CS计算机代考程序代写 Java package programmingexample2;

package programmingexample2;

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

public class BookingSystem {
private List flights;
private List passengers;

public BookingSystem() {
flights = new ArrayList<>();
passengers = new ArrayList<>();

// Adds a flight to the booking system
public void addFlight(Flight flight) {


// Removes a flight to the booking system
public void removeFlight(Flight flight) {


// Adds a passenger to the booking system
public void addClient(Passenger passenger) {


// Removes a passenger to the booking system
public void removeClient(Passenger passenger) {


// Add a flight to a passenger’s schedule. Returns whether successful
public boolean bookFlight(Passenger passenger, String destination, LocalDateTime departureTime, String section) {
// finds flight w/ the correct destination, departure time, and section and assigns seat
// retrieves seat from flight
// then passes seat to passenger
return true;

// Remove a flight from a passenger’s schedule
public void cancelFlight(Passenger passenger, String destination, LocalDateTime departureTime) {
// finds seat the passenger has booked a seat with, and the seat booked
// instructs the passenger object to cancel that seat

// Update a flight for a passenger. Returns whether successful
public boolean updateFlight(Passenger passenger, String oldDestination, LocalDateTime oldDepartureTime, String destination, LocalDateTime departureTime, String section) {
// cancel then book new flight
// able to “roll-back” if failure – if booking fails will rebook the cancelled flight
return true;
