CS计算机代考程序代写 chain # 25/07/2019

# 25/07/2019
# by Elena Moltchanova
# Running Drinkers vs. Teetotallers (zero-inflated binomial example) from R


# the actual model
my.model <- function(){ # likelihood for(i in 1:k){ x[i] ~ dbin(p.x[i],7) p.x[i] <- p*z[i] z[i] ~ dbern(omega) } # priors p ~ dbeta(1,1) omega ~ dbeta(1,1) } # the file I will temporarily save it too my.file <- "p:\\temp.txt" ## write model file: write.model(my.model,my.file) ## and let's take a look at that file: file.show(my.file) # the drinkers vs. teetotallers data x <- rep(0:7,c(22,6,18,23,18,10,3,0)) # running the model in WinBUGS: system.time( m.bugs <- bugs(data=list(k=length(x),x=x), inits=list(list(p=.5,omega=.5,z=rep(1,length(x)))), parameters.to.save=c("p","omega","z"), ### PATH TO THE MODEL FILE model.file=my.file, n.chains=1, n.iter=10000, n.sim=5000, n.burnin=5000, n.thin=1, DIC=F, bugs.directory=paste0(Sys.getenv(c("USERPROFILE")), "\\WinBUGS14"),debug=F #bugs.directory="c:\\Program Files\\WinBUGS14\\WinBUGS14",debug=F ) ) # Now, the m.bugs object contains all the information on names(m.bugs) # For example, plotting traces and posterior densities of omega and p par(mfrow=c(2,2)) plot(m.bugs$sims.list$omega,ty='l',xlab='iteration',ylab=expression(omega)) plot(m.bugs$sims.list$p,ty='l',xlab='iteration',ylab=expression(p)) plot(density(m.bugs$sims.list$omega),ty='l',xlab=expression(omega),lwd=2,main='') plot(density(m.bugs$sims.list$p),ty='l',xlab=expression(p),lwd=2,main='') # checking summaries m.bugs$summary # generating posterior predictive density # the posterior samples on omega and p are already available. # just sample z and then x z.pred <- rbinom(5000,1,m.bugs$sims.list$omega) x.pred <- rbinom(5000,7,z.pred*m.bugs$sims.list$p) # observed and generated frequencies plot(0:7,c(table(factor(x,levels=0:7))/100),xlim=c(0,7),lwd=2,ty='o',xlab="days per week",ylab="f(x)",ylim=c(0,.4)) lines(0:7,c(table(factor(x.pred,levels=0:7))/5000),col='red',ty='o',pch=8,lwd=2)