import time
import numpy as np
import random
# Directions and Actions
UP = 0
DOWN = 1
LEFT = 2
def get_action_name(action):
return ACTIONS_NAMES[action]
# The map
OBSTACLES = [(1, 1)]
EXIT_STATE = (-1, -1)
REWARDS = {(3, 1): -100, (3, 2): 1}
class Grid:
def __init__(self):
self.x_size = 4
self.y_size = 3
self.p = 0.8 = 0.9
# self.states = list((x, y) for x in range(self.x_size) for y in range(self.y_size))
# self.states.append(EXIT_STATE)
# for obstacle in OBSTACLES:
# self.states.remove(obstacle)
self.states = [(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), (0, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2), (2, 2), (3, 2),
def attempt_move(self, s, a):
s: (x, y), x = s[0], y[1]
Returns next state under deterministic action.
x, y = s[0], s[1]
# Check absorbing state
if s in REWARDS:
if s == EXIT_STATE:
return s
# Default: no movement
result = s
# Check borders:
Write code here to check if applying an action
keeps the agent with the boundary
if a == LEFT and x > 0:
result = (x – 1, y)
if a == RIGHT and x < self.x_size - 1:
result = (x + 1, y)
if a == UP and y < self.y_size - 1:
result = (x, y + 1)
if a == DOWN and y > 0:
result = (x, y – 1)
# Check obstacle cells
if result in OBSTACLES:
return s
return result
def stoch_action(self, a):
# Stochastic actions probability distributions
if a == RIGHT:
stoch_a = {RIGHT: self.p , UP: (1-self.p)/2, DOWN: (1-self.p)/2}
if a == UP:
stoch_a = {UP: self.p , LEFT: (1-self.p)/2, RIGHT: (1-self.p)/2}
if a == LEFT:
stoch_a = {LEFT: self.p , UP: (1-self.p)/2, DOWN: (1-self.p)/2}
if a == DOWN:
stoch_a = {DOWN: self.p , LEFT: (1-self.p)/2, RIGHT: (1-self.p)/2}
return stoch_a
def get_reward(self, s):
if s == EXIT_STATE:
return 0
if s in REWARDS:
return REWARDS[s]
return 0
class ValueIteration:
def __init__(self, grid):
self.grid = Grid()
self.values = {state: 0 for state in self.grid.states}
self.policy = {state: RIGHT for state in self.grid.states}
self.epsilon = 0.001
self.converged = False
def next_iteration(self):
Write code here to imlpement the VI value update
Iterate over self.grid.states and ACTIONS
Use stoch_action(a) and attempt_move(s,a)
new_values = dict()
new_policy = dict()
for s in self.grid.states:
# Keep track of maximum value
action_values = dict()
for a in ACTIONS:
total = 0
for stoch_action, p in self.grid.stoch_action(a).items():
# Apply action
s_next = self.grid.attempt_move(s, stoch_action)
total += p * (self.grid.get_reward(s) + ( * self.values[s_next]))
action_values[a] = total
# Update state value with best action
new_values[s] = max(action_values.values())
new_policy[s] = dict_argmax(action_values) #Note: in VI, the poilcy is not normally explicitly computed on each iteration, but here we do it for visualisation purposes
# Check convergence
differences = [abs(self.values[s] – new_values[s]) for s in self.grid.states]
if max(differences) < self.epsilon:
self.converged = True
# Update values
self.values = new_values
self.policy = new_policy
def print_values(self):
for state, value in self.values.items():
print(state, value)
print("Converged:", self.converged)
def print_values_and_policy(self):
for state in self.grid.states:
print(state, get_action_name(self.policy[state]), self.values[state])
print("Converged:", self.converged)
def dict_argmax(d):
max_value = max(d.values())
for k, v in d.items():
if v == max_value:
return k
class PolicyIteration:
def __init__(self, grid):
self.grid = Grid()
self.values = {state: 0 for state in self.grid.states}
self.policy = {state: RIGHT for state in self.grid.states}
self.converged = False
self.epsilon = 0.001
self.USE_LIN_ALG = True
# t model (lin alg)
t_model = np.zeros([len(self.grid.states), len(ACTIONS), len(self.grid.states)])
