CSE 101 Exam 2 Review
CSE 101 Final Exam Review
NP-Completeness (Ch 8)
NP-Completeness & NP-Hardness
Hamiltonian Cycle
Zero-One Equations
Problems with brute force search algorithms are said to be in Nondeterministic Polynomial time (NP).
NP-Decision problems ask if there is some object that satisfies a polynomial time-checkable property.
NP-Optimization problems ask for the object that maximizes (or minimizes) some polynomial time-computable objective.
Examples of NP Problems
Hamiltonian Cycle
Maximum Independent Set
Problem: Formula-SAT
Given a logical formula in a number of Boolean variables, is there an assignment to the variables that causes the formula to be true?
Hamiltonian Cycle (in text as Rudruta Path)
Given an undirected graph G is there a cycle that visits every vertex exactly once?
P vs. NP
$1,000,000 Question: Is P = NP?
Is it the case that every problem in NP has a polynomial time algorithm?
If yes, every NP problem has a reasonably efficient solution.
If not, some NP problems are fundamentally difficult
Most computer scientists believe P ≠ NP.
(But proving anything is very very hard)
Reductions are a method for proving that one problem is at least as hard as another.
We show that if there is an algorithm for solving A, then we can use this algorithm to solve B. Therefore, B is no harder than A.
Hamiltonian Cycle → TSP
Hamiltonian Cycle Instance
TSP Instance
Cost = 1
Cost = 2
Reduction A → B
Instance of
problem A
Instance of
problem B
Solution to problem B instance
Solution to problem A instance
Polynomial time reduction algorithm
Hypothetical algorithm for B
Polynomial time interpretation algorithm
Solution to A
Reduction A → B
If we have algorithms for reduction and interpretation:
Given an algorithm to solve B, we can turn it into an algorithm to solve A.
This means that A might be easier to solve than B, but cannot be harder.
Circuit SAT
Problem: Given a circuit C with several Boolean inputs and one Boolean output, determine if there is a set of inputs that give output 1.
Important Reduction:
Any NP decision problem → Circuit SAT
Any NP Decision Problem
→ Circuit SAT
Any NP decision problem asks if there is some X that satisfies a polynomial-time checkable property.
In other words, for some polynomial-time computable function F, it asks if there is an X so that F(X) = 1.
Create a circuit C that computes F. The problem is equivalent to asking if there is an input for which C outputs 1.
Circuit-SAT is our first example of an
NP-Complete problem. That is a problem in NP that is at least as hard as any other problem in NP.
Good news: If we find a polynomial time algorithm for Circuit-SAT, we have a polynomial time algorithm for all NP problems!
Bad news: If any problem in NP is hard, Circuit-SAT is hard.
Note: Decision problems can be NP-Complete. For optimization problems, it is called NP-Hard.
Other NP-Complete/Hard Problems
The following are all NP-Complete/Hard:
Formula SAT
Maximum Independent Set
Hamiltonian Cycle
How do we show this? By finding reductions from other NP-Hard/Complete Problems.
3-SAT is a special case of formula-SAT where the formula is an AND of clauses and each clause is an OR of at most 3 variables or their negations.
Circuit-SAT → 3-SAT
Start with circuit
Create variable for each wire
Create formula with clause for each gate and output
These Aren’t 3-SAT Clauses
We have 3-variable clauses that aren’t 3-SAT clauses. Write it in terms of them.
Write truth table
Each 3-SAT clause sets one output to false.
Another Look at 3-SAT
Lemma: A 3-SAT instance is satisfiable if and only if it is possible to select one term from each clause without selecting both a variable and its negation.
If satisfiable:
Satisfying assignment causes at least one term in each clause to be true.
Select one such term from each clause.
Cannot contradict each other.
If there is a way to select terms:
Set those variables to be true
Can do this without contradiction
Set other variables arbitrarily
Causes whole statement to be true
3-SAT → Maximum Independent Set
Want to encode this select one term from each clause as a graph.
Create one vertex for each term in each clause.
