CS计算机代考程序代写 database c# KIT206 case study KIT206 Tutorial 7 – Testing and more OO in C#

KIT206 Tutorial 7 – Testing and more OO in C#

KIT206 Software Design & Development KIT506 Software Application Design & Implementation


Tutorial 7: Introducing Testing plus Better OO in C#
Purpose: To introduce use case-based testing and to learn some more advanced features of OO
programming in C#.

If not done already: Peer assessment for Assignment 1 (~10 minutes)
During the tutorial complete the peer assessment for Assignment 1. The form is available in the Case
Study & Assignments module of the MyLO site within the “Assignment 1 – Object-oriented Design
Document” section and is called Buddycheck.

One way of generating system-level test cases is to derive them from the use cases that drove the
software’s design, which means you can begin work on them before any software is actually
implemented. This week you’ll draft your first test case for the Human Resources Information System
(HRIS) application to familiarise yourself with the test case template and process of filling it in using
information from the RTM.

After making a start on your test cases you will improve the object-orientation of your solution from
last week by exploring other options for defining a class’s fields, and optionally discover how delegates
(function types) work in C#, which is how event handlers work in WPF-based GUIs. In today’s exercise
we will again use pair programming by working in your Assignment 2 groups.

1 Looking forward to testing your application (~30 minutes)
Download the test case template document from MyLO (available in both the Module 5 and Tutorial
areas). Also make sure you have the HRIS requirements document and RTM available to refer to. This
task will be easier if you work in your new Assignment 2 groups.

Task: Follow the procedure described in Module 5 on Creating a Test Plan from Use Cases to design a
test case for the first use case in the HRIS RTM. Use one of your group’s structured scenarios from
Assignment 1 as a guide for the various steps a user could take in the (first) test method.

Start by establishing the criteria for the test case by looking at both the structured scenario’s
description and the software constraints (SWC entries in the RTM) that refer to that use case. Then
work out the first method, or sequence of steps that a user could take to fulfil the use case. (Once
you’ve implemented the system you can refine your methods to match your application’s particular
user interface.) With respect to the first use case in the HRIS case study, you may find that a single
method can test more than one way of the user interacting with the staff list, which is fine. But you
will probably also be able to identify quite separate methods by which the user could interact with
the software.

Outside of class, as you continue to work on your assignment, think about the following with regard
to your test cases:

• Are the methods you define black box or white box tests? Once you’ve worked on the
software behind the scenes, are you aware of any patterns of interaction that could (or did
during development) lead to faults? (For instance, was it OK to filter the staff list by selecting
a category, unless the ‘category’ was later changed back to ‘All’?)

• Does your set of methods cover all the different ways a user could complete the use case?

KIT206 Software Design & Development KIT506 Software Application Design & Implementation


2 Properties, constructors and delegates in C#
If you have a copy from last week, open (or ensure you have open) the simple employee management
system project. If you don’t, work through the first few steps from last week until you have a Console
Application that includes an additional source file holding a (possibly empty) Employee class
definition. We will be replacing the Main() method so move all of its contents into a new method so
you don’t lose it.

In today’s task you will implement the following OO model:

• Employee is an entity class with (in this system) no operations apart from a ToString() method
(not shown above)

• Boss is a controller that maintains a List of Employee objects and which can Display() the list
of all Employees (on the Console), allows others to Use() an Employee based on his or her ID,
and also allows an Employee to be Fire()d (removed from the list), also based on ID

• Agency is an abstract class with one class method Generate() that can create a List of
Employee objects

• Program contains the Main console application program and the definition of a delegate

You may see some similarities between this model and part of the HRIS application you will implement
in the assignment.

2.1 Properties and constructors

2.1.1 Converting name, ID and gender to properties
C# supports a range of mechanisms for hiding and exposing object data fields to other parts of a
system. Last week we declared the three fields of Employee as public, which is normally poor OO
design, since any other object could modify their values. This week we’ll make a small improvement
by changing them to properties, albeit with just as much access as before.

To declare a string-valued Name property with public read and write access, write:

public string Name { get; set; }

which, behind the scenes, will declare a simple string-valued field to hold the property’s value and
automatically create methods to get and set its value. Given an Employee object called e, we can then
read and modify this value as if it were a public field:

e.Name = “Jane”;


Name: string
Id: integer
Gender: Gender





Use(id: integer): Employee
Fire(id: integer): Employee

Generate(): List



KIT206 Software Design & Development KIT506 Software Application Design & Implementation


Two variations on the above property declaration are to have a private set method, or to provide
bodies for get and set. The first alternative means the value can only be written to from inside the
class, and essentially requires that the class have an explicit constructor so that the property can be
given an initial value when an object of that class is created. It looks like this:

public string Name { get; private set; }

The second alternative requires a separate declaration of the backing field, and more lines of code,
but gives greater control over how new values are handled (or what concrete value is returned by
get). Here’s a simple example that only allows non-null values to be set:

private string name;
public string Name {
get {
return name;
set {
if (value != null) {
name = value;

Task: Pick an approach you’d like to use and modify the three fields in Employee to be properties.
Adopt the C# naming conventions and give the properties names beginning with an upper case letter.

