Background Material
Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations
Cauchy problems, also known as Initial Value Problems (IVPs), consist of finding solutions to a system
of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs), given suitable initial conditions. We will be concerned
with the numerical approximation of the solution to the problem
u̇(t) = f(t,u(t)) for t ∈ [t0, T ] , (1)
u(t0) = u0 , (2)
where the dot denotes differentiation with respect to t, f is a sufficiently well-behaved function that
maps [t0, T ) × Rd to Rd, the initial condition u0 ∈ Rd is a given vector, and the integer d is the
dimension of the problem. We assume that f satisfies the Lipschitz condition
‖f(t,w)− f(t,u)‖ ≤ λ‖w − u‖ for all w,u ∈ Rd,
where λ > 0 is a real constant independent of w and u. This condition guarantees that the problem
(1)–(2) possesses a unique solution. We seek an approximation to the solution u(t) of (1)–(2) at
Nt + 1 evenly-spaced time points in the interval [t
0, T ], so we set
tn = t0 + nh for 0 < n ≤ Nt where h = (T − t0)/Nt .
The scalar h is referred to as the time-step. We use a subscript h to denote an approximation to
u(t), in this case at the time points {tn},
n) ≈ u(tn), for 0 ≤ n ≤ Nt ,
and we are interested in the behaviour of the error enh = uh(t
n) − u(tn). We expect this error to
decrease as the step size h tends to 0: the sequence of approximations {uh(tn)} will be generated
by a numerical method, which will be said to be convergent if
‖enh‖ = 0 ,
where ‖ · ‖ is a generic norm on Rd. If the numerical method is convergent and
E(h) =
‖enh‖ = O(h
p) ,
then it is said to be an order p method. The method may suffer from numerical instabilities if the
value of h is too large, so the step size h must be set to a sufficiently small value during computations
to get sensible approximations.
Schemes for Second-Order ODEs
Physical or engineering problems involving particle motion are often naturally written as a system of
second-order ODEs of the form
ẍ(t) = f(t,x(t)) for t ∈ [t0, T ] , (3)
x(t0) = x0 , v(t0) = ẋ(t0) = v0 , (4)
in which x(t) represents a particle position and v(t) its velocity. It is possible to recast the problem
as a system of first-order ODEs,
ẋ(t) = v(t) , x(t0) = x0 , (5)
v̇(t) = f(t,x(t)) , v(t0) = v0 , (6)
on the interval t ∈ [t0, T ], and then employ numerical methods for approximating first-order IVPs.
Second-order systems of the type (3)–(4) may exhibit special symmetries that, ideally, would be
preserved by the numerical scheme (e.g. reversibility, symplectic structure) so care is needed when
devising an appropriate approximation. We will consider the following three methods, using Nt + 1
evenly-spaced points in the interval [t0, T ], starting from initial conditions of the form given in (5)–(6).
• The forward Euler method seeks an approximation to the solution x(t) of (3)–(4) on the
interval [t0, T ] by applying the iteration
n+1) = xh(t
n) + hvh(t
n) , (7)
n+1) = vh(t
n) + hf(tn,xh(t
n)) , (8)
for 0 ≤ n < Nt. This is an order 1 method.
• The symplectic Euler method seeks an approximation to the solution x(t) of (3)–(4) on the
interval [t0, T ] by applying the iteration
n+1) = vh(t
n) + hf(tn,xh(t
n)) , (9)
n+1) = xh(t
n) + hvh(t
n+1) , (10)
for 0 ≤ n < Nt. This is also an order 1 method.
• The Störmer-Verlet method seeks an approximation to the solution x(t) of (3)–(4) on the
interval [t0, T ] by applying the iteration
n+1) = xh(t
n) + hvh(t
n) +
n)) , (11)
n+1) = vh(t
n) +
n)) + f(tn+1,xh(t
, (12)
for 0 ≤ n < Nt. This is an order 2 method.
