5a: Recurrent Networks
Week 5: Overview
This week, we will explore the use of neural networks for sequence and language processing. Simple
Recurrent Networks (SRN) can be trained to recognize or predict formal languages, and we can
analyse their hidden unit dynamics. By the use of a gating mechanism, Long Short Term Memory
(LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Networks (GRU) are able to learn longer range dependencies than SRN.
Weekly learning outcomes
By the end of this module, you will be able to:
design and train neural networks for processing temporal sequences
describe di�erent architectures including sliding windows, simple recurrent networks, Long-
Short Term Memory (LSTM), and Gated Recurrent Units (GRU)
analyse hidden unit dynamics of recurrent networks
Recurrent Networks
Processing Temporal Sequences
There are many tasks for which the output depends on a sequence of inputs rather than a single
input. For example:
speech recognition
time series prediction
machine translation
handwriting recognition
How can neural network models be adapted for these tasks?
NetTalk sliding window approach
The simplest way to process temporal sequences using a neural network is the ‘sliding window’
approach, �rst used in the NetTalk system (Sejnowski & Rosenberg, 1987). English text is fed to
NetTalk as a sequence of characters, and it outputs a sequence of phonemes indicating how that text
should be pronounced. Speci�cally, its input consists of seven consecutive characters and it aims to
output a set of phonetic attributes specifying the correct pronunciation for the middle character. In
order to illustrate why it is necessary to know a few characters to the left and right of the middle
character, consider how the �rst vowel would be pronounced in each of the following examples:
pa, pat, pate, paternal
mo, mod, mode, modern.
For each of the seven input characters, a one-hot encoding is used with 29 units (including the 26
letters, plus punctuation and word boundaries) making a total of 203 inputs. There were 80 hidden
units with sigmoidal transfer function, and 26 outputs encoding 21 articulatory features plus stress
and syllable boundaries.
NetTalk gained a lot of media attention at the time, partly because the output was hooked up to a
speech synthesiser. In the early stages of training, it sounds a bit like a babbling baby. When fully
trained, it sounds reasonable, although somewhat robotic.
An error occurred.
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Critics have sometimes claimed that a decision tree could produce equally good or better accuracy. In
any case, this kind of approach can only learn short-term dependencies, not the medium or long-
term dependencies that are required for some tasks.
Simple Recurrent Network
Simple Recurrent Networks (SRN) were introduced in Elman (1990). A sequence of inputs are fed to
the network one at a time. At each timestep, the current activations in the hidden layer are copied to
a ‘context’ layer. The new activations for the hidden layer are then calculated from the current input
and the context layer. Thus, the context layer is used to ‘remember’ whatever information the
network requires in order to predict the correct output.
The basic SRN can be augmented with ‘shortcut’ connections directly from input to output, or
connections from the output back to the hidden layer (sometimes called “Jordan Networks”).
Backpropagation through time
For any given input sequence, we can ‘unroll’ a recurrent architecture into an equivalent feedforward
architecture, with shared weights. Applying backpropagation to the unrolled architecture is referred
to as backpropagation through time. We can backpropagate just one timestep, or a �xed number
of timesteps, or all the way back to the beginning of the sequence.
Image adapted from http://colah.github.io/posts/2015-08-Understanding-LSTMs/.
Sejnowski, T. J., & Rosenberg, C. R. (1987). Parallel networks that learn to pronounce English text.
Complex Systems, 1(1), 145–168.
Elman, J. L. (1990). Finding structure in time. Cognitive Science, 14(2), 179–211.
Recognizers and Predictors
The basic SRN can be augmented with ‘shortcut’ connections directly from input to output, or
connections from the output back to the hidden layer (sometimes called “Jordan Networks”). Another
architecture which has been explored for binary sequences is the Second Order Network or Gated
Network, where the input symbol ( or ) is used to choose between two sets of weights and
. The weights , and and the initial state can all be trained by backpropagation through
0 1 W 0 W 1
W 0 W 1 P x 0
x t
z t
= tanh W + W x (
σ t
σ t
k )
= g P + P x ( 0
j t
Dynamical Recognizers
One common sequence processing task is Formal Language Recognition. The network scans a
sequence of characters one at a time, and must then output either or , in order to classify the 1 0
sequence as Accept or Reject, respectively. Consider, for example, this set of training data:
The natural generalisation from these data is to classify strings consisting entirely of ‘s as Accept and
any string containing as Reject. This diagram shows the result of training a Second Order Network
on these data. The cross indicates the initial state while the dots indicate all the hidden states which
occur while the network is processing a set of randomly generated test strings. The dividing line
shows the boundary between �nal states for which the string is classi�ed as Accept, and those for
which it is classi�ed as Reject.
