CS计算机代考程序代写 Bayesian library(MASS)

library(arm) #gives access to logit and inverse logit functions
library(LearnBayes) ##access to laplace approximation etc
#gives access to logit – normal density function

wd <- "~/Patrick/Stat314-2018/code" ##change to own folder or better ##still set this up as project in ##Rsstudio setwd(wd) #################################################################### ###Illustration of likelihood as a function of the model parameter ###Binomial - data from 6 binomial studies each with N trials Y <- c(6,7,5,5,4,8) N <- rep(10,length(Y) ) ##Compute some summaries typically involved in Bayesian calculations ##Useful later NmY <- N-Y sumY <- sum(Y) sumNmY <- sum(N-Y) sumY sumNmY ##We will assume a binomial likelihood ##Illustration of (log-) likelihood as a function of the model #parameter function to compute the log-likelihood for a #given success probability. Usually best to work on a log-scale #when doing numerical work with likelihoods and posteriors loglike_binom <- function(theta,Y,N) { logl <- dbinom(Y,N,prob=theta,log=TRUE) return(sum(logl)) } ##Evaluate at few points loglike_binom(theta=0.4,Y=Y,N=N) loglike_binom(theta=0.1,Y=Y,N=N) loglike_binom(theta=0.8,Y=Y,N=N) ###Plot the log-likelihood for a range of sucesss probabilities testtheta <- seq(from=0.01,to=0.99,by=0.01) #range of theta's to test ##set up structure to store log-likelihoods for plotting loglstore <- vector(mode="numeric",length=length(testtheta)) ##Loop over theta values and compute the corresponding log-likelihood for (i in 1:length(testtheta)) { loglstore[i] <- loglike_binom(theta=testtheta[i],Y=Y,N=N) } loglstore ###Plot the log-likelihood plot(testtheta,loglstore,main="log-likelihood for Binomial example") ##clearer if we plot a line? A continuous function after all plot(testtheta,loglstore,type="l",lwd=2.0,main="log-likelihood for Binomial example") ################################################################## ## ##Rejection sampling for Non-conjugate problem - Binomial model for the data but ##instead of a Beta(a,b) prior we will adopt a ##logit-normal prior for theta, i.e logit(theta) ~Normal(mu,sigma2) ###plot the logit-normal density ##first define a function to simulate from the logit-normal rlogitnormal <- function(n,mu,sigma) { require(arm) l <- rnorm(n=n,mean=mu,sd=sigma) theta <- invlogit(l) return(theta) } ##specify parameters of the prior mu_prior <- logit(0.5) sigma_prior <- 5 ###Plot the prior testtheta <- rlogitnormal(n=10000,mu=mu_prior,sigma=sigma_prior) density_prior <- density(testtheta,from=0,to=1) plot(density_prior,main=paste("logitN(",round(mu_prior,2),",",sigma_prior,")",sep="")) summary(testtheta) ###rejection sampling. ###If our approximation is the prior r(\theta) is the likelihood. #Hence we accept draws with probability Likelihood/M ### where M is the value of the likelihood evaluated at the MLE ####Often easier to work on the log-scale ###Find log(M) ###In this case the MLE is sum(Y)/sum(N) logM <- loglike_binom(theta=(sum(Y)/sum(N)),Y=Y,N=N) ##working with the #unnormalized density ##Could use the sample of logit-theta values already generated #but to better illustrate the idea of #rejection sampling we use the following loop. simnum <- 2000 #desired simulation sample size storetheta <- vector(mode="numeric",length=simnum) accepted <- 0 rejected <- 0 while(accepted < simnum) { theta_prop <- rlogitnormal(n=1,mu=mu_prior,sigma=sigma_prior) ###Evaluate the likelihood at this proposal llike_prop <- loglike_binom(Y=Y,N=N,theta=theta_prop) U <- runif(1) if (log(U) < llike_prop - logM) { accepted <- accepted + 1 storetheta[accepted] <- theta_prop } else { rejected <- rejected + 1 } } summary(storetheta) plot(density(storetheta)) accepted rejected acceptance_rate <- accepted/(accepted+rejected) acceptance_rate ###reproduce posterior density plot with prior superimposed #- to