###Importance sampling examples
########## Logistic regression example #####################################
#setwd(“~/Patrick/Stat314-2017”) #change this to whatever folder the income data is stored in
##here I assume the data is set-up in a folder called data
readdata <- read.csv("data/nzis11-cart-surf.csv",header=TRUE)
###Set up indicator for people earning more than $1250 per week
highincome <- as.numeric(readdata$income > 1250)
agefactor <- relevel(as.factor(readdata$agegrp),"40") regfactor <- relevel(as.factor(readdata$lgr),"2") #Auckland as ref sexfactor <- relevel(as.factor(readdata$sex),"1") #male as ref qualfactor <- relevel(as.factor(readdata$qualification),"2") #school quals as ref table(qualfactor) occfactor <- relevel(as.factor(readdata$occupation),"1") table(occfactor) wkhours_centred <- readdata$hours-mean(readdata$hours) wkhours_cen40 <- readdata$hours-40 hourscut <- cut(readdata$hours,breaks=c(0,10,30,40,50,168), include.highest=TRUE,right=FALSE) table(hourscut) hoursfactor <- relevel(hourscut,"[0,10)") table(hoursfactor) ###basic models assuming uniform prors for beta parameter logitmodel <- glm(highincome ~ hoursfactor + sexfactor + qualfactor,family=binomial(link="logit") ) summary(logitmodel) display(logitmodel) ##re-fit controlling for occupation logitmodel2 <- glm(highincome ~ hoursfactor + sexfactor + qualfactor + occfactor, family=binomial(link="logit") ) summary(logitmodel2) display(logitmodel2) ##Should really control for age also income changes with age and age is also #related to quals ##re-fit controlling for occupation and age logitmodel3 <- glm(highincome ~ hoursfactor + sexfactor + qualfactor + occfactor +agefactor, family=binomial(link="logit") ) summary(logitmodel3) display(logitmodel3) ##For convenience we will base our importance sampling demonstration #on the simpler model:#model 1; Note this is just because its #easier to display the results for this model. ##In real life choice of model would be informed by the #underlying theory and science! ###Specify priors: ################################################################### ##Analysis with an informative prior ################################################################## ###specify desired posterior sample size npos <- 2000 ##Functions to help with prior specification makepriorb0 <- function(low,high,credibility) { ###returns mean and standard deviation for logit-transformed parameter require(arm) logit_low <- logit(low) logit_high <- logit(high) priormean <- 0.5*(logit_low + logit_high) normal_quantile <- 1 - (1-credibility)/2 priorsd <- (logit_high - priormean)/qnorm(normal_quantile) outlist <- c(priormean,priorsd) } testprior <- makepriorb0(low=0.1,high=0.5,credibility=0.95) testprior makepriorbreg <- function(low,high,credibility) { #returns prior mean and standard deviation corresponding to ##log-transformed parameter require(arm) log_low <- log(low) log_high <- log(high) priormean <- 0.5*(log_low + log_high) normal_quantile <- 1 - (1-credibility)/2 priorsd <- (log_high - priormean)/qnorm(normal_quantile) outlist <- c(priormean,priorsd) } ##obtain priors for parameter ##Intercept - specify prior interval on the probability scale b0prior <- makepriorb0(low=0.1,high=0.5,credibility=0.95) b0prior ##logistic regression parameters ##specify prior on odds ratio scale; makepriorreg converts to prior on the beta scale bhours10_30 <- makepriorbreg(low=1,high=5,credibility=0.9) bhours30_40 <- makepriorbreg(low=1,high=5,credibility=0.9) bhours40_50 <- makepriorbreg(low=1,high=5,credibility=0.9) bhours50pl <- makepriorbreg(low=1.1,high=10,credibility=0.9) bfemale <- makepriorbreg(low=0.5,high=1.1,credibility=0.95) bqualnone <- makepriorbreg(low=0.4,high=2,credibility=0.95) bqualtrade <- makepriorbreg(low=0.7,high=3,credibility=0.95) bqualuni <- makepriorbreg(low=0.7,high=4,credibility=0.95) bqualother <- makepriorbreg(low=0.1,high=10,credibility=0.95) ###check a few of these bfemale bqualuni ##combine prior means into a vector and construct a #diagional prior variance matrix ##based on the prior standard deviations prior.matrix #First put everything in matrix - column1= priormeans, #column 2 = prior sd prior.matrix<- rbind(b0prior,bhours10_30,bhours30_40,bhours40_50, bhours50pl,bfemale,bqualnone,bqualtrade, bqualuni,bqualother) prior.matrix prior_mean_inf <- prior.matrix[,1] #prior mean vector prior_variance_inf <- diag((prior.matrix[,2])^2) #prior variance matrix prior_mean_inf prior_variance_inf ###Set-up functions to compute the log-likelihood ###and log-posterior loglike_logit <- function(beta,model) { ##model is a model object returned by glm(); it #contains the data and information #about the model that we want to fit. #using it as a parameter of the log-likelihood function #here saves re-specifying the model #structure ## ################################################################# if (is.vector(beta)) {beta <- matrix(beta,nrow=1,ncol=length(beta))} ##beta assumed to be nsim by p matrix where