Coursework Questions
In Templates/ you will find a set of folders, one for each question. The folders contain a small
amount of code (.hpp and .cpp files) as well as empty files, which you must edit for the coursework.
You can use any software you want to produce the plots requested below.
You must keep the folder structure and all file names as they are in the templates: the
folder Q1 in your submission, for instance, should be self-contained, and should include all the code
necessary to compile and reproduce your results for Question 1. The template folders may also
serve as a checklist for your submission. As part of your submission, you may also add files to the
folders (for instance new classes, output files, plotting routines, etc.): if you do so, then write a brief
README.txt file, containing a short description of each new file. When you attempt Question 2,
make a new folder and put all the files necessary to produce your results in it; if needed, copy some
files from Q1 to Q2, etc.
This coursework requires you to implement algorithms for approximating second-order initial value
problems of the form (3)–(4) in an object-oriented manner, then use them to approximate a range
of second-order systems.
Familiarise yourself with the classes Vector and ODEInterface which have been provided in the
folder Templates/. The class Vector is a modification of the class that is used in Unit 10 on
Iterative Linear Solvers. The class ODEInterface is an abstract class that encapsulates an interface
to problems of type (5)–(6).
1. In this question, you will use the forward Euler method to approximate a second-order IVP
representing the position of a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion in one dimension,
ẍ(t) = −a2x for t ∈ [0, T ] where T > 0 , (13)
x(0) = 0 , v(0) = ẋ(0) = a . (14)
The solution to this IVP is x(t) = sin(at).
(a) Write an abstract class AbstractODESolver which contains the following members:
• Protected variables for initial and final times
double mFinalTime;
double mInitialTime;
• A protected pointer for the ODE system under consideration
ODEInterface* mpODESystem;
• A protected variable for the time-step size h
double mStepSize;
• A pure virtual public method
virtual void Solve() = 0;
• Any other member that you choose to implement. Your choices and your ability to
design this class according to object-orientation design principles will be assessed.
(b) Write a class OscillatorODE derived from ODEInterface which:
• Overrides the virtual method ComputeF in order to evaluate the right-hand side of (6).
• Overrides the virtual method ComputeAnalyticSolution in order to compute the
exact solution to (3)–(4) (which is known for this problem).
(c) Write a class ForwardEulerSolver, derived from AbstractODESolver, with the following
• A public constructor
ForwardEulerSolver(ODEInterface& anODESystem ,
const double initialState ,
const double initialVelocity ,
const double initialTime ,
const double finalTime ,
const double stepSize ,
const std:: string outputFileName=”output.dat”,
const int saveGap = 1,
const int printGap = 1);
in which initialState is x(t0) and initialVelocity is v(t0).
• A public solution method
void Solve();
which computes {xh(tn)} and {vh(tn)} using the forward Euler method for a first-
order system of IVPs of the form (5)–(6), saves selected elements of the sequences
{tn}, {xh(tn)}, {vh(tn)} in a file, and prints on screen an initial header and selected
elements of the sequences {tn}, {xh(tn)}, {vh(tn)}. The method should save to file
every saveGap iterations and print on screen every printGap iterations.
• Any other member that you choose to implement. Your choices and your ability to
design this class according to object-orientation design principles will be assessed.
(d) Write and execute a main Driver.cpp file which:
i. Approximates the IVP (13)–(14) for a = 1.5, T = 30, using the forward Euler method
with h = 0.01, and outputs the solution to a file.
Use your output to plot the approximate solution xh(t) against the approximate velocity
vh(t) for t ∈ [0, 30]. Comment briefly on your results.
ii. Approximates the IVP (13)–(14) with a = 1.5, T = 1 using the forward Euler method
with various values of h, computes the corresponding errors E(h) and saves the se-
quences {hk}, {E(hk)} to a file.
Use your output to plot logE(h) as a function of log h. Include in your report the
values of h and E(h) that you used to produce the plot and a brief explanation of why
your results demonstrate that E(h) = O(h).
Your choices for computing these errors and presenting this evidence will be assessed.