Edges between terms in same clause.
Edges between contradictory terms.
An independent set in this graph has:
At most one vertex from each clause.
No vertices representing contradictory terms.
It has an independent set of size #Clauses if and only if, you can select one term form each clause without a contradiction.
Therefore, |MIS| = #Clauses if and only if the 3-SAT has a solution.
Zero-One Equations
Problem: Given a matrix A with only 0 and 1 as entries and b a vector of 1s, determine whether or not there is an x with 0 and 1 entries so that
Ax = b.
Basic Idea:
Use the one term from each clause formulation of 3-SAT.
Create one variable for each term to denote whether or not it has been selected.
Add equations to enforce exactly one term from each clause, no contradictory terms selected.
General Construction
Create one variable per term
For each clause, create one equation
For each pair of contradictory term, create an equation with those two and a new variable
Another Way of Looking at ZOE
Recall if A = [v1 v2 v3 … vn ],
Ax = x1 v1 + x2 v2 + x3 v3 + … + xn vn.
x1*[ 1 0 0 1 ] +
x2*[ 0 0 1 1 ] +
x3*[ 1 1 1 0 ]
= [ 1 1 1 1 ]
What if we treated these as numbers rather than vectors?
x1* 1 0 0 1 +
x2* 0 0 1 1 +
x3* 1 1 1 0
= 1 1 1 1
Subset Sum
Problem: Given a set S of numbers and a target number C, is there a subset T ⊆ S whose elements sum to C.
Alternatively: Can we find xy ∈ {0,1} so that
Reduction: ZOE → Subset Sum.
Subset Sum → Knapsack
Create Knapsack problem where for each item
Value(item) = Weight(item).
Maximizing value is the same as maximizing weight (without going over capacity).
We can achieve value = capacity if and only if there is a subset of the items with total weight equal to capacity.
ZOE -> Hamiltonian Cycle
Start with a cycle
Double up some edges
Cycle must pick one edge from each pair.
This provides a nice set of binary variables
Need a way to add restrictions so that we can’t just use any choices.
Must use these edges.
Two ways to fill out.
Gadget Use
Hook gadget up between a pair of edges.
Hamiltonian Cycle must use exactly one of the connected edges.
This allows us to force logic upon our choices.
By doing this for several pairs of edges we can construct Hamiltonian Cycle problems equivalent to the following:
You are given a number of choices where you need to pick one from several options (of multi-edges).
You have several constraints, that say of two choices you must have picked exactly one of them.
Full Construction
For each variable, choose either 0 or 1.
For each equation, choose one variable.
For each variable that appears in an equation, exactly one of the following should be selected:
That variable in that equation
That variable equal to 0
Reduction Summary
Any NP Decision Problem
Circuit SAT
Maximum Independent Set
Subset Sum
Hamiltonian Cycle
Travelling Salesman Problem
Dealing With NP-Completeness
(Ch 9)
Backtracking/Branch and Bound
Heuristic Search
Approximation Algorithms
One way to progress is so make deductions.
Use the rules to show that some square can only be filled out in one way.
Use that information to help fill out more squares.
Hopefully, you can keep going until the entire problem is solved.
Getting Stuck
Deductions are very useful when you can make them, but for hard problems, you will often get stuck quickly and be unable to make more deductions.
Option 1: Stronger deductive rules.
Option 2: Guess and Check
Guess and Check
Make a guess for some entry.
Try to solve the resulting puzzle (perhaps doing more guessing).
If you find a solution, great!
If not, you have deduced that your original guess was wrong.
If you can deduce unsolveable
Return ‘no solutions’
Split S into parts S1,S2,…
For each i,
Run Backtracking(P,Si)
Return any solutions found
How do you split S into parts?
Pick variable xi and set xi = True, or xi = False
Try all possible numbers in a square in Sudoku
Try all possible edges in Hamiltonian Cycle
Which variable do we guess?
Often helps to pick a variable that shows up a lot. Then guessing it’s value will make later deductions easier.
