CS计算机代考程序代写 Java algorithm COSC1285/2123


COSC1285/2123 Algorithms and Analysis
Workshop 8

Dynamic Programming

Tutorial Exercises


Students who complete this tutorial should:

• Be familiar with the concept of dynamic programming.


8.1.1 What does dynamic programming have in common with divide-and-conquer? What is a principal
difference between the two techniques?

Q2. Consider the two strings “perturb” and “superb”. Compute the edit distance between the two
strings, assume an edit cost of 1 for any character differences. Show the dynamic programming table and
the traceback. Circle the elements in the table when showing the traceback. If there is more than one
possible traceback, just show one of them.


a) Apply the bottom-up dynamic programming algorithm to the following instance of the knapsack
Knapsack capacity W = 5.

item weight value
1 2 $12
2 1 $10
3 3 $20
4 2 $15

b) Solve the instance using the memory function algorithm: which entries in the table can be ignored?

8.1.7 Shortest path counting A chess rook can move horizontally or vertically to any square in the same
row or in the same column of a chessboard. Find the number of shortest paths by which a rook can move
from one corner of a chessboard to the diagonally opposite corner by a dynamic programming algorithm.

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Practical Exercises


Students who complete this lab should:

• Be able to implement two versions of the dynamic programming knapsack algorithm.

• Be able to compare them empirically.

Knapsack Problem

The knapsack problem is defined as follows:

Problem 1. Given n items of known weights w1, . . . , wn and the values v1, . . . , vn and a knapsack of
capacity W , find the most valuable subset of the items that fit into the knapsack.

In this lab you will implement two dynamic programming algorithms.

The Algorithms

The lecture notes describes two dynamic programming algorithms for solving the knapsack problem. The
first algorithm solves the problem calculating solutions to all sub-problems of the original problem to
calculate a solution for the original problem (bottom up). The pseudo code for this algorithm is shown

algorithm BuKnapsack (ksProblem)
// Solves the knapsack problem by dynamic programming (bottom up)
// input : An object ksProblem, representing an instance of a knapsack problem. This object holds an
array of items I[1 . . . n] (where each item x has a value x.v and weight x.w), knapsack capacity W and
number of items n.
// output : Table V [0 . . . n, 0 . . .W ] is created and filled, with the value of an optimal subset in V [n,W ]
and from which the items of an optimal subset can be found. The table is stored in the BuKnapsack

1: n = ksProblem.n
2: W = ksProblem.W
3: for i← 0 to n do
4: V [i, 0]← 0
5: end for
6: for j ← 1 to W do
7: V [0, j]← 0
8: end for
9: for i← 1 to n do
10: for j ← 1 to W do
11: if j − I[i].w ≥ 0 then
12: V [i, j]← max(V [i− 1, j], I[i].v + V [i− 1, j − I[i].w])
13: else
14: V [i, j]← V [i− 1, j]
15: end if
16: end for
17: end for

You are to implement this algorithm in the BottomUpKnapsack class provided to you in the skeleton

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The second algorithm you are to implement solves the knapsack problem top-down, only calculating
necessary cells from the result table. The pseudo code for this algorithm is shown below.

algorithm TdKnapsack (ksProblem, i, j)
// Implement the memory function method (top-down) for the knapsack problem.
// input : An object ksProblem, representing an instance of a knapsack problem. This object holds an
array of items I[1 . . . n] (where each item x has a value x.v and weight x.w), knapsack capacity W and
number of items n. A non-negative integer i indicating the number of the first items being considered
and a non-negative integer j indicating the knapsack capacity.
// output : The value of an optimal, feasible subset of the first i items.
// Note: Requires table V [0 . . . n, 0 . . .W ] initialized with −1s, except for row 0 and column 0 being all

1: if V [i, j] < 0 then 2: if j < I[i].w then 3: x← TdKnapsack(i− 1, j) 4: else 5: x← max( TdKnapsack(i− 1, j), I[i].v+ TdKnapsack(i− 1, j − I[i].w)) 6: end if 7: V [i, j]← x 8: end if 9: return V [i, j] You are to implement this algorithm in the TopDownKnapsack class provided to you in the skeleton code. file description KnapsackDemo.java code to generate ranodm knapsack problem instances then call the two implementations of knapsack algorithms. No need to modify this file. Knapsack.java implementation of a knapsack instance. Examine class to see how to get an instance information. No need to modify this file. KnapsackAlgor.java abstract class implementing some common functionality for the knapsack algorithms. No need to modify this file. BottomUpKnapsack.java implement bottom up knapsack. Complete the implementation. TopDownKnapsack.java implement top down knapsack. Complete the implementation. Compile the code using the following command: javac *.java To run the demo: java KnapsackDemo

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A sample call the program should produce the following output:

˜> javac ∗ . java
˜> java KnapsackDemo 8 20 true
item | weight | value
1 | 6 | 11
2 | 1 | 1
3 | 6 | 13
4 | 8 | 18
5 | 2 | 3
6 | 3 | 14
7 | 6 | 18
8 | 2 | 5
Bottom up Knapsack time taken = 4.96437E−4
Maximum value = 56
Bottom up Knapsack time taken = 2.76175E−4
Maximum value = 56

Make sure both algorithms return the same result for a given knapsack problem instance.


After implementing the two algorithms try answering the following questions:

• What is the maximum problem size you can solve?

• Which algorithm is faster?

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