In some cases, we can use analytical tools to extract a �nite state machine which exactly mimics the
behaviour of the network, as shown on the right for this example (Blair & Pollack, 1997). Each cluster
of hidden unit states is converted into a single state, the transitions between clusters are converted
into arrows, and the initial state is indicated by an arrow with no origin. The state(s) on the Accept
side of the dividing line are indicated by a double circle; those on the Reject side by a single circle.
Here is another example, where the network learns to Reject any string with three consecutive ‘s and
Accept everything else.
Non-Regular languages
Languages which can be characterized by a �nite state machine are called Regular languages. One
simple example of a non-Regular language is which means that every sequence of consecutive
‘s must be followed by an equal number of consecutive ‘s for example:
a bn n
a b −
abaabbabaaabbbaaaabbbbabaabbaaaaabbbbb . . .
A SRN with 2 inputs, 2 hidden nodes and 2 outputs can be trained to predict the language (Wiles
& Elman, 1995). In this case, the network must scan a sequence of input characters one at a time, and
try at each step to predict the next character in the sequence. In some cases, the prediction is
probabilistic. For the task, the �rst is not predictable, but subsequent ’s and the initial in
the next subsequence are predictable.
a bn n
a bn n b b a
The network does not implement a Finite State Machine but instead makes use of two �xed points in
activation space one attracting, the other repelling (Wiles & Elman, 1995). The network e�ectively
‘counts up’ the ‘s as it oscillates towards the attractive �xed point and then counts down the same
number of ‘s as it oscillates away from the repelling �xed point. When the recurrent mapping is
linearised at the two �xed points we �nd that the two major eigenvalues are nearly reciprocal to each
other. Interestingly, networks trained only up to can often generalise up to .
a b10 10 a b12 12
Training the weights by evolution is more stable than by backpropagation. Networks trained by
evolution sometimes exhibit monotonic rather than oscillating trajectories.
Counting by spiralling
SRN’s can also be trained to recognise the balanced bracket language, treating as open bracket and
as close bracket (Boden, 2003). In this case, the eigenvalues of the linearized mapping at the �xed
points are complex numbers, and the network counts up the ‘s by spiralling inwards towards a �xed
point and counts down the ‘s by spiralling outwards.
Hidden unit dynamics for a b cn n n
An SRN with three inputs, three hidden units and three outputs can be used to learn the language
which is classi�ed as Mildly Context Sensitive (Chalup, 2003). The network counts down in
one direction while simultaneously counting up in another direction, thus producing a star-shaped
a b cn n n
This analysis of network dynamics with simple languages is illuminating. But, in the end, SRNs are
limited in the range of dependencies they are able to learn, for reasons analogous to the vanishing
gradient problem which we discussed in Week 2 in the context of feedforward networks. In the next
section we will introduce Long Short Term Memory, which is able to learn longer range dependencies
and in combination with word vectors, attention and other enhancements can perform serious
real world tasks such as multi-lingual translation.
− −
Wiles, J., & Elman, J. (1995). Learning to count without a counter: A case study of dynamics and
activation landscapes in recurrent networks. In Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Conference of
the Cognitive Science Society, 482-487.
Blair, A.D., & Pollack, J. B. (1997). Analysis of dynamical recognizers. Neural Computation, 9(5), 1127–
Bodén, M., & Blair, A. (2003). Learning the dynamics of embedded clauses. Applied Intelligence, 19(1),
Chalup, S.K., & Blair, A.D. (2003). Incremental training of �rst order recurrent neural networks to
predict a context-sensitive language. Neural Networks, 16(7), 955–972.
Week 5 Wednesday video