CS计算机代考程序代写 algorithm Name: SUID:

Name: SUID:

AA228/CS238: Decision Making under Uncertainty
Autumn 2020
Prof. Mykel J. Kochenderfer • Remote • email:

MIDTERM 2 Due date: October 23, 2020 (5pm)

You have 90 minutes to complete this exam. This exam is electronically timed; you do not have to keep
track of your own time. To accommodate those in other time-zones and complex working situations, you
may choose any 90 minute window between 5pm PDT Oct 22nd, 2020 and 5pm PDT Oct 23rd, 2020 to
take the exam. Answer all questions. You may consult any material (e.g., books, calculators, computer
programs, and online resources), but you may not consult other people inside or outside of the class. If you
need clarification on a question, please make a private post on Piazza. Only what is submitted prior to
the deadline will be graded.

Question 1. (1 pt) I understand the above instructions and will adhere to them.

Question 2. (4 pts) We are implementing value iteration for an MDP with 10 possible states and 5 possible
actions. Assume every state-action pair has a non-zero probability of transitioning to every state – in other
words, T (s′ | s, a) > 0 for all s and a.

a) (2 pts) For each iteration of value iteration, where a single iteration corresponds to all states being
updated, how many times will we need to evaluate the transition function?

b) (2 pts) What is one advantage of Gauss-Seidel value iteration over standard value iteration? Explain.

Question 3. (6 pts) We need to decide between action A = 0 or A = 1. We have a single variable C that
affects our utility when we take this single action. The probability distribution over C and the utility as a
function of C and the action A are given below. We would like to find the value of information for observing
the value of variable C.

C P (C)

0 9/10
1 1/10

A C U(A,C)

0 0 0
0 1 −20
1 0 −5
1 1 −2

a) (1 pt) Compute the optimal expected utility given C is 0.

b) (1 pt) Compute the optimal expected utility given C is 1.

c) (2 pts) What is the expected utility of taking the optimal action if we don’t know the value of C?

d) (2 pts) Using your results from parts a, b, and c, compute the value of information for observing the
value of the variable C.

Question 4. (8 pts) Consider an MDP with a state space with two elements and an action space with two
elements. We will consider an online policy which uses branch and bound to choose the action from a given
state. Assume we perform a search with a depth d = 3.

a) (2 pts) What is the maximum number of leaves that will be visited by the branch and bound algorithm?
(A leaf in a tree is a node without any children.)


b) (2 pts) What is one benefit of using branch and bound over forward search? Explain.

c) (2 pts) What is one reason you would use an online planning method instead of offline planning
method? Explain.

d) (BONUS: 2 pts) What is the minimum number of leaves that will be visited by the branch and bound
algorithm? (A leaf in a tree is a node without any children.)

Question 5. (6 pts) You are a baby sea turtle trying to make it from your nest to the ocean. It’s a
challenging and dangerous journey of n steps, the last one being the ocean. You’re new to this world so
when you try taking a step there is a 50/50-chance you might slip and just stay where you are. You iteratively
choose to move forward (a1), stay put (a2), or move backward (a3) until you reach the ocean, where you are
being rewarded with two sea turtle snacks. Each sea turtle snack corresponds to a unit of reward. You may
model this as an infinite horizon problem with sn being an absorbing state, meaning T (sn|sn, a) = 1 for all
a; you cannot leave the ocean once you’ve entered it.

Your current policy is to stay put, unless you are one step away from the ocean sn−1, where you would
move forward to reach the ocean (sn). Let’s perform one step of policy optimization:

a) (4 pts) With γ = 0.5 and n = 10, evaluate your current policy.
Hint: If you choose to invert a matrix. You can use the following link https: // matrix. reshish.
com/ inverse. php or any other tool of your choice.

b) (2 pts) Compute your policy improvement: state your resulting action value function Q(s, a) and new
policy π(s).

For ease of grading please put your Q(s, a) in an n × 3 matrix. The first row should correspond
to state 1, the second to state 2, and so on. The first column should correspond to a1, the second to
a2, and the third to a3.

Question 6. (3 pts) What is one advantage of the cross entropy method over Hooke-Jeeves for policy
optimization? Explain.

Question 7. (BONUS: 2 pts) Suppose we are using policy gradient optimization. If all trajectories used
have a reward of 0, what effect will the gradient ascent step have on the policy? Explain.