nsim is number of bete values to be evaluated ##and p is the dimension of the parameter vector in the model ##model is a model object which contains the modelformula, the data, the model matrix and so on X <- model.matrix(model) Xb <- X %*% t(beta) #Xb <- # Y <- model$y Ymatrix <- matrix(Y,nrow=length(Y),ncol=nrow(beta),byrow=FALSE) loglike <- Ymatrix*Xb - log(1+exp(Xb)) sumlogl <- colSums(loglike) return(sumlogl) } ###Try out this function for a few values of beta ##at the mle bmle <- coef(logitmodel) loglike_good <- loglike_logit(beta=bmle,model=logitmodel) loglike_good loglike_bad <- loglike_logit(beta=rep(0,length(bmle)),model=logitmodel) loglike_bad ##write a function to evaluate the unnormalized log posterior ##(i.e ignoring the integration constant) ##We will assume a normal prior here with mean=mean_prior, #variance=variance_prior,and logistic regression model likelihood logpost_logit_norm <- function(beta,prior_mean,prior_variance,model) { #Function to combine a logistic model likelihood with a normal prior: #the priormean for the parameters is in prior_mean #the prior variance matrix is prior_variance. If there are k parameters then prior_mean #will have length k and prior_variance will a be k by k matrix. If the parameters are #judged a priori independent prior_variance will be a diagonal matrix # It is assumed the function loglike_logit(beta,model) to compute the logistic #regression log-likelihood has already been defined # beta is the parameter value or values we want to evaluate the posterior for #beta is either a vector of length k or an nsim by k matrix. log_posterior <- loglike_logit(beta=beta,model=model) + dmvnorm(x=beta,mean=prior_mean,sigma=prior_variance,log=TRUE) return(log_posterior) } ##We could make the log-posterior function more general by passing in the name of the log-likelihood #function as an argument of the function and, similarly, instead of assuming a #multivariate normal prior setting up the function to accept the name of #a prior-function as an argument. However, for simplicity, the function has been ##defined to be specific to a logistic regression likelihood and a multivariate #normal prior. ###Build an approximate posterior to use as an approximating #density for the importance sampler. We will use a multivariate normal #as the approximating density. We will centre this MVN density at the #posterior mode and approximate the variance by a measure of the shape ##of the (unnormalized) posterior near the mode #(inverse of second-derivative, evaluated at the mode). We can use #laplace() function to fund the posterior mode and approximate variance #based on our postapprx <- laplace(logpost=logpost_logit_norm,mode=bmle, prior_mean=prior_mean_inf, prior_variance=prior_variance_inf, model=logitmodel) str(postapprx) ##Extract the approximations to posterior mean and variance apprxmean <- postapprx$mode apprxvariance <- postapprx$var apprxmean apprxvariance[1:3,1:3] ##Just for viewing ##We want to make the importance sampling approximation more #dispersed than ##the target so inflate the variance impcovb <- 2*apprxvariance ###draw the importance sample impb <- mvrnorm(n=npos,mu=apprxmean,Sigma=impcovb) # str(impb) #Evaluate the log importance ratio at each simulated parameter value ##importance raatio is unnormalized posterior. denisty/approximating density so ##the log of this ratio is log(unnormalized posterior) -log approximating logimpwt <- logpost_logit_norm(beta=impb,prior_mean=prior_mean_inf, prior_variance=prior_variance_inf, model=logitmodel) str(logimpwt) head(logimpwt) ## plot histgram hist(logimpwt) ## histogram of largest log importance weights q70 <- quantile(logimpwt,probs=0.7) hist(logimpwt[logimpwt > q70])
##get weighted up posterior summaries
##To avoid numerical issues we first centre the log weight at the
#average log weight
relwt <- exp(logimpwt-mean(logimpwt))/sum(exp(logimpwt-mean(logimpwt)))
Neff <- 1/sum(relwt^2)
## posterior mean
posmean <- relwt %*% impb
posmean <- posmean[1,] ##makes posmean a vector; relwt %*% impb
##returns a matrix
##compare with the mle and the posterior mode
##posterior variance
##resample with probability proportional to relwt -
#makes posterior calculations easier
betasamp <- sample(length(relwt),size=length(relwt),
newbeta <- impb[betasamp,]
#posterior standard deviations
possd <- sqrt(diag(cov(newbeta)))
#compare with standard errors from ordinary logistic regression
#and posterior apprx
stderr <- sqrt(diag(vcov(logitmodel)))
apprxstderr <- sqrt(diag(apprxvariance)) ##from mvn approz
## posterior density plot for teriary education effect
density_tertiary <- density(newbeta[,9],adjust=2.0)
##normal density based on approximation from laplace()
norm_tertiary <- dnorm(density_tertiary$x,mean=apprxmean[9],
main="posterior density plot for tertiary effect")
##repeat the whole exercise with a subsample
sampleindx <- sample(nrow(readdata),size=100,replace=FALSE)
sampledata <- readdata[sampleindx,]
###etc - exercise for reader