y ⌘ y2 (mod n2) Y ⌘ y3 (mod n3) Say the solution is Y (mod n1n2n3) But x3 < n1n2n3 so we must have Y = x 3 and hence x = Y 1/3 CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent Small public exponent Attacker can use the Chinese remainder theorem to compute solution to Y ⌘ y1 (mod n1) Y ⌘ y2 (mod n2) Y ⌘ y3 (mod n3) Say the solution is Y (mod n1n2n3) But x3 < n1n2n3 so we must have Y = x 3 and hence x = Y 1/3 CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent Example: n1 = 319, n2 = 299, n3 = 323 Let b = 3, broadcasting x = 7 leads to y1 ⌘ 73 ⌘ 343 ⌘ 24 (mod 319) y2 ⌘ 73 ⌘ 343 ⌘ 44 (mod 299) y3 ⌘ 73 ⌘ 343 ⌘ 20 (mod 323) The CRT will give us: M = 30808063 299⇥ 323 = 96577, 96577�1 ⌘ 315 (mod 319) 319⇥ 323 = 103037, 103037�1 ⌘ 38 (mod 299) 319⇥ 299 = 95381, 95381�1 ⌘ 286 (mod 323) (24⇥ 96577⇥ 315 + 44⇥ 103037⇥ 38 + 20⇥ 95381⇥ 286) ⌘ 343 (mod 30808063) CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent Example: n1 = 319, n2 = 299, n3 = 323 Let b = 3, broadcasting x = 7 leads to y1 ⌘ 73 ⌘ 343 ⌘ 24 (mod 319) y2 ⌘ 73 ⌘ 343 ⌘ 44 (mod 299) y3 ⌘ 73 ⌘ 343 ⌘ 20 (mod 323) The CRT will give us: M = 30808063 299⇥ 323 = 96577, 96577�1 ⌘ 315 (mod 319) 319⇥ 323 = 103037, 103037�1 ⌘ 38 (mod 299) 319⇥ 299 = 95381, 95381�1 ⌘ 286 (mod 323) (24⇥ 96577⇥ 315 + 44⇥ 103037⇥ 38 + 20⇥ 95381⇥ 286) ⌘ 343 (mod 30808063) CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent Example: n1 = 319, n2 = 299, n3 = 323 Let b = 3, broadcasting x = 7 leads to y1 ⌘ 73 ⌘ 343 ⌘ 24 (mod 319) y2 ⌘ 73 ⌘ 343 ⌘ 44 (mod 299) y3 ⌘ 73 ⌘ 343 ⌘ 20 (mod 323) The CRT will give us: M = 30808063 299⇥ 323 = 96577, 96577�1 ⌘ 315 (mod 319) 319⇥ 323 = 103037, 103037�1 ⌘ 38 (mod 299) 319⇥ 299 = 95381, 95381�1 ⌘ 286 (mod 323) (24⇥ 96577⇥ 315 + 44⇥ 103037⇥ 38 + 20⇥ 95381⇥ 286) ⌘ 343 (mod 30808063) CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent Relation to padding Ways to avoid the attack: Use larger RSA exponents Increase the amount of padding Make padding depend on the message e.g. hash the message and append this Spread random padding throughout message (some methods can still be attacked) CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice 1 RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent 2 RSA in practice CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice RSA in practice What conclusions can we draw? What do we need? What do we want? CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Primitives and protocols We have a cryptographic primitive, that is, the “raw” or “basic” RSA. In practice we use protocols built of many primitives to achieve secure communication, perhaps with data integrity build in. The most important of these for RSA is Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Primitives and protocols We have a cryptographic primitive, that is, the “raw” or “basic” RSA. In practice we use protocols built of many primitives to achieve secure communication, perhaps with data integrity build in. The most important of these for RSA is Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Primitives and protocols We have a cryptographic primitive, that is, the “raw” or “basic” RSA. In practice we use protocols built of many primitives to achieve secure communication, perhaps with data integrity build in. The most important of these for RSA is Optimal Asymmetric Encryption Padding CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice RSA-OAEP OAEP is a padding scheme due to Bellare and Rogaway OAEP is used in Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) and hence most Internet protocols There was some debate about the specific security status of RSA-OAEP but in 2001 Fujisaki, Okamoto, Pointcheval and Stern proved that: Assuming that the RSA problem of computing bth roots modulo n is computationally infeasible RSA-OAEP is semantically secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks. CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice RSA-OAEP OAEP is a padding scheme due to Bellare and Rogaway OAEP is used in Public Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) and hence most Internet protocols There was some debate about the specific security status of RSA-OAEP but in 2001 Fujisaki, Okamoto, Pointcheval and Stern proved that: Assuming that the RSA problem of computing bth roots modulo n is computationally infeasible RSA-OAEP is semantically secure against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks. CM30173: CryptographyPart V CM30173: Cryptography Part V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice RSA security: all about factoring? RSA in practice Further reading D. Boneh. Twenty years of attacks on the RSA cryptosystem, Notices of the AMS, 46:203-231, 1999. Stinson: sections 5.7 and 5.9 HAC: sections 8.2.3 and notes on section 8.2 (pages 312–315) For those interested in the practicalities of RSA: PKCS #1 v2.1: RSA Cryptography Standard, http://www.rsa.com/rsalabs/node.asp?id=2125, 2002, and the many papers cited by it! For the even more practical, RSA within infrastructure (more on infrastructure later): http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4055.txt CM30173: CryptographyPart V RSA security: all about factoring? Multiplicative properties Common modulus Small private exponent Small public exponent RSA in practice