These problems are still NP-Hard. Worst case, backtracking will still take exponential time. But it is usually much better than brute force.
SAT Solvers can use these ideas to solve problems with hundreds of variables, many many more than would be practical by brute force.
Optimization Version
Backtracking works well for decision/search problems (where a potential solution works or doesn’t work), but not so well for optimization problems (where many solutions work, but you need to find the best one).
If most solutions work, how do you weed out bad paths?
Branch & Bound
To get rid of bad paths do two things:
Keep track of the best solution you have found so far.
Try to prove upper bounds on your subproblems.
If an upper bound is smaller than your best solution so far, it cannot contain the optimum.
Branch and Bound
If UpperBound(S) ≤ Best
Return ‘no improvement’
If S a full solution
Return value of S
Split S into S1,S2,…
For each Si
New ← BranchAndBound(Best,Si)
Best = Max(New,Best)
Return Best
Local Search
Many optimization problems have a structure where solutions “nearby” a good solution will likely also be good.
This leads to a natural algorithmic idea:
Find an OK solution
Search nearby for better solutions
Local Search
\\ Try to maximize f(x)
x ← Random initial point
Try all y close to x
If f(y) > f(x) for some y
x ← y
Else Return x
Problem: Given a graph G find a way to color the vertices of G black and white so that as many edges as possible have endpoints of different colors.
This is NP-Hard.
How to Get Unstuck
Randomized Restart
If you try many starting points, hopefully, you will find one that finds you the true maximum.
Expand Search Area
Look for changes to 2 or 3 vertices rather than 1.
Larger area means harder to get stuck
Larger area also takes more work per step
Still no guarantee of finding the actual maximum in polynomial time.
Simulated Annealing
At the start of algorithm take big random steps.
Hopefully, this will get you onto the right “hill”.
As the algorithm progresses, the “temperature” decreases and the algorithm starts to fine tune more precisely.
Works well in practice on a number of problems.
Approximation Algorithms
An α-approximation algorithm to an optimization problem is a (generally polynomial time) algorithm that is guaranteed to produce a solution within an α-factor of the best solution.
Our local search algorithm for MAXCUT is a 2-approximation algorithm.
Vertex Cover
Problem (Vertex Cover): Given a graph G find a set S of vertices so that every edge of G contains a vertex of S and so that |S| is as small as possible.
Also, NP-Hard.
Greedy Algorithm
S ← {}
While(S doesn’t cover G)
(u,v) ← some uncovered edge
Add u and v to S
Return S
Algorithm finds k edges and 2k vertices.
Edges are vertex-disjoint.
Any cover must have at least one vertex on each of these edges.
Optimum cover has size at least k.
We have a 2-approximation.
Even though general knapsack is NP-Hard, we have a polynomial time algorithm if all weights are small integers (or more generally small integer multiples of some common value).
Small Values Dynamic Program
Let Lightest≤k(V) be the weight of the lightest collection of the first k items with total value V.
We have a recursion
Lightest≤k(V) =
min{Lightest≤k-1(V),Wt(k)+ Lightest≤k-1(V-Val(k))}
This gives a DP.
#subprobs = [Total Value][#items]
Time/Subproblem = O(1).
Approximation Algorithm
Throw away items that don’t fit in sac.
Let V0 be highest value of item.
Round each item’s value to closest multiple of δV0.
Run the small integer values DP.
Runtime: Values integer multiples of δV0. Total value at most [#items]V0 = ([#items]/δ) δV0.
Total runtime O([#items]2/δ).
Approximation Analysis
Optimal value at least V0.
Rounding changes the value of any set of items by at most [#items]δV0.
The solution we find is at least as good as the optimal after round.
Our solution is within [#items]δV0 of optimal.
Let δ = ε/[#items].
OPT ≥ V0.
Our solution is at most εV0 worse.
Have a (1+ε)-approximation algorithm.
Runtime = O([#items]3/ε)
For any ε > 0, have a (1+ε)-approximation in polynomial time. (known as a PTAS).