title: “Tongue cancer rates by DHB”
author: ” ”
date: “09/09/2021”
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# Tongue cancer rates by DHB
We consider rates of tongue cancer by DHB, based on cancers registered in 2018.
## Setup the data
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cancerdata <- read.csv("data/tongue_cancer.csv",header=TRUE)
#only a small dataset so why not just print it to have a look
rates <- cancerdata$Cases / cancerdata$Population
#may make more sense if expressed as rate per 100000
rates100000 <- rates*100000
rates.df <- data.frame(cancerdata$Demography,rates100000,rates,
names(rates.df) <- c("Dhb","rate_100000","rate","Cases", "Population")
#What is the overall rate
rawrate <- sum(cancerdata$Cases) /sum(cancerdata$Population)
rawrate*100000 #3.634198
## Model 1: Common underlying rate across all DHBs
Let $Y_{i}$ and $N_{i}$ be the number of cancer cases and population at risk for the $i^{th}$ DHB. Initially we consider a simple model that assumes the underlying rate is the same for all DHBS:
[Y_{i} |\lambda ]\sim \mathrm{Poisson}(Y_{i} | N_{i}\lambda), \, i=1 \ldots, n (\#eq:model1)
so, for $i \in 1, \ldots, n,$ $E(Y_{i} |\lambda) = N_{i}\lambda$ and $E(Y_{i}/N_{i} = \lambda).$ That is, $\lambda$ is the expected tongue cancer rate, often referred to as the underlying rate, in contrast to the observable rate $r_{i} = Y_{i}/N_{i}.$ The populations at risk, or ``exposures,'' $\{N_{i}, i \in 1,\ldots,n \}$ are regarded as known constants. It is arguable whether we should make the conditioning on these values explicit by including them in the model definition and write
[Y_{i} |N_{i},\lambda ] \sim \mathrm{Poisson}(N_{i}\lambda), i=1 \ldots, n. \nonumber
To simplify notation a little we will just regard the $N_{i}$ as extra background information we know in advance of observing the cancer counts and so we won't explicitly condition on them.
Model \@ref(eq:model1) assumes the expected rate is the same for all DHBs. This means the observable rates $r_{i} = Y_{i} /N_{i}$ vary over DHBs only because of random variation and not because of variation in the underlying rates. The model is a bit simplistic but can be a base to compare other models against. Here we are just using it as a simple example to explore some aspects of Monte Carlo simulation of posterior distributions.
Let $\mathbf{Y} = (Y_{1}, \ldots, Y_{n}).$ We assume conditional independence of the $Y_{i}$ given $\theta$ so the likelihood is
$$p(\mathbf{Y} |\lambda) = \prod_{i=1}^{n}\mathrm{Poisson}(Y_{i}|N_{i}\lambda). $$
The conjugate prior for the rate parameter of a Poisson model is $\mathrm{Gamma}(a,b)$. We set $a = 3/100,000, \, b =1$ and our prior expectation is therefore $E(\theta) = a/b = 3/100,000$ Thus, our prior guess at the underlying rate is 3 per 100,000, but the weight we put on that prior guess is equivalent to the information that would be provided by learning the number of cases for a DHB with a population of size 1 (impossible of course, because the rate for such a DHB would be 0 or 1, but its a useful analogy.)
The posterior for $\lambda$ is
p(\lambda |\mathbf{Y}) & = \frac{\prod_{i=1}^{n}\mathrm{Poisson}(Y_{i}|N_{i}\lambda)
{\int \prod_{i=1}^{n}\mathrm{Poisson}(Y_{i}|N_{i}\lambda)\mathrm{Gamma}(\lambda |3/100,000,1) \, \mathrm{d}\lambda} \nonumber \\
& \propto \left [ \prod_{i=1}^{n} (N_{i}\lambda)^{Y_{i}}\exp(-N_{i}\lambda) \right ] \left[\lambda^{((3/100,000) -1)}\exp(-\lambda) \right] \nonumber \\
& = \left [\prod_{i=1}^{n}N_{i}^{Y_{i}} \right ] %
\left [\prod_{i=1}^{n} \lambda^{Y_{i}} \right ]
\left [\exp(\lambda\sum_{i=1}^{n}N_{i}) \right ] %
\left[\lambda^{\left ((3/100,000) -1) \right )}\exp(-\lambda) \right] \nonumber \\
& \propto \lambda^{\left (\sum_{i=1}^{n}Y_{i} +((3/100,000) -1) \right )} \exp -\left(\lambda \left (\sum_{i=1}^{n}{N}_{i} + 1 \right ) \right) \nonumber \\
& \propto \mathrm{Gamma} \left (\lambda | \left (\sum_{i=1}^{n}Y_{i} +(3/100,000) \right ),({N}_{i} + 1 ) \right )
Code to compuet the posterior for the assumed common rate for all DHBs is straightforward.
