CS计算机代考程序代写 Bayesian worksheet02-checkpoint


COMP90051 Workshop 2¶
Bayesian inference¶

In this part of the workshop, we’ll develop some intuition for priors and posteriors, which are crucial to Bayesian inference.

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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
plt.rcParams[“animation.html”] = “jshtml”
from scipy.stats import bernoulli, beta

1. A lucky find¶
On the way to class, you discover an unusual coin on the ground.

As a dedicated student in statistical ML, you’re interested in determining whether the coin is biased.
More specifically, you want to estimate the probability $\theta$ that the coin will land heads-up when you toss it. If $\theta \approx \frac{1}{2}$ then we say that the coin is unbiased (or fair).

You can use the function below to simulate a coin toss: it returns 1 for heads and 0 for tails.

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def toss_coin():
if bernoulli.rvs(p = (int.from_bytes(“coin”.encode(), ‘little’) % 10000)/10000):
return 1
return 0

2. Prior belief¶
Before you even toss the coin, you notice that the heads side appears to have more mass.
Thus, your prior belief is that $\theta$ is slightly biased away from $\frac{1}{2}$ towards 0—i.e. you expect tails are more likely.

To quantify this prior belief, we assume that the prior distribution for $\theta$ is $\mathrm{Beta}(a,b)$, for some choice of the hyperparameters $a, b > 0$.
(See link for info about the Beta distribution.)
The prior probability density function for $\theta$ is therefore given by:

$$ p(\theta) = \frac{1}{B(a,b)} \theta^{a-1} (1 – \theta)^{b-1} $$where $B(a,b)$ is a special function called the Beta function.

Select appropriate values for $a$ and $b$ by looking at the plot of $p(\theta)$ below.

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a = … # fill in
b = … # fill in
theta = np.linspace(0, 1, 1001)
plt.plot(theta, beta.pdf(theta, a, b))
plt.title(‘Prior distribution’)

3. Posterior updates¶
Now toss the coin once and denote the outcome by $x_1$.

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x1 = toss_coin()

We can update our belief about $\theta$, based on this new evidence $x_1$.
To do this we apply Bayes’ rule to compute the posterior for $\theta$:

$$ p(\theta | x_1) = \frac{p(x_1 | \theta) \, p(\theta)}{p(x_1)} \propto p(x_1 | \theta) \, p(\theta)$$where $p(\theta)$ is the prior given above and

$$ p(x_1 | \theta) = \theta^{x_1} (1 – \theta)^{1 – x_1} $$is the likelihood.

Exercise: Show (on paper) that

$$ p(\theta | x_1) \propto \theta^{x_1 + a – 1} (1 – \theta)^{(1 – x_1) + b – 1} $$which implies that $\theta | x_1 \sim \mathrm{Beta}[x_1 + a, (1 – x_1) + b]$.

Hint: see Lecture 2, slide 25 for a similar calculation.

Toss the coin a second time, denoting the outcome by $x_2$.

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x2 = toss_coin()

Again, we want to update our belief about $\theta$ based on the new information $x_2$.
We take the previous posterior $p(\theta|x_1)$ as the new prior and apply Bayes’ rule:

$$p(\theta | x_1, x_2) \propto p(x_2 | \theta) p(\theta | x_1)$$[Note: We assume the tosses are independent, otherwise the likelihood for $x_2$ would depend on $x_1$.]
This gives $\theta | x_1, x_2 \sim \mathrm{Beta}[x_1 + x_2 + a, (2 – x_1 – x_2) + b]$.

Exercise: Show that for $n$ coin tosses, the posterior is $\theta | x_1, \ldots, x_n \sim \operatorname{Beta}[n_H + a, n – n_H + b]$ where $n_H = \sum_{i = 1}^{n} x_i$ is the number of heads observed.

4. MAP estimator and MLE estimator¶

The posterior $\theta|x_1, \ldots, x_n$ contains all the information we know about $\theta$ after observing $n$ coin tosses.
One way of obtaining a point estimate of $\theta$ from the posterior, is to take the value with the maximum a posteriori probability (MAP):

\hat{\theta}_\mathrm{MAP} &= \arg \max_{\theta} p(\theta|x_1, \ldots, x_n) \\
& = \frac{n_H + a – 1}{n + a + b – 2}
$$In general, the MAP estimator gives a different result to the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for $\theta$:

\hat{\theta}_\mathrm{MLE} &=\arg \max_{\theta} p(x_1, \ldots, x_n|\theta) \\
& = \frac{n_H}{n}

Exercise: How would you derive the above results for $\hat{\theta}_\mathrm{MAP}$ and $\hat{\theta}_\mathrm{MLE}$? Setup the equations necessary to solve for $\hat{\theta}_\mathrm{MAP}$ and $\hat{\theta}_\mathrm{MLE}$. You do not need to solve the equations at this stage.

Extension (Only return to this if you have completed the remaining workshop): Solve the equations you derived above. Give the condition for the estimators to be (exactly) equal, i.e. $\hat{\theta}_\mathrm{MAP} \equiv \hat{\theta}_\mathrm{MLE}$. What is the prior in this case?

