CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm Announcements


Homework 3 Due on Friday
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Divide & Conquer
Split into smaller subproblems
Solve Recursively
Recombine to get answer
Master Theorem

Master Theorem
Theorem: Let T(n) be given by the recurrence:

Then we have that

Order Statistics

Note on Proving Correctness
There’s a general procedure for proving correctness of a D&C algorithm:
Use Induction: Prove correctness by induction on problem size.
Base Case: Your base case will be the non-recursive case of your algorithm (which your algorithm does need to have).
Inductive Step: Assuming that the (smaller) recursive calls are correct, show that algorithm works.

Problem: Given a list of n numbers, return those numbers in ascending order.

Input: {0, 5, 2, 7, 4, 6, 3, 1}
Output: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}

Divide and Conquer
How do we make a divide and conquer algorithm?
Split into Subproblems
Recursively Solve
Combine Answers
– Split list in two
– Sort each sublist
– ???

Problem: Given two sorted lists, combine them into a single sorted list.

We want something that takes advantage of the individual lists being sorted.

Merge Idea

List A
List B
Smallest is one of these

C ← List of length Len(A)+Len(B)
a ← 1, b ← 1
For c = 1 to Len(C)
If (b > Len(B))
C[c] ← A[a], a++
Else if (a > Len(A))
C[c] ← B[b], b++
Else if A[a] < B[b] C[c] ← A[a], a++ Else C[c] ← B[b], b++ Return C Runtime: O(|A|+|B|) MergeSort MergeSort(L) If Len(L) = 1 \\ Base Case Return L Split L into equal L1 and L2 A ← MergeSort(L1) B ← MergeSort(L2) Return Merge(A,B) O(n) O(n) 2T(n/2) Question: Runtime What is the runtime of MergeSort? O(n) O(n log(n)) O(n2) O(n log(3)) O(n2 log(n)) Master Theorem: a = 2, b = 2, d = 1 a = bd O(nd log(n)) = O(n log(n)) Example 05274631 0527 4631 05 27 46 31 0 5 2 7 4 6 3 1 05 27 46 13 0257 1346 01234567 Optimaility O(n log(n)) is optimal for comparison based sorting algorithms. Another Sorting Algorithm Repeatedly take the smallest remaining element and put it in the list. Naïve implementation takes O(n2) time. Use priority queues. Heap Sort HeapSort(L) Priority Queue Q For x in L Q.Insert(x) List C While(Q not empty) C ← C.Append(Q.DeleteMin()) Return C O(n) Inserts O(n) DeleteMins Runtime O(n log(n)) Order Statistics Suppose that we just want to find the median element of a list, or the largest, or the 10th smallest. Problem: Given a list L of numbers and an integer k, find the kth largest element of L. Naïve Algorithm: Sort L and return kth largest. O(n log(n)) time. Divide Step Select a pivot x ∈ L. Compare it to the other elements of L. = x < x > x
Which list is our answer in?
Answer is > x if there are ≥ k elements bigger than x.
Answer is x if there are < k elements bigger and ≥ k elements bigger than or equal to x. Otherwise answer is less than x. Only recurse on one list Order Statistics Select(L,k) Pick x ∈ L Sort L into L>x, Lx) ≥ k
Return Select(L>x,k)
Else if Len(L>x)+Len(L=x) ≥ k
Return x




Runtime recurrence
T(n) = O(n) + T(sublist size)
Problem: The sublist we recurse on could have size as big as n-1. If so, runtime is O(n2).

Need to ensure this doesn’t happen.

Fix: Pick a random pivot.

There’s a 50% chance that x is selected in the middle half.
If so, no matter where the answer is, recursive call of size at most 3n/4.
On average need two tries to reduce call.

Question: Runtime
We get a runtime recurrence:
T(n) = O(n) + T(3n/4)
What is T(n)?
O(n log(n))
Master Theorem:
a = 1, b = 4/3, d = 1
a < bd O(nd) = O(n) Note The algorithm discussed does give the correct answer in expected O(n) time. There are deterministic O(n) algorithms using similar ideas, but they are substantially more complicated.