After the tutorial, if you haven’t already, review the MSDN documentation on properties to see the
various ways they may be declared.

2.1.2 Implementing the Agency
Create a new class called Agency. Mark it as abstract. Move or duplicate the code you wrote last week
for generating a list of Employee objects in order to define the static Generate() method, which should
return an object of type List. Note that in addition to object initialisers (which you used
last week), C# also supports collection initialisers, as in:

List staff = new List() {
new Employee{ Name=”Jane”, ID=1, Gender=Gender.F },
new Employee{ Name=”John”, ID=2, Gender=Gender.M }

2.1.3 Creating the Boss
Create a new class called Boss. Give it one private field: List staff. Also give it a constructor
that calls Agency.Generate() to obtain the list of Employee objects to store in the staff field.

Implement Display() by replicating or copy-pasting your code from last week to iterate over a list and
print each object to the console. Implement Use() and Fire() as described above: Use() returns the
identified object, while Fire() removes that identified Employee from the list (and returns it).

2.1.4 A running program
In Program.Main() declare a variable of type Boss and instantiate it using the new operator. Then have
Main() call the object’s Display() method. Run it to see how it behaves.

2.1.5 Using and firing employees
Modify Main() to call either Use() or Fire(), using your knowledge of valid ID numbers, and store the
result in a temporary Employee variable. Print the value of that variable (make sure you override
Employee.ToString() so you can see which employee was selected) and then call Display() again. Run
the program once calling Use() and once calling Fire(). The different behaviour should be obvious.

KIT206 Software Design & Development KIT506 Software Application Design & Implementation


2.2 Introduction to delegates (optional for KIT506)
At the moment Main() calls the methods of Boss directly, but it is possible to add an additional level
of indirection which could allow the Boss object to be declared and created elsewhere in the project
and for Main() to not even know it is using a Boss object. (It still will for the time-being, but it will be
possible to separate them further in the future.)

Delegates are data types for references to methods. When declaring a new delegate type you are
describing the signature of a method (its parameters and return type). A variable of that delegate type
can then be assigned a method name and can be used to invoke (call) that method. This will make
more sense when you try it.

2.2.1 Declaring a delegate
Inside the namespace declaration but outside the Program class declaration add the following:

public delegate Employee ManageWorker(int id);

This defines a new delegate type that is compatible with any method whose return type is Employee
and that takes in a single integer parameter. It doesn’t specify what the behaviour of the method must
be, only what parameters and return type it must have.

2.2.2 Attaching delegates variables to actual methods
Now that the ManageWorker delegate has been defined, add the following declarations inside Main():

Action doSomething;
ManageWorker manage;

Action is an existing delegate in the System namespace. It is compatible with any method that has no
return value (its return type is void) and that takes no parameters.

Adapt the code in Main() that called methods on the Boss object directly to be more like the following
(which assumes that your Boss object is called boss):

doSomething = boss.Display;
manage = boss.Use;

Console.WriteLine(“Dealing with {0}”, manage(1)); #if 1 is an ID

Note that there are no parentheses after the method names in the two assignments; these statements
assign those methods to the variables doSomething and manage, but do not execute the methods.

Run the program. What happens?

2.2.3 Changing program behaviour by reassigning the delegate
Change the line that assigns a value of manage to refer to boss.Display and try recompiling. What’s
the result? Why?

Now change that line to assign the value of boss.Fire, recompile and run the program. What’s the
result now?

3 For your assignment
Practise and apply some of the approaches above by developing the entity (model), controller and
database adapter classes in your assignment application. Ensure your controller classes have methods
that would be (ultimately) triggered by user actions.

If not done already: Peer assessment for Assignment 1 (~10 minutes)
1 Looking forward to testing your application (~30 minutes)
2 Properties, constructors and delegates in C#
2.1 Properties and constructors
2.1.1 Converting name, ID and gender to properties
2.1.2 Implementing the Agency
2.1.3 Creating the Boss
2.1.4 A running program
2.1.5 Using and firing employees

2.2 Introduction to delegates (optional for KIT506)
2.2.1 Declaring a delegate
2.2.2 Attaching delegates variables to actual methods
2.2.3 Changing program behaviour by reassigning the delegate

3 For your assignment