2. (a) Modify ForwardEulerSolver to create a new class SymplecticEulerSolver, also de-
rived from AbstractODESolver, which computes {xh(tn)} and {vh(tn)} using the sym-
plectic Euler method for a first-order system of IVPs of the form (5)–(6).
(b) Modify ForwardEulerSolver to create a new class StoermerVerletSolver, also derived
from AbstractODESolver, which computes {xh(tn)} and {vh(tn)} using the Störmer-
Verlet method for a first-order system of IVPs of the form (5)–(6).
(c) Write and execute a main Driver.cpp file which:
i. Approximates the IVP (13)–(14) for a = 1.5, T = 30, using the symplectic Euler and
Störmer-Verlet methods with h = 0.01, and outputs the solutions to two files.
Use your output to plot the approximate solutions xh(t) against the approximate veloc-
ities vh(t) for t ∈ [0, 30]. Comment briefly on how the results compare with each other
and with the results obtained for the forward Euler method.
ii. Approximates the IVP (13)–(14) with a = 1.5, T = 1 using the symplectic Euler and
Störmer-Verlet methods with various values of h, computes the corresponding errors
E(h) and saves the sequences {hk}, {E(hk)} to two files.
Use your output to plot logE(h) as a function of log h for each method. Include
in your report the values of h and E(h) that you used to produce the plots and a
brief explanation of why your results demonstrate that the methods are order 1 and 2,
3. In this question you will modify the classes you have developed in Questions 1 and 2 to approx-
imate a second-order IVP representing the gravitational effects of a fixed body on a free body
in three dimensions,
ẍ(t) =
Gmp(xp − x)
|xp − x|3
for t ∈ [t0, T ] where T > t0 , (15)
x(t0) = x0 , v(t0) = ẋ(t0) = v0 , (16)
in which G = 6.674×10−11m3 kg−1 s−2 is the universal gravitational constant, mp and xp ∈ R3
are the mass and the position of the centre of mass of the fixed body, and x ∈ R3 is the position
of the centre of mass of the moving body. All bodies are assumed to be spherical.
This system has a family of solutions which represent circular orbits of the moving body around
the fixed body, for which the speed |vo| and period To of the orbit are given by
|vo|2 =
, To
2 =
, (17)
in which r is the radius of the orbit (the distance between the centres of mass).
(a) Modify the abstract class AbstractODESolver and the derived classes for the methods,
ForwardEulerSolver, SymplecticEulerSolver and StoermerVerletSolver so that
the state xh(t
n) and velocity vh(t
n) are now stored in objects of type Vector.
For example, the constructor of the class ForwardEulerSolver will now take the form
ForwardEulerSolver(ODEInterface& anODESystem ,
const Vector& initialState ,
const Vector& initialVelocity ,
const double initialTime ,
const double finalTime ,
const double stepSize ,
const std:: string outputFileName=”output.dat”,
const int saveGap = 1,
const int printGap = 1);
and the solution method will have to save and print values for xh(t
n) ∈ R3.
(b) • Write a class OrbitODE derived from ODEInterface which overrides the virtual method
ComputeF in order to evaluate the right-hand side of (15). ODEInterface will also
need modifying now that xh(t
n) is stored as type Vector.
• Write a method DetectCollision which checks whether the spherical bodies have
collided during a time-step and, if there has been a collision, exits the code and reports
the time and the state of the system at the end of the time-step during which the
collision took place.
You should decide where this method should be defined in your class structure and
provide a reason why you have made this choice.
(c) Write and execute a main Driver.cpp file which:
i. Approximates the orbit of the moon around the earth using the forward Euler, symplectic
Euler and Störmer-Verlet methods.
You should assume that the position of the earth is fixed, the moon travels in a circular
orbit with radius ro = 3.844 × 108m, the earth has mass 5.972 × 1024 kg and radius
6.378 × 106m, and the moon has mass 7.342 × 1022 kg and radius 1.737 × 106m.
Initialise your computation with x(0) = (ro, 0, 0)
T , v(0) = (0, |vo|, 0)T .