5. Convergence of the estimates¶

Let’s now toss the coin an additional 48 times (so that $n = 50$), recording $\hat{\theta}_\mathrm{MLE}$ and $\hat{\theta}_\mathrm{MAP}$ after each toss.

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extra_tosses = 48
num_tosses = 2 + extra_tosses
num_heads = 0
theta_map = np.zeros(num_tosses)
theta_mle = np.zeros(num_tosses)
for i in range(0, num_tosses):
if i == 0:
num_heads += x1
elif i == 1:
num_heads += x2
num_heads += toss_coin()
theta_map[i] = … # fill in
theta_mle[i] = … # fill in

We plot the results below.

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plt.plot(theta_map, label = “MAP”)
plt.plot(theta_mle, label = “MLE”)
plt.xlabel(‘Number of draws’)


Is the coin biased?
Do the MAP and MLE estimates converge to the same value for $\theta$?
What happens if you set $a = 1; b = 1$?
How does the posterior distribution for $\theta$ compare to the prior plotted above? (Use the code block below to plot the posterior.)

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theta_dist = beta(a + num_heads, b + num_tosses – num_heads)
plt.plot(theta, theta_dist.pdf(theta))
plt.ylabel(r’$p(\theta|x_1, \ldots, x_n)$’)

Finally, we’ll visualize the evolution of the posterior distribution as we observe more data. Before running the code cell below, take a couple of minutes to discuss with those around you how you expect the posterior to behave qualitatively) as the number of observed samples $x_n$ increases.

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# Adapted from https://matplotlib.org/3.1.1/gallery/animation/bayes_update.html

class UpdateBetaBernoulli:
def __init__(self, ax, a, b, theta_num_points = 201):
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.ax = ax
self.num_heads = 0
self.num_tosses = 0
self.theta = np.linspace(0, 1, theta_num_points)
self.line, = ax.plot([], [])

def reset(self):
self.num_heads = 0
self.num_tosses = 0
self.line.set_data([], [])
return self.line,

def __call__(self, num_tosses):
“””Perform tosses and update plot”””
for _ in range(num_tosses):
self.num_tosses += 1
self.num_heads += toss_coin()
y = beta.pdf(self.theta, self.num_heads + self.a, self.num_tosses – self.num_heads + self.b)
self.line.set_data(self.theta, y)
self.ax.set_title(‘{:>4} heads, {:>4} tosses’.format(self.num_heads, self.num_tosses), family=’monospace’)
return self.line, self.ax.title

# Set up figure
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_xlim(0, 1)
ax.set_ylim(0, 15)
ax.set_ylabel(r’$p(\theta|x_1, \ldots)$’)

ud = UpdateBetaBernoulli(ax, a, b)
FuncAnimation(fig, ud, frames=[1]*200, init_func=ud.reset, repeat=False, interval=50, blit=True)

Bonus material: Bayesian credible intervals¶
In principle, the posterior distribution contains all the information about the possible values of the parameter $\theta$. To show the utility of the posterior, we can obtain a quantitative measure of the posterior uncertainty by computing a central (or equal-tailed) interval of posterior probability. These are known as Bayesian credible intervals and should not be confused with the frequentist concept of confidence intervals which leverage the distribution of point estimators. For a Bayesian credible interval, an e.g. 95% credible interval contains the true parameter value with 95% probability. In general, for a $1- \alpha$ interval, where $\alpha \in (0,1)$, this corresponds to the range of values $I = (\theta_1, \theta_2)$ above and below which lie exactly $\alpha/2$ of the posterior probability. That is, $\alpha/2$ of the probability mass of the posterior lies below $\theta_1$, and $\alpha/2$ of the probability mass lies above $\theta_2$.

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alpha = 0.05 # define the confidence level
theta_1, theta_2 = theta_dist.ppf([alpha/2., 1-alpha/2.]) # Inverse of the CDF – returns relevant quantiles

We should check that $1-\alpha$ of the probability mass actually lies inside our computed interval. That is, we expect

$$ \int_{\theta_1}^{\theta_2} d \theta \; p(\theta \vert x_1, \ldots x_n) = 1-\alpha $$

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from scipy import integrate
integrate.quad(lambda x: theta_dist.pdf(x), a=theta_1, b=theta_2) # second return value gives absolute error in integral

Looks good! What does this interval look like?

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theta_pdf = theta_dist.pdf(theta)
pdf_line, = plt.plot(theta, theta_pdf)
plt.title(r’Posterior – $\theta_\mathrm{MAP} =$’ + ‘ ${:.3f}$’.format(theta_map[-1]))
plt.ylabel(r’$p(\theta|x_1, \ldots, x_N)$’)
plt.vlines(x=theta_1, ymin=0, ymax=theta_dist.pdf(theta_1), linestyle=’–‘, color=pdf_line.get_color())
plt.vlines(x=theta_2, ymin=0, ymax=theta_dist.pdf(theta_2), linestyle=’–‘, color=pdf_line.get_color())
plt.fill_between(theta, theta_pdf, 0, where=(theta > theta_1) & (theta < theta_2), alpha=0.1) plt.show()