##tongue_cancer analysis
cancerdata <- read.csv("data/tongue_cancer.csv",header=TRUE)
#only a small dataset so why not just print it to have a look
rates <- cancerdata$Cases / cancerdata$Population
#may make more sense if expressed as rate per 100000
rates100000 <- rates*100000
rates.df <- data.frame(cancerdata$Demography,rates100000,rates,
names(rates.df) <- c("Dhb","rate_100000","rate","Cases")
#What is the overall rate
rawrate <- sum(cancerdata$Cases) /sum(cancerdata$Population)
rawrate*100000 #3.634198
## Basic analysis to estimate assumed common rate for all DHBs
##Simplistic model but but useful as base to compare against.
##Gamma prior
a <- 3/100000
b <- 1 #Like saying prior evidence is equivalent to
#one extra tiny DHB of size 1
totcases <- sum( cancerdata$Cases)
totpop <- sum(cancerdata$Population)
##update to get parameters of the posterior, using conjugacy
apost <- a + totcases
bpost <- b + totpop
##Compute posterior summaries
postmean <- apost/bpost
post_median <- qgamma(0.5,shape=apost,rate = bpost)
postmean * 100000
post_median * 100000
q025 <- qgamma(0.025,shape=apost,rate=bpost)
q975 <- qgamma(0.975,shape=apost,rate=bpost)
exact_quantiles <- 100000*c(q025,post_median,q975)
# Simulation approach - first look at modest size Monte Carlo sample
post_lambda100 <- rgamma(n=100,shape=apost,rate=bpost)
##check quantiles
post_quantiles100 <-
post_mean100 <- mean(post_lambda100)
100000*post_mean100 #3.662318
exact_mean <- apost / bpost
100000*exact_mean #3.634198
#check standard deviation
post_sd100 <- sd(post_lambda100)
##Monte Carlo error for the posterior mean is
MCerror <- post_sd100 / sqrt(100)
MCerror #tiny
#makes more sense multiplied by 100000, as per the rates themselves
# Var(C\theta) = C^2 x Var(\theta) so
# sd(C\theta) = C X sd(\theta)
100000 * MCerror #0.02695065, still pretty small
#MC mean is about 1 MC standard error from the exact mean
##see what happens for a bigger posterior sample
post_lambda1000 <- rgamma(n=1000,shape=apost,rate=bpost)
post_quantiles1000 <- quantile(post_lambda1000,probs=c(0.025,0.5,0.975))
##Compare true and simulation results
#tail quantiles looking pretty good by the time Monte Carlo
#simulation size reaches 1000
#MC error for nsim=1000
post_sd1000 <- 100000*sd(post_lambda1000)
MC_error1000 <- post_sd1000/sqrt(1000)
post_mean1000 <- 100000*mean(post_lambda1000)
100000*exact_mean #So the MC mean is just over MC standard error from
# the true mean
#The MC error is fairly trivial though and represents
# 1/sqrt(1000) = 3.2% of the posterior standard deviation
# Monte Carlo for a more complex estimand and model -----------------------
#estimand is "thing to be estimated"
#Instead of simple common rate model, let's go to the
#other extreme and let each DHB have its own parameter;
#probability that each DHB has highest rate among all DHBs.
#Then we can ask questions like "what is the probability that each DHB
#" has the highest underlying rate among all DHBs"
#" How does a particular DHB rank in a 'league table' of rates by DHB
# we will use the same prior for each DHB
#\lambda ~ gamma(a,b) a = 3/100000; b=1
fulla_post <- a + cancerdata$Cases #vector
fullb_post <- b + cancerdata$Population #vector
## rgamma is partially vectorised; Easiest to loop
## over simulations and on each iteration generate the vector of lambda
##lambda values for the 20 DHBs
## also need to work out the maximum and rank for each set of lambdas
M <- 1000 ##number of draws from the posterior
n <- length(rates) #number of groups - DHBs in this case
##Set-up structures for storing output
post_fullambda <- matrix(nrow=M,ncol=n )
post_max <- matrix(nrow=M,ncol=n)
post_rank <- matrix(nrow=M,ncol=n)
for (i in 1:M ) {
##can probably draw gammas for all DHBs in one-hit
fullambda <- rgamma(n,shape=fulla_post,rate=fullb_post)
ranks <- rank(fullambda)
ismax <- (ranks == max(ranks) )
post_fullambda[i,] <- fullambda
post_rank[i,] <- ranks
post_max[i,] <- ismax
##check results
##posterior quantiles for each DHB
fullpost_quantiles <- apply(post_fullambda,MARGIN=2,FUN=quantile,
fullpost_quantiles.df <- data.frame(rates.df$Dhb,t(100000*fullpost_quantiles))
fullpost_quantiles.df <-
names(fullpost_quantiles.df) <- c("DHB","q025","q50","q975","cases")
##posterior quantiles for each DHB's rank
fullpost_ranks_quantiles.df <-
fullpost_ranks_quantiles.df <-
data.frame( t(apply(post_rank,MARGIN=2,FUN=quantile,
probs=c(0.025,0.5,0.975)) ) )
fullpost_ranks_quantiles.df$Dhb <- rates.df$Dhb
names(fullpost_ranks_quantiles.df)[1:3] <- c("q025","q50","q975")
##posterior probability that rate in each DHB is the maximum
fullpost_max <- colMeans(post_max)
fullpost_max.df <- data.frame(rates.df$Dhb,fullpost_max)
names(fullpost_max.df) <- c("Dhb","prob")
##What about probability in the top 5
intop5 <- (post_rank >= 16)
Prtop5 <- colMeans((intop5) ) Prtop5.df <- data.frame(rates.df$Dhb,Prtop5) Prtop5.df