for i, s in enumerate(self.grid.states):
for j, a in enumerate(ACTIONS):
if s in REWARDS.keys():
for k in range(len(self.grid.states)):
if self.grid.states[k] == (-1, -1):
t_model[i][j][k] = 1.0
t_model[i][j][k] = 0.0
elif s == EXIT_STATE:
t_model[i][j][self.grid.states.index(EXIT_STATE)] = 1.0
for stoch_action, p in self.grid.stoch_action(a).items():
# Apply action
s_next = self.grid.attempt_move(s, stoch_action)
k = self.grid.states.index(s_next)
t_model[i][j][k] += p
self.t_model = t_model
# r model (lin alg)
r_model = np.zeros([len(self.grid.states)])
for i, s in enumerate(self.grid.states):
r_model[i] = self.grid.get_reward(s)
self.r_model = r_model
# lin alg policy
la_policy = np.zeros([len(self.grid.states)], dtype=np.int64)
for i, s in enumerate(self.grid.states):
la_policy[i] = 3
# la_policy[i] = random.randint(0, len(ACTIONS) - 1)
self.la_policy = la_policy
def next_iteration(self):
new_values = dict()
new_policy = dict()
# policy evaluation
if not self.USE_LIN_ALG:
# use 'naive'/iterative policy evaluation
value_converged = False
while not value_converged:
new_values = dict()
for s in self.grid.states:
# Keep track of maximum value
action_values = list()
for a in ACTIONS:
total = 0
for stoch_action, p in self.grid.stoch_action(a).items():
# Apply action
s_next = self.grid.attempt_move(s, stoch_action)
total += p * (self.grid.get_reward(s) + ( * self.values[s_next]))
# Update state value with best action
new_values[s] = max(action_values)
# Check convergence
differences = [abs(self.values[s] - new_values[s]) for s in self.grid.states]
if max(differences) < self.epsilon:
value_converged = True
# Update values and policy
self.values = new_values
# use linear algebra for policy evaluation
# V^pi = R + gamma T^pi V^pi
# (I - gamma * T^pi) V^pi = R
# Ax = b; A = (I - gamma * T^pi), b = R
state_numbers = np.array(range(len(self.grid.states))) # indices of every state
t_pi = self.t_model[state_numbers, self.la_policy]
values = np.linalg.solve(np.identity(len(self.grid.states)) - ( * t_pi), self.r_model)
self.values = {s: values[i] for i, s in enumerate(self.grid.states)}
new_policy = {s: ACTIONS[self.la_policy[i]] for i, s in enumerate(self.grid.states)}
# policy improvement
for s in self.grid.states:
# Keep track of maximum value
action_values = dict()
for a in ACTIONS:
total = 0
for stoch_action, p in self.grid.stoch_action(a).items():
# Apply action
s_next = self.grid.attempt_move(s, stoch_action)
total += p * (self.grid.get_reward(s) + ( * self.values[s_next]))
action_values[a] = total
# Update policy
new_policy[s] = dict_argmax(action_values)
# Check convergence
if new_policy == self.policy:
self.converged = True
self.policy = new_policy
if self.USE_LIN_ALG:
for i, s in enumerate(self.grid.states):
self.la_policy[i] = self.policy[s]
def print_values_and_policy(self):
for state in self.grid.states:
print(state, get_action_name(self.policy[state]), self.values[state])
print("Converged:", self.converged)
def run_value_iteration():
grid = Grid
vi = ValueIteration(grid)
start = time.time()
print("Initial values:")
max_iter = 30
for i in range(max_iter):
print("Values after iteration", i + 1)
if vi.converged:
end = time.time()
print("Time to complete", i + 1, "VI iterations")
print(end - start)
def run_policy_iteration():
grid = Grid
pi = PolicyIteration(grid)
start = time.time()
print("Initial policy and values:")
max_iter = 50
for i in range(max_iter):
print("Policy and values after iteration", i + 1)
if pi.converged:
end = time.time()
print("Time to complete", i + 1, "PI iterations")
print(end - start)
if __name__ == "__main__":
mode = input("Please enter 1 for value iteration, or 2 for policy iteration: ").strip()
if mode == "1":
elif mode == "2":
print("Invalid option.")