##Gamma prior
a <- 3/100000
b <- 1 #Like saying prior evidence is equivalent to
#one extra tiny DHB of size 1
totcases <- sum( cancerdata$Cases)
totpop <- sum(cancerdata$Population)
##update to get parameters of the posterior, using conjugacy
apost <- a + totcases
bpost <- b + totpop
##Compute posterior summaries
postmean <- apost/bpost
post_median <- qgamma(0.5,shape=apost,rate = bpost)
postmean * 100000
post_median * 100000
q025 <- qgamma(0.025,shape=apost,rate=bpost)
q975 <- qgamma(0.975,shape=apost,rate=bpost)
exact_quantiles <- 100000*c(q025,post_median,q975)
# Simulation approach - first look at modest size Monte Carlo sample
post_lambda100 <- rgamma(n=100,shape=apost,rate=bpost)
##check quantiles
post_quantiles100 <-
post_mean100 <- mean(post_lambda100)
100000*post_mean100 #3.662318
exact_mean <- apost / bpost
100000*exact_mean #3.634198
#check standard deviation
post_sd100 <- sd(post_lambda100)
The Monte Carlo error for the posterior mean is
MCerror <- post_sd100 / sqrt(100)
which is tiny. It makes more sense when multiplied by 100,000, as per the rates themselves. Recall
$$\mathrm{Var}(C\theta) = C^2 \mathrm{Var}(\theta)$$ so
$$\mathrm{sd}(C\theta) = C \mathrm{sd}(\theta)$$
100000 * MCerror #0.02695065,
which is still pretty small. The MC mean is about 1 MC standard error from the exact mean.
Now, see what happens for a bigger posterior sample.
post_lambda1000 <- rgamma(n=1000,shape=apost,rate=bpost)
post_quantiles1000 <- quantile(post_lambda1000,probs=c(0.025,0.5,0.975))
##Compare true and simulation results
#tail quantiles looking pretty good by the time Monte Carlo
#simulation size reaches 1000
#MC error for nsim=1000
post_sd1000 <- 100000*sd(post_lambda1000)
MC_error1000 <- post_sd1000/sqrt(1000)
post_mean1000 <- 100000*mean(post_lambda1000)
So the true mean is about on MC standard error from the exact mean.
The MC error is fairly trivial though and represents
1/sqrt(1000) = 3.2% of the posterior standard deviation
## Model 2: DHB specific underlying rates and inference for functions of these rates
We now turn our attention to Monte Carlo simulation for more challenging estimands (things to be estimated). We let the underlying rates vary by DHB and address questions such as the rank of each DHB and the probability that the underlying rate in each DHB is the largest of all DHBs. In reality, any such comparisons should take account of other factors that vary by DHB and affect cancer rates, such as age structure. However, to keep the illustration relatively simple we ignore such factors here. Consequently, the comparisons by DHB presented below should not be taken too seriously. Further analysis would be needed to rigorously compare tongue cancer rates by DHB.
Our model is now
[Y_{i} |\lambda_{i}] \sim \mathrm{Poisson}(N_{i}\lambda_{i}), \, i=1,\ldots, n
which differs from \@ref(eq:model1) by allowing each DHB to have its own underlying rate parameter $\lambda_{i}$ in contrast to the common underlying rate assumed in \@ref(eq:model1). Assuming conditional independence over DHBs and letting $\boldsymbol{\lambda}= (\lambda_{1},\ldots \lambda_{n})^{'} ),$ the likelihood is now
p(\mathbf{Y} | \boldsymbol{\lambda}) = \prod_{i=1}^{n}\mathrm{Poisson}(Y_{i} | N_{i}\lambda_{i}).
If we assume \emph{a priori} independence,then $p(\boldsymbol{\lambda})=\prod_{i=1}^{n}p(\lambda_{i}).$ We will assume independent Gamma priors for the underlying tongue cancer rates, and, in particular, assume that each DHB parameter has the same $\mathrm{Gamma}((3/100,000),1)$ prior as adopted for the assumed common $\lambda$ in model \@ref(eq:model1). Therefore the prior for the underlying rates is
p(\boldsymbol{\lambda}) = \prod_{i=1}^{n} \mathrm{Gamma}(\lambda_{i} | (3/100,000),1).