illustrate ideas around quality of ##approximatin density plot(density(storetheta), main="rejection sampler logit-normal(0,5) prior",lwd=2,xlim=c(0,1)) lines(density_prior,lwd=2,col="red") ##Repeat this with alternative prior again use prior as ##approximating density ##specify parameters of the prior mu_prior <- logit(0.5) #logit(0.5) =0 sigma_prior <- 1 ###Plot the prior testtheta <- rlogitnormal(n=10000,mu=mu_prior,sigma=sigma_prior) density_prior <- density(testtheta,from=0,to=1) plot(density_prior,main=paste("logitN(",round(mu_prior,2),",",sigma_prior,")",sep="")) summary(testtheta) ###rejection sampling. ###If our approximation is the prior r(\theta) is the likelihood. #Hence we accept draws with probability Likelihood/M ### where M is the value of the likelihood evaluated at the MLE ####Often easier to work on the log-scale ###Find log(M) ###In this case the MLE is sum(Y)/sum(N) logM <- loglike_binom(theta=(sum(Y)/sum(N)),Y=Y,N=N) ##working with the #unnormalized density ##Could use the sample of logit-theta values already generated #but to better illustrate the idea of #rejection sampling we use the following loop. simnum <- 2000 #desired simulation sample size storetheta <- vector(mode="numeric",length=simnum) accepted <- 0 rejected <- 0 while(accepted < simnum) { theta_prop <- rlogitnormal(n=1,mu=mu_prior,sigma=sigma_prior) ###Evaluate the likelihood at this proposal llike_prop <- loglike_binom(Y=Y,N=N,theta=theta_prop) U <- runif(1) if (log(U) < llike_prop - logM) { accepted <- accepted + 1 storetheta[accepted] <- theta_prop } else { rejected <- rejected + 1 } } summary(storetheta) plot(density(storetheta)) accepted rejected acceptance_rate <- accepted/(accepted+rejected) acceptance_rate ###reproduce posterior density plot with prior superimposed #- to illustrate ideas around quality of ##approximatin density plot(density(storetheta), main="rejection sampler logit-normal(0,1) prior",lwd=2,xlim=c(0,1)) lines(density_prior,lwd=2,col="red") ##change the approximation ##a better approximating density could be obtained by ## approximating the logit-normal prior by a beta distribution and ### using conjugacy to obtain a beta approximation to the posterior ##Go back to the original prior mu_prior <- logit(0.5) sigma_prior <- 5 ##Re-draw the logit-normal sample from the prior testtheta <- rlogitnormal(n=10000,mu=mu_prior,sigma=sigma_prior) density_prior <- density(testtheta) plot(density(testtheta,from=0,to=1),main=paste("logitN(",round(mu_prior,2),",",sigma_prior,")",sep="")) summary(testtheta) ###obtain a beta distribution with the same mean and variance as logit-normal sample mean_theta <- mean(testtheta) var_theta <- (sd(testtheta))^2 mean_theta var_theta a <- (mean_theta^2*(1-mean_theta) - var_theta*mean_theta)/var_theta b <- a*(1-mean_theta)/mean_theta a b ###plot the beta density with these values ##could do exactly using dbeta but will simulate apprxtheta <- rbeta(10000,a,b) summary(apprxtheta) mean(apprxtheta) (sd(apprxtheta))^2 density_prior_beta <- density(apprxtheta,from=0,to=1) plot(density_prior_beta,main=paste("beta(",round(a,2),",",round(b,2),")",sep="")) ###beta approximation to the posterior -- #this will be the approximating density for the rejection sampler ## That is we are approximating the posterior with a distribution ## that could plausibly have been the posterior had a conjugate prior ##prior been adopted. apos <- a + sumY #sum_i Y_i bpos <- b + sumNmY #sum_i (N_i-Y_i) #check approximate posterior mean apos/(apos+bpos) pos_approx <- rbeta(10000,apos,bpos) density_pos_betaapprx <- density(pos_approx) plot(density(pos_approx)) ####Need to find max of #Binomial(Y|N,\theta)logit(theta|mu,\sigma) / beta(\theta|apos,bpos); # (on log scale) ###set up a function for logr(theta) ##Function to compute logr logr <- function(phi) { rtheta <- (sum(Y)*log(phi) + sum(N-Y)*log(1-phi) + dlogitnorm(q=phi,mu=mu_prior,s=sigma_prior,log=TRUE)) - dbeta(phi,shape1=apos,shape2=bpos,log=TRUE) return(rtheta)} #evaluate logr over the (0,1) interval theta_test <- seq(from=0.001,to=0.999,by=0.0001) logrtheta<- logr(phi=theta_test) summary(logrtheta) plot(theta_test,logrtheta) which.max(logrtheta) ###This identifies the position in the logrtheta vector ###at which the maximum value of logrtheta is found theta_maxr <- theta_test[which.max(logrtheta)] #Value of theta which maximises logrtheta logM2 <- logrtheta[which.max(logrtheta)] theta_maxr logM2 ##check logM2 should equal the value of logr evaluated at theta_maxr logr(theta_maxr) ###Set up the rejection sampler simnum <- 2000 #desired simulation sample size storetheta2 <- vector(mode="numeric",length=simnum) accepted2 <- 0 rejected2 <- 0 while(accepted2 < simnum) { theta_prop <- rbeta(n=1,shape=apos,shape2=bpos) ###Evaluate the log - importance ratio at this proposal logr_prop <- logr(phi=theta_prop) U <- runif(1) if (log(U) < logr_prop - logM2) { accepted2 <- accepted2 + 1 storetheta2[accepted2] <- theta_prop } else { rejected2 <- rejected2 + 1 } } summary(storetheta2) plot(density(storetheta2)) accepted2 rejected2 acceptance_rate2 <- accepted2/(accepted2 + rejected2) acceptance_rate2 ##Superimpose density plot for beta approximation densisty to #illustrate good approximator plot(density(storetheta2),main="rejection sampler using beta density as the approximator", xlim=c(0,1),lwd=2) lines(density_pos_betaapprx,lwd=2,col="red") ####Repeat the beta-approximation approach for the model with #(logit-normal(0,1) ) prior mu_prior <- logit(0.5) sigma_prior <- 1 ##Re-draw the logit-normal sample from the prior testtheta <- rlogitnormal(n=10000,mu=mu_prior,sigma=sigma_prior) density_prior <- density(testtheta) plot(density(testtheta,from=0,to=1),main=paste("logitN(",round(mu_prior,2),",",sigma_prior,")",sep="")) summary(testtheta) ###obtain a beta distribution with the same mean and variance as logit-normal sample mean_theta <- mean(testtheta) var_theta <- (sd(testtheta))^2 mean_theta var_theta a <- (mean_theta^2*(1-mean_theta) - var_theta*mean_theta)/var_theta b <- a*(1-mean_theta)/mean_theta a b ###plot the beta density with these values ##could do exactly using dbeta but will simulate apprxtheta <- rbeta(10000,a,b) summary(apprxtheta) mean(apprxtheta) (sd(apprxtheta))^2 density_prior_beta <- density(apprxtheta,from=0,to=1) plot(density_prior_beta,main=paste("beta(",round(a,2),",",round(b,2),")",sep="")) ###beta approximation to the posterior -- #this will be the approximating density for the rejection sampler ## That is we are approximating the posterior with a distribution ## that could plausibly have been the posterior had a conjugate prior ##prior been adopted. apos <- a + sumY #sum_i Y_i bpos <- b + sumNmY #sum_i (N_i-Y_i) #check approximate posterior mean apos/(apos+bpos) pos_approx <- rbeta(10000,apos,bpos) density_pos_betaapprx <- density(pos_approx) plot(density(pos_approx)) ####Need to find max of #Binomial(Y|N,\theta)logit(theta|mu,\sigma) / beta(\theta|apos,bpos); # (on log scale) ###set up a function for logr(theta) ##Function to compute logr logr <- function(phi) { rtheta <- (sum(Y)*log(phi) + sum(N-Y)*log(1-phi) + dlogitnorm(q=phi,mu=mu_prior,s=sigma_prior,log=TRUE)) - dbeta(phi,shape1=apos,shape2=bpos,log=TRUE) return(rtheta)} #evaluate logr over the (0,1) interval theta_test <- seq(from=0.001,to=0.999,by=0.0001) logrtheta<- logr(phi=theta_test) summary(logrtheta) plot(theta_test,logrtheta) which.max(logrtheta) ###This identifies the position in the logrtheta vector ###at which the maximum value of logrtheta is found theta_maxr <- theta_test[which.max(logrtheta)] #Value of theta which maximises logrtheta logM2 <- logrtheta[which.max(logrtheta)] theta_maxr logM2 ##check logM2 should equal the value of logr evaluated at theta_maxr logr(theta_maxr) ###Set