Include in your report the approximate state of the system after one period (T = t0+To)
for each of the three methods, obtained using 10000 time-steps. Using these results
and your results from Questions 1 and 2, order the three numerical methods from best
to worst in their ability to approximate second-order IVPs of the type investigated in
this coursework. Explain why you have put the methods in this order.
ii. Approximates the time it would take the moon to collide with the earth if the compu-
tation was initialised with x(0) = (ro, 0, 0)
T , v(0) = (0, 0, 0)T .
You should choose the best of the three methods you have implemented for this task
and provide your answer to the nearest minute. Explain briefly what you have done to
ensure that you have the answer to the appropriate level of accuracy without finding
an exact mathematical solution to the problem.
What difficulties do you encounter if you try to compute the time to collision if you
assume that the bodies are point masses, i.e. they have zero radius?
iii. Approximates the trajectory of the moving body when v(0) = (0, k|vo|, 0)T for a range
of values of k ∈ [0, 2], using the method you chose in part ii.
Describe how the trajectories change as k is increased in this range. You should provide
plots of trajectories for 4 different values of k to help illustrate how they change and
explain why you have chosen these 4 values.
4. In this question you will modify the classes you have developed in Questions 1, 2 and 3 to
approximate the N -body problem, given by the system of second-order IVPs
ẍi(t) =
j 6=i
Gmj(xj − xi)
|xj − xi|3
for t ∈ [t0, T ] where T > t0 , (18)
0) = x0i , vi(t
0) = ẋi(t
0) = v0i , (19)
for each body i = 1, . . . , N . In this equation mj is the mass of body j and xj ∈ R3 is its
position. The remaining parameters and variables are defined in Question 3.
(a) • Write a class NBodyODE derived from ODEInterface which overrides the virtual method
ComputeF in order to evaluate the right-hand side of (18).
• Modify your method DetectCollision so that it checks whether any of the spherical
bodies have collided during a time-step and, if there has been a collision, exits the code
and reports the time and the state of the system at the end of the time-step during
which the collision took place.
(b) Write and execute a main Driver.cpp file which:
i. Approximates the orbit of the moon around the earth using the best of the three
numerical methods you have implemented, as selected in Question 3.
You should use the same initial state as in Question 3(c)i. but the earth should now be
allowed to move in response to the gravitational effects of the moon. Provide a plot
of the trajectories of the two moving bodies and describe how the motion differs from
that seen in Question 3. Include in your report the approximate state of the system
after one period (T = t0 + To), obtained using 10000 time-steps.
ii. Approximates the trajectories in a system with at least 5 moving bodies, again using
the best of the three numerical methods, as selected in Question 3.
You are free to choose the system yourself, but you must choose it so that it provides you
with additional evidence that your implementation of the algorithm is correct for multiple
bodies. It must, therefore, be a situation in which you know something about how the
system should behave and you can confirm that your numerical results reproduce that
behaviour. It does not have to be a problem for which the exact solution is known.
Provide a plot of the trajectories of the moving bodies and use it to explain why the
test case you have chosen helps to confirm the correctness of your implementation.
You should make sure that you define the test case you choose in your report in a way
which would allow another user to set up and run the same problem.
iii. Approximates a sequence of problems with N = 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, bodies and computes
the cpu times for each problem
You are free to choose how to initialise the system in each case, but you should describe
the initial states in your report in a way which would allow another user to set up and
run the same problem. Each test should be run for 105 time-steps and you should
minimise printing to the screen or saving to file during these tests.
Provide the cpu times for each of your runs and describe how the runtime depends on
the number of bodies. Use these runtimes to estimate the length of time it would take
for your code to compute 105 time-steps with 237 bodies (approximately the number of
stars in our galaxy).
The output requested in Questions 1d, 2c, 3c, 4b should be included in your submission, in the format
provided by the solution template file. Please be selective in the output you present: none of the
questions should require more than 100 lines of code output to be presented (most need significantly
fewer than that).