From \@ref(eq:likel2) and \@ref(eq:prior2) the joint posterior for the underlying rate parameters is
p(\boldsymbol{\lambda}| \mathbf{Y}) & = \frac{\prod_{i=1}^{n}\mathrm{Poisson}(Y_{i} | N_{i}\lambda_{i})\prod_{i=1}^{n}\mathrm{Gamma}(\lambda_{i} | (3/100,000),1)}
{\int \prod_{i=1}^{n}\mathrm{Poisson}(Y_{i} | N_{i}\lambda_{i})\prod_{i=1}^{n}\mathrm{Gamma}(\lambda_{i} | (3/100,000),1) \, \mathrm d \boldsymbol{\lambda}} \nonumber \\
& \propto \prod_{i=1}^{n} \mathrm{Poisson}(Y_{i} | N_{i}\lambda_{i}) \times \mathrm{Gamma}(\lambda_{i}|(3/100,000),1 ) \nonumber \\
& \propto \prod_{i=1}^{n} \mathrm{Gamma} \left (\lambda_{i} | (Y_{i}+(3/100,000)),(N_{i}+1) \right) (\#eq:post2)
where the last line \@ref(eq:post2) follows fron the conjugacy of the Poisson and Gamma distributions.
So, we can generate the joint posterior distribution for the underlying rates by drawing from independent Gamma distributions.
As well as summarising the posterior for the underlying rates for each DHB, we can compare rates acroos DHBs and compute such this as the posterior ditribuion of each DHBs rank and $\Pr(\lambda_{i} > \lambda_{j}, \forall j \neq i |\mathbf{Y}),$ i.e the posterior probability that the underlying rate for DHB $i$ is greater than the underlying rate for all other DHBs.
fulla_post <- a + cancerdata$Cases #vector
fullb_post <- b + cancerdata$Population #vector
## rgamma is partially vectorised; Easiest to loop
## over simulations and on each iteration generate the vector of lambda
##lambda values for the 20 DHBs
## also need to work out the maximum and rank for each set of lambdas
M <- 1000 ##number of draws from the posterior
n <- length(rates) #number of groups - DHBs in this case
##Set-up structures for storing output
post_fullambda <- matrix(nrow=M,ncol=n )
post_max <- matrix(nrow=M,ncol=n)
post_rank <- matrix(nrow=M,ncol=n)
for (i in 1:M ) {
fullambda <- rgamma(n,shape=fulla_post,rate=fullb_post)
ranks <- rank(fullambda)
ismax <- (ranks == max(ranks) )
post_fullambda[i,] <- fullambda
post_rank[i,] <- ranks
post_max[i,] <- ismax
##check results
##posterior quantiles for each DHB
fullpost_quantiles <- apply(post_fullambda,MARGIN=2,FUN=quantile,
fullpost_quantiles.df <- data.frame(rates.df$Dhb,t(100000*fullpost_quantiles))
fullpost_quantiles.df <-
names(fullpost_quantiles.df) <- c("DHB","q025","q50","q975","cases")
##posterior quantiles for each DHB's rank
fullpost_ranks_quantiles.df <-
fullpost_ranks_quantiles.df <-
data.frame( t(apply(post_rank,MARGIN=2,FUN=quantile,
probs=c(0.025,0.5,0.975)) ) )
fullpost_ranks_quantiles.df$Dhb <- rates.df$Dhb
names(fullpost_ranks_quantiles.df)[1:3] <- c("q025","q50","q975")
##posterior probability that rate in each DHB is the maximum
fullpost_max <- colMeans(post_max)
fullpost_max.df <- data.frame(rates.df$Dhb,fullpost_max)
names(fullpost_max.df) <- c("Dhb","prob")
##What about probability in the top 5
intop5 <- (post_rank >= 16)
Prtop5 <- colMeans((intop5) ) Prtop5.df <- data.frame(rates.df$Dhb,Prtop5) Prtop5.df ``` We can see that very few of the DHBS are definitively in the top 5. We would be most confident about Mid-central, West Coast and Taranaki ranking in the top 5. The fact that we could only confidently assert that three of the 20 DHBS are in the top 5 of all DHBs, illustrates the uncertainty in the estimation and the difficulties that would be faced if some treatment or screening programme was to be targeted at the DHBs with the highest rates. However, the data analysed here pertain to a single year, 2018. Analysing more years of data would give more stable picture of variation by DHB in tongue cancer rates, though adjustment for differences in population structure between DHBs would be necessary before any firm conclusions could be drawn from an analysis of this sort. Later in the course we will consider models that are a compromise between model \@ref(eq:model1) and \@ref(eq:model2).