up the rejection sampler simnum <- 2000 #desired simulation sample size storetheta3 <- vector(mode="numeric",length=simnum) accepted3 <- 0 rejected3 <- 0 while(accepted3 < simnum) { theta_prop <- rbeta(n=1,shape=apos,shape2=bpos) ###Evaluate the log - importance ratio at this proposal logr_prop <- logr(phi=theta_prop) U <- runif(1) if (log(U) < logr_prop - logM2) { accepted3<- accepted3 + 1 storetheta3[accepted3] <- theta_prop } else { rejected3 <- rejected3 + 1 } } summary(storetheta3) plot(density(storetheta3)) accepted3 rejected3 acceptance_rate3 <- accepted3/(accepted3 + rejected3) acceptance_rate3 ##Superimpose density plot for beta approximation densisty to #illustrate good approximator plot(density(storetheta3),main="rejection sampler using beta density as the approximator", xlim=c(0,1),lwd=2) lines(density_pos_betaapprx,lwd=2,col="red") ################################################################################################## ####Population estimation example theta = 0.87 #assumed known capture probability X = 4350 ##observed sample size #set-up functions that are needed logpN <- function(N,n,p0) { #log-likelihood ##N is the population size ##n is the observed count ##p0 is is the probability of under coverage; i.e #probability of being missed in the ##observed count. logdens <- lchoose(N,n) + (N-n)*log(p0) return(logdens) } ###illustrate logpN logpN(N=5000,n=4350,p0=(1-0.87)) logpN(N=4000,n=4350,p0=(1-0.87)) #see what happens to the likelihood #at points less than the observed count acceptN_uniprior <- function(n0,pmiss,ntry,lower,upper) { ##assumes a uniform prior in the interval lower,upper #n0 is the observed number of people #pmiss #ntry is the maximum number of attemts at generating N ###values for testing #n0 <- 5000000 #pmiss <- 0.1 ##calls the function logpN #max_logdens <- logpN(N=guess,n=nobs,p0=pmiss) #max_logdens <- max_logpN guess = n0/(1-pmiss) max_logdens <- logpN(N=guess,n=n0,p0=pmiss) # accept <- 0 attempt <- 1 while((accept < 1) & (attempt < (ntry + 1))) { Ntest <- round(runif(1,(lower-0.5),(upper+0.5))) #proposal drawn from a uniform logpNtest <- logpN(N=Ntest,n=n0,p0=pmiss) check <- logpNtest - max_logdens u <- runif(1,0,1) if (u <= exp(check)) {accept <- 1} attempt <- attempt + 1 } #end while loop return(c(Ntest,attempt)) } #End function ###Rejection sampling to obtain a sample of 2000 npos <- 2000 possamp <- vector(mode="numeric",length=npos) nattempts <- vector(mode="numeric",length=npos) ##set prior for population sample size lower_prior <- 4000 upper_prior <- 6350 for (i in 1:npos) { newN <- acceptN_uniprior(n0=X,pmiss=(1-theta),ntry=5000, lower=lower_prior,upper=upper_prior) possamp[i] <- newN[1] nattempts[i] <- newN[2] } summary(possamp) summary(nattempts) ##total number attempts to get posterior sample of size simnum sum(nattempts) ##acceptance rate: npos/sum(nattempts) #plot posterior histogram hist(possamp,main=expression(paste("posterior histogram for N given: X=4350,",theta,"=0.87"))) ##get summary from the prior for comparison Napprox <- round(runif(npos,min=lower_prior-0.5,max=upper_prior+0.5)) #approximating discrete uniform summary(Napprox) #prior summary(possamp) # rejection sampling ###And get some other quantiles quant_prior <- quantile(Napprox,probs=c(0.025,0.05,0.5,0.95,0.975)) quant_rejection <- quantile(possamp,probs=c(0.025,0.05,0.5,0.95,0.975)) ##And get true quantiles by direct computation range = seq(from=lower_prior,to=upper_prior,by=1) logprange <- logpN(range,n=4350,p0=1-theta) probs <- exp(logprange)/sum(exp(logprange)) cdf <- cumsum(probs) q025 <- sum(cdf <= 0.025) q05 <- sum(cdf <= 0.05) q50 <- sum(cdf <= 0.5) q95 <- sum(cdf <= 0.95) q975 <- sum(cdf <= 0.975) ##Find the corresponding quantiles in range true_quantiles <- range[(1+c(q025,q05,q50,q95,q975))] ##compare with prior and rejection sample true_quantiles quant_rejection quant_prior